mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:34:47 -05:00

example writeFile benchmark: ``` # before time 188 ms rate 53191 time 168 ms rate 59523 time 167 ms rate 59880 time 166 ms rate 60240 time 168 ms rate 59523 time 173 ms rate 57803 time 183 ms rate 54644 # after time 157 ms rate 63694 time 152 ms rate 65789 time 151 ms rate 66225 time 151 ms rate 66225 time 152 ms rate 65789 ```
3864 lines
120 KiB
3864 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::bindings;
use crate::error::generic_error;
use crate::error::to_v8_type_error;
use crate::error::JsError;
use crate::extensions::OpDecl;
use crate::extensions::OpEventLoopFn;
use crate::inspector::JsRuntimeInspector;
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
use crate::modules::ModuleError;
use crate::modules::ModuleId;
use crate::modules::ModuleLoadId;
use crate::modules::ModuleLoader;
use crate::modules::ModuleMap;
use crate::modules::NoopModuleLoader;
use crate::op_void_async;
use crate::op_void_sync;
use crate::ops::*;
use crate::source_map::SourceMapCache;
use crate::source_map::SourceMapGetter;
use crate::Extension;
use crate::OpMiddlewareFn;
use crate::OpResult;
use crate::OpState;
use crate::PromiseId;
use anyhow::Error;
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use futures::future::poll_fn;
use futures::future::Future;
use futures::future::FutureExt;
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::task::AtomicWaker;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::option::Option;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::Once;
use std::task::Context;
use std::task::Poll;
use v8::OwnedIsolate;
type PendingOpFuture = OpCall<(PromiseId, OpId, OpResult)>;
pub enum Snapshot {
Static(&'static [u8]),
pub type JsErrorCreateFn = dyn Fn(JsError) -> Error;
pub type GetErrorClassFn = &'static dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e Error) -> &'static str;
/// Objects that need to live as long as the isolate
struct IsolateAllocations {
Option<(Box<RefCell<dyn Any>>, v8::NearHeapLimitCallback)>,
/// A single execution context of JavaScript. Corresponds roughly to the "Web
/// Worker" concept in the DOM. A JsRuntime is a Future that can be used with
/// an event loop (Tokio, async_std).
/// The JsRuntime future completes when there is an error or when all
/// pending ops have completed.
/// Pending ops are created in JavaScript by calling Deno.core.opAsync(), and in Rust
/// by implementing an async function that takes a serde::Deserialize "control argument"
/// and an optional zero copy buffer, each async Op is tied to a Promise in JavaScript.
pub struct JsRuntime {
state: Rc<RefCell<JsRuntimeState>>,
// This is an Option<OwnedIsolate> instead of just OwnedIsolate to workaround
// a safety issue with SnapshotCreator. See JsRuntime::drop.
v8_isolate: Option<v8::OwnedIsolate>,
built_from_snapshot: bool,
allocations: IsolateAllocations,
extensions: Vec<Extension>,
event_loop_middlewares: Vec<Box<OpEventLoopFn>>,
pub(crate) struct DynImportModEvaluate {
load_id: ModuleLoadId,
module_id: ModuleId,
promise: v8::Global<v8::Promise>,
module: v8::Global<v8::Module>,
pub(crate) struct ModEvaluate {
pub(crate) promise: Option<v8::Global<v8::Promise>>,
pub(crate) has_evaluated: bool,
pub(crate) handled_promise_rejections: Vec<v8::Global<v8::Promise>>,
sender: oneshot::Sender<Result<(), Error>>,
pub struct CrossIsolateStore<T>(Arc<Mutex<CrossIsolateStoreInner<T>>>);
struct CrossIsolateStoreInner<T> {
map: HashMap<u32, T>,
last_id: u32,
impl<T> CrossIsolateStore<T> {
pub(crate) fn insert(&self, value: T) -> u32 {
let mut store = self.0.lock().unwrap();
let last_id = store.last_id;
store.map.insert(last_id, value);
store.last_id += 1;
pub(crate) fn take(&self, id: u32) -> Option<T> {
let mut store = self.0.lock().unwrap();
impl<T> Default for CrossIsolateStore<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
CrossIsolateStore(Arc::new(Mutex::new(CrossIsolateStoreInner {
map: Default::default(),
last_id: 0,
impl<T> Clone for CrossIsolateStore<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
pub type SharedArrayBufferStore =
pub type CompiledWasmModuleStore = CrossIsolateStore<v8::CompiledWasmModule>;
/// Internal state for JsRuntime which is stored in one of v8::Isolate's
/// embedder slots.
