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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, assertEquals } from "../../../std/testing/asserts.ts";
export {
} from "../../../std/testing/asserts.ts";
export { readLines } from "../../../std/io/bufio.ts";
export { parse as parseArgs } from "../../../std/flags/mod.ts";
export interface Permissions {
read: boolean;
write: boolean;
net: boolean;
env: boolean;
run: boolean;
plugin: boolean;
hrtime: boolean;
export function fmtPerms(perms: Permissions): string {
const p = Object.keys(perms)
.filter((e): boolean => perms[e as keyof Permissions] === true)
.map(key => `--allow-${key}`);
if (p.length) {
return p.join(" ");
return "<no permissions>";
const isGranted = async (name: Deno.PermissionName): Promise<boolean> =>
(await Deno.permissions.query({ name })).state === "granted";
export async function getProcessPermissions(): Promise<Permissions> {
return {
run: await isGranted("run"),
read: await isGranted("read"),
write: await isGranted("write"),
net: await isGranted("net"),
env: await isGranted("env"),
plugin: await isGranted("plugin"),
hrtime: await isGranted("hrtime")
export function permissionsMatch(
processPerms: Permissions,
requiredPerms: Permissions
): boolean {
for (const permName in processPerms) {
if (
processPerms[permName as keyof Permissions] !==
requiredPerms[permName as keyof Permissions]
) {
return false;
return true;
export const permissionCombinations: Map<string, Permissions> = new Map();
function permToString(perms: Permissions): string {
const r = perms.read ? 1 : 0;
const w = perms.write ? 1 : 0;
const n = perms.net ? 1 : 0;
const e = perms.env ? 1 : 0;
const u = perms.run ? 1 : 0;
const p = perms.plugin ? 1 : 0;
const h = perms.hrtime ? 1 : 0;
return `permR${r}W${w}N${n}E${e}U${u}P${p}H${h}`;
function registerPermCombination(perms: Permissions): void {
const key = permToString(perms);
if (!permissionCombinations.has(key)) {
permissionCombinations.set(key, perms);
export async function registerUnitTests(): Promise<void> {
const processPerms = await getProcessPermissions();
for (const unitTestDefinition of REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS) {
if (!permissionsMatch(processPerms, unitTestDefinition.perms)) {
function normalizeTestPermissions(perms: UnitTestPermissions): Permissions {
return {
read: !!perms.read,
write: !!perms.write,
net: !!perms.net,
run: !!perms.run,
env: !!perms.env,
plugin: !!perms.plugin,
hrtime: !!perms.hrtime
// Wrap `TestFunction` in additional assertion that makes sure
// the test case does not leak async "ops" - ie. number of async
// completed ops after the test is the same as number of dispatched
// ops. Note that "unref" ops are ignored since in nature that are
// optional.
function assertOps(fn: Deno.TestFunction): Deno.TestFunction {
return async function asyncOpSanitizer(): Promise<void> {
const pre = Deno.metrics();
await fn();
const post = Deno.metrics();
// We're checking diff because one might spawn HTTP server in the background
// that will be a pending async op before test starts.
post.opsDispatchedAsync - pre.opsDispatchedAsync,
post.opsCompletedAsync - pre.opsCompletedAsync,
`Test case is leaking async ops.
- dispatched: ${pre.opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${pre.opsCompletedAsync}
- dispatched: ${post.opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${post.opsCompletedAsync}`
// Wrap `TestFunction` in additional assertion that makes sure
// the test case does not "leak" resources - ie. resource table after
// the test has exactly the same contents as before the test.
function assertResources(fn: Deno.TestFunction): Deno.TestFunction {
return async function resourceSanitizer(): Promise<void> {
const pre = Deno.resources();
await fn();
const post = Deno.resources();
const msg = `Test case is leaking resources.
