mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 20:27:05 -05:00
1710 lines
45 KiB
1710 lines
45 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license.
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fmt::Write as _;
use std::sync::Arc;
use deno_ast::swc::ast;
use deno_ast::swc::atoms::Atom;
use deno_ast::swc::common::collections::AHashSet;
use deno_ast::swc::common::comments::CommentKind;
use deno_ast::swc::common::DUMMY_SP;
use deno_ast::swc::utils as swc_utils;
use deno_ast::swc::visit::as_folder;
use deno_ast::swc::visit::FoldWith as _;
use deno_ast::swc::visit::Visit;
use deno_ast::swc::visit::VisitMut;
use deno_ast::swc::visit::VisitWith as _;
use deno_ast::MediaType;
use deno_ast::SourceRangedForSpanned as _;
use deno_cache_dir::file_fetcher::File;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier;
use regex::Regex;
use crate::file_fetcher::TextDecodedFile;
use crate::util::path::mapped_specifier_for_tsc;
/// Extracts doc tests from a given file, transforms them into pseudo test
/// files by wrapping the content of the doc tests in a `Deno.test` call, and
/// returns a list of the pseudo test files.
/// The difference from [`extract_snippet_files`] is that this function wraps
/// extracted code snippets in a `Deno.test` call.
pub fn extract_doc_tests(file: File) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> {
extract_inner(file, WrapKind::DenoTest)
/// Extracts code snippets from a given file and returns a list of the extracted
/// files.
/// The difference from [`extract_doc_tests`] is that this function does *not*
/// wrap extracted code snippets in a `Deno.test` call.
pub fn extract_snippet_files(file: File) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> {
extract_inner(file, WrapKind::NoWrap)
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum WrapKind {
fn extract_inner(
file: File,
wrap_kind: WrapKind,
) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> {
let file = TextDecodedFile::decode(file)?;
let exports = match deno_ast::parse_program(deno_ast::ParseParams {
specifier: file.specifier.clone(),
text: file.source.clone(),
media_type: file.media_type,
capture_tokens: false,
scope_analysis: false,
maybe_syntax: None,
}) {
Ok(parsed) => {
let mut c = ExportCollector::default();
Err(_) => ExportCollector::default(),
let extracted_files = if file.media_type == MediaType::Unknown {
} else {
.map(|extracted_file| {
generate_pseudo_file(extracted_file, &file.specifier, &exports, wrap_kind)
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()
fn extract_files_from_fenced_blocks(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
source: &str,
media_type: MediaType,
) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> {
// The pattern matches code blocks as well as anything in HTML comment syntax,
// but it stores the latter without any capturing groups. This way, a simple
// check can be done to see if a block is inside a comment (and skip typechecking)
// or not by checking for the presence of capturing groups in the matches.
let blocks_regex =
let lines_regex = lazy_regex::regex!(r"(?:\# ?)?(.*)");
/* file line index */ 0,
fn extract_files_from_source_comments(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
source: Arc<str>,
media_type: MediaType,
) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> {
let parsed_source = deno_ast::parse_module(deno_ast::ParseParams {
specifier: specifier.clone(),
text: source,
capture_tokens: false,
maybe_syntax: None,
scope_analysis: false,
let comments = parsed_source.comments().get_vec();
let blocks_regex = lazy_regex::regex!(r"```([^\r\n]*)\r?\n([\S\s]*?)```");
let lines_regex = lazy_regex::regex!(r"(?:\* ?)(?:\# ?)?(.*)");
let files = comments
.filter(|comment| {
if comment.kind != CommentKind::Block || !comment.text.starts_with('*') {
return false;
.flat_map(|comment| {
fn extract_files_from_regex_blocks(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