pub struct JsRuntimeState {
global_realm: Option<JsRealm>,
pub(crate) js_recv_cb: Option<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) js_macrotask_cbs: Vec<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) js_nexttick_cbs: Vec<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) js_promise_reject_cb: Option<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) js_format_exception_cb: Option<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) js_build_custom_error_cb: Option<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) has_tick_scheduled: bool,
pub(crate) js_wasm_streaming_cb: Option<v8::Global<v8::Function>>,
pub(crate) pending_promise_exceptions:
HashMap<v8::Global<v8::Promise>, v8::Global<v8::Value>>,
pub(crate) pending_dyn_mod_evaluate: Vec<DynImportModEvaluate>,
pub(crate) pending_mod_evaluate: Option<ModEvaluate>,
/// A counter used to delay our dynamic import deadlock detection by one spin
/// of the event loop.
dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter: u32,
pub(crate) source_map_getter: Option<Box<dyn SourceMapGetter>>,
pub(crate) source_map_cache: SourceMapCache,
pub(crate) pending_ops: FuturesUnordered<PendingOpFuture>,
pub(crate) unrefed_ops: HashSet<i32>,
pub(crate) have_unpolled_ops: bool,
pub(crate) op_state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
// We don't explicitly re-read this prop but need the slice to live alongside the isolate
pub(crate) op_ctxs: Box<[OpCtx]>,
pub(crate) shared_array_buffer_store: Option<SharedArrayBufferStore>,
pub(crate) compiled_wasm_module_store: Option<CompiledWasmModuleStore>,
/// The error that was passed to an `op_dispatch_exception` call.
/// It will be retrieved by `exception_to_err_result` and used as an error
/// instead of any other exceptions.
// TODO(nayeemrmn): This is polled in `exception_to_err_result()` which is
// flimsy. Try to poll it similarly to `pending_promise_exceptions`.
pub(crate) dispatched_exceptions: VecDeque<v8::Global<v8::Value>>,
inspector: Option<Rc<RefCell<JsRuntimeInspector>>>,
waker: AtomicWaker,
fn v8_init(
v8_platform: Option<v8::SharedRef<v8::Platform>>,
predictable: bool,
) {
// Include 10MB ICU data file.
#[repr(C, align(16))]
struct IcuData([u8; 10454784]);
static ICU_DATA: IcuData = IcuData(*include_bytes!("icudtl.dat"));
let flags = concat!(
" --experimental-wasm-threads",
" --wasm-test-streaming",
" --harmony-import-assertions",
" --no-validate-asm",
" --turbo_fast_api_calls",
// This flag prevents "unresolved external reference" panic during
// build, which started happening in V8 10.6
" --noexperimental-async-stack-tagging-api",
if predictable {
flags, " --predictable --random-seed=42"
} else {
let v8_platform = v8_platform
.unwrap_or_else(|| v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared());
pub const V8_WRAPPER_TYPE_INDEX: i32 = 0;
pub const V8_WRAPPER_OBJECT_INDEX: i32 = 1;
pub struct RuntimeOptions {
/// Source map reference for errors.
pub source_map_getter: Option<Box<dyn SourceMapGetter>>,
/// Allows to map error type to a string "class" used to represent
/// error in JavaScript.
pub get_error_class_fn: Option<GetErrorClassFn>,
/// Implementation of `ModuleLoader` which will be
/// called when V8 requests to load ES modules.
/// If not provided runtime will error if code being
/// executed tries to load modules.
pub module_loader: Option<Rc<dyn ModuleLoader>>,
/// JsRuntime extensions, not to be confused with ES modules
/// these are sets of ops and other JS code to be initialized.
pub extensions: Vec<Extension>,
/// V8 snapshot that should be loaded on startup.
/// Currently can't be used with `will_snapshot`.
pub startup_snapshot: Option<Snapshot>,
/// Prepare runtime to take snapshot of loaded code.
/// The snapshot is determinstic and uses predictable random numbers.
/// Currently can't be used with `startup_snapshot`.
pub will_snapshot: bool,
/// Isolate creation parameters.
pub create_params: Option<v8::CreateParams>,
/// V8 platform instance to use. Used when Deno initializes V8
/// (which it only does once), otherwise it's silenty dropped.
pub v8_platform: Option<v8::SharedRef<v8::Platform>>,
/// The store to use for transferring SharedArrayBuffers between isolates.
/// If multiple isolates should have the possibility of sharing
/// SharedArrayBuffers, they should use the same [SharedArrayBufferStore]. If
/// no [SharedArrayBufferStore] is specified, SharedArrayBuffer can not be
/// serialized.
pub shared_array_buffer_store: Option<SharedArrayBufferStore>,
/// The store to use for transferring `WebAssembly.Module` objects between
/// isolates.
