// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use rusty_v8 as v8; use serde::ser; use serde::ser::{Impossible, Serialize}; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::keys::v8_struct_key; use crate::magic; type JsValue<'s> = v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>; type JsResult<'s> = Result>; type ScopePtr<'a, 'b> = Rc>>; pub fn to_v8<'a, T>(scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, input: T) -> JsResult<'a> where T: Serialize, { let subscope = v8::EscapableHandleScope::new(scope); let scopeptr = Rc::new(RefCell::new(subscope)); let serializer = Serializer::new(scopeptr.clone()); let x = input.serialize(serializer)?; let x = scopeptr.clone().borrow_mut().escape(x); Ok(x) } /// Wraps other serializers into an enum tagged variant form. /// Uses {"Variant": ...payload...} for compatibility with serde-json. pub struct VariantSerializer<'a, 'b, S> { variant: &'static str, inner: S, scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, } impl<'a, 'b, S> VariantSerializer<'a, 'b, S> { pub fn new(scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, variant: &'static str, inner: S) -> Self { Self { scope, variant, inner, } } fn end(self, inner: impl FnOnce(S) -> JsResult<'a>) -> JsResult<'a> { let value = inner(self.inner)?; let scope = &mut *self.scope.borrow_mut(); let obj = v8::Object::new(scope); let key = v8_struct_key(scope, self.variant).into(); obj.set(scope, key, value); Ok(obj.into()) } } impl<'a, 'b, S> ser::SerializeTupleVariant for VariantSerializer<'a, 'b, S> where S: ser::SerializeTupleStruct, Error = Error>, { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_field( &mut self, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { self.inner.serialize_field(value) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { self.end(S::end) } } impl<'a, 'b, S> ser::SerializeStructVariant for VariantSerializer<'a, 'b, S> where S: ser::SerializeStruct, Error = Error>, { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_field( &mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { self.inner.serialize_field(key, value) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { self.end(S::end) } } pub struct ArraySerializer<'a, 'b> { // serializer: Serializer<'a, 'b>, pending: Vec>, scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, } impl<'a, 'b> ArraySerializer<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>) -> Self { // let serializer = Serializer::new(scope); Self { scope, // serializer, pending: vec![], } } } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeSeq for ArraySerializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_element( &mut self, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { let x = value.serialize(Serializer::new(self.scope.clone()))?; self.pending.push(x); Ok(()) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { let elements = self.pending.iter().as_slice(); let scope = &mut *self.scope.borrow_mut(); let arr = v8::Array::new_with_elements(scope, elements); Ok(arr.into()) } } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeTuple for ArraySerializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_element( &mut self, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { ser::SerializeSeq::serialize_element(self, value) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { ser::SerializeSeq::end(self) } } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeTupleStruct for ArraySerializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_field( &mut self, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { ser::SerializeTuple::serialize_element(self, value) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { ser::SerializeTuple::end(self) } } pub struct ObjectSerializer<'a, 'b> { scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, } impl<'a, 'b> ObjectSerializer<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>) -> Self { let obj = v8::Object::new(&mut *scope.borrow_mut()); Self { scope, obj } } } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeStruct for ObjectSerializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_field( &mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { let value = value.serialize(Serializer::new(self.scope.clone()))?; let scope = &mut *self.scope.borrow_mut(); let key = v8_struct_key(scope, key).into(); self.obj.set(scope, key, value); Ok(()) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(self.obj.into()) } } pub struct MagicSerializer<'a, 'b> { scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, v8_value: Option>, } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeStruct for MagicSerializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_field( &mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { if key != magic::FIELD { unreachable!(); } let v8_value = value.serialize(MagicTransmuter { _scope: self.scope.clone(), })?; self.v8_value = Some(v8_value); Ok(()) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(self.v8_value.unwrap()) } } // Dispatches between magic and regular struct serializers pub enum StructSerializers<'a, 'b> { Magic(MagicSerializer<'a, 'b>), Regular(ObjectSerializer<'a, 'b>), } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeStruct for StructSerializers<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_field( &mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { match self { StructSerializers::Magic(s) => s.serialize_field(key, value), StructSerializers::Regular(s) => s.serialize_field(key, value), } } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { match self { StructSerializers::Magic(s) => s.end(), StructSerializers::Regular(s) => s.end(), } } } // Serializes to JS Objects, NOT JS Maps ... pub struct MapSerializer<'a, 'b> { scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, next_key: Option>, } impl<'a, 'b> MapSerializer<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>) -> Self { let obj = v8::Object::new(&mut *scope.borrow_mut()); Self { scope, obj, next_key: None, } } } impl<'a, 'b> ser::SerializeMap for MapSerializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = JsValue<'a>; type Error = Error; fn serialize_key(&mut self, key: &T) -> Result<()> { debug_assert!(self.next_key.is_none()); self.next_key = Some(key.serialize(Serializer::new(self.scope.clone()))?); Ok(()) } fn serialize_value( &mut self, value: &T, ) -> Result<()> { let v8_value = value.serialize(Serializer::new(self.scope.clone()))?; let scope = &mut *self.scope.borrow_mut(); self.obj.set(scope, self.next_key.take().unwrap(), v8_value); Ok(()) } fn end(self) -> JsResult<'a> { debug_assert!(self.next_key.is_none()); Ok(self.obj.into()) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Serializer<'a, 'b> { scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, } impl<'a, 'b> Serializer<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>) -> Self { Serializer { scope } } } macro_rules! forward_to { ($($name:ident($ty:ty, $to:ident, $lt:lifetime);)*) => { $(fn $name(self, v: $ty) -> JsResult<$lt> { self.$to(v as _) })* }; } impl<'a, 'b> ser::Serializer for Serializer<'a, 'b> { type Ok = v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>; type Error = Error; type SerializeSeq = ArraySerializer<'a, 'b>; type SerializeTuple = ArraySerializer<'a, 'b>; type SerializeTupleStruct = ArraySerializer<'a, 'b>; type SerializeTupleVariant = VariantSerializer<'a, 'b, ArraySerializer<'a, 'b>>; type SerializeMap = MapSerializer<'a, 'b>; type SerializeStruct = StructSerializers<'a, 'b>; type SerializeStructVariant = VariantSerializer<'a, 'b, StructSerializers<'a, 'b>>; forward_to! { serialize_i8(i8, serialize_i32, 'a); serialize_i16(i16, serialize_i32, 'a); serialize_u8(u8, serialize_u32, 'a); serialize_u16(u16, serialize_u32, 'a); serialize_f32(f32, serialize_f64, 'a); serialize_u64(u64, serialize_f64, 'a); serialize_i64(i64, serialize_f64, 'a); } fn serialize_i32(self, v: i32) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::Integer::new(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut(), v).into()) } fn serialize_u32(self, v: u32) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut(), v).into()) } fn serialize_f64(self, v: f64) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::Number::new(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut(), v).into()) } fn serialize_bool(self, v: bool) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::Boolean::new(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut(), v).into()) } fn serialize_char(self, _v: char) -> JsResult<'a> { unimplemented!(); } fn serialize_str(self, v: &str) -> JsResult<'a> { v8::String::new(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut(), v) .map(|v| v.into()) .ok_or(Error::ExpectedString) } fn serialize_bytes(self, _v: &[u8]) -> JsResult<'a> { // TODO: investigate using Uint8Arrays unimplemented!() } fn serialize_none(self) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::null(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut()).into()) } fn serialize_some(self, value: &T) -> JsResult<'a> { value.serialize(self) } fn serialize_unit(self) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::null(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut()).into()) } fn serialize_unit_struct(self, _name: &'static str) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8::null(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut()).into()) } /// For compatibility with serde-json, serialises unit variants as "Variant" strings. fn serialize_unit_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, variant: &'static str, ) -> JsResult<'a> { Ok(v8_struct_key(&mut self.scope.borrow_mut(), variant).into()) } fn