mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 21:57:40 -04:00

Keep a cache for source maps and source lines. We sort of already had a cache argument for source map lookup functions but we just passed an empty map instead of storing it. Extended it to cache source line lookups as well and plugged it into runtime state.
213 lines
6.1 KiB
213 lines
6.1 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
//! This mod provides DenoError to unify errors across Deno.
use crate::colors::cyan;
use crate::colors::italic_bold;
use crate::colors::red;
use crate::colors::yellow;
use deno_core::error::format_file_name;
use deno_core::error::JsError;
use deno_core::error::JsStackFrame;
// Keep in sync with `/core/error.js`.
pub fn format_location(frame: &JsStackFrame) -> String {
let _internal = frame
.map_or(false, |f| f.starts_with("deno:"));
if frame.is_native {
return cyan("native").to_string();
let mut result = String::new();
let file_name = frame.file_name.clone().unwrap_or_default();
if !file_name.is_empty() {
result += &cyan(&format_file_name(&file_name)).to_string();
} else {
if frame.is_eval {
result +=
&(cyan(&frame.eval_origin.as_ref().unwrap()).to_string() + ", ");
result += &cyan("<anonymous>").to_string();
if let Some(line_number) = frame.line_number {
result += &format!("{}{}", ":", yellow(&line_number.to_string()));
if let Some(column_number) = frame.column_number {
result += &format!("{}{}", ":", yellow(&column_number.to_string()));
fn format_frame(frame: &JsStackFrame) -> String {
let _internal = frame
.map_or(false, |f| f.starts_with("deno:"));
let is_method_call =
!(frame.is_top_level.unwrap_or_default() || frame.is_constructor);
let mut result = String::new();
if frame.is_async {
result += "async ";
if frame.is_promise_all {
result += &italic_bold(&format!(
"Promise.all (index {})",
return result;
if is_method_call {
let mut formatted_method = String::new();
if let Some(function_name) = &frame.function_name {
if let Some(type_name) = &frame.type_name {
if !function_name.starts_with(type_name) {
formatted_method += &format!("{}.", type_name);
formatted_method += function_name;
if let Some(method_name) = &frame.method_name {
if !function_name.ends_with(method_name) {
formatted_method += &format!(" [as {}]", method_name);
} else {
if let Some(type_name) = &frame.type_name {
formatted_method += &format!("{}.", type_name);
if let Some(method_name) = &frame.method_name {
formatted_method += method_name
} else {
formatted_method += "<anonymous>";
result += &italic_bold(&formatted_method).to_string();
} else if frame.is_constructor {
result += "new ";
if let Some(function_name) = &frame.function_name {
result += &italic_bold(&function_name).to_string();
} else {
result += &cyan("<anonymous>").to_string();
} else if let Some(function_name) = &frame.function_name {
result += &italic_bold(&function_name).to_string();
} else {
result += &format_location(frame);
return result;
result += &format!(" ({})", format_location(frame));
/// Take an optional source line and associated information to format it into
/// a pretty printed version of that line.
fn format_maybe_source_line(
source_line: Option<&str>,
column_number: Option<i64>,
is_error: bool,
level: usize,
) -> String {
if source_line.is_none() || column_number.is_none() {
return "".to_string();
let source_line = source_line.unwrap();
// sometimes source_line gets set with an empty string, which then outputs
// an empty source line when displayed, so need just short circuit here.
if source_line.is_empty() {
return "".to_string();
if source_line.contains("Couldn't format source line: ") {
return format!("\n{}", source_line);
let mut s = String::new();
let column_number = column_number.unwrap();
if column_number as usize > source_line.len() {
return format!(
"\n{} Couldn't format source line: Column {} is out of bounds (source may have changed at runtime)",
crate::colors::yellow("Warning"), column_number,
for _i in 0..(column_number - 1) {
if source_line.chars().nth(_i as usize).unwrap() == '\t' {
} else {
s.push(' ');
let color_underline = if is_error {
} else {
let indent = format!("{:indent$}", "", indent = level);
format!("\n{}{}\n{}{}", indent, source_line, indent, color_underline)
fn format_js_error_inner(js_error: &JsError, is_child: bool) -> String {
let mut s = String::new();
if let Some(aggregated) = &js_error.aggregated {
for aggregated_error in aggregated {
let error_string = format_js_error_inner(aggregated_error, true);
for line in error_string.trim_start_matches("Uncaught ").lines() {
s.push_str(&format!("\n {}", line));
let column_number = js_error
.and_then(|i| js_error.frames.get(i).unwrap().column_number);
if is_child {
} else {
for frame in &js_error.frames {
s.push_str(&format!("\n at {}", format_frame(frame)));
if let Some(cause) = &js_error.cause {
let error_string = format_js_error_inner(cause, true);
"\nCaused by: {}",
error_string.trim_start_matches("Uncaught ")
pub fn format_js_error(js_error: &JsError) -> String {
format_js_error_inner(js_error, false)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test_util::strip_ansi_codes;
fn test_format_none_source_line() {
let actual = format_maybe_source_line(None, None, false, 0);
assert_eq!(actual, "");
fn test_format_some_source_line() {
let actual =
format_maybe_source_line(Some("console.log('foo');"), Some(9), true, 0);
"\nconsole.log(\'foo\');\n ^"