/// If multiple isolates should have the possibility of sharing
/// `WebAssembly.Module` objects, they should use the same
/// [CompiledWasmModuleStore]. If no [CompiledWasmModuleStore] is specified,
/// `WebAssembly.Module` objects cannot be serialized.
pub compiled_wasm_module_store: Option<CompiledWasmModuleStore>,
impl Drop for JsRuntime {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(v8_isolate) = self.v8_isolate.as_mut() {
impl JsRuntime {
const STATE_DATA_OFFSET: u32 = 0;
const MODULE_MAP_DATA_OFFSET: u32 = 1;
/// Only constructor, configuration is done through `options`.
pub fn new(mut options: RuntimeOptions) -> Self {
let v8_platform = options.v8_platform.take();
static DENO_INIT: Once = Once::new();
DENO_INIT.call_once(move || v8_init(v8_platform, options.will_snapshot));
let has_startup_snapshot = options.startup_snapshot.is_some();
// Add builtins extension
.insert(0, crate::ops_builtin::init_builtins());
let ops = Self::collect_ops(&mut options.extensions);
let mut op_state = OpState::new(ops.len());
if let Some(get_error_class_fn) = options.get_error_class_fn {
op_state.get_error_class_fn = get_error_class_fn;
let op_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(op_state));
let align = std::mem::align_of::<usize>();
let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(
std::mem::size_of::<*mut v8::OwnedIsolate>(),
assert!(layout.size() > 0);
let isolate_ptr: *mut v8::OwnedIsolate =
// SAFETY: we just asserted that layout has non-0 size.
unsafe { std::alloc::alloc(layout) as *mut _ };
let state_rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(JsRuntimeState {
pending_promise_exceptions: HashMap::new(),
pending_dyn_mod_evaluate: vec![],
pending_mod_evaluate: None,
dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter: 0,
js_recv_cb: None,
js_macrotask_cbs: vec![],
js_nexttick_cbs: vec![],
js_promise_reject_cb: None,
js_format_exception_cb: None,
js_build_custom_error_cb: None,
has_tick_scheduled: false,
js_wasm_streaming_cb: None,
source_map_getter: options.source_map_getter,
source_map_cache: Default::default(),
pending_ops: FuturesUnordered::new(),
unrefed_ops: HashSet::new(),
shared_array_buffer_store: options.shared_array_buffer_store,
compiled_wasm_module_store: options.compiled_wasm_module_store,
op_state: op_state.clone(),
waker: AtomicWaker::new(),
have_unpolled_ops: false,
dispatched_exceptions: Default::default(),
// Some fields are initialized later after isolate is created
inspector: None,
op_ctxs: vec![].into_boxed_slice(),
global_realm: None,
let weak = Rc::downgrade(&state_rc);
let op_ctxs = ops
.map(|(id, decl)| OpCtx {
state: op_state.clone(),
runtime_state: weak.clone(),
let refs = bindings::external_references(&op_ctxs, !options.will_snapshot);
// V8 takes ownership of external_references.
let refs: &'static v8::ExternalReferences = Box::leak(Box::new(refs));
let global_context;
let mut isolate = if options.will_snapshot {
// TODO(ry) Support loading snapshots before snapshotting.
let snapshot_creator = v8::Isolate::snapshot_creator(Some(refs));
let mut isolate = JsRuntime::setup_isolate(snapshot_creator);
// SAFETY: this is first use of `isolate_ptr` so we are sure we're
// not overwriting an existing pointer.
isolate = unsafe {
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut isolate);
let context = bindings::initialize_context(scope, &op_ctxs, false);
global_context = v8::Global::new(scope, context);
} else {
let mut params = options
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let snapshot_loaded = if let Some(snapshot) = options.startup_snapshot {
params = match snapshot {
Snapshot::Static(data) => params.snapshot_blob(data),
Snapshot::JustCreated(data) => params.snapshot_blob(data),
Snapshot::Boxed(data) => params.snapshot_blob(data),
} else {
let isolate = v8::Isolate::new(params);
let mut isolate = JsRuntime::setup_isolate(isolate);
// SAFETY: this is first use of `isolate_ptr` so we are sure we're
// not overwriting an existing pointer.
isolate = unsafe {
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut isolate);
let context =
bindings::initialize_context(scope, &op_ctxs, snapshot_loaded);
global_context = v8::Global::new(scope, context);
let inspector =
JsRuntimeInspector::new(&mut isolate, global_context.clone());
let loader = options
.unwrap_or_else(|| Rc::new(NoopModuleLoader));
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
state.global_realm = Some(JsRealm(global_context));
state.op_ctxs = op_ctxs;
state.inspector = Some(inspector);
Rc::into_raw(state_rc.clone()) as *mut c_void,
let module_map_rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(ModuleMap::new(loader, op_state)));
Rc::into_raw(module_map_rc) as *mut c_void,
let mut js_runtime = Self {
v8_isolate: Some(isolate),
built_from_snapshot: has_startup_snapshot,
allocations: IsolateAllocations::default(),
event_loop_middlewares: Vec::with_capacity(options.extensions.len()),
extensions: options.extensions,
state: state_rc,
// Init resources and ops before extensions to make sure they are
// available during the initialization process.
