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870 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// This module provides higher level implementation of Isolate that
// supports asynchronous loading and executution of ES Modules.
// The isolate.rs should never depend on this module.
use rusty_v8 as v8;
use crate::any_error::ErrBox;
use crate::bindings;
use crate::futures::FutureExt;
use crate::ErrWithV8Handle;
use futures::ready;
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::stream::StreamFuture;
use futures::task::AtomicWaker;
use futures::Future;
use libc::c_void;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::option::Option;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::task::Context;
use std::task::Poll;
use crate::isolate::attach_handle_to_error;
use crate::isolate::exception_to_err_result;
use crate::isolate::Isolate;
use crate::isolate::StartupData;
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
use crate::modules::LoadState;
use crate::modules::ModuleLoader;
use crate::modules::ModuleSource;
use crate::modules::Modules;
use crate::modules::RecursiveModuleLoad;
pub type ModuleId = i32;
pub type DynImportId = i32;
/// More specialized version of `Isolate` that provides loading
/// and execution of ES Modules.
/// Creating `EsIsolate` requires to pass `loader` argument
/// that implements `ModuleLoader` trait - that way actual resolution and
/// loading of modules can be customized by the implementor.
pub struct EsIsolate {
core_isolate: Box<Isolate>,
loader: Rc<dyn ModuleLoader>,
pub modules: Modules,
pub(crate) next_dyn_import_id: DynImportId,
pub(crate) dyn_import_map:
HashMap<DynImportId, v8::Global<v8::PromiseResolver>>,
pending_dyn_imports: FuturesUnordered<StreamFuture<RecursiveModuleLoad>>,
waker: AtomicWaker,
impl Deref for EsIsolate {
type Target = Isolate;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for EsIsolate {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.core_isolate
impl EsIsolate {
pub fn new(
loader: Rc<dyn ModuleLoader>,
startup_data: StartupData,
will_snapshot: bool,
) -> Box<Self> {
let mut core_isolate = Isolate::new(startup_data, will_snapshot);
let v8_isolate = core_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let es_isolate = Self {
modules: Modules::new(),
next_dyn_import_id: 0,
dyn_import_map: HashMap::new(),
pending_dyn_imports: FuturesUnordered::new(),
waker: AtomicWaker::new(),
let mut boxed_es_isolate = Box::new(es_isolate);
let es_isolate_ptr: *mut Self = Box::into_raw(boxed_es_isolate);
boxed_es_isolate = unsafe { Box::from_raw(es_isolate_ptr) };
unsafe {
let v8_isolate = boxed_es_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
v8_isolate.set_data(1, es_isolate_ptr as *mut c_void);
/// Low-level module creation.
/// Called during module loading or dynamic import loading.
fn mod_new(
&mut self,
main: bool,
name: &str,
source: &str,
) -> Result<ModuleId, ErrBox> {
let core_isolate = &mut self.core_isolate;
let v8_isolate = core_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let js_error_create_fn = &*core_isolate.js_error_create_fn;
let mut hs = v8::HandleScope::new(v8_isolate);
let scope = hs.enter();
let context = core_isolate.global_context.get(scope).unwrap();
let mut cs = v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context);
let scope = cs.enter();
let name_str = v8::String::new(scope, name).unwrap();
let source_str = v8::String::new(scope, source).unwrap();
let origin = bindings::module_origin(scope, name_str);
let source = v8::script_compiler::Source::new(source_str, &origin);
let mut try_catch = v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let tc = try_catch.enter();
let maybe_module = v8::script_compiler::compile_module(scope, source);
if tc.has_caught() {
return exception_to_err_result(
let module = maybe_module.unwrap();
let id = module.get_identity_hash();
let mut import_specifiers: Vec<ModuleSpecifier> = vec![];
for i in 0..module.get_module_requests_length() {
let import_specifier =
let module_specifier =
self.loader.resolve(&import_specifier, name, false)?;
let mut handle = v8::Global::<v8::Module>::new();
handle.set(scope, module);
.register(id, name, main, handle, import_specifiers);
/// Instantiates a ES module
/// ErrBox can be downcast to a type that exposes additional information about
/// the V8 exception. By default this type is JSError, however it may be a
/// different type if Isolate::set_js_error_create_fn() has been used.
