// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::BuiltVfs; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::OffsetWithLength; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::VfsEntry; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::VirtualDirectory; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::VirtualDirectoryEntries; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::VirtualFile; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::VirtualSymlinkParts; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::WindowsSystemRootablePath; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::DENO_COMPILE_GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES_DIR_NAME; use crate::util::display::human_size; use crate::util::display::DisplayTreeNode; pub fn output_vfs(vfs: &BuiltVfs, executable_name: &str) { if !log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Info) { return; // no need to compute if won't output } if vfs.entries.is_empty() { return; // nothing to output } let mut text = String::new(); let display_tree = vfs_as_display_tree(vfs, executable_name); display_tree.print(&mut text).unwrap(); // unwrap ok because it's writing to a string log::info!("\n{}\n", deno_terminal::colors::bold("Embedded Files")); log::info!("{}", text.trim()); } fn vfs_as_display_tree( vfs: &BuiltVfs, executable_name: &str, ) -> DisplayTreeNode { /// The VFS only stores duplicate files once, so track that and display /// it to the user so that it's not confusing. #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] struct Size { unique: u64, total: u64, } impl std::ops::Add for Size { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self { Self { unique: self.unique + other.unique, total: self.total + other.total, } } } impl std::iter::Sum for Size { fn sum>(iter: I) -> Self { iter.fold(Self::default(), std::ops::Add::add) } } enum EntryOutput<'a> { All(Size), Subset(Vec>), File(Size), Symlink(&'a VirtualSymlinkParts), } impl EntryOutput<'_> { pub fn size(&self) -> Size { match self { EntryOutput::All(size) => *size, EntryOutput::Subset(children) => { children.iter().map(|c| c.output.size()).sum() } EntryOutput::File(size) => *size, EntryOutput::Symlink(_) => Size { unique: 0, total: 0, }, } } } impl EntryOutput<'_> { pub fn as_display_tree(&self, name: String) -> DisplayTreeNode { fn format_size(size: Size) -> String { if size.unique == size.total { human_size(size.unique as f64) } else { format!( "{}{}", human_size(size.total as f64), deno_terminal::colors::gray(format!( " - {} unique", human_size(size.unique as f64) )) ) } } DisplayTreeNode { text: match self { EntryOutput::All(size) => { format!("{}/* ({})", name, format_size(*size)) } EntryOutput::Subset(children) => { let size = children.iter().map(|c| c.output.size()).sum::(); format!("{} ({})", name, format_size(size)) } EntryOutput::File(size) => { format!("{} ({})", name, format_size(*size)) } EntryOutput::Symlink(parts) => { format!("{} --> {}", name, parts.display()) } }, children: match self { EntryOutput::All(_) => Vec::new(), EntryOutput::Subset(children) => children .iter() .map(|entry| entry.output.as_display_tree(entry.name.to_string())) .collect(), EntryOutput::File(_) => Vec::new(), EntryOutput::Symlink(_) => Vec::new(), }, } } } pub struct DirEntryOutput<'a> { name: Cow<'a, str>, output: EntryOutput<'a>, } impl DirEntryOutput<'_> { /// Collapses leaf nodes so they don't take up so much space when being /// displayed. /// /// We only want to collapse leafs so that nodes of the same depth have /// the same indentation. pub fn collapse_leaf_nodes(&mut self) { let EntryOutput::Subset(vec) = &mut self.output else { return; }; for dir_entry in vec.iter_mut() { dir_entry.collapse_leaf_nodes(); } if vec.len() != 1 { return; } let child = &mut vec[0]; let child_name = &child.name; match &mut child.output { EntryOutput::All(size) => { self.name = Cow::Owned(format!("{}/{}", self.name, child_name)); self.output = EntryOutput::All(*size); } EntryOutput::Subset(children) => { if children.is_empty() { self.name = Cow::Owned(format!("{}/{}", self.name, child_name)); self.output = EntryOutput::Subset(vec![]); } } EntryOutput::File(size) => { self.name = Cow::Owned(format!("{}/{}", self.name, child_name)); self.output = EntryOutput::File(*size); } EntryOutput::Symlink(parts) => { let new_name = format!("{}/{}", self.name, child_name); self.output = EntryOutput::Symlink(parts); self.name = Cow::Owned(new_name); } } } } fn file_size(file: &VirtualFile, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet) -> Size { fn add_offset_to_size( offset: OffsetWithLength, size: &mut Size, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) { if offset.len == 0 { // some empty files have a dummy offset, so don't // insert them into the seen offsets return; } if seen_offsets.insert(offset.offset) { size.total += offset.len; size.unique += offset.len; } else { size.total += offset.len; } } let mut size = Size::default(); add_offset_to_size(file.offset, &mut size, seen_offsets); let maybe_offsets = [ file.transpiled_offset, file.source_map_offset, file.cjs_export_analysis_offset, ]; for offset in maybe_offsets.into_iter().flatten() { add_offset_to_size(offset, &mut size, seen_offsets); } size } fn dir_size(dir: &VirtualDirectory, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet) -> Size { let mut size = Size::default(); for entry in dir.entries.iter() { match entry { VfsEntry::Dir(virtual_directory) => { size = size + dir_size(virtual_directory, seen_offsets); } VfsEntry::File(file) => { size = size + file_size(file, seen_offsets); } VfsEntry::Symlink(_) => { // ignore } } } size } fn show_global_node_modules_dir<'a>( vfs_dir: &'a VirtualDirectory, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) -> Vec> { fn show_subset_deep<'a>( vfs_dir: &'a VirtualDirectory, depth: usize, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) -> EntryOutput<'a> { if depth == 0 { EntryOutput::All(dir_size(vfs_dir, seen_offsets)) } else { EntryOutput::Subset(show_subset(vfs_dir, depth, seen_offsets)) } } fn show_subset<'a>( vfs_dir: &'a VirtualDirectory, depth: usize, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) -> Vec> { vfs_dir .entries .iter() .map(|entry| DirEntryOutput { name: Cow::Borrowed(entry.name()), output: match entry { VfsEntry::Dir(virtual_directory) => { show_subset_deep(virtual_directory, depth - 1, seen_offsets) } VfsEntry::File(file) => { EntryOutput::File(file_size(file, seen_offsets)) } VfsEntry::Symlink(virtual_symlink) => { EntryOutput::Symlink(&virtual_symlink.dest_parts) } }, }) .collect() } // in this scenario, we want to show // .deno_compile_node_modules/localhost///* show_subset(vfs_dir, 3, seen_offsets) } fn include_all_entries<'a>( dir_path: &WindowsSystemRootablePath, entries: &'a VirtualDirectoryEntries, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) -> Vec> { entries .iter() .map(|entry| DirEntryOutput { name: Cow::Borrowed(entry.name()), output: analyze_entry(dir_path.join(entry.name()), entry, seen_offsets), }) .collect() } fn analyze_entry<'a>( path: PathBuf, entry: &'a VfsEntry, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) -> EntryOutput<'a> { match entry { VfsEntry::Dir(virtual_directory) => { analyze_dir(path, virtual_directory, seen_offsets) } VfsEntry::File(file) => EntryOutput::File(file_size(file, seen_offsets)), VfsEntry::Symlink(virtual_symlink) => { EntryOutput::Symlink(&virtual_symlink.dest_parts) } } } fn analyze_dir<'a>( dir: PathBuf, vfs_dir: &'a VirtualDirectory, seen_offsets: &mut HashSet, ) -> EntryOutput<'a> { if vfs_dir.name == DENO_COMPILE_GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES_DIR_NAME { return EntryOutput::Subset(show_global_node_modules_dir( vfs_dir, seen_offsets, )); } let real_entry_count = std::fs::read_dir(&dir) .ok() .map(|entries| entries.flat_map(|e| e.ok()).count()) .unwrap_or(0); if real_entry_count == vfs_dir.entries.len() { let children = vfs_dir .entries .iter() .map(|entry| DirEntryOutput { name: Cow::Borrowed(entry.name()), output: analyze_entry(dir.join(entry.name()), entry, seen_offsets), }) .collect::>(); if children .iter() .all(|c| !matches!(c.output, EntryOutput::Subset { .. })) { EntryOutput::All(children.iter().map(|c| c.output.size()).sum()) } else { EntryOutput::Subset(children) } } else if vfs_dir.name == DENO_COMPILE_GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES_DIR_NAME { EntryOutput::Subset(show_global_node_modules_dir(vfs_dir, seen_offsets)) } else { EntryOutput::Subset(include_all_entries( &WindowsSystemRootablePath::Path(dir), &vfs_dir.entries, seen_offsets, )) } } // always include all the entries for the root directory, otherwise the // user might not have context about what's being shown let mut seen_offsets = HashSet::with_capacity(vfs.files.len()); let mut child_entries = include_all_entries(&vfs.root_path, &vfs.entries, &mut seen_offsets); for child_entry in &mut child_entries { child_entry.collapse_leaf_nodes(); } DisplayTreeNode { text: deno_terminal::colors::italic(executable_name).to_string(), children: child_entries .iter() .map(|entry| entry.output.as_display_tree(entry.name.to_string())) .collect(), } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use console_static_text::ansi::strip_ansi_codes; use deno_lib::standalone::virtual_fs::VfsBuilder; use test_util::TempDir; use super::*; #[test] fn test_vfs_as_display_tree() { let temp_dir = TempDir::new(); temp_dir.write("root.txt", ""); temp_dir.create_dir_all("a"); temp_dir.write("a/a.txt", "data"); temp_dir.write("a/b.txt", "other data"); temp_dir.create_dir_all("b"); temp_dir.write("b/a.txt", ""); temp_dir.write("b/b.txt", ""); temp_dir.create_dir_all("c"); temp_dir.write("c/a.txt", "contents"); temp_dir.symlink_file("c/a.txt", "c/b.txt"); assert_eq!(temp_dir.read_to_string("c/b.txt"), "contents"); // ensure the symlink works let mut vfs_builder = VfsBuilder::new(); // full dir vfs_builder .add_dir_recursive(temp_dir.path().join("a").as_path()) .unwrap(); // part of the dir vfs_builder .add_file_at_path(temp_dir.path().join("b/a.txt").as_path()) .unwrap(); // symlink vfs_builder .add_dir_recursive(temp_dir.path().join("c").as_path()) .unwrap(); temp_dir.write("c/c.txt", ""); // write an extra file so it shows the whole directory let node = vfs_as_display_tree(&vfs_builder.build(), "executable"); let mut text = String::new(); node.print(&mut text).unwrap(); assert_eq!( strip_ansi_codes(&text), r#"executable ├── a/* (14B) ├── b/a.txt (0B) └─┬ c (8B) ├── a.txt (8B) └── b.txt --> c/a.txt "# ); } }