// TODO(@AaronO): diff extensions inited in snapshot and those provided
// for now we assume that snapshot and extensions always match
if !has_startup_snapshot {
let realm = js_runtime.global_realm();
// Init callbacks (opresolve)
fn drop_state_and_module_map(v8_isolate: &mut OwnedIsolate) {
let state_ptr = v8_isolate.get_data(Self::STATE_DATA_OFFSET);
let state_rc =
// SAFETY: We are sure that it's a valid pointer for whole lifetime of
// the runtime.
unsafe { Rc::from_raw(state_ptr as *const RefCell<JsRuntimeState>) };
let module_map_ptr = v8_isolate.get_data(Self::MODULE_MAP_DATA_OFFSET);
let module_map_rc =
// SAFETY: We are sure that it's a valid pointer for whole lifetime of
// the runtime.
unsafe { Rc::from_raw(module_map_ptr as *const RefCell<ModuleMap>) };
pub fn global_context(&mut self) -> v8::Global<v8::Context> {
pub fn v8_isolate(&mut self) -> &mut v8::OwnedIsolate {
pub fn inspector(&mut self) -> Rc<RefCell<JsRuntimeInspector>> {
pub fn global_realm(&mut self) -> JsRealm {
let state = self.state.borrow();
/// Creates a new realm (V8 context) in this JS execution context,
/// pre-initialized with all of the extensions that were passed in
/// [`RuntimeOptions::extensions`] when the [`JsRuntime`] was constructed.
/// If the [`JsRuntime`] was not built from a snapshot (see
/// [`RuntimeOptions::startup_snapshot`]), the JS code for the extensions will
/// be run in the call to this method. In contrast, if there is a snapshot,
/// that will be used instead, and the extensions' initialization will come
/// "for free".
pub fn create_realm(&mut self) -> Result<JsRealm, Error> {
let realm = {
// SAFETY: Having the scope tied to self's lifetime makes it impossible to
// reference self.ops while the scope is alive. Here we turn it into an
// unbound lifetime, which is sound because 1. it only lives until the end
// of this block, and 2. the HandleScope only has access to the isolate,
// and nothing else we're accessing from self does.
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(unsafe {
&mut *(self.v8_isolate() as *mut v8::OwnedIsolate)
let context = bindings::initialize_context(
JsRealm::new(v8::Global::new(scope, context))
if !self.built_from_snapshot {
pub fn handle_scope(&mut self) -> v8::HandleScope {
fn setup_isolate(mut isolate: v8::OwnedIsolate) -> v8::OwnedIsolate {
isolate.set_capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions(true, 10);
pub(crate) fn state(isolate: &v8::Isolate) -> Rc<RefCell<JsRuntimeState>> {
let state_ptr = isolate.get_data(Self::STATE_DATA_OFFSET);
let state_rc =
// SAFETY: We are sure that it's a valid pointer for whole lifetime of
// the runtime.
unsafe { Rc::from_raw(state_ptr as *const RefCell<JsRuntimeState>) };
let state = state_rc.clone();
pub(crate) fn module_map(isolate: &v8::Isolate) -> Rc<RefCell<ModuleMap>> {
let module_map_ptr = isolate.get_data(Self::MODULE_MAP_DATA_OFFSET);
let module_map_rc =
// SAFETY: We are sure that it's a valid pointer for whole lifetime of
// the runtime.
