// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate tempfile; #[test] fn test_pattern_match() { assert!(util::pattern_match("foo[BAR]baz", "foobarbaz", "[BAR]")); assert!(!util::pattern_match("foo[BAR]baz", "foobazbar", "[BAR]")); } #[test] fn benchmark_test() { util::run_python_script("tools/benchmark_test.py") } #[test] fn deno_dir_test() { let g = util::http_server(); util::run_python_script("tools/deno_dir_test.py"); drop(g); } // TODO(#2933): Rewrite this test in rust. #[test] fn fetch_test() { let g = util::http_server(); util::run_python_script("tools/fetch_test.py"); drop(g); } #[test] fn fmt_test() { use tempfile::TempDir; let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail"); let fixed = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/badly_formatted_fixed.js"); let badly_formatted_original = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/badly_formatted.js"); let badly_formatted = t.path().join("badly_formatted.js"); let badly_formatted_str = badly_formatted.to_str().unwrap(); std::fs::copy(&badly_formatted_original, &badly_formatted) .expect("Failed to copy file"); let status = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::root_path()) .arg("fmt") .arg("--check") .arg(badly_formatted_str) .spawn() .expect("Failed to spawn script") .wait() .expect("Failed to wait for child process"); assert_eq!(Some(1), status.code()); let status = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::root_path()) .arg("fmt") .arg(badly_formatted_str) .spawn() .expect("Failed to spawn script") .wait() .expect("Failed to wait for child process"); assert_eq!(Some(0), status.code()); let expected = std::fs::read_to_string(fixed).unwrap(); let actual = std::fs::read_to_string(badly_formatted).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn installer_test_local_module_run() { use deno::flags::DenoFlags; use deno::installer; use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use tempfile::TempDir; let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail"); let local_module = env::current_dir().unwrap().join("tests/echo.ts"); let local_module_str = local_module.to_string_lossy(); installer::install( DenoFlags::default(), Some(temp_dir.path().to_string_lossy().to_string()), "echo_test", &local_module_str, vec!["hello".to_string()], ) .expect("Failed to install"); let mut file_path = temp_dir.path().join("echo_test"); if cfg!(windows) { file_path = file_path.with_extension(".cmd"); } assert!(file_path.exists()); let path_var_name = if cfg!(windows) { "Path" } else { "PATH" }; let paths_var = env::var_os(path_var_name).expect("PATH not set"); let mut paths: Vec = env::split_paths(&paths_var).collect(); paths.push(temp_dir.path().to_owned()); paths.push(util::target_dir()); let path_var_value = env::join_paths(paths).expect("Can't create PATH"); // NOTE: using file_path here instead of exec_name, because tests // shouldn't mess with user's PATH env variable let output = Command::new(file_path) .current_dir(temp_dir.path()) .arg("foo") .env(path_var_name, path_var_value) .output() .expect("failed to spawn script"); assert_eq!( std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap().trim(), "hello, foo" ); drop(temp_dir); } #[test] fn installer_test_remote_module_run() { use deno::flags::DenoFlags; use deno::installer; use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use tempfile::TempDir; let g = util::http_server(); let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail"); installer::install( DenoFlags::default(), Some(temp_dir.path().to_string_lossy().to_string()), "echo_test", "http://localhost:4545/cli/tests/echo.ts", vec!["hello".to_string()], ) .expect("Failed to install"); let mut file_path = temp_dir.path().join("echo_test"); if cfg!(windows) { file_path = file_path.with_extension(".cmd"); } assert!(file_path.exists()); let path_var_name = if cfg!(windows) { "Path" } else { "PATH" }; let paths_var = env::var_os(path_var_name).expect("PATH not set"); let mut paths: Vec = env::split_paths(&paths_var).collect(); paths.push(temp_dir.path().to_owned()); paths.push(util::target_dir()); let path_var_value = env::join_paths(paths).expect("Can't create PATH"); // NOTE: using file_path here instead of exec_name, because tests // shouldn't mess with user's PATH env variable let output = Command::new(file_path) .current_dir(temp_dir.path()) .arg("foo") .env(path_var_name, path_var_value) .output() .expect("failed to spawn script"); assert_eq!( std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap().trim(), "hello, foo" ); drop(temp_dir); drop(g) } #[test] fn js_unit_tests() { let g = util::http_server(); let mut deno = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::root_path()) .arg("run") .arg("--reload") .arg("--allow-run") .arg("--allow-env") .arg("cli/js/unit_test_runner.ts") .spawn() .expect("failed to spawn script"); let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process"); assert_eq!(Some(0), status.code()); assert!