fn mod_instantiate(&mut self, id: ModuleId) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let v8_isolate = self.core_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let js_error_create_fn = &*self.core_isolate.js_error_create_fn;
let mut hs = v8::HandleScope::new(v8_isolate);
let scope = hs.enter();
let context = self.core_isolate.global_context.get(scope).unwrap();
let mut cs = v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context);
let scope = cs.enter();
let mut try_catch = v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let tc = try_catch.enter();
let module_info = match self.modules.get_info(id) {
Some(info) => info,
None if id == 0 => return Ok(()),
_ => panic!("module id {} not found in module table", id),
let mut module = module_info.handle.get(scope).unwrap();
if module.get_status() == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored {
let result =
module.instantiate_module(context, bindings::module_resolve_callback);
match result {
Some(_) => Ok(()),
None => {
let exception = tc.exception().unwrap();
exception_to_err_result(scope, exception, js_error_create_fn)
/// Evaluates an already instantiated ES module.
/// ErrBox can be downcast to a type that exposes additional information about
/// the V8 exception. By default this type is JSError, however it may be a
/// different type if Isolate::set_js_error_create_fn() has been used.
pub fn mod_evaluate(&mut self, id: ModuleId) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let core_isolate = &mut self.core_isolate;
let v8_isolate = core_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let js_error_create_fn = &*core_isolate.js_error_create_fn;
let mut hs = v8::HandleScope::new(v8_isolate);
let scope = hs.enter();
let context = core_isolate.global_context.get(scope).unwrap();
let mut cs = v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context);
let scope = cs.enter();
let info = self.modules.get_info(id).expect("ModuleInfo not found");
let mut module = info.handle.get(scope).expect("Empty module handle");
let mut status = module.get_status();
if status == v8::ModuleStatus::Instantiated {
let ok = module.evaluate(scope, context).is_some();
// Update status after evaluating.
status = module.get_status();
if ok {
status == v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated
|| status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored
} else {
assert!(status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored);
match status {
v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated => Ok(()),
v8::ModuleStatus::Errored => {
let exception = module.get_exception();
exception_to_err_result(scope, exception, js_error_create_fn)
.map_err(|err| attach_handle_to_error(scope, err, exception))
other => panic!("Unexpected module status {:?}", other),
// Called by V8 during `Isolate::mod_instantiate`.
pub fn module_resolve_cb(
&mut self,
specifier: &str,
referrer_id: ModuleId,
) -> ModuleId {
let referrer = self.modules.get_name(referrer_id).unwrap();
let specifier = self
.resolve(specifier, referrer, false)
.expect("Module should have been already resolved");
// Called by V8 during `Isolate::mod_instantiate`.
pub fn dyn_import_cb(
&mut self,
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
id: DynImportId,
) {
debug!("dyn_import specifier {} referrer {} ", specifier, referrer);
let load = RecursiveModuleLoad::dynamic_import(
fn dyn_import_error(
&mut self,
id: DynImportId,
err: ErrBox,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let core_isolate = &mut self.core_isolate;
let v8_isolate = core_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let mut hs = v8::HandleScope::new(v8_isolate);
let scope = hs.enter();
let context = core_isolate.global_context.get(scope).unwrap();
let mut cs = v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context);
let scope = cs.enter();
let mut resolver_handle = self
.expect("Invalid dyn import id");
let mut resolver = resolver_handle.get(scope).unwrap();
let exception = err
.and_then(|err| err.get_handle().get(scope))
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let message = err.to_string();
let message = v8::String::new(scope, &message).unwrap();
v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message)
resolver.reject(context, exception).unwrap();
fn dyn_import_done(
&mut self,
id: DynImportId,
mod_id: ModuleId,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
debug!("dyn_import_done {} {:?}", id, mod_id);
assert!(mod_id != 0);
let v8_isolate = self.core_isolate.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let mut hs = v8::HandleScope::new(v8_isolate);
let scope = hs.enter();
let context = self.core_isolate.global_context.get(scope).unwrap();
let mut cs = v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context);
let scope = cs.enter();
let mut resolver_handle = self
.expect("Invalid dyn import id");
let mut resolver = resolver_handle.get(scope).unwrap();
let info = self
.expect("Dyn import module info not found");
// Resolution success
let mut module = info.handle.get(scope).unwrap();
assert_eq!(module.get_status(), v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated);
let module_namespace = module.get_module_namespace();
resolver.resolve(context, module_namespace).unwrap();
fn poll_dyn_imports(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), ErrBox>> {
loop {
match self.pending_dyn_imports.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Pending | Poll::Ready(None) => {
// There are no active dynamic import loaders, or none are ready.