unsafe { Rc::from_raw(module_map_ptr as *const RefCell<ModuleMap>) };
let module_map = module_map_rc.clone();
/// Initializes JS of provided Extensions in the given realm
fn init_extension_js(&mut self, realm: &JsRealm) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Take extensions to avoid double-borrow
let mut extensions: Vec<Extension> = std::mem::take(&mut self.extensions);
for m in extensions.iter_mut() {
let js_files = m.init_js();
for (filename, source) in js_files {
// TODO(@AaronO): use JsRuntime::execute_static() here to move src off heap
realm.execute_script(self.v8_isolate(), filename, source)?;
// Restore extensions
self.extensions = extensions;
/// Collects ops from extensions & applies middleware
fn collect_ops(extensions: &mut [Extension]) -> Vec<OpDecl> {
// Middleware
let middleware: Vec<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>> = extensions
.filter_map(|e| e.init_middleware())
// macroware wraps an opfn in all the middleware
let macroware = move |d| middleware.iter().fold(d, |d, m| m(d));
// Flatten ops, apply middlware & override disabled ops
.filter_map(|e| e.init_ops())
.map(|d| OpDecl {
name: d.name,
.map(|op| match op.enabled {
true => op,
false => OpDecl {
v8_fn_ptr: match op.is_async {
true => op_void_async::v8_fn_ptr(),
false => op_void_sync::v8_fn_ptr(),
/// Initializes ops of provided Extensions
fn init_extension_ops(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let op_state = self.op_state();
// Take extensions to avoid double-borrow
let mut extensions: Vec<Extension> = std::mem::take(&mut self.extensions);
// Setup state
for e in extensions.iter_mut() {
// ops are already registered during in bindings::initialize_context();
e.init_state(&mut op_state.borrow_mut())?;
// Setup event-loop middleware
if let Some(middleware) = e.init_event_loop_middleware() {
// Restore extensions
self.extensions = extensions;
/// Grab a Global handle to a v8 value returned by the expression
pub(crate) fn grab<'s, T>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>,
root: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>,
path: &str,
) -> Option<v8::Local<'s, T>>
v8::Local<'s, T>: TryFrom<v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, Error = v8::DataError>,
.fold(Some(root), |p, k| {
let p = v8::Local::<v8::Object>::try_from(p?).ok()?;
let k = v8::String::new(scope, k)?;
p.get(scope, k.into())
pub fn grab_global<'s, T>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>,
path: &str,
) -> Option<v8::Local<'s, T>>
v8::Local<'s, T>: TryFrom<v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, Error = v8::DataError>,
let context = scope.get_current_context();
let global = context.global(scope);
Self::grab(scope, global.into(), path)
pub(crate) fn ensure_objs<'s>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>,
root: v8::Local<'s, v8::Object>,
path: &str,
) -> Option<v8::Local<'s, v8::Object>> {
path.split('.').fold(Some(root), |p, k| {
let k = v8::String::new(scope, k)?.into();
match p?.get(scope, k) {
Some(v) if !v.is_null_or_undefined() => v.try_into().ok(),
_ => {
let o = v8::Object::new(scope);
p?.set(scope, k, o.into());
/// Grabs a reference to core.js' opresolve & syncOpsCache()
fn init_cbs(&mut self) {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let recv_cb =
Self::grab_global::<v8::Function>(scope, "Deno.core.opresolve").unwrap();
let recv_cb = v8::Global::new(scope, recv_cb);
let build_custom_error_cb =
Self::grab_global::<v8::Function>(scope, "Deno.core.buildCustomError")
.expect("Deno.core.buildCustomError is undefined in the realm");
let build_custom_error_cb = v8::Global::new(scope, build_custom_error_cb);
// Put global handles in state
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope);
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
/// Returns the runtime's op state, which can be used to maintain ops
/// and access resources between op calls.
pub fn op_state(&mut self) -> Rc<RefCell<OpState>> {
let state = self.state.borrow();
/// Executes traditional JavaScript code (traditional = not ES modules).
/// The execution takes place on the current global context, so it is possible
/// to maintain local JS state and invoke this method multiple times.
/// `name` can be a filepath or any other string, eg.
/// - "/some/file/path.js"
/// - "<anon>"
/// - "[native code]"
/// The same `name` value can be used for multiple executions.
/// `Error` can usually be downcast to `JsError`.
pub fn execute_script(
&mut self,
name: &str,
source_code: &str,
) -> Result<v8::Global<v8::Value>, Error> {
.execute_script(self.v8_isolate(), name, source_code)
/// Takes a snapshot. The isolate should have been created with will_snapshot
/// set to true.
/// `Error` can usually be downcast to `JsError`.
pub fn snapshot(mut self) -> v8::StartupData {
// Nuke Deno.core.ops.* to avoid ExternalReference snapshotting issues
// TODO(@AaronO): make ops stable across snapshots
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let o = Self::grab_global::<v8::Object>(scope, "Deno.core.ops").unwrap();
let names = o.get_own_property_names(scope, Default::default()).unwrap();
for i in 0..names.length() {
let key = names.get_index(scope, i).unwrap();
o.delete(scope, key);
// Drop existing ModuleMap to drop v8::Global handles
let v8_isolate = self.v8_isolate();
// Drop other v8::Global handles before snapshotting
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
std::mem::take(&mut state.js_recv_cb);
std::mem::take(&mut state.js_promise_reject_cb);
std::mem::take(&mut state.js_format_exception_cb);
std::mem::take(&mut state.js_wasm_streaming_cb);
std::mem::take(&mut state.js_build_custom_error_cb);
let snapshot_creator = self.v8_isolate.take().unwrap();
/// Returns the namespace object of a module.
/// This is only available after module evaluation has completed.
/// This function panics if module has not been instantiated.
pub fn get_module_namespace(
&mut self,
module_id: ModuleId,
) -> Result<v8::Global<v8::Object>, Error> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let module_handle = module_map_rc
.expect("ModuleInfo not found");
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let module = module_handle.open(scope);
if module.get_status() == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored {
let exception = module.get_exception();
return exception_to_err_result(scope, exception, false);
v8::ModuleStatus::Instantiated | v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated
let module_namespace: v8::Local<v8::Object> =
.map_err(|err: v8::DataError| generic_error(err.to_string()))?;
Ok(v8::Global::new(scope, module_namespace))
/// Registers a callback on the isolate when the memory limits are approached.