(status.success()); drop(g); } #[test] fn bundle_exports() { use tempfile::TempDir; // First we have to generate a bundle of some module that has exports. let mod1 = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/subdir/mod1.ts"); assert!(mod1.is_file()); let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail"); let bundle = t.path().join("mod1.bundle.js"); let mut deno = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::root_path()) .arg("bundle") .arg(mod1) .arg(&bundle) .spawn() .expect("failed to spawn script"); let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process"); assert!(status.success()); assert!(bundle.is_file()); // Now we try to use that bundle from another module. let test = t.path().join("test.js"); std::fs::write( &test, " import { printHello3 } from \"./mod1.bundle.js\"; printHello3(); ", ) .expect("error writing file"); let output = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::root_path()) .arg("run") .arg(&test) .output() .expect("failed to spawn script"); // check the output of the test.ts program. assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap().trim(), "Hello"); assert_eq!(output.stderr, b""); } // TODO(#2933): Rewrite this test in rust. #[test] fn repl_test() { util::run_python_script("tools/repl_test.py") } #[test] fn target_test() { util::run_python_script("tools/target_test.py") } #[test] fn util_test() { util::run_python_script("tools/util_test.py") } macro_rules! itest( ($name:ident {$( $key:ident: $value:expr,)*}) => { #[test] fn $name() { (util::CheckOutputIntegrationTest { $( $key: $value, )* .. Default::default() }).run() } } ); itest!(_001_hello { args: "run --reload 001_hello.js", output: "001_hello.js.out", }); itest!(_002_hello { args: "run --reload 002_hello.ts", output: "002_hello.ts.out", }); itest!(_003_relative_import { args: "run --reload 003_relative_import.ts", output: "003_relative_import.ts.out", }); itest!(_004_set_timeout { args: "run --reload 004_set_timeout.ts", output: "004_set_timeout.ts.out", }); itest!(_005_more_imports { args: "run --reload 005_more_imports.ts", output: "005_more_imports.ts.out", }); itest!(_006_url_imports { args: "run --reload 006_url_imports.ts", output: "006_url_imports.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_012_async { args: "run --reload 012_async.ts", output: "012_async.ts.out", }); itest!(_013_dynamic_import { args: "run --reload --allow-read 013_dynamic_import.ts", output: "013_dynamic_import.ts.out", }); itest!(_014_duplicate_import { args: "run --reload --allow-read 014_duplicate_import.ts ", output: "014_duplicate_import.ts.out", }); itest!(_015_duplicate_parallel_import { args: "run --reload --allow-read 015_duplicate_parallel_import.js", output: "015_duplicate_parallel_import.js.out", }); itest!(_016_double_await { args: "run --allow-read --reload 016_double_await.ts", output: "016_double_await.ts.out", }); itest!(_017_import_redirect { args: "run --reload 017_import_redirect.ts", output: "017_import_redirect.ts.out", }); itest!(_018_async_catch { args: "run --reload 018_async_catch.ts", output: "018_async_catch.ts.out", }); itest!(_019_media_types { args: "run --reload 019_media_types.ts", output: "019_media_types.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_020_json_modules { args: "run --reload 020_json_modules.ts", output: "020_json_modules.ts.out", }); itest!(_021_mjs_modules { args: "run --reload 021_mjs_modules.ts", output: "021_mjs_modules.ts.out", }); itest!(_022_info_flag_script { args: "info", output: "022_info_flag_script.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_023_no_ext_with_headers { args: "run --reload 023_no_ext_with_headers", output: "023_no_ext_with_headers.out", }); // FIXME(bartlomieju): this test should use remote file // itest!(_024_import_no_ext_with_headers { // args: "run --reload 024_import_no_ext_with_headers.ts", // output: "024_import_no_ext_with_headers.ts.out", // }); itest!(_025_hrtime { args: "run --allow-hrtime --reload 025_hrtime.ts", output: "025_hrtime.ts.out", }); itest!(_025_reload_js_type_error { args: "run --reload 025_reload_js_type_error.js", output: "025_reload_js_type_error.js.out", }); itest!(_026_redirect_javascript { args: "run --reload 026_redirect_javascript.js", output: "026_redirect_javascript.js.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_026_workers { args: "run --reload 026_workers.ts", output: "026_workers.ts.out", }); itest!(_027_redirect_typescript { args: "run --reload 027_redirect_typescript.ts", output: "027_redirect_typescript.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_028_args { args: "run --reload 028_args.ts --arg1 val1 --arg2=val2 -- arg3 arg4", output: "028_args.ts.out", }); itest!(_029_eval { args: "eval console.log(\"hello\")", output: "029_eval.out", }); itest!(_033_import_map { args: "run --reload --importmap=importmaps/import_map.json importmaps/test.ts", output: "033_import_map.out", }); itest!