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
Poll::Ready(Some(load_stream_poll)) => {
let maybe_result = load_stream_poll.0;
let mut load = load_stream_poll.1;
let dyn_import_id = load.dyn_import_id.unwrap();
if let Some(load_stream_result) = maybe_result {
match load_stream_result {
Ok(info) => {
// A module (not necessarily the one dynamically imported) has been
// fetched. Create and register it, and if successful, poll for the
// next recursive-load event related to this dynamic import.
match self.register_during_load(info, &mut load) {
Ok(()) => {
// Keep importing until it's fully drained
Err(err) => self.dyn_import_error(dyn_import_id, err)?,
Err(err) => {
// A non-javascript error occurred; this could be due to a an invalid
// module specifier, or a problem with the source map, or a failure
// to fetch the module source code.
self.dyn_import_error(dyn_import_id, err)?
} else {
// The top-level module from a dynamic import has been instantiated.
// Load is done.
let module_id = load.root_module_id.unwrap();
match self.mod_evaluate(module_id) {
Ok(()) => self.dyn_import_done(dyn_import_id, module_id)?,
Err(err) => self.dyn_import_error(dyn_import_id, err)?,
fn register_during_load(
&mut self,
info: ModuleSource,
load: &mut RecursiveModuleLoad,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let ModuleSource {
} = info;
let is_main =
load.state == LoadState::LoadingRoot && !load.is_dynamic_import();
let referrer_name = &module_url_found.to_string();
let referrer_specifier =
// #A There are 3 cases to handle at this moment:
// 1. Source code resolved result have the same module name as requested
// and is not yet registered
// -> register
// 2. Source code resolved result have a different name as requested:
// 2a. The module with resolved module name has been registered
// -> alias
// 2b. The module with resolved module name has not yet been registerd
// -> register & alias
// If necessary, register an alias.
if module_url_specified != module_url_found {
self.modules.alias(&module_url_specified, &module_url_found);
let module_id = match self.modules.get_id(&module_url_found) {
Some(id) => {
// Module has already been registered.
"Already-registered module fetched again: {}",
// Module not registered yet, do it now.
None => self.mod_new(is_main, &module_url_found, &code)?,
// Now we must iterate over all imports of the module and load them.
let imports = self.modules.get_children(module_id).unwrap();
for module_specifier in imports {
if !self.modules.is_registered(module_specifier) {
.add_import(module_specifier.to_owned(), referrer_specifier.clone());
// If we just finished loading the root module, store the root module id.
if load.state == LoadState::LoadingRoot {
load.root_module_id = Some(module_id);
load.state = LoadState::LoadingImports;
if load.pending.is_empty() {
load.state = LoadState::Done;
/// Asynchronously load specified module and all of it's dependencies
/// User must call `Isolate::mod_evaluate` with returned `ModuleId`
/// manually after load is finished.
pub async fn load_module(
&mut self,
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
code: Option<String>,
) -> Result<ModuleId, ErrBox> {
let mut load = RecursiveModuleLoad::main(
while let Some(info_result) = load.next().await {
let info = info_result?;
self.register_during_load(info, &mut load)?;
let root_id = load.root_module_id.expect("Root module id empty");
self.mod_instantiate(root_id).map(|_| root_id)
impl Future for EsIsolate {
type Output = Result<(), ErrBox>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let inner = self.get_mut();
// If there are any pending dyn_import futures, do those first.