/// Use this to prevent V8 from crashing the process when reaching the limit.
/// Calls the closure with the current heap limit and the initial heap limit.
/// The return value of the closure is set as the new limit.
pub fn add_near_heap_limit_callback<C>(&mut self, cb: C)
C: FnMut(usize, usize) -> usize + 'static,
let boxed_cb = Box::new(RefCell::new(cb));
let data = boxed_cb.as_ptr() as *mut c_void;
let prev = self
.replace((boxed_cb, near_heap_limit_callback::<C>));
if let Some((_, prev_cb)) = prev {
.remove_near_heap_limit_callback(prev_cb, 0);
.add_near_heap_limit_callback(near_heap_limit_callback::<C>, data);
pub fn remove_near_heap_limit_callback(&mut self, heap_limit: usize) {
if let Some((_, cb)) = self.allocations.near_heap_limit_callback_data.take()
.remove_near_heap_limit_callback(cb, heap_limit);
fn pump_v8_message_loop(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
while v8::Platform::pump_message_loop(
false, // don't block if there are no tasks
) {
// do nothing
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
match tc_scope.exception() {
None => Ok(()),
Some(exception) => exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false),
pub fn poll_value(
&mut self,
global: &v8::Global<v8::Value>,
cx: &mut Context,
) -> Poll<Result<v8::Global<v8::Value>, Error>> {
let state = self.poll_event_loop(cx, false);
let mut scope = self.handle_scope();
let local = v8::Local::<v8::Value>::new(&mut scope, global);
if let Ok(promise) = v8::Local::<v8::Promise>::try_from(local) {
match promise.state() {
v8::PromiseState::Pending => match state {
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => {
let msg = "Promise resolution is still pending but the event loop has already resolved.";
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => {
let value = promise.result(&mut scope);
let value_handle = v8::Global::new(&mut scope, value);
v8::PromiseState::Rejected => {
let exception = promise.result(&mut scope);
Poll::Ready(exception_to_err_result(&mut scope, exception, false))
} else {
let value_handle = v8::Global::new(&mut scope, local);
/// Waits for the given value to resolve while polling the event loop.
/// This future resolves when either the value is resolved or the event loop runs to
/// completion.
pub async fn resolve_value(
&mut self,
global: v8::Global<v8::Value>,
) -> Result<v8::Global<v8::Value>, Error> {
poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_value(&global, cx)).await
/// Runs event loop to completion
/// This future resolves when:
/// - there are no more pending dynamic imports
/// - there are no more pending ops
/// - there are no more active inspector sessions (only if `wait_for_inspector` is set to true)
pub async fn run_event_loop(
&mut self,
wait_for_inspector: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_event_loop(cx, wait_for_inspector)).await
/// Runs a single tick of event loop
/// If `wait_for_inspector` is set to true event loop
/// will return `Poll::Pending` if there are active inspector sessions.
pub fn poll_event_loop(
&mut self,
cx: &mut Context,
wait_for_inspector: bool,
) -> Poll<Result<(), Error>> {
// We always poll the inspector first
let _ = self.inspector().borrow_mut().poll_unpin(cx);
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let state = self.state.borrow();
// Ops
// Dynamic module loading - ie. modules loaded using "import()"
// Run in a loop so that dynamic imports that only depend on another
// dynamic import can be resolved in this event loop iteration.
// For example, a dynamically imported module like the following can be
// immediately resolved after `dependency.ts` is fully evaluated, but it
// wouldn't if not for this loop.
// await delay(1000);
// await import("./dependency.ts");
// console.log("test")
loop {
let poll_imports = self.prepare_dyn_imports(cx)?;
let poll_imports = self.poll_dyn_imports(cx)?;
if !self.evaluate_dyn_imports() {
// Event loop middlewares
let mut maybe_scheduling = false;
let op_state = self.state.borrow().op_state.clone();
for f in &self.event_loop_middlewares {
if f(op_state.clone(), cx) {
maybe_scheduling = true;
// Top level module
let pending_state = self.event_loop_pending_state();
if !pending_state.is_pending() && !maybe_scheduling {
let inspector_has_active_sessions =
if wait_for_inspector && inspector_has_active_sessions {
return Poll::Pending;
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow();
// Check if more async ops have been dispatched
// during this turn of event loop.
// If there are any pending background tasks, we also wake the runtime to
// make sure we don't miss them.
