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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-03 17:34:47 -05:00
Ryan Dahl 08d3850fa8 Add tests.ts for fast unit tests.
Also deno_testing/ which will be released as a standalone module.
2018-05-28 13:27:05 -04:00

328 lines
9.3 KiB

// Glossary
// outputCode = generated javascript code
// sourceCode = typescript code (or input javascript code)
// moduleName = a resolved module name
// fileName = an unresolved raw fileName.
// for http modules , its the path to the locally downloaded
// version.
import * as ts from "typescript";
import * as util from "./util";
import { log } from "./util";
import * as os from "./os";
import { pub, sub } from "./dispatch";
import * as sourceMaps from "./v8_source_maps";
import { _global, globalEval } from "./globals";
const EOL = "\n";
// Public deno module.
const deno = {
readFileSync: os.readFileSync
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
type AmdFactory = (...args: any[]) => undefined | object;
type AmdDefine = (deps: string[], factory: AmdFactory) => void;
// Uncaught exceptions are sent to window.onerror by v8worker2.
window.onerror = (message, source, lineno, colno, error) => {
// TODO Currently there is a bug in v8_source_maps.ts that causes a segfault
// if it is used within window.onerror. To workaround we uninstall the
// Error.prepareStackTrace handler. Users will get unmapped stack traces on
// uncaught exceptions until this issue is fixed.
Error.prepareStackTrace = null;
console.log(error.message, error.stack);
export function setup(mainJs: string, mainMap: string): void {
installPrepareStackTrace: true,
getGeneratedContents: (filename: string): string => {
if (filename === "/main.js") {
return mainJs;
} else if (filename === "/main.map") {
return mainMap;
} else {
const mod = FileModule.load(filename);
if (!mod) {
console.error("getGeneratedContents cannot find", filename);
return mod.outputCode;
// This class represents a module. We call it FileModule to make it explicit
// that each module represents a single file.
// Access to FileModule instances should only be done thru the static method
// FileModule.load(). FileModules are NOT executed upon first load, only when
// compileAndRun is called.
export class FileModule {
scriptVersion: string = undefined;
readonly exports = {};
private static readonly map = new Map<string, FileModule>();
readonly fileName: string,
readonly sourceCode = "",
public outputCode = ""
) {
`FileModule.map already has ${fileName}`
FileModule.map.set(fileName, this);
if (outputCode !== "") {
this.scriptVersion = "1";
compileAndRun(): void {
if (!this.outputCode) {
// If there is no cached outputCode, the compile the code.
this.sourceCode != null && this.sourceCode.length > 0,
`Have no source code from ${this.fileName}`
const compiler = Compiler.instance();
this.outputCode = compiler.compile(this.fileName);
os.codeCache(this.fileName, this.sourceCode, this.outputCode);
util.log("compileAndRun", this.sourceCode);
execute(this.fileName, this.outputCode);
static load(fileName: string): FileModule {
return this.map.get(fileName);
static getScriptsWithSourceCode(): string[] {
const out = [];
for (const fn of this.map.keys()) {
const m = this.map.get(fn);
if (m.sourceCode) {
return out;
export function makeDefine(fileName: string): AmdDefine {
const localDefine = (deps: string[], factory: AmdFactory): void => {
const localRequire = (x: string) => {
log("localRequire", x);
const currentModule = FileModule.load(fileName);
const localExports = currentModule.exports;
log("localDefine", fileName, deps, localExports);
const args = deps.map(dep => {
if (dep === "require") {
return localRequire;
} else if (dep === "exports") {
return localExports;
} else if (dep === "deno") {
return deno;
} else {
const resolved = resolveModuleName(dep, fileName);
const depModule = FileModule.load(resolved);
return depModule.exports;
return localDefine;
export function resolveModule(
moduleSpecifier: string,
containingFile: string
): null | FileModule {
//util.log("resolveModule", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile });
util.assert(moduleSpecifier != null && moduleSpecifier.length > 0);
// We ask golang to sourceCodeFetch. It will load the sourceCode and if
// there is any outputCode cached, it will return that as well.