(_034_onload { args: "run --reload 034_onload/main.ts", output: "034_onload.out", }); itest!(_035_cached_only_flag { args: "--reload --cached-only", output: "035_cached_only_flag.out", exit_code: 1, check_stderr: true, http_server: true, }); itest!(_036_import_map_fetch { args: "fetch --reload --importmap=importmaps/import_map.json importmaps/test.ts", output: "036_import_map_fetch.out", }); itest!(_037_fetch_multiple { args: "fetch --reload fetch/test.ts fetch/other.ts", check_stderr: true, http_server: true, output: "037_fetch_multiple.out", }); itest!(_038_checkjs { // checking if JS file is run through TS compiler args: "run --reload --config 038_checkjs.tsconfig.json 038_checkjs.js", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "038_checkjs.js.out", }); /* TODO(bartlomieju): itest!(_039_worker_deno_ns { args: "run --reload 039_worker_deno_ns.ts", output: "039_worker_deno_ns.ts.out", }); itest!(_040_worker_blob { args: "run --reload 040_worker_blob.ts", output: "040_worker_blob.ts.out", }); */ itest!(_041_dyn_import_eval { args: "eval import('./subdir/mod4.js').then(console.log)", output: "041_dyn_import_eval.out", }); itest!(_041_info_flag { args: "info", output: "041_info_flag.out", }); itest!(_042_dyn_import_evalcontext { args: "run --allow-read --reload 042_dyn_import_evalcontext.ts", output: "042_dyn_import_evalcontext.ts.out", }); itest!(_044_bad_resource { args: "run --reload --allow-read 044_bad_resource.ts", output: "044_bad_resource.ts.out", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, }); /* itest!(_045_proxy { args: "run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run --reload 045_proxy_test.ts", output: "045_proxy_test.ts.out", http_server: true, }); */ itest!(_046_tsx { args: "run --reload 046_jsx_test.tsx", output: "046_jsx_test.tsx.out", }); itest!(_047_jsx { args: "run --reload 047_jsx_test.jsx", output: "047_jsx_test.jsx.out", }); itest!(_048_media_types_jsx { args: "run --reload 048_media_types_jsx.ts", output: "048_media_types_jsx.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_049_info_flag_script_jsx { args: "info", output: "049_info_flag_script_jsx.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_050_more_jsons { args: "run --reload 050_more_jsons.ts", output: "050_more_jsons.ts.out", }); itest!(_051_wasm_import { args: "run --reload --allow-net --allow-read 051_wasm_import.ts", output: "051_wasm_import.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(_052_no_remote_flag { args: "--reload --no-remote", output: "052_no_remote_flag.out", exit_code: 1, check_stderr: true, http_server: true, }); itest!(_054_info_local_imports { args: "info 005_more_imports.ts", output: "054_info_local_imports.out", exit_code: 0, }); itest!(lock_write_fetch { args: "run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-run lock_write_fetch.ts", output: "lock_write_fetch.ts.out", exit_code: 0, }); itest!(lock_check_ok { args: "run --lock=lock_check_ok.json", output: "003_relative_import.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(lock_check_ok2 { args: "run 019_media_types.ts --lock=lock_check_ok2.json", output: "019_media_types.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(lock_check_err { args: "run --lock=lock_check_err.json", output: "lock_check_err.out", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 10, http_server: true, }); itest!(lock_check_err2 { args: "run --lock=lock_check_err2.json 019_media_types.ts", output: "lock_check_err2.out", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 10, http_server: true, }); itest!(async_error { exit_code: 1, args: "run --reload async_error.ts", check_stderr: true, output: "async_error.ts.out", }); itest!(bundle { args: "bundle subdir/mod1.ts", output: "bundle.test.out", }); itest!(circular1 { args: "run --reload circular1.js", output: "circular1.js.out", }); itest!(config { args: "run --reload --config config.tsconfig.json config.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "config.ts.out", }); itest!(error_001 { args: "run --reload error_001.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_001.ts.out", }); itest!(error_002 { args: "run --reload error_002.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_002.ts.out", }); itest!(error_003_typescript { args: "run --reload error_003_typescript.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_003_typescript.ts.out", }); // Supposing that we've already attempted to run error_003_typescript.ts // we want to make sure that JS wasn't emitted. Running again without reload flag // should result in the same output. // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/2436 itest!(error_003_typescript2 { args: "run error_003_typescript.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_003_typescript.ts.out", }); itest!(error_004_missing_module { args: "run --reload error_004_missing_module.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_004_missing_module.ts.out", }); itest!