// TODO(andreubotella) The event loop will spin as long as there are pending
// background tasks. We should look into having V8 notify us when a
// background task is done.
if state.have_unpolled_ops
|| pending_state.has_pending_background_tasks
|| pending_state.has_tick_scheduled
|| maybe_scheduling
if pending_state.has_pending_module_evaluation {
if pending_state.has_pending_refed_ops
|| pending_state.has_pending_dyn_imports
|| pending_state.has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation
|| pending_state.has_pending_background_tasks
|| pending_state.has_tick_scheduled
|| maybe_scheduling
// pass, will be polled again
} else {
let msg = "Module evaluation is still pending but there are no pending ops or dynamic imports. This situation is often caused by unresolved promises.";
return Poll::Ready(Err(generic_error(msg)));
if pending_state.has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation {
if pending_state.has_pending_refed_ops
|| pending_state.has_pending_dyn_imports
|| pending_state.has_pending_background_tasks
|| pending_state.has_tick_scheduled
// pass, will be polled again
} else if state.dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter >= 1 {
let mut msg = "Dynamically imported module evaluation is still pending but there are no pending ops. This situation is often caused by unresolved promises.
Pending dynamic modules:\n".to_string();
for pending_evaluate in &state.pending_dyn_mod_evaluate {
let module_info = module_map
msg.push_str("- ");
return Poll::Ready(Err(generic_error(msg)));
} else {
// Delay the above error by one spin of the event loop. A dynamic import
// evaluation may complete during this, in which case the counter will
// reset.
state.dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter += 1;
fn event_loop_pending_state(&mut self) -> EventLoopPendingState {
let isolate = self.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(isolate);
let state = self.state.borrow_mut();
let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow();
EventLoopPendingState {
has_pending_refed_ops: state.pending_ops.len() > state.unrefed_ops.len(),
has_pending_dyn_imports: module_map.has_pending_dynamic_imports(),
has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation: !state
has_pending_module_evaluation: state.pending_mod_evaluate.is_some(),
has_pending_background_tasks: isolate.has_pending_background_tasks(),
has_tick_scheduled: state.has_tick_scheduled,
pub(crate) fn event_loop_pending_state_from_isolate(
isolate: &mut v8::Isolate,
) -> EventLoopPendingState {
let state_rc = Self::state(isolate);
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(isolate);
let state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow();
EventLoopPendingState {
has_pending_refed_ops: state.pending_ops.len() > state.unrefed_ops.len(),
has_pending_dyn_imports: module_map.has_pending_dynamic_imports(),
has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation: !state
has_pending_module_evaluation: state.pending_mod_evaluate.is_some(),
has_pending_background_tasks: isolate.has_pending_background_tasks(),
has_tick_scheduled: state.has_tick_scheduled,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct EventLoopPendingState {
has_pending_refed_ops: bool,
has_pending_dyn_imports: bool,
has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation: bool,
has_pending_module_evaluation: bool,
has_pending_background_tasks: bool,
has_tick_scheduled: bool,
impl EventLoopPendingState {
pub fn is_pending(&self) -> bool {
|| self.has_pending_dyn_imports
|| self.has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation
|| self.has_pending_module_evaluation
|| self.has_pending_background_tasks
|| self.has_tick_scheduled
extern "C" fn near_heap_limit_callback<F>(
data: *mut c_void,
current_heap_limit: usize,
initial_heap_limit: usize,
) -> usize
F: FnMut(usize, usize) -> usize,
// SAFETY: The data is a pointer to the Rust callback function. It is stored
// in `JsRuntime::allocations` and thus is guaranteed to outlive the isolate.
let callback = unsafe { &mut *(data as *mut F) };
callback(current_heap_limit, initial_heap_limit)
impl JsRuntimeState {
pub(crate) fn inspector(&self) -> Rc<RefCell<JsRuntimeInspector>> {
/// Called by `bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback`
/// after initiating new dynamic import load.
pub fn notify_new_dynamic_import(&mut self) {
// Notify event loop to poll again soon.
pub(crate) fn exception_to_err_result<'s, T>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>,
exception: v8::Local<v8::Value>,
in_promise: bool,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope);
let was_terminating_execution = scope.is_execution_terminating();
// If TerminateExecution was called, cancel isolate termination so that the
// exception can be created. Note that `scope.is_execution_terminating()` may
// have returned false if TerminateExecution was indeed called but there was
// no JS to execute after the call.
let mut exception = exception;
// If termination is the result of a `op_dispatch_exception` call, we want
// to use the exception that was passed to it rather than the exception that
// was passed to this function.
let state = state_rc.borrow();
exception = state
.map(|exception| v8::Local::new(scope, exception.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Maybe make a new exception object.
if was_terminating_execution && exception.is_null_or_undefined() {
let message = v8::String::new(scope, "execution terminated").unwrap();
v8::Exception::error(scope, message)
} else {
let mut js_error = JsError::from_v8_exception(scope, exception);
if in_promise {
js_error.exception_message = format!(
"Uncaught (in promise) {}",
js_error.exception_message.trim_start_matches("Uncaught ")
if was_terminating_execution {
// Resume exception termination.