source: &str,
media_type: MediaType,
file_line_index: usize,
blocks_regex: &Regex,
lines_regex: &Regex,
) -> Result<Vec<File>, AnyError> {
let files = blocks_regex
.filter_map(|block| {
let maybe_attributes: Option<Vec<_>> = block
.map(|attributes| attributes.as_str().split(' ').collect());
let file_media_type = if let Some(attributes) = maybe_attributes {
if attributes.contains(&"ignore") {
return None;
match attributes.first() {
Some(&"js") => MediaType::JavaScript,
Some(&"javascript") => MediaType::JavaScript,
Some(&"mjs") => MediaType::Mjs,
Some(&"cjs") => MediaType::Cjs,
Some(&"jsx") => MediaType::Jsx,
Some(&"ts") => MediaType::TypeScript,
Some(&"typescript") => MediaType::TypeScript,
Some(&"mts") => MediaType::Mts,
Some(&"cts") => MediaType::Cts,
Some(&"tsx") => MediaType::Tsx,
_ => MediaType::Unknown,
} else {
if file_media_type == MediaType::Unknown {
return None;
let line_offset = source[0..block.get(0).unwrap().start()]
.filter(|c| *c == '\n')
let line_count = block.get(0).unwrap().as_str().split('\n').count();
let body = block.get(2).unwrap();
let text = body.as_str();
// TODO(caspervonb) generate an inline source map
let mut file_source = String::new();
for line in lines_regex.captures_iter(text) {
let text = line.get(1).unwrap();
writeln!(file_source, "{}", text.as_str()).unwrap();
let file_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse(&format!(
file_line_index + line_offset + 1,
file_line_index + line_offset + line_count + 1,
let file_specifier =
mapped_specifier_for_tsc(&file_specifier, file_media_type)
.map(|s| ModuleSpecifier::parse(&s).unwrap())
Some(File {
url: file_specifier,
maybe_headers: None,
source: file_source.into_bytes().into(),
struct ExportCollector {
named_exports: BTreeSet<Atom>,
default_export: Option<Atom>,
impl ExportCollector {
fn to_import_specifiers(
symbols_to_exclude: &AHashSet<Atom>,
) -> Vec<ast::ImportSpecifier> {
let mut import_specifiers = vec![];
if let Some(default_export) = &self.default_export {
// If the default export conflicts with a named export, a named one
// takes precedence.
if !symbols_to_exclude.contains(default_export)
&& !self.named_exports.contains(default_export)
ast::ImportDefaultSpecifier {
span: DUMMY_SP,
local: ast::Ident {
span: DUMMY_SP,
ctxt: Default::default(),
sym: default_export.clone(),
optional: false,
for named_export in &self.named_exports {
if symbols_to_exclude.contains(named_export) {
ast::ImportNamedSpecifier {
span: DUMMY_SP,
local: ast::Ident {
span: DUMMY_SP,
ctxt: Default::default(),
sym: named_export.clone(),
optional: false,
imported: None,
is_type_only: false,
impl Visit for ExportCollector {
fn visit_ts_module_decl(&mut self, ts_module_decl: &ast::TsModuleDecl) {
if ts_module_decl.declare {
fn visit_export_decl(&mut self, export_decl: &ast::ExportDecl) {
match &export_decl.decl {
ast::Decl::Class(class) => {
ast::Decl::Fn(func) => {
ast::Decl::Var(var) => {
for var_decl in &var.decls {
let atoms = extract_sym_from_pat(&var_decl.name);
ast::Decl::TsEnum(ts_enum) => {
ast::Decl::TsModule(ts_module) => {
if ts_module.declare {
match &ts_module.id {
ast::TsModuleName::Ident(ident) => {
ast::TsModuleName::Str(s) => {
ast::Decl::TsTypeAlias(ts_type_alias) => {
ast::Decl::TsInterface(ts_interface) => {
ast::Decl::Using(_) => {}
fn visit_export_default_decl(
&mut self,
export_default_decl: &ast::ExportDefaultDecl,
) {
match &export_default_decl.decl {
ast::DefaultDecl::Class(class) => {
if let Some(ident) = &class.ident {
self.default_export = Some(ident.sym.clone());
ast::DefaultDecl::Fn(func) => {
if let Some(ident) = &func.ident {
self.default_export = Some(ident.sym.clone());
ast::DefaultDecl::TsInterfaceDecl(iface_decl) => {
self.default_export = Some(iface_decl.id.sym.clone());
fn visit_export_default_expr(
&mut self,
export_default_expr: &ast::ExportDefaultExpr,
) {
if let ast::Expr::Ident(ident) = &*export_default_expr.expr {
self.default_export = Some(ident.sym.clone());
