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synced 2025-03-09 21:57:40 -04:00

This commit moves implementation of bin ops to "deno_core" crates as well as unifying logic between bin ops and json ops to reuse as much code as possible (both in Rust and JavaScript).
563 lines
15 KiB
563 lines
15 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
"use strict";
((window) => {
const assert = window.__bootstrap.util.assert;
const core = window.Deno.core;
function opStopGlobalTimer() {
function opStartGlobalTimer(timeout) {
return core.jsonOpSync("op_global_timer_start", { timeout });
async function opWaitGlobalTimer() {
await core.jsonOpAsync("op_global_timer");
const nowBytes = new Uint8Array(8);
function opNow() {
core.binOpSync("op_now", 0, nowBytes);
return new DataView(nowBytes.buffer).getFloat64();
function sleepSync(millis = 0) {
return core.jsonOpSync("op_sleep_sync", { millis });
// Derived from https://github.com/vadimg/js_bintrees. MIT Licensed.
class RBNode {
constructor(data) {
this.data = data;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
this.red = true;
getChild(dir) {
return dir ? this.right : this.left;
setChild(dir, val) {
if (dir) {
this.right = val;
} else {
this.left = val;
class RBTree {
#comparator = null;
#root = null;
constructor(comparator) {
this.#comparator = comparator;
this.#root = null;
/** Returns `null` if tree is empty. */
min() {
let res = this.#root;
if (res === null) {
return null;
while (res.left !== null) {
res = res.left;
return res.data;
/** Returns node `data` if found, `null` otherwise. */
find(data) {
let res = this.#root;
while (res !== null) {
const c = this.#comparator(data, res.data);
if (c === 0) {
return res.data;
} else {
res = res.getChild(c > 0);
return null;
/** returns `true` if inserted, `false` if duplicate. */
insert(data) {
let ret = false;
if (this.#root === null) {
// empty tree
this.#root = new RBNode(data);
ret = true;
} else {
const head = new RBNode(null); // fake tree root
let dir = 0;
let last = 0;
// setup
let gp = null; // grandparent
let ggp = head; // grand-grand-parent
let p = null; // parent
let node = this.#root;
ggp.right = this.#root;
// search down
while (true) {
if (node === null) {
// insert new node at the bottom
node = new RBNode(data);
p.setChild(dir, node);
ret = true;
} else if (isRed(node.left) && isRed(node.right)) {
// color flip
node.red = true;
node.left.red = false;
node.right.red = false;
// fix red violation
if (isRed(node) && isRed(p)) {
const dir2 = ggp.right === gp;
if (node === p.getChild(last)) {
ggp.setChild(dir2, singleRotate(gp, !last));
} else {
ggp.setChild(dir2, doubleRotate(gp, !last));
const cmp = this.#comparator(node.data, data);
// stop if found
if (cmp === 0) {
last = dir;
dir = Number(cmp < 0); // Fix type
// update helpers
if (gp !== null) {
ggp = gp;
gp = p;
p = node;
node = node.getChild(dir);
// update root
this.#root = head.right;
// make root black
this.#root.red = false;
return ret;
/** Returns `true` if removed, `false` if not found. */
remove(data) {
if (this.#root === null) {
return false;
const head = new RBNode(null); // fake tree root
let node = head;
node.right = this.#root;
let p = null; // parent
let gp = null; // grand parent
let found = null; // found item
let dir = 1;
while (node.getChild(dir) !== null) {
const last = dir;
// update helpers
gp = p;
p = node;
node = node.getChild(dir);
const cmp = this.#comparator(data, node.data);
dir = cmp > 0;
// save found node
if (cmp === 0) {
found = node;
// push the red node down
if (!isRed(node) && !isRed(node.getChild(dir))) {
if (isRed(node.getChild(!dir))) {
const sr = singleRotate(node, dir);
p.setChild(last, sr);
p = sr;
} else if (!isRed(node.getChild(!dir))) {
const sibling = p.getChild(!last);
if (sibling !== null) {
if (
!isRed(sibling.getChild(!last)) &&
) {
// color flip
p.red = false;
sibling.red = true;
node.red = true;
} else {
const dir2 = gp.right === p;
if (isRed(sibling.getChild(last))) {
gp.setChild(dir2, doubleRotate(p, last));
} else if (isRed(sibling.getChild(!last))) {
gp.setChild(dir2, singleRotate(p, last));
// ensure correct coloring
const gpc = gp.getChild(dir2);