const { filename, sourceCode, outputCode } = os.codeFetch(
if (sourceCode.length === 0) {
return null;
util.log("resolveModule sourceCode length ", sourceCode.length);
const m = FileModule.load(filename);
if (m != null) {
return m;
} else {
return new FileModule(filename, sourceCode, outputCode);
function resolveModuleName(
moduleSpecifier: string,
containingFile: string
): string {
const mod = resolveModule(moduleSpecifier, containingFile);
return mod.fileName;
function execute(fileName: string, outputCode: string): void {
util.assert(outputCode && outputCode.length > 0);
_global["define"] = makeDefine(fileName);
outputCode += "\n//# sourceURL=" + fileName;
_global["define"] = null;
// This is a singleton class. Use Compiler.instance() to access.
class Compiler {
options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
allowJs: true,
module: ts.ModuleKind.AMD,
outDir: "$deno$",
inlineSourceMap: true,
lib: ["es2017"],
inlineSources: true,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017
allowJs: true,
module: ts.ModuleKind.AMD,
noEmit: false,
outDir: '$deno$',
private service: ts.LanguageService;
private constructor() {
const host = new TypeScriptHost(this.options);
this.service = ts.createLanguageService(host);
private static _instance: Compiler;
static instance(): Compiler {
return this._instance || (this._instance = new this());
compile(fileName: string): string {
const output = this.service.getEmitOutput(fileName);
// Get the relevant diagnostics - this is 3x faster than
// `getPreEmitDiagnostics`.
const diagnostics = this.service
if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
const errMsg = ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(
const outputCode = output.outputFiles[0].text;
// let sourceMapCode = output.outputFiles[0].text;
return outputCode;
// Create the compiler host for type checking.
class TypeScriptHost implements ts.LanguageServiceHost {
constructor(readonly options: ts.CompilerOptions) {}
getScriptFileNames(): string[] {
const keys = FileModule.getScriptsWithSourceCode();
util.log("getScriptFileNames", keys);
return keys;
getScriptVersion(fileName: string): string {
util.log("getScriptVersion", fileName);
const m = FileModule.load(fileName);
return m.scriptVersion;
getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string): ts.IScriptSnapshot | undefined {
util.log("getScriptSnapshot", fileName);
const m = resolveModule(fileName, ".");
if (m == null) {
util.log("getScriptSnapshot", fileName, "NOT FOUND");
return undefined;
//const m = resolveModule(fileName, ".");
util.assert(m.sourceCode.length > 0);
return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(m.sourceCode);
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean {
const m = resolveModule(fileName, ".");
const exists = m != null;
util.log("fileExist", fileName, exists);
return exists;
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined {
util.log("readFile", path);
throw Error("not implemented");
getNewLine() {
return EOL;
getCurrentDirectory() {
return ".";
getCompilationSettings() {
return this.options;
getDefaultLibFileName(options: ts.CompilerOptions): string {
const fn = ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options);
util.log("getDefaultLibFileName", fn);
const m = resolveModule(fn, "/$asset$/");
return m.fileName;
moduleNames: string[],
containingFile: string,
reusedNames?: string[]
): Array<ts.ResolvedModule | undefined> {
//util.log("resolveModuleNames", { moduleNames, reusedNames });
return moduleNames.map((name: string) => {
let resolvedFileName;
if (name === "deno") {
resolvedFileName = resolveModuleName("deno.d.ts", "/$asset$/");
} else {
resolvedFileName = resolveModuleName(name, containingFile);
const isExternalLibraryImport = false;
return { resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport };
const formatDiagnosticsHost: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = {
getCurrentDirectory(): string {
return ".";
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string {
return fileName;
getNewLine(): string {
return EOL;