fn visit_export_named_specifier(
&mut self,
export_named_specifier: &ast::ExportNamedSpecifier,
) {
fn get_atom(export_name: &ast::ModuleExportName) -> Atom {
match export_name {
ast::ModuleExportName::Ident(ident) => ident.sym.clone(),
ast::ModuleExportName::Str(s) => s.value.clone(),
match &export_named_specifier.exported {
Some(exported) => {
None => {
fn visit_named_export(&mut self, named_export: &ast::NamedExport) {
// ExportCollector does not handle re-exports
if named_export.src.is_some() {
fn extract_sym_from_pat(pat: &ast::Pat) -> Vec<Atom> {
fn rec(pat: &ast::Pat, atoms: &mut Vec<Atom>) {
match pat {
ast::Pat::Ident(binding_ident) => {
ast::Pat::Array(array_pat) => {
for elem in array_pat.elems.iter().flatten() {
rec(elem, atoms);
ast::Pat::Rest(rest_pat) => {
rec(&rest_pat.arg, atoms);
ast::Pat::Object(object_pat) => {
for prop in &object_pat.props {
match prop {
ast::ObjectPatProp::Assign(assign_pat_prop) => {
ast::ObjectPatProp::KeyValue(key_value_pat_prop) => {
rec(&key_value_pat_prop.value, atoms);
ast::ObjectPatProp::Rest(rest_pat) => {
rec(&rest_pat.arg, atoms);
ast::Pat::Assign(assign_pat) => {
rec(&assign_pat.left, atoms);
ast::Pat::Invalid(_) | ast::Pat::Expr(_) => {}
let mut atoms = vec![];
rec(pat, &mut atoms);
/// Generates a "pseudo" file from a given file by applying the following
/// transformations:
/// 1. Injects `import` statements for expoted items from the base file
/// 2. If `wrap_kind` is [`WrapKind::DenoTest`], wraps the content of the file
/// in a `Deno.test` call.
/// For example, given a file that looks like:
/// ```ts
/// import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
/// assertEquals(increment(1), 2);
/// ```
/// and the base file (from which the above snippet was extracted):
/// ```ts
/// export function increment(n: number): number {
/// return n + 1;
/// }
/// export const SOME_CONST = "HELLO";
/// ```
/// The generated pseudo test file would look like (if `wrap_in_deno_test` is enabled):
/// ```ts
/// import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
/// import { increment, SOME_CONST } from "./base.ts";
/// Deno.test("./base.ts$1-3.ts", async () => {
/// assertEquals(increment(1), 2);
/// });
/// ```
/// # Edge case 1 - duplicate identifier
/// If a given file imports, say, `doSomething` from an external module while
/// the base file exports `doSomething` as well, the generated pseudo test file
/// would end up having two duplciate imports for `doSomething`, causing the
/// duplicate identifier error.
/// To avoid this issue, when a given file imports `doSomething`, this takes
/// precedence over the automatic import injection for the base file's
/// `doSomething`. So the generated pseudo test file would look like:
/// ```ts
/// import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
/// import { doSomething } from "./some_external_module.ts";
/// Deno.test("./base.ts$1-3.ts", async () => {
/// assertEquals(doSomething(1), 2);
/// });
/// ```
/// # Edge case 2 - exports can't be put inside `Deno.test` blocks
/// All exports like `export const foo = 42` must be at the top level of the
/// module, making it impossible to wrap exports in `Deno.test` blocks. For
/// example, when the following code snippet is provided:
/// ```ts
/// const logger = createLogger("my-awesome-module");
/// export function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
/// logger.debug("sum called");
/// return a + b;
/// }
/// ```
/// If we applied the naive transformation to this, the generated pseudo test
/// file would look like:
/// ```ts
/// Deno.test("./base.ts$1-7.ts", async () => {
/// const logger = createLogger("my-awesome-module");
/// export function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
/// logger.debug("sum called");
/// return a + b;
/// }
/// });
/// ```
/// But obviously this violates the rule because `export function sum` is not
/// at the top level of the module.