gpc.red = true;
node.red = true;
gpc.left.red = false;
gpc.right.red = false;
// replace and remove if found
if (found !== null) {
found.data = node.data;
p.setChild(p.right === node, node.getChild(node.left === null));
// update root and make it black
this.#root = head.right;
if (this.#root !== null) {
this.#root.red = false;
return found !== null;
function isRed(node) {
return node !== null && node.red;
function singleRotate(root, dir) {
const save = root.getChild(!dir);
root.setChild(!dir, save.getChild(dir));
save.setChild(dir, root);
root.red = true;
save.red = false;
return save;
function doubleRotate(root, dir) {
root.setChild(!dir, singleRotate(root.getChild(!dir), !dir));
return singleRotate(root, dir);
const { console } = globalThis;
const OriginalDateNow = Date.now;
// Timeout values > TIMEOUT_MAX are set to 1.
const TIMEOUT_MAX = 2 ** 31 - 1;
let globalTimeoutDue = null;
let nextTimerId = 1;
const idMap = new Map();
const dueTree = new RBTree((a, b) => a.due - b.due);
function clearGlobalTimeout() {
globalTimeoutDue = null;
let pendingEvents = 0;
const pendingFireTimers = [];
/** Process and run a single ready timer macrotask.
* This function should be registered through Deno.core.setMacrotaskCallback.
* Returns true when all ready macrotasks have been processed, false if more
* ready ones are available. The Isolate future would rely on the return value
* to repeatedly invoke this function until depletion. Multiple invocations
* of this function one at a time ensures newly ready microtasks are processed
* before next macrotask timer callback is invoked. */
function handleTimerMacrotask() {
if (pendingFireTimers.length > 0) {
return pendingFireTimers.length === 0;
return true;
async function setGlobalTimeout(due, now) {
// Since JS and Rust don't use the same clock, pass the time to rust as a
// relative time value. On the Rust side we'll turn that into an absolute
// value again.
const timeout = due - now;
assert(timeout >= 0);
// Send message to the backend.
globalTimeoutDue = due;
// FIXME(bartlomieju): this is problematic, because `clearGlobalTimeout`
// is synchronous. That means that timer is cancelled, but this promise is still pending
// until next turn of event loop. This leads to "leaking of async ops" in tests;
// because `clearTimeout/clearInterval` might be the last statement in test function
// `opSanitizer` will immediately complain that there is pending op going on, unless
// some timeout/defer is put in place to allow promise resolution.
// Ideally `clearGlobalTimeout` doesn't return until this op is resolved, but
// I'm not if that's possible.
await opWaitGlobalTimer();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
function prepareReadyTimers() {
const now = OriginalDateNow();
// Bail out if we're not expecting the global timer to fire.
if (globalTimeoutDue === null || pendingEvents > 0) {
// After firing the timers that are due now, this will hold the first timer
// list that hasn't fired yet.
let nextDueNode;
while ((nextDueNode = dueTree.min()) !== null && nextDueNode.due <= now) {
// Fire all the timers in the list.
for (const timer of nextDueNode.timers) {
// With the list dropped, the timer is no longer scheduled.
timer.scheduled = false;
// Place the callback to pending timers to fire.
setOrClearGlobalTimeout(nextDueNode && nextDueNode.due, now);
function setOrClearGlobalTimeout(due, now) {
if (due == null) {
} else {
setGlobalTimeout(due, now);
function schedule(timer, now) {
assert(now <= timer.due);
// Find or create the list of timers that will fire at point-in-time `due`.
const maybeNewDueNode = { due: timer.due, timers: [] };
let dueNode = dueTree.find(maybeNewDueNode);
if (dueNode === null) {
dueNode = maybeNewDueNode;
// Append the newly scheduled timer to the list and mark it as scheduled.
timer.scheduled = true;
// If the new timer is scheduled to fire before any timer that existed before,
// update the global timeout to reflect this.
if (globalTimeoutDue === null || globalTimeoutDue > timer.due) {
setOrClearGlobalTimeout(timer.due, now);
function unschedule(timer) {
// Check if our timer is pending scheduling or pending firing.