serialize_newtype_struct( self, _name: &'static str, value: &T, ) -> JsResult<'a> { value.serialize(self) } fn serialize_newtype_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, variant: &'static str, value: &T, ) -> JsResult<'a> { let scope = self.scope.clone(); let x = self.serialize_newtype_struct(variant, value)?; VariantSerializer::new(scope, variant, x).end(Ok) } /// Serialises any Rust iterable into a JS Array fn serialize_seq(self, _len: Option) -> Result { Ok(ArraySerializer::new(self.scope)) } fn serialize_tuple(self, len: usize) -> Result { self.serialize_seq(Some(len)) } fn serialize_tuple_struct( self, _name: &'static str, len: usize, ) -> Result { self.serialize_tuple(len) } fn serialize_tuple_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, variant: &'static str, len: usize, ) -> Result { Ok(VariantSerializer::new( self.scope.clone(), variant, self.serialize_tuple_struct(variant, len)?, )) } fn serialize_map(self, _len: Option) -> Result { // Serializes a rust Map (e.g: BTreeMap, HashMap) to a v8 Object // TODO: consider allowing serializing to v8 Maps (e.g: via a magic type) // since they're lighter and better suited for K/V data // and maybe restrict keys (e.g: strings and numbers) Ok(MapSerializer::new(self.scope)) } /// Serialises Rust typed structs into plain JS objects. fn serialize_struct( self, name: &'static str, _len: usize, ) -> Result { if name == magic::NAME { let m = MagicSerializer { scope: self.scope, v8_value: None, }; return Ok(StructSerializers::Magic(m)); } let o = ObjectSerializer::new(self.scope); Ok(StructSerializers::Regular(o)) } fn serialize_struct_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, variant: &'static str, len: usize, ) -> Result { let scope = self.scope.clone(); let x = self.serialize_struct(variant, len)?; Ok(VariantSerializer::new(scope, variant, x)) } } macro_rules! not_reachable { ($($name:ident($ty:ty, $lt:lifetime);)*) => { $(fn $name(self, _v: $ty) -> JsResult<$lt> { unreachable!(); })* }; } /// A VERY hackish serde::Serializer /// that exists solely to transmute a u64 to a serde_v8::Value struct MagicTransmuter<'a, 'b> { _scope: ScopePtr<'a, 'b>, } impl<'a, 'b> ser::Serializer for MagicTransmuter<'a, 'b> { type Ok = v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>; type Error = Error; type SerializeSeq = Impossible, Error>; type SerializeTuple = Impossible, Error>; type SerializeTupleStruct = Impossible, Error>; type SerializeTupleVariant = Impossible, Error>; type SerializeMap = Impossible, Error>; type SerializeStruct = Impossible, Error>; type SerializeStructVariant = Impossible, Error>; // The only serialize method for this hackish struct fn serialize_u64(self, v: u64) -> JsResult<'a> { let mv: magic::Value = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(v) }; Ok(mv.v8_value) } not_reachable! { serialize_i8(i8, 'a); serialize_i16(i16, 'a); serialize_i32(i32, 'a); serialize_i64(i64, 'a); serialize_u8(u8, 'a); serialize_u16(u16, 'a); serialize_u32(u32, 'a); // serialize_u64(u64, 'a); the chosen one serialize_f32(f32, 'a); serialize_f64(f64, 'a); serialize_bool(bool, 'a); serialize_char(char, 'a); serialize_str(&str, 'a); serialize_bytes(&[u8], 'a); } fn serialize_none(self) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_some(self, _value: &T) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_unit(self) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_unit_struct(self, _name: &'static str) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } /// For compatibility with serde-json, serialises unit variants as "Variant" strings. fn serialize_unit_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, _variant: &'static str, ) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_newtype_struct( self, _name: &'static str, _value: &T, ) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_newtype_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, _variant: &'static str, _value: &T, ) -> JsResult<'a> { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_seq(self, _len: Option) -> Result { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_tuple(self, _len: usize) -> Result { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_tuple_struct( self, _name: &'static str, _len: usize, ) -> Result { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_tuple_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, _variant: &'static str, _len: usize, ) -> Result { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_map(self, _len: Option) -> Result { unreachable!(); } /// Serialises Rust typed structs into plain JS objects. fn serialize_struct( self, _name: &'static str, _len: usize, ) -> Result { unreachable!(); } fn serialize_struct_variant( self, _name: &'static str, _variant_index: u32, _variant: &'static str, _len: usize, ) -> Result { unreachable!(); } }