/// To address this issue, the `export` keyword is removed so that the item can
/// stay in the `Deno.test` block's scope:
/// ```ts
/// Deno.test("./base.ts$1-7.ts", async () => {
/// const logger = createLogger("my-awesome-module");
/// function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
/// logger.debug("sum called");
/// return a + b;
/// }
/// });
/// ```
fn generate_pseudo_file(
file: File,
base_file_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
exports: &ExportCollector,
wrap_kind: WrapKind,
) -> Result<File, AnyError> {
let file = TextDecodedFile::decode(file)?;
let parsed = deno_ast::parse_program(deno_ast::ParseParams {
specifier: file.specifier.clone(),
text: file.source,
media_type: file.media_type,
capture_tokens: false,
scope_analysis: true,
maybe_syntax: None,
let top_level_atoms = swc_utils::collect_decls_with_ctxt::<Atom, _>(
let transformed =
.fold_with(&mut as_folder(Transform {
specifier: &file.specifier,
exports_from_base: exports,
atoms_to_be_excluded_from_import: top_level_atoms,
let source = deno_ast::swc::codegen::to_code_with_comments(
log::debug!("{}:\n{}", file.specifier, source);
Ok(File {
url: file.specifier,
maybe_headers: None,
source: source.into_bytes().into(),
struct Transform<'a> {
specifier: &'a ModuleSpecifier,
base_file_specifier: &'a ModuleSpecifier,
exports_from_base: &'a ExportCollector,
atoms_to_be_excluded_from_import: AHashSet<Atom>,
wrap_kind: WrapKind,
impl<'a> VisitMut for Transform<'a> {
fn visit_mut_program(&mut self, node: &mut ast::Program) {
let new_module_items = match node {
ast::Program::Module(module) => {
let mut module_decls = vec![];
let mut stmts = vec![];
for item in &module.body {
match item {
ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(decl) => match self.wrap_kind {
WrapKind::NoWrap => {
// We remove `export` keywords so that they can be put inside
// `Deno.test` block scope.
WrapKind::DenoTest => match decl {
ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(export_decl) => {
ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultDecl(export_default_decl) => {
let stmt = match &export_default_decl.decl {
ast::DefaultDecl::Class(class) => {
let expr = ast::Expr::Class(class.clone());
ast::Stmt::Expr(ast::ExprStmt {
span: DUMMY_SP,
expr: Box::new(expr),
ast::DefaultDecl::Fn(func) => {
let expr = ast::Expr::Fn(func.clone());
ast::Stmt::Expr(ast::ExprStmt {
span: DUMMY_SP,
expr: Box::new(expr),
ast::DefaultDecl::TsInterfaceDecl(ts_interface_decl) => {
ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultExpr(export_default_expr) => {
stmts.push(ast::Stmt::Expr(ast::ExprStmt {
span: DUMMY_SP,
expr: export_default_expr.expr.clone(),
_ => {
ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(stmt) => {
let mut transformed_items = vec![];
let import_specifiers = self
if !import_specifiers.is_empty() {
ast::ModuleDecl::Import(ast::ImportDecl {
span: DUMMY_SP,
specifiers: import_specifiers,
src: Box::new(ast::Str {
span: DUMMY_SP,
value: self.base_file_specifier.to_string().into(),
raw: None,
type_only: false,
with: None,
phase: ast::ImportPhase::Evaluation,
match self.wrap_kind {
WrapKind::DenoTest => {
WrapKind::NoWrap => {
ast::Program::Script(script) => {
let mut transformed_items = vec![];
let import_specifiers = self
if !import_specifiers.is_empty() {
ast::ModuleDecl::Import(ast::ImportDecl {
span: DUMMY_SP,
specifiers: import_specifiers,
src: Box::new(ast::Str {
span: DUMMY_SP,
value: self.base_file_specifier.to_string().into(),
raw: None,
type_only: false,
with: None,
phase: ast::ImportPhase::Evaluation,
match self.wrap_kind {
WrapKind::DenoTest => {
WrapKind::NoWrap => {
*node = ast::Program::Module(ast::Module {
span: DUMMY_SP,
body: new_module_items,
shebang: None,
fn wrap_in_deno_test(stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>, test_name: Atom) -> ast::Stmt {
ast::Stmt::Expr(ast::ExprStmt {
span: DUMMY_SP,
expr: Box::new(ast::Expr::Call(ast::CallExpr {
span: DUMMY_SP,
callee: ast::Callee::Expr(Box::new(ast::Expr::Member(ast::MemberExpr {
span: DUMMY_SP,
obj: Box::new(ast::Expr::Ident(ast::Ident {
span: DUMMY_SP,
sym: "Deno".into(),
optional: false,
prop: ast::MemberProp::Ident(ast::IdentName {
span: DUMMY_SP,
sym: "test".into(),
args: vec![
ast::ExprOrSpread {
spread: None,
expr: Box::new(ast::Expr::Lit(ast::Lit::Str(ast::Str {
span: DUMMY_SP,
value: test_name,
raw: None,
ast::ExprOrSpread {
spread: None,
expr: Box::new(ast::Expr::Arrow(ast::ArrowExpr {
span: DUMMY_SP,
params: vec![],
body: Box::new(ast::BlockStmtOrExpr::BlockStmt(ast::BlockStmt {
span: DUMMY_SP,
is_async: true,
is_generator: false,
type_params: None,
return_type: None,
type_args: None,
mod tests {
use deno_ast::swc::atoms::Atom;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use super::*;
use crate::file_fetcher::TextDecodedFile;
fn test_extract_doc_tests() {
struct Input {
source: &'static str,
specifier: &'static str,
struct Expected {
source: &'static str,
specifier: &'static str,
media_type: MediaType,
struct Test {
input: Input,
expected: Vec<Expected>,
let tests = [
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#""#,
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![],
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equal";
* assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
* ```
export function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equal";
import { add } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-8.ts", async ()=>{
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-8.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* foo();
* ```
export function foo() {}
export default class Bar {}
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import Bar, { foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-6.ts", async ()=>{
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-6.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* const input = { a: 42 } satisfies Args;
* foo(input);
* ```
export function foo(args: Args) {}
export type Args = { a: number };
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { Args, foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-7.ts", async ()=>{
const input = {
a: 42
} satisfies Args;
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-7.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* This is a module-level doc.
* ```ts
* foo();
* ```
* @module doc
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"Deno.test("file:///main.ts$5-8.ts", async ()=>{
specifier: "file:///main.ts$5-8.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* This is a module-level doc.
* ```js
* const cls = new MyClass();
* ```
* @module doc
* ```ts
* foo();
* ```
export function foo() {}
export default class MyClass {}
export * from "./other.ts";
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![
Expected {
source: r#"import MyClass, { foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$5-8.js", async ()=>{
const cls = new MyClass();
specifier: "file:///main.ts$5-8.js",
media_type: MediaType::JavaScript,
Expected {
source: r#"import MyClass, { foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$13-16.ts", async ()=>{
specifier: "file:///main.ts$13-16.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* foo();
* ```
export function foo() {}
export const ONE = 1;
const TWO = 2;
export default TWO;
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import TWO, { ONE, foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-6.ts", async ()=>{
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-6.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// Avoid duplicate imports
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* import { DUPLICATE1 } from "./other1.ts";
* import * as DUPLICATE2 from "./other2.js";
* import { foo as DUPLICATE3 } from "./other3.tsx";
* foo();
* ```
export function foo() {}
export const DUPLICATE1 = "dup1";
const DUPLICATE2 = "dup2";
export default DUPLICATE2;
const DUPLICATE3 = "dup3";
export { DUPLICATE3 };
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { DUPLICATE1 } from "./other1.ts";
import * as DUPLICATE2 from "./other2.js";
import { foo as DUPLICATE3 } from "./other3.tsx";
import { foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-10.ts", async ()=>{
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-10.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// duplication of imported identifier and local identifier is fine
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* const foo = createFoo();
* foo();
* ```
export function createFoo() {
return () => "created foo";
export const foo = () => "foo";
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { createFoo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-7.ts", async ()=>{
const foo = createFoo();
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-7.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/25718
// A case where the example code has an exported item which references
// a variable from one upper scope.