(error_005_missing_dynamic_import { args: "run --reload error_005_missing_dynamic_import.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_005_missing_dynamic_import.ts.out", }); itest!(error_006_import_ext_failure { args: "run --reload error_006_import_ext_failure.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_006_import_ext_failure.ts.out", }); itest!(error_007_any { args: "run --reload error_007_any.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_007_any.ts.out", }); itest!(error_008_checkjs { args: "run --reload error_008_checkjs.js", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_008_checkjs.js.out", }); itest!(error_011_bad_module_specifier { args: "run --reload error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts.out", }); itest!(error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier { args: "run --reload error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts.out", }); itest!(error_013_missing_script { args: "run --reload missing_file_name", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_013_missing_script.out", }); itest!(error_014_catch_dynamic_import_error { args: "run --reload --allow-read error_014_catch_dynamic_import_error.js", output: "error_014_catch_dynamic_import_error.js.out", exit_code: 1, }); itest!(error_015_dynamic_import_permissions { args: "--reload error_015_dynamic_import_permissions.js", output: "error_015_dynamic_import_permissions.out", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, http_server: true, }); // We have an allow-net flag but not allow-read, it should still result in error. itest!(error_016_dynamic_import_permissions2 { args: "--reload --allow-net error_016_dynamic_import_permissions2.js", output: "error_016_dynamic_import_permissions2.out", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, http_server: true, }); itest!(error_stack { args: "run --reload error_stack.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_stack.ts.out", }); itest!(error_syntax { args: "run --reload error_syntax.js", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_syntax.js.out", }); itest!(error_type_definitions { args: "run --reload error_type_definitions.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_type_definitions.ts.out", }); /* TODO(bartlomieju) itest!(error_worker_dynamic { args: "run --reload error_worker_dynamic.ts", check_stderr: true, exit_code: 1, output: "error_worker_dynamic.ts.out", }); */ itest!(exit_error42 { exit_code: 42, args: "run --reload exit_error42.ts", output: "exit_error42.ts.out", }); itest!(https_import { args: "run --reload https_import.ts", output: "https_import.ts.out", }); itest!(if_main { args: "run --reload if_main.ts", output: "if_main.ts.out", }); itest!(import_meta { args: "run --reload import_meta.ts", output: "import_meta.ts.out", }); itest!(seed_random { args: "run --seed=100 seed_random.js", output: "seed_random.js.out", }); itest!(type_definitions { args: "run --reload type_definitions.ts", output: "type_definitions.ts.out", }); itest!(type_directives_01 { args: "run --reload -L debug type_directives_01.ts", output: "type_directives_01.ts.out", http_server: true, }); itest!(type_directives_02 { args: "run --reload -L debug type_directives_02.ts", output: "type_directives_02.ts.out", }); itest!(types { args: "types", output: "types.out", }); itest!(unbuffered_stderr { args: "run --reload unbuffered_stderr.ts", check_stderr: true, output: "unbuffered_stderr.ts.out", }); itest!(unbuffered_stdout { args: "run --reload unbuffered_stdout.ts", output: "unbuffered_stdout.ts.out", }); // Cannot write the expression to evaluate as "console.log(typeof gc)" // because itest! splits args on whitespace. itest!(eval_v8_flags { args: "eval --v8-flags=--expose-gc console.log(typeof(gc))", output: "v8_flags.js.out", }); itest!(run_v8_flags { args: "run --v8-flags=--expose-gc v8_flags.js", output: "v8_flags.js.out", }); itest!(run_v8_help { args: "run --v8-flags=--help", output: "v8_help.out", }); itest!(wasm { args: "run wasm.ts", output: "wasm.ts.out", }); itest!(wasm_async { args: "wasm_async.js", output: "wasm_async.out", }); itest!(top_level_await { args: "--allow-read top_level_await.js", output: "top_level_await.out", }); itest!(top_level_await_ts { args: "--allow-read top_level_await.ts", output: "top_level_await.out", }); itest!(top_level_for_await { args: "top_level_for_await.js", output: "top_level_for_await.out", }); itest!(top_level_for_await_ts { args: "top_level_for_await.ts", output: "top_level_for_await.out", }); itest!(_053_import_compression { args: "run --reload --allow-net 053_import_compression/main.ts", output: "053_import_compression.out", http_server: true, }); mod util { use deno::colors::strip_ansi_codes; pub use deno::test_util::*; use os_pipe::pipe; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::process::Command; use std::process::Stdio; use tempfile::TempDir; lazy_static! { static ref DENO_DIR: TempDir = { TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail") }; } pub fn deno_cmd() -> Command { let mut c = Command::new(deno_exe_path()); c.env("DENO_DIR", DENO_DIR.path()); c } pub fn run_python_script(script: &str) { let output = Command::new("python") .env("DENO_DIR", DENO_DIR.path()) .current_dir(root_path()) .arg(script) .arg(format!