if !inner.pending_dyn_imports.is_empty() {
let poll_imports = inner.poll_dyn_imports(cx)?;
match ready!(inner.core_isolate.poll_unpin(cx)) {
Ok(()) => {
if inner.pending_dyn_imports.is_empty() {
} else {
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::isolate::js_check;
use crate::isolate::tests::run_in_task;
use crate::isolate::ZeroCopyBuf;
use crate::modules::ModuleSourceFuture;
use crate::ops::*;
use std::io;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
fn test_mods() {
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct ModsLoader {
pub count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
impl ModuleLoader for ModsLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, ErrBox> {
self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
assert_eq!(specifier, "./b.js");
assert_eq!(referrer, "file:///a.js");
let s = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
_module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
let loader = Rc::new(ModsLoader::default());
let resolve_count = loader.count.clone();
let dispatch_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let dispatch_count_ = dispatch_count.clone();
let mut isolate = EsIsolate::new(loader, StartupData::None, false);
let dispatcher =
move |control: &[u8], _zero_copy: Option<ZeroCopyBuf>| -> CoreOp {
dispatch_count_.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
assert_eq!(control.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(control[0], 42);
let buf = vec![43u8, 0, 0, 0].into_boxed_slice();
isolate.register_op("test", dispatcher);
function assert(cond) {
if (!cond) {
throw Error("assert");
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
let specifier_a = "file:///a.js".to_string();
let mod_a = isolate
import { b } from './b.js'
if (b() != 'b') throw Error();
let control = new Uint8Array([42]);
Deno.core.send(1, control);
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
let imports = isolate.modules.get_children(mod_a);
let mod_b = isolate
.mod_new(false, "file:///b.js", "export function b() { return 'b' }")
let imports = isolate.modules.get_children(mod_b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(imports.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
assert_eq!(resolve_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 1);
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
fn dyn_import_err() {
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct DynImportErrLoader {
pub count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
impl ModuleLoader for DynImportErrLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, ErrBox> {
self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
assert_eq!(specifier, "/foo.js");
assert_eq!(referrer, "file:///dyn_import2.js");
let s = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
_module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
async { Err(ErrBox::from(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound))) }
// Test an erroneous dynamic import where the specified module isn't found.
run_in_task(|cx| {
let loader = Rc::new(DynImportErrLoader::default());
let count = loader.count.clone();
let mut isolate = EsIsolate::new(loader, StartupData::None, false);
(async () => {
await import("/foo.js");
assert_eq!(count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
// We should get an error here.
let result = isolate.poll_unpin(cx);
if let Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) = result {
assert_eq!(count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
// Note from Bert: I do not understand how this part is supposed to pass.
// For me all these modules load in parallel and, unless I'm missing
// something, that's how it should be. So I disabled the test for now.
fn dyn_import_err2() {
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct DynImportErr2Loader {
pub count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
impl ModuleLoader for DynImportErr2Loader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, ErrBox> {
let c = self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
match c {
0 => assert_eq!(specifier, "/foo1.js"),
1 => assert_eq!(specifier, "/foo2.js"),
2 => assert_eq!(specifier, "/foo3.js"),
_ => unreachable!(),
assert_eq!(referrer, "file:///dyn_import_error.js");
let s = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
let info = ModuleSource {
module_url_specified: specifier.to_string(),
module_url_found: specifier.to_string(),
code: "# not valid JS".to_owned(),
async move { Ok(info) }.boxed()
// Import multiple modules to demonstrate that after failed dynamic import
// another dynamic import can still be run
run_in_task(|cx| {
let loader = Box::new(DynImportErr2Loader::default());
let loader1 = loader.clone();
let mut isolate = EsIsolate::new(loader, StartupData::None, false);
(async () => {
await import("/foo1.js");
(async () => {
await import("/foo2.js");
(async () => {
await import("/foo3.js");
assert_eq!(loader1.count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
// Now each poll should return error
assert!(match isolate.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => true,
_ => false,
assert_eq!(loader1.count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
assert!(match isolate.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => true,
_ => false,
assert_eq!(loader1.count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);
assert!(match isolate.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => true,
_ => false,
assert_eq!(loader1.count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 3);
fn dyn_import_ok() {
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct DynImportOkLoader {
pub resolve_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
pub load_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
impl ModuleLoader for DynImportOkLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, ErrBox> {
let c = self.resolve_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
match c {
0 => assert_eq!(specifier, "./b.js"),
1 => assert_eq!(specifier, "./b.js"),
_ => unreachable!(),
assert_eq!(referrer, "file:///dyn_import3.js");
let s = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
self.load_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let info = ModuleSource {
module_url_specified: specifier.to_string(),
module_url_found: specifier.to_string(),
code: "export function b() { return 'b' }".to_owned(),
async move { Ok(info) }.boxed()
run_in_task(|cx| {
let loader = Rc::new(DynImportOkLoader::default());
let resolve_count = loader.resolve_count.clone();
let load_count = loader.load_count.clone();
let mut isolate = EsIsolate::new(loader, StartupData::None, false);
// Dynamically import mod_b
(async () => {
let mod = await import("./b.js");
if (mod.b() !== 'b') {
throw Error("bad1");
// And again!
mod = await import("./b.js");
if (mod.b() !== 'b') {
throw Error("bad2");
assert!(match isolate.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => true,
_ => false,
assert_eq!(resolve_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);
assert_eq!(load_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);
assert!(match isolate.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => true,
_ => false,
assert_eq!(resolve_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);
assert_eq!(load_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);