// Naive application of `Deno.test` wrap would cause a reference error
// because the variable would go inside the `Deno.test` block while the
// exported item would be moved to the top level. To suppress the auto
// move of the exported item to the top level, the `export` keyword is
// removed so that the item stays in the same scope as the variable.
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* import { getLogger } from "@std/log";
* const logger = getLogger("my-awesome-module");
* export function foo() {
* logger.debug("hello");
* }
* ```
* @module
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { getLogger } from "@std/log";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-12.ts", async ()=>{
const logger = getLogger("my-awesome-module");
function foo() {
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-12.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
# Header
This is a *markdown*.
import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equal";
import { add } from "jsr:@deno/non-existent";
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///README.md",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equal";
import { add } from "jsr:@deno/non-existent";
Deno.test("file:///README.md$6-12.js", async ()=>{
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///README.md$6-12.js",
media_type: MediaType::JavaScript,
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26009
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* console.log(Foo)
* ```
export class Foo {}
export default Foo
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { Foo } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-6.ts", async ()=>{
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-6.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26728
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* // @ts-expect-error: can only add numbers
* add('1', '2');
* ```
export function add(first: number, second: number) {
return first + second;
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { add } from "file:///main.ts";
Deno.test("file:///main.ts$3-7.ts", async ()=>{
// @ts-expect-error: can only add numbers
add('1', '2');
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-7.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
for test in tests {
let file = File {
url: ModuleSpecifier::parse(test.input.specifier).unwrap(),
maybe_headers: None,
source: test.input.source.as_bytes().into(),
let got_decoded = extract_doc_tests(file)
.map(|f| TextDecodedFile::decode(f).unwrap())
let expected = test
.map(|e| TextDecodedFile {
specifier: ModuleSpecifier::parse(e.specifier).unwrap(),
media_type: e.media_type,
source: e.source.into(),
assert_eq!(got_decoded, expected);
fn test_extract_snippet_files() {
struct Input {
source: &'static str,
specifier: &'static str,
struct Expected {
source: &'static str,
specifier: &'static str,
media_type: MediaType,
struct Test {
input: Input,
expected: Vec<Expected>,
let tests = [
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#""#,
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![],
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
* assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
* ```
export function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
import { add } from "file:///main.ts";
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-8.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
* import { DUPLICATE } from "./other.ts";
* assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
* ```
export function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
export const DUPLICATE = "dup";
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
import { DUPLICATE } from "./other.ts";
import { add } from "file:///main.ts";
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-9.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// If the snippet has a local variable with the same name as an exported
// item, the local variable takes precedence.
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* const foo = createFoo();
* foo();
* ```
export function createFoo() {
return () => "created foo";
export const foo = () => "foo";
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { createFoo } from "file:///main.ts";
const foo = createFoo();
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-7.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// Unlike `extract_doc_tests`, `extract_snippet_files` does not remove
// the `export` keyword from the exported items.
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* import { getLogger } from "@std/log";
* const logger = getLogger("my-awesome-module");
* export function foo() {
* logger.debug("hello");
* }
* ```
* @module
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { getLogger } from "@std/log";
export function foo() {
const logger = getLogger("my-awesome-module");
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-12.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
# Header
This is a *markdown*.
import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equal";
import { add } from "jsr:@deno/non-existent";
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///README.md",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equal";
import { add } from "jsr:@deno/non-existent";
assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3);
specifier: "file:///README.md$6-12.js",
media_type: MediaType::JavaScript,
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26009
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* console.log(Foo)
* ```
export class Foo {}
export default Foo
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { Foo } from "file:///main.ts";
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-6.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26728
Test {
input: Input {
source: r#"
* ```ts
* // @ts-expect-error: can only add numbers
* add('1', '2');
* ```
export function add(first: number, second: number) {
return first + second;
specifier: "file:///main.ts",
expected: vec![Expected {
source: r#"import { add } from "file:///main.ts";
// @ts-expect-error: can only add numbers
add('1', '2');
specifier: "file:///main.ts$3-7.ts",
media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
for test in tests {
let file = File {
url: ModuleSpecifier::parse(test.input.specifier).unwrap(),
maybe_headers: None,
source: test.input.source.as_bytes().into(),
let got_decoded = extract_snippet_files(file)
.map(|f| TextDecodedFile::decode(f).unwrap())
let expected = test
.map(|e| TextDecodedFile {
specifier: ModuleSpecifier::parse(e.specifier).unwrap(),
media_type: e.media_type,
source: e.source.into(),
assert_eq!(got_decoded, expected);
fn test_export_collector() {
fn helper(input: &'static str) -> ExportCollector {
let mut collector = ExportCollector::default();
let parsed = deno_ast::parse_module(deno_ast::ParseParams {
specifier: deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///main.ts").unwrap(),
text: input.into(),
media_type: deno_ast::MediaType::TypeScript,
capture_tokens: false,
scope_analysis: false,
maybe_syntax: None,
parsed.program_ref().visit_with(&mut collector);
struct Test {
input: &'static str,
named_expected: BTreeSet<Atom>,
default_expected: Option<Atom>,
macro_rules! atom_set {
($( $x:expr ),*) => {
[$( Atom::from($x) ),*].into_iter().collect::<BTreeSet<_>>()
let tests = [
Test {
input: r#"export const foo = 42;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export let foo = 42;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export var foo = 42;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export const foo = () => {};"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export function foo() {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export class Foo {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export enum Foo {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export module Foo {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export module "foo" {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export namespace Foo {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export type Foo = string;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export interface Foo {};"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export let name1, name2;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("name1", "name2"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export const name1 = 1, name2 = 2;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("name1", "name2"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export function* generatorFunc() {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("generatorFunc"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export const { name1, name2: bar } = obj;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("name1", "bar"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export const [name1, name2] = arr;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("name1", "name2"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export const { name1 = 42 } = arr;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("name1"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"export default function foo() {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: Some("foo".into()),
Test {
input: r#"export default class Foo {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: Some("Foo".into()),
Test {
input: r#"export default interface Foo {}"#,
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: Some("Foo".into()),
Test {
input: r#"const foo = 42; export default foo;"#,
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: Some("foo".into()),
Test {
input: r#"export { foo, bar as barAlias };"#,
named_expected: atom_set!("foo", "barAlias"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"
export default class Foo {}
export let value1 = 42;
const value2 = "Hello";
const value3 = "World";
export { value2 };
named_expected: atom_set!("value1", "value2"),
default_expected: Some("Foo".into()),
// overloaded function
Test {
input: r#"
export function foo(a: number): boolean;
export function foo(a: boolean): string;
export function foo(a: number | boolean): boolean | string {
return typeof a === "number" ? true : "hello";
named_expected: atom_set!("foo"),
default_expected: None,
// The collector deliberately does not handle re-exports, because from
// doc reader's perspective, an example code would become hard to follow
// if it uses re-exported items (as opposed to normal, non-re-exported
// items that would look verbose if an example code explicitly imports
// them).
Test {
input: r#"
export * from "./module1.ts";
export * as name1 from "./module2.ts";
export { name2, name3 as N3 } from "./module3.js";
export { default } from "./module4.ts";
export { default as myDefault } from "./module5.ts";
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"
export namespace Foo {
export type MyType = string;
export const myValue = 42;
export function myFunc(): boolean;
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"
declare namespace Foo {
export type MyType = string;
export const myValue = 42;
export function myFunc(): boolean;
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"
declare module Foo {
export type MyType = string;
export const myValue = 42;
export function myFunc(): boolean;
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: None,
Test {
input: r#"
declare global {
export type MyType = string;
export const myValue = 42;
export function myFunc(): boolean;
named_expected: atom_set!(),
default_expected: None,
// The identifier `Foo` conflicts, but `ExportCollector` doesn't do
// anything about it. It is handled by `to_import_specifiers` method.
Test {
input: r#"
export class Foo {}
export default Foo
named_expected: atom_set!("Foo"),
default_expected: Some("Foo".into()),
for test in tests {
let got = helper(test.input);
assert_eq!(got.named_exports, test.named_expected);
assert_eq!(got.default_export, test.default_expected);