("--executable={}", deno_exe_path().display())) .env("DENO_BUILD_PATH", target_dir()) .output() .expect("failed to spawn script"); if !output.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap(); panic!( "{} executed with failing error code\n{}{}", script, stdout, stderr ); } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct CheckOutputIntegrationTest { pub args: &'static str, pub output: &'static str, pub input: Option<&'static str>, pub exit_code: i32, pub check_stderr: bool, pub http_server: bool, } impl CheckOutputIntegrationTest { pub fn run(&self) { let args = self.args.split_whitespace(); let root = root_path(); let deno_exe = deno_exe_path(); println!("root path {}", root.display()); println!("deno_exe path {}", deno_exe.display()); let http_server_guard = if self.http_server { Some(http_server()) } else { None }; let (mut reader, writer) = pipe().unwrap(); let tests_dir = root.join("cli").join("tests"); let mut command = deno_cmd(); command.args(args); command.current_dir(&tests_dir); command.stdin(Stdio::piped()); command.stderr(Stdio::null()); if self.check_stderr { let writer_clone = writer.try_clone().unwrap(); command.stderr(writer_clone); } command.stdout(writer); let mut process = command.spawn().expect("failed to execute process"); if let Some(input) = self.input { let mut p_stdin = process.stdin.take().unwrap(); write!(p_stdin, "{}", input).unwrap(); } // Very important when using pipes: This parent process is still // holding its copies of the write ends, and we have to close them // before we read, otherwise the read end will never report EOF. The // Command object owns the writers now, and dropping it closes them. drop(command); let mut actual = String::new(); reader.read_to_string(&mut actual).unwrap(); let status = process.wait().expect("failed to finish process"); let exit_code = status.code().unwrap(); drop(http_server_guard); actual = strip_ansi_codes(&actual).to_string(); if self.exit_code != exit_code { println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual); panic!( "bad exit code, expected: {:?}, actual: {:?}", self.exit_code, exit_code ); } let output_path = tests_dir.join(self.output); println!("output path {}", output_path.display()); let expected = std::fs::read_to_string(output_path).expect("cannot read output"); if !wildcard_match(&expected, &actual) { println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual); println!("EXPECTED\n{}\nEXPECTED", expected); panic!("pattern match failed"); } } } fn wildcard_match(pattern: &str, s: &str) -> bool { pattern_match(pattern, s, "[WILDCARD]") } pub fn pattern_match(pattern: &str, s: &str, wildcard: &str) -> bool { // Normalize line endings let s = s.replace("\r\n", "\n"); let pattern = pattern.replace("\r\n", "\n"); if pattern == wildcard { return true; } let parts = pattern.split(wildcard).collect::>(); if parts.len() == 1 { return pattern == s; } if !s.starts_with(parts[0]) { return false; } let mut t = s.split_at(parts[0].len()); for (i, part) in parts.iter().enumerate() { if i == 0 { continue; } dbg!(part, i); if i == parts.len() - 1 && (*part == "" || *part == "\n") { dbg!("exit 1 true", i); return true; } if let Some(found) = t.1.find(*part) { dbg!("found ", found); t = t.1.split_at(found + part.len()); } else { dbg!("exit false ", i); return false; } } dbg!("end ", t.1.len()); t.1.is_empty() } #[test] fn test_wildcard_match() { let fixtures = vec![ ("foobarbaz", "foobarbaz", true), ("[WILDCARD]", "foobarbaz", true), ("foobar", "foobarbaz", false), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz", "foobarbaz", true), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz", "foobazbar", false), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz[WILDCARD]qux", "foobarbazqatqux", true), ("foo[WILDCARD]", "foobar", true), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz[WILDCARD]", "foobarbazqat", true), // check with different line endings ("foo[WILDCARD]\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\nbazqat\n", true), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\r\nbazqat\r\n", true, ), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\r\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\nbazqat\r\n", true, ), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\r\nbaz[WILDCARD]\r\n", "foobar\nbazqat\n", true, ), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\r\nbaz[WILDCARD]\r\n", "foobar\r\nbazqat\r\n", true, ), ]; // Iterate through the fixture lists, testing each one for (pattern, string, expected) in fixtures { let actual = wildcard_match(pattern, string); dbg!(pattern, string, expected); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } } }