// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::anyhow; use deno_core::anyhow::anyhow; use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc; use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender; use deno_core::futures::future::BoxFuture; use deno_core::futures::stream; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::futures::Stream; use deno_core::futures::StreamExt; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::v8; use deno_core::GarbageCollected; use deno_core::OpState; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use opentelemetry::logs::AnyValue; use opentelemetry::logs::LogRecord as LogRecordTrait; use opentelemetry::logs::Severity; use opentelemetry::metrics::AsyncInstrumentBuilder; use opentelemetry::metrics::InstrumentBuilder; use opentelemetry::metrics::MeterProvider; use opentelemetry::otel_debug; use opentelemetry::otel_error; use opentelemetry::trace::SpanContext; use opentelemetry::trace::SpanId; use opentelemetry::trace::SpanKind; use opentelemetry::trace::Status as SpanStatus; use opentelemetry::trace::TraceFlags; use opentelemetry::trace::TraceId; use opentelemetry::Key; use opentelemetry::KeyValue; use opentelemetry::StringValue; use opentelemetry::Value; use opentelemetry_otlp::HttpExporterBuilder; use opentelemetry_otlp::Protocol; use opentelemetry_otlp::WithExportConfig; use opentelemetry_otlp::WithHttpConfig; use opentelemetry_sdk::export::trace::SpanData; use opentelemetry_sdk::logs::BatchLogProcessor; use opentelemetry_sdk::logs::LogProcessor; use opentelemetry_sdk::logs::LogRecord; use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::exporter::PushMetricExporter; use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::reader::MetricReader; use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::ManualReader; use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::MetricResult; use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::SdkMeterProvider; use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::Temporality; use opentelemetry_sdk::trace::BatchSpanProcessor; use opentelemetry_sdk::trace::SpanProcessor; use opentelemetry_sdk::Resource; use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::PROCESS_RUNTIME_NAME; use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::PROCESS_RUNTIME_VERSION; use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::TELEMETRY_SDK_LANGUAGE; use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::TELEMETRY_SDK_NAME; use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::task::Context; use std::task::Poll; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::SystemTime; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio::task::JoinSet; deno_core::extension!( deno_telemetry, ops = [ op_otel_log, op_otel_instrumentation_scope_create_and_enter, op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter, op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter_builtin, op_otel_span_start, op_otel_span_continue, op_otel_span_attribute, op_otel_span_attribute2, op_otel_span_attribute3, op_otel_span_set_dropped, op_otel_span_flush, op_otel_metric_create_counter, op_otel_metric_create_up_down_counter, op_otel_metric_create_gauge, op_otel_metric_create_histogram, op_otel_metric_create_observable_counter, op_otel_metric_create_observable_gauge, op_otel_metric_create_observable_up_down_counter, op_otel_metric_attribute3, op_otel_metric_record0, op_otel_metric_record1, op_otel_metric_record2, op_otel_metric_record3, op_otel_metric_observable_record0, op_otel_metric_observable_record1, op_otel_metric_observable_record2, op_otel_metric_observable_record3, op_otel_metric_wait_to_observe, op_otel_metric_observation_done, ], esm = ["telemetry.ts", "util.ts"], ); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct OtelRuntimeConfig { pub runtime_name: Cow<'static, str>, pub runtime_version: Cow<'static, str>, } #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct OtelConfig { pub tracing_enabled: bool, pub metrics_enabled: bool, pub console: OtelConsoleConfig, pub deterministic: bool, } impl OtelConfig { pub fn as_v8(&self) -> Box<[u8]> { Box::new([ self.tracing_enabled as u8, self.metrics_enabled as u8, self.console as u8, self.deterministic as u8, ]) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum OtelConsoleConfig { Ignore = 0, Capture = 1, Replace = 2, } impl Default for OtelConsoleConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self::Ignore } } static OTEL_SHARED_RUNTIME_SPAWN_TASK_TX: Lazy< UnboundedSender>, > = Lazy::new(otel_create_shared_runtime); static OTEL_PRE_COLLECT_CALLBACKS: Lazy< Mutex>>>, > = Lazy::new(Default::default); fn otel_create_shared_runtime() -> UnboundedSender> { let (spawn_task_tx, mut spawn_task_rx) = mpsc::unbounded::>(); thread::spawn(move || { let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_io() .enable_time() // This limits the number of threads for blocking operations (like for // synchronous fs ops) or CPU bound tasks like when we run dprint in // parallel for deno fmt. // The default value is 512, which is an unhelpfully large thread pool. We // don't ever want to have more than a couple dozen threads. .max_blocking_threads(if cfg!(windows) { // on windows, tokio uses blocking tasks for child process IO, make sure // we have enough available threads for other tasks to run 4 * std::thread::available_parallelism() .map(|n| n.get()) .unwrap_or(8) } else { 32 }) .build() .unwrap(); rt.block_on(async move { while let Some(task) = spawn_task_rx.next().await { tokio::spawn(task); } }); }); spawn_task_tx } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct OtelSharedRuntime; impl hyper::rt::Executor> for OtelSharedRuntime { fn execute(&self, fut: BoxFuture<'static, ()>) { (*OTEL_SHARED_RUNTIME_SPAWN_TASK_TX) .unbounded_send(fut) .expect("failed to send task to shared OpenTelemetry runtime"); } } impl opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::Runtime for OtelSharedRuntime { type Interval = Pin + Send + 'static>>; type Delay = Pin>; fn interval(&self, period: Duration) -> Self::Interval { stream::repeat(()) .then(move |_| tokio::time::sleep(period)) .boxed() } fn spawn(&self, future: BoxFuture<'static, ()>) { (*OTEL_SHARED_RUNTIME_SPAWN_TASK_TX) .unbounded_send(future) .expect("failed to send task to shared OpenTelemetry runtime"); } fn delay(&self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Delay { Box::pin(tokio::time::sleep(duration)) } } impl opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::RuntimeChannel for OtelSharedRuntime { type Receiver = BatchMessageChannelReceiver; type Sender = BatchMessageChannelSender; fn batch_message_channel( &self, capacity: usize, ) -> (Self::Sender, Self::Receiver) { let (batch_tx, batch_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::(capacity); (batch_tx.into(), batch_rx.into()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BatchMessageChannelSender { sender: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender, } impl From> for BatchMessageChannelSender { fn from(sender: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender) -> Self { Self { sender } } } impl opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::TrySend for BatchMessageChannelSender { type Message = T; fn try_send( &self, item: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::TrySendError> { self.sender.try_send(item).map_err(|err| match err { tokio::sync::mpsc::error::TrySendError::Full(_) => { opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::TrySendError::ChannelFull } tokio::sync::mpsc::error::TrySendError::Closed(_) => { opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::TrySendError::ChannelClosed } }) } } pub struct BatchMessageChannelReceiver { receiver: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver, } impl From> for BatchMessageChannelReceiver { fn from(receiver: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver) -> Self { Self { receiver } } } impl Stream for BatchMessageChannelReceiver { type Item = T; fn poll_next( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Poll> { self.receiver.poll_recv(cx) } } enum DenoPeriodicReaderMessage { Register(std::sync::Weak), Export, ForceFlush(oneshot::Sender>), Shutdown(oneshot::Sender>), } #[derive(Debug)] struct DenoPeriodicReader { tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender, temporality: Temporality, } impl MetricReader for DenoPeriodicReader { fn register_pipeline( &self, pipeline: std::sync::Weak, ) { let _ = self .tx .try_send(DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::Register(pipeline)); } fn collect( &self, _rm: &mut opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::data::ResourceMetrics, ) -> opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::MetricResult<()> { unreachable!("collect should not be called on DenoPeriodicReader"); } fn force_flush(&self) -> opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::MetricResult<()> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let _ = self.tx.try_send(DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::ForceFlush(tx)); deno_core::futures::executor::block_on(rx).unwrap()?; Ok(()) } fn shutdown(&self) -> opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::MetricResult<()> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let _ = self.tx.try_send(DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::Shutdown(tx)); deno_core::futures::executor::block_on(rx).unwrap()?; Ok(()) } fn temporality( &self, _kind: opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::InstrumentKind, ) -> Temporality { self.temporality } } const METRIC_EXPORT_INTERVAL_NAME: &str = "OTEL_METRIC_EXPORT_INTERVAL"; const DEFAULT_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); impl DenoPeriodicReader { fn new(exporter: opentelemetry_otlp::MetricExporter) -> Self { let interval = env::var(METRIC_EXPORT_INTERVAL_NAME) .ok() .and_then(|v| v.parse().map(Duration::from_millis).ok()) .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_INTERVAL); let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(256); let temporality = PushMetricExporter::temporality(&exporter); let worker = async move { let inner = ManualReader::builder() .with_temporality(PushMetricExporter::temporality(&exporter)) .build(); let collect_and_export = |collect_observed: bool| { let inner = &inner; let exporter = &exporter; async move { let mut resource_metrics = opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::data::ResourceMetrics { resource: Default::default(), scope_metrics: Default::default(), }; if collect_observed { let callbacks = { let mut callbacks = OTEL_PRE_COLLECT_CALLBACKS.lock().unwrap(); std::mem::take(&mut *callbacks) }; let mut futures = JoinSet::new(); for callback in callbacks { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); if let Ok(()) = callback.send(tx) { futures.spawn(rx); } } while futures.join_next().await.is_some() {} } inner.collect(&mut resource_metrics)?; if resource_metrics.scope_metrics.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } exporter.export(&mut resource_metrics).await?; Ok(()) } }; let mut ticker = tokio::time::interval(interval); ticker.set_missed_tick_behavior(tokio::time::MissedTickBehavior::Delay); ticker.tick().await; loop { let message = tokio::select! { _ = ticker.tick() => DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::Export, message = rx.recv() => if let Some(message) = message { message } else { break; }, }; match message { DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::Register(new_pipeline) => { inner.register_pipeline(new_pipeline); } DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::Export => { otel_debug!( name: "DenoPeriodicReader.ExportTriggered", message = "Export message received.", ); if let Err(err) = collect_and_export(true).await { otel_error!( name: "DenoPeriodicReader.ExportFailed", message = "Failed to export metrics", reason = format!("{}", err)); } } DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::ForceFlush(sender) => { otel_debug!( name: "DenoPeriodicReader.ForceFlushCalled", message = "Flush message received.", ); let res = collect_and_export(false).await; if let Err(send_error) = sender.send(res) { otel_debug!( name: "DenoPeriodicReader.Flush.SendResultError", message = "Failed to send flush result.", reason = format!("{:?}", send_error), ); } } DenoPeriodicReaderMessage::Shutdown(sender) => { otel_debug!( name: "DenoPeriodicReader.ShutdownCalled", message = "Shutdown message received", ); let res = collect_and_export(false).await; let _ = exporter.shutdown(); if let Err(send_error) = sender.send(res) { otel_debug!( name: "DenoPeriodicReader.Shutdown.SendResultError", message = "Failed to send shutdown result", reason = format!("{:?}", send_error), ); } break; } } } }; (*OTEL_SHARED_RUNTIME_SPAWN_TASK_TX) .unbounded_send(worker.boxed()) .expect("failed to send task to shared OpenTelemetry runtime"); DenoPeriodicReader { tx, temporality } } } mod hyper_client { use http_body_util::BodyExt; use http_body_util::Full; use hyper::body::Body as HttpBody; use hyper::body::Frame; use hyper_util::client::legacy::connect::HttpConnector; use hyper_util::client::legacy::Client; use opentelemetry_http::Bytes; use opentelemetry_http::HttpError; use opentelemetry_http::Request; use opentelemetry_http::Response; use opentelemetry_http::ResponseExt; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::pin::Pin; use std::task::Poll; use std::task::{self}; use super::OtelSharedRuntime; // same as opentelemetry_http::HyperClient except it uses OtelSharedRuntime #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct HyperClient { inner: Client, } impl HyperClient { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: Client::builder(OtelSharedRuntime).build(HttpConnector::new()), } } } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl opentelemetry_http::HttpClient for HyperClient { async fn send( &self, request: Request>, ) -> Result, HttpError> { let (parts, body) = request.into_parts(); let request = Request::from_parts(parts, Body(Full::from(body))); let mut response = self.inner.request(request).await?; let headers = std::mem::take(response.headers_mut()); let mut http_response = Response::builder() .status(response.status()) .body(response.into_body().collect().await?.to_bytes())?; *http_response.headers_mut() = headers; Ok(http_response.error_for_status()?) } } #[pin_project::pin_project] pub struct Body(#[pin] Full); impl HttpBody for Body { type Data = Bytes; type Error = Box; #[inline] fn poll_frame( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>, ) -> Poll, Self::Error>>> { self.project().0.poll_frame(cx).map_err(Into::into) } #[inline] fn is_end_stream(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_end_stream() } #[inline] fn size_hint(&self) -> hyper::body::SizeHint { self.0.size_hint() } } } struct Processors { spans: BatchSpanProcessor, logs: BatchLogProcessor, meter_provider: SdkMeterProvider, } static OTEL_PROCESSORS: OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); static BUILT_IN_INSTRUMENTATION_SCOPE: OnceCell< opentelemetry::InstrumentationScope, > = OnceCell::new(); pub fn init(rt_config: OtelRuntimeConfig) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Parse the `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL` variable. The opentelemetry_* // crates don't do this automatically. // TODO(piscisaureus): enable GRPC support. let protocol = match env::var("OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL").as_deref() { Ok("http/protobuf") => Protocol::HttpBinary, Ok("http/json") => Protocol::HttpJson, Ok("") | Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => Protocol::HttpBinary, Ok(protocol) => { return Err(anyhow!( "Env var OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL specifies an unsupported protocol: {}", protocol )); } Err(err) => { return Err(anyhow!( "Failed to read env var OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL: {}", err )); } }; // Define the resource attributes that will be attached to all log records. // These attributes are sourced as follows (in order of precedence): // * The `service.name` attribute from the `OTEL_SERVICE_NAME` env var. // * Additional attributes from the `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES` env var. // * Default attribute values defined here. // TODO(piscisaureus): add more default attributes (e.g. script path). let mut resource = Resource::default(); // Add the runtime name and version to the resource attributes. Also override // the `telemetry.sdk` attributes to include the Deno runtime. resource = resource.merge(&Resource::new(vec![ KeyValue::new(PROCESS_RUNTIME_NAME, rt_config.runtime_name), KeyValue::new(PROCESS_RUNTIME_VERSION, rt_config.runtime_version.clone()), KeyValue::new( TELEMETRY_SDK_LANGUAGE, format!( "deno-{}", resource.get(Key::new(TELEMETRY_SDK_LANGUAGE)).unwrap() ), ), KeyValue::new( TELEMETRY_SDK_NAME, format!( "deno-{}", resource.get(Key::new(TELEMETRY_SDK_NAME)).unwrap() ), ), KeyValue::new( TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION, format!( "{}-{}", rt_config.runtime_version, resource.get(Key::new(TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION)).unwrap() ), ), ])); // The OTLP endpoint is automatically picked up from the // `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT` environment variable. Additional headers can // be specified using `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS`. let client = hyper_client::HyperClient::new(); let span_exporter = HttpExporterBuilder::default() .with_http_client(client.clone()) .with_protocol(protocol) .build_span_exporter()?; let mut span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor::builder(span_exporter, OtelSharedRuntime).build(); span_processor.set_resource(&resource); let temporality_preference = env::var("OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_TEMPORALITY_PREFERENCE") .ok() .map(|s| s.to_lowercase()); let temporality = match temporality_preference.as_deref() { None | Some("cumulative") => Temporality::Cumulative, Some("delta") => Temporality::Delta, Some("lowmemory") => Temporality::LowMemory, Some(other) => { return Err(anyhow!( "Invalid value for OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_TEMPORALITY_PREFERENCE: {}", other )); } }; let metric_exporter = HttpExporterBuilder::default() .with_http_client(client.clone()) .with_protocol(protocol) .build_metrics_exporter(temporality)?; let metric_reader = DenoPeriodicReader::new(metric_exporter); let meter_provider = SdkMeterProvider::builder() .with_reader(metric_reader) .with_resource(resource.clone()) .build(); let log_exporter = HttpExporterBuilder::default() .with_http_client(client) .with_protocol(protocol) .build_log_exporter()?; let log_processor = BatchLogProcessor::builder(log_exporter, OtelSharedRuntime).build(); log_processor.set_resource(&resource); OTEL_PROCESSORS .set(Processors { spans: span_processor, logs: log_processor, meter_provider, }) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("failed to init otel"))?; let builtin_instrumentation_scope = opentelemetry::InstrumentationScope::builder("deno") .with_version(rt_config.runtime_version.clone()) .build(); BUILT_IN_INSTRUMENTATION_SCOPE .set(builtin_instrumentation_scope) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("failed to init otel"))?; Ok(()) } /// This function is called by the runtime whenever it is about to call /// `process::exit()`, to ensure that all OpenTelemetry logs are properly /// flushed before the process terminates. pub fn flush() { if let Some(Processors { spans, logs, meter_provider, }) = OTEL_PROCESSORS.get() { let _ = spans.force_flush(); let _ = logs.force_flush(); let _ = meter_provider.force_flush(); } } pub fn handle_log(record: &log::Record) { use log::Level; let Some(Processors { logs, .. }) = OTEL_PROCESSORS.get() else { return; }; let mut log_record = LogRecord::default(); log_record.set_observed_timestamp(SystemTime::now()); log_record.set_severity_number(match record.level() { Level::Error => Severity::Error, Level::Warn => Severity::Warn, Level::Info => Severity::Info, Level::Debug => Severity::Debug, Level::Trace => Severity::Trace, }); log_record.set_severity_text(record.level().as_str()); log_record.set_body(record.args().to_string().into()); log_record.set_target(record.metadata().target().to_string()); struct Visitor<'s>(&'s mut LogRecord); impl<'s, 'kvs> log::kv::VisitSource<'kvs> for Visitor<'s> { fn visit_pair( &mut self, key: log::kv::Key<'kvs>, value: log::kv::Value<'kvs>, ) -> Result<(), log::kv::Error> { #[allow(clippy::manual_map)] let value = if let Some(v) = value.to_bool() { Some(AnyValue::Boolean(v)) } else if let Some(v) = value.to_borrowed_str() { Some(AnyValue::String(v.to_owned().into())) } else if let Some(v) = value.to_f64() { Some(AnyValue::Double(v)) } else if let Some(v) = value.to_i64() { Some(AnyValue::Int(v)) } else { None }; if let Some(value) = value { let key = Key::from(key.as_str().to_owned()); self.0.add_attribute(key, value); } Ok(()) } } let _ = record.key_values().visit(&mut Visitor(&mut log_record)); logs.emit( &mut log_record, BUILT_IN_INSTRUMENTATION_SCOPE.get().unwrap(), ); } fn parse_trace_id( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, trace_id: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) -> TraceId { if let Ok(string) = trace_id.try_cast() { let value_view = v8::ValueView::new(scope, string); match value_view.data() { v8::ValueViewData::OneByte(bytes) => { TraceId::from_hex(&String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes)) .unwrap_or(TraceId::INVALID) } _ => TraceId::INVALID, } } else if let Ok(uint8array) = trace_id.try_cast::() { let data = uint8array.data(); let byte_length = uint8array.byte_length(); if byte_length != 16 { return TraceId::INVALID; } // SAFETY: We have ensured that the byte length is 16, so it is safe to // cast the data to an array of 16 bytes. let bytes = unsafe { &*(data as *const u8 as *const [u8; 16]) }; TraceId::from_bytes(*bytes) } else { TraceId::INVALID } } fn parse_span_id( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, span_id: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) -> SpanId { if let Ok(string) = span_id.try_cast() { let value_view = v8::ValueView::new(scope, string); match value_view.data() { v8::ValueViewData::OneByte(bytes) => { SpanId::from_hex(&String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes)) .unwrap_or(SpanId::INVALID) } _ => SpanId::INVALID, } } else if let Ok(uint8array) = span_id.try_cast::() { let data = uint8array.data(); let byte_length = uint8array.byte_length(); if byte_length != 8 { return SpanId::INVALID; } // SAFETY: We have ensured that the byte length is 8, so it is safe to // cast the data to an array of 8 bytes. let bytes = unsafe { &*(data as *const u8 as *const [u8; 8]) }; SpanId::from_bytes(*bytes) } else { SpanId::INVALID } } macro_rules! attr_raw { ($scope:ident, $name:expr, $value:expr) => {{ let name = if let Ok(name) = $name.try_cast() { let view = v8::ValueView::new($scope, name); match view.data() { v8::ValueViewData::OneByte(bytes) => { Some(String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes).into_owned()) } v8::ValueViewData::TwoByte(bytes) => { Some(String::from_utf16_lossy(bytes)) } } } else { None }; let value = if let Ok(string) = $value.try_cast::() { Some(Value::String(StringValue::from({ let x = v8::ValueView::new($scope, string); match x.data() { v8::ValueViewData::OneByte(bytes) => { String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes).into_owned() } v8::ValueViewData::TwoByte(bytes) => String::from_utf16_lossy(bytes), } }))) } else if let Ok(number) = $value.try_cast::() { Some(Value::F64(number.value())) } else if let Ok(boolean) = $value.try_cast::() { Some(Value::Bool(boolean.is_true())) } else if let Ok(bigint) = $value.try_cast::() { let (i64_value, _lossless) = bigint.i64_value(); Some(Value::I64(i64_value)) } else { None }; if let (Some(name), Some(value)) = (name, value) { Some(KeyValue::new(name, value)) } else { None } }}; } macro_rules! attr { ($scope:ident, $attributes:expr $(=> $dropped_attributes_count:expr)?, $name:expr, $value:expr) => { let attr = attr_raw!($scope, $name, $value); if let Some(kv) = attr { $attributes.push(kv); } $( else { $dropped_attributes_count += 1; } )? }; } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct InstrumentationScope(opentelemetry::InstrumentationScope); impl deno_core::GarbageCollected for InstrumentationScope {} #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_instrumentation_scope_create_and_enter( state: &mut OpState, #[string] name: String, #[string] version: Option, #[string] schema_url: Option, ) -> InstrumentationScope { let mut builder = opentelemetry::InstrumentationScope::builder(name); if let Some(version) = version { builder = builder.with_version(version); } if let Some(schema_url) = schema_url { builder = builder.with_schema_url(schema_url); } let scope = InstrumentationScope(builder.build()); state.put(scope.clone()); scope } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter( state: &mut OpState, #[cppgc] scope: &InstrumentationScope, ) { state.put(scope.clone()); } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter_builtin(state: &mut OpState) { if let Some(scope) = BUILT_IN_INSTRUMENTATION_SCOPE.get() { state.put(InstrumentationScope(scope.clone())); } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_log( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, #[string] message: String, #[smi] level: i32, trace_id: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, span_id: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, #[smi] trace_flags: u8, ) { let Some(Processors { logs, .. }) = OTEL_PROCESSORS.get() else { return; }; let Some(instrumentation_scope) = BUILT_IN_INSTRUMENTATION_SCOPE.get() else { return; }; // Convert the integer log level that ext/console uses to the corresponding // OpenTelemetry log severity. let severity = match level { ..=0 => Severity::Debug, 1 => Severity::Info, 2 => Severity::Warn, 3.. => Severity::Error, }; let trace_id = parse_trace_id(scope, trace_id); let span_id = parse_span_id(scope, span_id); let mut log_record = LogRecord::default(); log_record.set_observed_timestamp(SystemTime::now()); log_record.set_body(message.into()); log_record.set_severity_number(severity); log_record.set_severity_text(severity.name()); if trace_id != TraceId::INVALID && span_id != SpanId::INVALID { log_record.set_trace_context( trace_id, span_id, Some(TraceFlags::new(trace_flags)), ); } logs.emit(&mut log_record, instrumentation_scope); } fn owned_string<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, string: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>, ) -> String { let x = v8::ValueView::new(scope, string); match x.data() { v8::ValueViewData::OneByte(bytes) => { String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes).into_owned() } v8::ValueViewData::TwoByte(bytes) => String::from_utf16_lossy(bytes), } } struct TemporarySpan(SpanData); #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_start<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, state: &mut OpState, trace_id: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, span_id: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, parent_span_id: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, #[smi] span_kind: u8, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, start_time: f64, end_time: f64, ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { if let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_take::() { let Some(Processors { spans, .. }) = OTEL_PROCESSORS.get() else { return Ok(()); }; spans.on_end(temporary_span.0); }; let Some(InstrumentationScope(instrumentation_scope)) = state.try_borrow::() else { return Err(anyhow!("instrumentation scope not available")); }; let trace_id = parse_trace_id(scope, trace_id); if trace_id == TraceId::INVALID { return Err(anyhow!("invalid trace_id")); } let span_id = parse_span_id(scope, span_id); if span_id == SpanId::INVALID { return Err(anyhow!("invalid span_id")); } let parent_span_id = parse_span_id(scope, parent_span_id); let name = owned_string(scope, name.try_cast()?); let temporary_span = TemporarySpan(SpanData { span_context: SpanContext::new( trace_id, span_id, TraceFlags::SAMPLED, false, Default::default(), ), parent_span_id, span_kind: match span_kind { 0 => SpanKind::Internal, 1 => SpanKind::Server, 2 => SpanKind::Client, 3 => SpanKind::Producer, 4 => SpanKind::Consumer, _ => return Err(anyhow!("invalid span kind")), }, name: Cow::Owned(name), start_time: SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH .checked_add(std::time::Duration::from_secs_f64(start_time)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid start time"))?, end_time: SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH .checked_add(std::time::Duration::from_secs_f64(end_time)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid start time"))?, attributes: Vec::new(), dropped_attributes_count: 0, events: Default::default(), links: Default::default(), status: SpanStatus::Unset, instrumentation_scope: instrumentation_scope.clone(), }); state.put(temporary_span); Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_continue( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] status: u8, #[string] error_description: Cow<'_, str>, ) { if let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_borrow_mut::() { temporary_span.0.status = match status { 0 => SpanStatus::Unset, 1 => SpanStatus::Ok, 2 => SpanStatus::Error { description: Cow::Owned(error_description.into_owned()), }, _ => return, }; } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_attribute<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, state: &mut OpState, #[smi] capacity: u32, key: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) { if let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_borrow_mut::() { temporary_span.0.attributes.reserve_exact( (capacity as usize) .saturating_sub(temporary_span.0.attributes.capacity()), ); attr!(scope, temporary_span.0.attributes => temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count, key, value); } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_attribute2<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, state: &mut OpState, #[smi] capacity: u32, key1: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) { if let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_borrow_mut::() { temporary_span.0.attributes.reserve_exact( (capacity as usize) .saturating_sub(temporary_span.0.attributes.capacity()), ); attr!(scope, temporary_span.0.attributes => temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count, key1, value1); attr!(scope, temporary_span.0.attributes => temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count, key2, value2); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_attribute3<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, state: &mut OpState, #[smi] capacity: u32, key1: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, key3: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value3: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) { if let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_borrow_mut::() { temporary_span.0.attributes.reserve_exact( (capacity as usize) .saturating_sub(temporary_span.0.attributes.capacity()), ); attr!(scope, temporary_span.0.attributes => temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count, key1, value1); attr!(scope, temporary_span.0.attributes => temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count, key2, value2); attr!(scope, temporary_span.0.attributes => temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count, key3, value3); } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_set_dropped( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] dropped_attributes_count: u32, #[smi] dropped_links_count: u32, #[smi] dropped_events_count: u32, ) { if let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_borrow_mut::() { temporary_span.0.dropped_attributes_count += dropped_attributes_count; temporary_span.0.links.dropped_count += dropped_links_count; temporary_span.0.events.dropped_count += dropped_events_count; } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_span_flush(state: &mut OpState) { let Some(temporary_span) = state.try_take::() else { return; }; let Some(Processors { spans, .. }) = OTEL_PROCESSORS.get() else { return; }; spans.on_end(temporary_span.0); } enum Instrument { Counter(opentelemetry::metrics::Counter), UpDownCounter(opentelemetry::metrics::UpDownCounter), Gauge(opentelemetry::metrics::Gauge), Histogram(opentelemetry::metrics::Histogram), Observable(Arc, f64>>>), } impl GarbageCollected for Instrument {} fn create_instrument<'a, T>( cb: impl FnOnce( &'_ opentelemetry::metrics::Meter, String, ) -> InstrumentBuilder<'_, T>, cb2: impl FnOnce(InstrumentBuilder<'_, T>) -> Instrument, state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, name: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { let Some(InstrumentationScope(instrumentation_scope)) = state.try_borrow::() else { return Err(anyhow!("instrumentation scope not available")); }; let meter = OTEL_PROCESSORS .get() .unwrap() .meter_provider .meter_with_scope(instrumentation_scope.clone()); let name = owned_string(scope, name.try_cast()?); let mut builder = cb(&meter, name); if !description.is_null_or_undefined() { let description = owned_string(scope, description.try_cast()?); builder = builder.with_description(description); }; if !unit.is_null_or_undefined() { let unit = owned_string(scope, unit.try_cast()?); builder = builder.with_unit(unit); }; Ok(cb2(builder)) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_counter<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { create_instrument( |meter, name| meter.f64_counter(name), |i| Instrument::Counter(i.build()), state, scope, name, description, unit, ) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_up_down_counter<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { create_instrument( |meter, name| meter.f64_up_down_counter(name), |i| Instrument::UpDownCounter(i.build()), state, scope, name, description, unit, ) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_gauge<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { create_instrument( |meter, name| meter.f64_gauge(name), |i| Instrument::Gauge(i.build()), state, scope, name, description, unit, ) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_histogram<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, #[serde] boundaries: Option>, ) -> Result { let Some(InstrumentationScope(instrumentation_scope)) = state.try_borrow::() else { return Err(anyhow!("instrumentation scope not available")); }; let meter = OTEL_PROCESSORS .get() .unwrap() .meter_provider .meter_with_scope(instrumentation_scope.clone()); let name = owned_string(scope, name.try_cast()?); let mut builder = meter.f64_histogram(name); if !description.is_null_or_undefined() { let description = owned_string(scope, description.try_cast()?); builder = builder.with_description(description); }; if !unit.is_null_or_undefined() { let unit = owned_string(scope, unit.try_cast()?); builder = builder.with_unit(unit); }; if let Some(boundaries) = boundaries { builder = builder.with_boundaries(boundaries); } Ok(Instrument::Histogram(builder.build())) } fn create_async_instrument<'a, T>( cb: impl FnOnce( &'_ opentelemetry::metrics::Meter, String, ) -> AsyncInstrumentBuilder<'_, T, f64>, cb2: impl FnOnce(AsyncInstrumentBuilder<'_, T, f64>), state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, name: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { let Some(InstrumentationScope(instrumentation_scope)) = state.try_borrow::() else { return Err(anyhow!("instrumentation scope not available")); }; let meter = OTEL_PROCESSORS .get() .unwrap() .meter_provider .meter_with_scope(instrumentation_scope.clone()); let name = owned_string(scope, name.try_cast()?); let mut builder = cb(&meter, name); if !description.is_null_or_undefined() { let description = owned_string(scope, description.try_cast()?); builder = builder.with_description(description); }; if !unit.is_null_or_undefined() { let unit = owned_string(scope, unit.try_cast()?); builder = builder.with_unit(unit); }; let data_share = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); let data_share_: Arc, f64>>> = data_share.clone(); builder = builder.with_callback(move |i| { let data = { let mut data = data_share_.lock().unwrap(); std::mem::take(&mut *data) }; for (attributes, value) in data { i.observe(value, &attributes); } }); cb2(builder); Ok(Instrument::Observable(data_share)) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_observable_counter<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { create_async_instrument( |meter, name| meter.f64_observable_counter(name), |i| { i.build(); }, state, scope, name, description, unit, ) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_observable_up_down_counter<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { create_async_instrument( |meter, name| meter.f64_observable_up_down_counter(name), |i| { i.build(); }, state, scope, name, description, unit, ) } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_otel_metric_create_observable_gauge<'s>( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, description: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, unit: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) -> Result { create_async_instrument( |meter, name| meter.f64_observable_gauge(name), |i| { i.build(); }, state, scope, name, description, unit, ) } struct MetricAttributes { attributes: Vec, } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_record0( state: &mut OpState, #[cppgc] instrument: &Instrument, value: f64, ) { let values = state.try_take::(); let attributes = match &values { Some(values) => &*values.attributes, None => &[], }; match instrument { Instrument::Counter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::UpDownCounter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::Gauge(gauge) => gauge.record(value, attributes), Instrument::Histogram(histogram) => histogram.record(value, attributes), _ => {} } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_record1( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, instrument: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value: f64, key1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) { let Some(instrument) = deno_core::_ops::try_unwrap_cppgc_object::( &mut *scope, instrument, ) else { return; }; let mut values = state.try_take::(); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let attributes = match &mut values { Some(values) => { if let Some(kv) = attr1 { values.attributes.reserve_exact(1); values.attributes.push(kv); } &*values.attributes } None => match attr1 { Some(kv1) => &[kv1] as &[KeyValue], None => &[], }, }; match &*instrument { Instrument::Counter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::UpDownCounter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::Gauge(gauge) => gauge.record(value, attributes), Instrument::Histogram(histogram) => histogram.record(value, attributes), _ => {} } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_record2( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, instrument: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value: f64, key1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) { let Some(instrument) = deno_core::_ops::try_unwrap_cppgc_object::( &mut *scope, instrument, ) else { return; }; let mut values = state.try_take::(); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let attr2 = attr_raw!(scope, key2, value2); let attributes = match &mut values { Some(values) => { values.attributes.reserve_exact(2); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { values.attributes.push(kv1); } if let Some(kv2) = attr2 { values.attributes.push(kv2); } &*values.attributes } None => match (attr1, attr2) { (Some(kv1), Some(kv2)) => &[kv1, kv2] as &[KeyValue], (Some(kv1), None) => &[kv1], (None, Some(kv2)) => &[kv2], (None, None) => &[], }, }; match &*instrument { Instrument::Counter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::UpDownCounter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::Gauge(gauge) => gauge.record(value, attributes), Instrument::Histogram(histogram) => histogram.record(value, attributes), _ => {} } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_record3( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, instrument: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value: f64, key1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, key3: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value3: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) { let Some(instrument) = deno_core::_ops::try_unwrap_cppgc_object::( &mut *scope, instrument, ) else { return; }; let mut values = state.try_take::(); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let attr2 = attr_raw!(scope, key2, value2); let attr3 = attr_raw!(scope, key3, value3); let attributes = match &mut values { Some(values) => { values.attributes.reserve_exact(3); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { values.attributes.push(kv1); } if let Some(kv2) = attr2 { values.attributes.push(kv2); } if let Some(kv3) = attr3 { values.attributes.push(kv3); } &*values.attributes } None => match (attr1, attr2, attr3) { (Some(kv1), Some(kv2), Some(kv3)) => &[kv1, kv2, kv3] as &[KeyValue], (Some(kv1), Some(kv2), None) => &[kv1, kv2], (Some(kv1), None, Some(kv3)) => &[kv1, kv3], (None, Some(kv2), Some(kv3)) => &[kv2, kv3], (Some(kv1), None, None) => &[kv1], (None, Some(kv2), None) => &[kv2], (None, None, Some(kv3)) => &[kv3], (None, None, None) => &[], }, }; match &*instrument { Instrument::Counter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::UpDownCounter(counter) => counter.add(value, attributes), Instrument::Gauge(gauge) => gauge.record(value, attributes), Instrument::Histogram(histogram) => histogram.record(value, attributes), _ => {} } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_observable_record0( state: &mut OpState, #[cppgc] instrument: &Instrument, value: f64, ) { let values = state.try_take::(); let attributes = values.map(|attr| attr.attributes).unwrap_or_default(); if let Instrument::Observable(data_share) = instrument { let mut data = data_share.lock().unwrap(); data.insert(attributes, value); } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_observable_record1( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, instrument: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value: f64, key1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) { let Some(instrument) = deno_core::_ops::try_unwrap_cppgc_object::( &mut *scope, instrument, ) else { return; }; let values = state.try_take::(); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let mut attributes = values .map(|mut attr| { attr.attributes.reserve_exact(1); attr.attributes }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(1)); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { attributes.push(kv1); } if let Instrument::Observable(data_share) = &*instrument { let mut data = data_share.lock().unwrap(); data.insert(attributes, value); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_observable_record2( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, instrument: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value: f64, key1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) { let Some(instrument) = deno_core::_ops::try_unwrap_cppgc_object::( &mut *scope, instrument, ) else { return; }; let values = state.try_take::(); let mut attributes = values .map(|mut attr| { attr.attributes.reserve_exact(2); attr.attributes }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(2)); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let attr2 = attr_raw!(scope, key2, value2); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { attributes.push(kv1); } if let Some(kv2) = attr2 { attributes.push(kv2); } if let Instrument::Observable(data_share) = &*instrument { let mut data = data_share.lock().unwrap(); data.insert(attributes, value); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_observable_record3( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, instrument: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value: f64, key1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, key3: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, value3: v8::Local<'_, v8::Value>, ) { let Some(instrument) = deno_core::_ops::try_unwrap_cppgc_object::( &mut *scope, instrument, ) else { return; }; let values = state.try_take::(); let mut attributes = values .map(|mut attr| { attr.attributes.reserve_exact(3); attr.attributes }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(3)); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let attr2 = attr_raw!(scope, key2, value2); let attr3 = attr_raw!(scope, key3, value3); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { attributes.push(kv1); } if let Some(kv2) = attr2 { attributes.push(kv2); } if let Some(kv3) = attr3 { attributes.push(kv3); } if let Instrument::Observable(data_share) = &*instrument { let mut data = data_share.lock().unwrap(); data.insert(attributes, value); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_attribute3<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, state: &mut OpState, #[smi] capacity: u32, key1: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value1: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, key2: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value2: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, key3: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, value3: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, ) { let mut values = state.try_borrow_mut::(); let attr1 = attr_raw!(scope, key1, value1); let attr2 = attr_raw!(scope, key2, value2); let attr3 = attr_raw!(scope, key3, value3); if let Some(values) = &mut values { values.attributes.reserve_exact( (capacity as usize).saturating_sub(values.attributes.capacity()), ); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { values.attributes.push(kv1); } if let Some(kv2) = attr2 { values.attributes.push(kv2); } if let Some(kv3) = attr3 { values.attributes.push(kv3); } } else { let mut attributes = Vec::with_capacity(capacity as usize); if let Some(kv1) = attr1 { attributes.push(kv1); } if let Some(kv2) = attr2 { attributes.push(kv2); } if let Some(kv3) = attr3 { attributes.push(kv3); } state.put(MetricAttributes { attributes }); } } struct ObservationDone(oneshot::Sender<()>); #[op2(async)] async fn op_otel_metric_wait_to_observe(state: Rc>) -> bool { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); { OTEL_PRE_COLLECT_CALLBACKS .lock() .expect("mutex poisoned") .push(tx); } if let Ok(done) = rx.await { state.borrow_mut().put(ObservationDone(done)); true } else { false } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_otel_metric_observation_done(state: &mut OpState) { if let Some(ObservationDone(done)) = state.try_take::() { let _ = done.send(()); } }