Before: ${JSON.stringify(pre, null, 2)}
After: ${JSON.stringify(post, null, 2)}`;
assertEquals(pre, post, msg);
interface UnitTestPermissions {
read?: boolean;
write?: boolean;
net?: boolean;
env?: boolean;
run?: boolean;
plugin?: boolean;
hrtime?: boolean;
interface UnitTestOptions {
skip?: boolean;
perms?: UnitTestPermissions;
interface UnitTestDefinition extends Deno.TestDefinition {
skip: boolean;
perms: Permissions;
export const REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS: UnitTestDefinition[] = [];
export function unitTest(fn: Deno.TestFunction): void;
export function unitTest(options: UnitTestOptions, fn: Deno.TestFunction): void;
export function unitTest(
optionsOrFn: UnitTestOptions | Deno.TestFunction,
maybeFn?: Deno.TestFunction
): void {
assert(optionsOrFn, "At least one argument is required");
let options: UnitTestOptions;
let name: string;
let fn: Deno.TestFunction;
if (typeof optionsOrFn === "function") {
options = {};
fn = optionsOrFn;
name = fn.name;
assert(name, "Missing test function name");
} else {
options = optionsOrFn;
assert(maybeFn, "Missing test function definition");
typeof maybeFn === "function",
"Second argument should be test function definition"
fn = maybeFn;
name = fn.name;
assert(name, "Missing test function name");
const normalizedPerms = normalizeTestPermissions(options.perms || {});
const unitTestDefinition: UnitTestDefinition = {
fn: assertResources(assertOps(fn)),
skip: !!options.skip,
perms: normalizedPerms
export interface ResolvableMethods<T> {
resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
reject: (reason?: any) => void;
export type Resolvable<T> = Promise<T> & ResolvableMethods<T>;
export function createResolvable<T>(): Resolvable<T> {
let methods: ResolvableMethods<T>;
const promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject): void => {
methods = { resolve, reject };
// TypeScript doesn't know that the Promise callback occurs synchronously
// therefore use of not null assertion (`!`)
return Object.assign(promise, methods!) as Resolvable<T>;
export class SocketReporter implements Deno.TestReporter {
private encoder: TextEncoder;
constructor(private conn: Deno.Conn) {
this.encoder = new TextEncoder();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async write(msg: any): Promise<void> {
const encodedMsg = this.encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(msg) + "\n");
await Deno.writeAll(this.conn, encodedMsg);
async start(msg: Deno.TestEventStart): Promise<void> {
await this.write(msg);
async testStart(msg: Deno.TestEventTestStart): Promise<void> {
await this.write(msg);
async testEnd(msg: Deno.TestEventTestEnd): Promise<void> {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const serializedMsg: any = { ...msg };
// Error is a JS object, so we need to turn it into string to
// send over socket.
if (serializedMsg.result.error) {
serializedMsg.result.error = String(serializedMsg.result.error.stack);
await this.write(serializedMsg);
async end(msg: Deno.TestEventEnd): Promise<void> {
const encodedMsg = this.encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(msg));
await Deno.writeAll(this.conn, encodedMsg);
unitTest(function permissionsMatches(): void {
read: true,
write: false,
net: false,
env: false,
run: false,
plugin: false,
hrtime: false
normalizeTestPermissions({ read: true })
read: false,
write: false,
net: false,
env: false,
run: false,
plugin: false,
hrtime: false
read: false,
write: true,
net: true,
env: true,
run: true,
plugin: true,
hrtime: true
normalizeTestPermissions({ read: true })
read: true,
write: false,
net: true,
env: false,
run: false,
plugin: false,
hrtime: false
normalizeTestPermissions({ read: true })
read: true,
write: true,
net: true,
env: true,
run: true,
plugin: true,
hrtime: true
read: true,
write: true,
net: true,
env: true,
run: true,
plugin: true,
hrtime: true
* Ensure all unit test files (e.g. xxx_test.ts) are present as imports in
* cli/js/tests/unit_tests.ts as it is easy to miss this out
{ perms: { read: true } },
async function assertAllUnitTestFilesImported(): Promise<void> {
const directoryTestFiles = Deno.readdirSync("./cli/js/tests/")
.map(k => k.name)
file =>
file!.endsWith(".ts") &&
!file!.endsWith("unit_tests.ts") &&
!file!.endsWith("test_util.ts") &&
const unitTestsFile: Uint8Array = Deno.readFileSync(
const importLines = new TextDecoder("utf-8")
.filter(line => line.startsWith("import"));
const importedTestFiles = importLines.map(
relativeFilePath => relativeFilePath.match(/\/([^\/]+)";/)![1]
directoryTestFiles.forEach(dirFile => {
if (!importedTestFiles.includes(dirFile!)) {
throw new Error(
"cil/js/tests/unit_tests.ts is missing import of test file: cli/js/" +