# Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import collections import os import re import shutil import select import stat import sys import subprocess import tempfile import time if os.environ.get("NO_COLOR", None): RESET = FG_READ = FG_GREEN = "" else: RESET = "\x1b[0m" FG_RED = "\x1b[31m" FG_GREEN = "\x1b[32m" executable_suffix = ".exe" if os.name == "nt" else "" root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) third_party_path = os.path.join(root_path, "third_party") def make_env(merge_env=None, env=None): if env is None: env = os.environ env = env.copy() if merge_env is None: merge_env = {} for key in merge_env.keys(): env[key] = merge_env[key] return env def add_env_path(add, env, key="PATH", prepend=False): dirs_left = env[key].split(os.pathsep) if key in env else [] dirs_right = add.split(os.pathsep) if isinstance(add, str) else add if prepend: dirs_left, dirs_right = dirs_right, dirs_left for d in dirs_right: if not d in dirs_left: dirs_left += [d] env[key] = os.pathsep.join(dirs_left) def run(args, quiet=False, cwd=None, env=None, merge_env=None, shell=None): args[0] = os.path.normpath(args[0]) env = make_env(env=env, merge_env=merge_env) if shell is None: # Use the default value for 'shell' parameter. # - Posix: do not use shell. # - Windows: use shell; this makes .bat/.cmd files work. shell = os.name == "nt" if not quiet: print(" ".join([shell_quote(arg) for arg in args])) rc = subprocess.call(args, cwd=cwd, env=env, shell=shell) if rc != 0: sys.exit(rc) CmdResult = collections.namedtuple('CmdResult', ['out', 'err', 'code']) def run_output(args, quiet=False, cwd=None, env=None, merge_env=None, exit_on_fail=False): if merge_env is None: merge_env = {} args[0] = os.path.normpath(args[0]) if not quiet: print(" ".join(args)) env = make_env(env=env, merge_env=merge_env) shell = os.name == "nt" # Run through shell to make .bat/.cmd files work. p = subprocess.Popen( args, cwd=cwd, env=env, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: out, err = p.communicate() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: p.kill() p.wait() raise e retcode = p.poll() if retcode and exit_on_fail: sys.exit(retcode) # Ignore Windows CRLF (\r\n). return CmdResult( out.replace('\r\n', '\n'), err.replace('\r\n', '\n'), retcode) def shell_quote_win(arg): if re.search(r'[\x00-\x20"^%~!@&?*<>|()=]', arg): # Double all " quote characters. arg = arg.replace('"', '""') # Wrap the entire string in " quotes. arg = '"' + arg + '"' # Double any N backslashes that are immediately followed by a " quote. arg = re.sub(r'(\\+)(?=")', r'\1\1', arg) return arg def shell_quote(arg): if os.name == "nt": return shell_quote_win(arg) else: # Python 2 has posix shell quoting built in, albeit in a weird place. from pipes import quote return quote(arg) # Recursively list all files in (a subdirectory of) a git worktree. # * Optionally, glob patterns may be specified to e.g. only list files with a # certain extension. # * Untracked files are included, unless they're listed in .gitignore. # * Directory names themselves are not listed (but the files inside are). # * Submodules and their contents are ignored entirely. # * This function fails if the query matches no files. def git_ls_files(base_dir, patterns=None): base_dir = os.path.abspath(base_dir) args = [ "git", "-C", base_dir, "ls-files", "-z", "--exclude-standard", "--cached", "--modified", "--others" ] if patterns: args += ["--"] + patterns output = subprocess.check_output(args) files = [ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_dir, f)) for f in output.split("\0") if f != "" ] if not files: raise RuntimeError("git_ls_files: no files in '%s'" % base_dir + (" matching %s" % patterns if patterns else "")) return files # list all files staged for commit def git_staged(base_dir, patterns=None): base_dir = os.path.abspath(base_dir) args = [ "git", "-C", base_dir, "diff", "--staged", "--diff-filter=ACMR", "--name-only", "-z" ] if patterns: args += ["--"] + patterns output = subprocess.check_output(args) files = [ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_dir, f)) for f in output.split("\0") if f != "" ] return files def build_mode(): if "--release" in sys.argv: return "release" else: return "debug" # E.G. "target/debug" def build_path(): return os.path.join(root_path, "target", build_mode()) # Attempts to enable ANSI escape code support. # Returns True if successful, False if not supported. def enable_ansi_colors(): if os.name != 'nt': return True # On non-windows platforms this just works. return enable_ansi_colors_win10() # The windows 10 implementation of enable_ansi_colors. def enable_ansi_colors_win10(): import ctypes # Function factory for errcheck callbacks that raise WinError on failure. def raise_if(error_result): def check(result, _func, args): if result == error_result: raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error()) return args return check # Windows API types. from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, DWORD, HANDLE, LPCWSTR, LPVOID LPDWORD = ctypes.POINTER(DWORD) # Generic constants. NULL = ctypes.c_void_p(0).value INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = ctypes.c_void_p(-1).value ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87 # CreateFile flags. # yapf: disable GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000 GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000 FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x01 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 0x02 OPEN_EXISTING = 3 # yapf: enable # Get/SetConsoleMode flags. ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x04 kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True) # HANDLE CreateFileW(...) CreateFileW = kernel32.CreateFileW CreateFileW.restype = HANDLE CreateFileW.errcheck = raise_if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) # yapf: disable CreateFileW.argtypes = (LPCWSTR, # lpFileName DWORD, # dwDesiredAccess DWORD, # dwShareMode LPVOID, # lpSecurityAttributes DWORD, # dwCreationDisposition DWORD, # dwFlagsAndAttributes HANDLE) # hTemplateFile # yapf: enable # BOOL CloseHandle(HANDLE hObject) CloseHandle = kernel32.CloseHandle CloseHandle.restype = BOOL CloseHandle.errcheck = raise_if(False) CloseHandle.argtypes = (HANDLE, ) # BOOL GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsoleHandle, LPDWORD lpMode) GetConsoleMode = kernel32.GetConsoleMode GetConsoleMode.restype = BOOL GetConsoleMode.errcheck = raise_if(False) GetConsoleMode.argtypes = (HANDLE, LPDWORD) # BOOL SetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsoleHandle, DWORD dwMode) SetConsoleMode = kernel32.SetConsoleMode SetConsoleMode.restype = BOOL SetConsoleMode.errcheck = raise_if(False) SetConsoleMode.argtypes = (HANDLE, DWORD) # Open the console output device. conout = CreateFileW("CONOUT$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0) # Get the current mode. mode = DWORD() GetConsoleMode(conout, ctypes.byref(mode)) # Try to set the flag that controls ANSI escape code support. try: SetConsoleMode(conout, mode.value | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) except WindowsError as e: # pylint:disable=undefined-variable if e.winerror == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: return False # Not supported, likely an older version of Windows. raise finally: CloseHandle(conout) return True def print_command(cmd, files): noun = "file" if len(files) == 1 else "files" print("%s (%d %s)" % (cmd, len(files), noun))