// If either is true, they are not in tree, and their idMap entry
// will be deleted soon. Remove it from queue.
let index = -1;
if ((index = pendingFireTimers.indexOf(timer)) >= 0) {
// If timer is not in the 2 pending queues and is unscheduled,
// it is not in the tree.
if (!timer.scheduled) {
const searchKey = { due: timer.due, timers: [] };
// Find the list of timers that will fire at point-in-time `due`.
const list = dueTree.find(searchKey).timers;
if (list.length === 1) {
// Time timer is the only one in the list. Remove the entire list.
assert(list[0] === timer);
// If the unscheduled timer was 'next up', find when the next timer that
// still exists is due, and update the global alarm accordingly.
if (timer.due === globalTimeoutDue) {
const nextDueNode = dueTree.min();
nextDueNode && nextDueNode.due,
} else {
// Multiple timers that are due at the same point in time.
// Remove this timer from the list.
const index = list.indexOf(timer);
assert(index > -1);
list.splice(index, 1);
function fire(timer) {
// If the timer isn't found in the ID map, that means it has been cancelled
// between the timer firing and the promise callback (this function).
if (!idMap.has(timer.id)) {
// Reschedule the timer if it is a repeating one, otherwise drop it.
if (!timer.repeat) {
// One-shot timer: remove the timer from this id-to-timer map.
} else {
// Interval timer: compute when timer was supposed to fire next.
// However make sure to never schedule the next interval in the past.
const now = OriginalDateNow();
timer.due = Math.max(now, timer.due + timer.delay);
schedule(timer, now);
// Call the user callback. Intermediate assignment is to avoid leaking `this`
// to it, while also keeping the stack trace neat when it shows up in there.
const callback = timer.callback;
if ("function" === typeof callback) {
} else {
function checkThis(thisArg) {
if (thisArg !== null && thisArg !== undefined && thisArg !== globalThis) {
throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation");
function setTimer(
) {
// If the callack is a function, bind `args` to the callback and bind `this` to globalThis(global).
// otherwise call `String` on it, and `eval` it on calls; do not pass variardic args to the string
let callback;
if ("function" === typeof cb) {
callback = Function.prototype.bind.call(cb, globalThis, ...args);
} else {
callback = String(cb);
args = []; // args are ignored
// In the browser, the delay value must be coercible to an integer between 0
// and INT32_MAX. Any other value will cause the timer to fire immediately.
// We emulate this behavior.
const now = OriginalDateNow();
if (delay > TIMEOUT_MAX) {
`${delay} does not fit into` +
" a 32-bit signed integer." +
"\nTimeout duration was set to 1.",
delay = 1;
delay = Math.max(0, delay | 0);
// Create a new, unscheduled timer object.
const timer = {
id: nextTimerId++,
due: now + delay,
scheduled: false,
// Register the timer's existence in the id-to-timer map.
idMap.set(timer.id, timer);
// Schedule the timer in the due table.
schedule(timer, now);
return timer.id;
function setTimeout(
delay = 0,
) {
delay >>>= 0;
return setTimer(cb, delay, args, false);
function setInterval(
delay = 0,
) {
delay >>>= 0;
return setTimer(cb, delay, args, true);
function clearTimer(id) {
id >>>= 0;
const timer = idMap.get(id);
if (timer === undefined) {
// Timer doesn't exist any more or never existed. This is not an error.
// Unschedule the timer if it is currently scheduled, and forget about it.
function clearTimeout(id = 0) {
id >>>= 0;
if (id === 0) {
function clearInterval(id = 0) {
id >>>= 0;
if (id === 0) {
window.__bootstrap.timers = {