// Related to module loading
impl JsRuntime {
pub(crate) fn instantiate_module(
&mut self,
id: ModuleId,
) -> Result<(), v8::Global<v8::Value>> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let module = module_map_rc
.map(|handle| v8::Local::new(tc_scope, handle))
.expect("ModuleInfo not found");
if module.get_status() == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored {
return Err(v8::Global::new(tc_scope, module.get_exception()));
// IMPORTANT: No borrows to `ModuleMap` can be held at this point because
// `module_resolve_callback` will be calling into `ModuleMap` from within
// the isolate.
let instantiate_result =
module.instantiate_module(tc_scope, bindings::module_resolve_callback);
if instantiate_result.is_none() {
let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap();
return Err(v8::Global::new(tc_scope, exception));
fn dynamic_import_module_evaluate(
&mut self,
load_id: ModuleLoadId,
id: ModuleId,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let module_handle = module_map_rc
.expect("ModuleInfo not found");
let status = {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let module = module_handle.open(scope);
match status {
v8::ModuleStatus::Instantiated | v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated => {}
_ => return Ok(()),
// IMPORTANT: Top-level-await is enabled, which means that return value
// of module evaluation is a promise.
// This promise is internal, and not the same one that gets returned to
// the user. We add an empty `.catch()` handler so that it does not result
// in an exception if it rejects. That will instead happen for the other
// promise if not handled by the user.
// For more details see:
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4908
// https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await#module-execution-order
let global_realm = self.state.borrow_mut().global_realm.clone().unwrap();
let scope =
&mut global_realm.handle_scope(self.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap());
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let module = v8::Local::new(tc_scope, &module_handle);
let maybe_value = module.evaluate(tc_scope);
// Update status after evaluating.
let status = module.get_status();
if let Some(value) = maybe_value {
status == v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated
|| status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored
let promise = v8::Local::<v8::Promise>::try_from(value)
.expect("Expected to get promise as module evaluation result");
let empty_fn = bindings::create_empty_fn(tc_scope).unwrap();
promise.catch(tc_scope, empty_fn);
let promise_global = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, promise);
let module_global = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, module);
let dyn_import_mod_evaluate = DynImportModEvaluate {
module_id: id,
promise: promise_global,
module: module_global,
} else if tc_scope.has_terminated() || tc_scope.is_execution_terminating() {
return Err(
generic_error("Cannot evaluate dynamically imported module, because JavaScript execution has been terminated.")
} else {
assert!(status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored);
// TODO(bartlomieju): make it return `ModuleEvaluationFuture`?
/// Evaluates an already instantiated ES module.
/// Returns a receiver handle that resolves when module promise resolves.
/// Implementors must manually call [`JsRuntime::run_event_loop`] to drive
/// module evaluation future.
/// `Error` can usually be downcast to `JsError` and should be awaited and
/// checked after [`JsRuntime::run_event_loop`] completion.
/// This function panics if module has not been instantiated.
pub fn mod_evaluate(
&mut self,
id: ModuleId,
) -> oneshot::Receiver<Result<(), Error>> {
let state_rc = self.state.clone();
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let module = module_map_rc
.map(|handle| v8::Local::new(tc_scope, handle))
.expect("ModuleInfo not found");
let mut status = module.get_status();
assert_eq!(status, v8::ModuleStatus::Instantiated);
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// IMPORTANT: Top-level-await is enabled, which means that return value
// of module evaluation is a promise.
// Because that promise is created internally by V8, when error occurs during
// module evaluation the promise is rejected, and since the promise has no rejection
// handler it will result in call to `bindings::promise_reject_callback` adding
// the promise to pending promise rejection table - meaning JsRuntime will return
// error on next poll().
// This situation is not desirable as we want to manually return error at the
// end of this function to handle it further. It means we need to manually
// remove this promise from pending promise rejection table.
// For more details see:
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4908
// https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await#module-execution-order
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
"There is already pending top level module evaluation"
state.pending_mod_evaluate = Some(ModEvaluate {
promise: None,
has_evaluated: false,
handled_promise_rejections: vec![],
let maybe_value = module.evaluate(tc_scope);
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
let pending_mod_evaluate = state.pending_mod_evaluate.as_mut().unwrap();
pending_mod_evaluate.has_evaluated = true;
// Update status after evaluating.
status = module.get_status();
let has_dispatched_exception =
if has_dispatched_exception {
// This will be overrided in `exception_to_err_result()`.
let exception = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into();
let pending_mod_evaluate = {
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
.send(exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false))
.expect("Failed to send module evaluation error.");
} else if let Some(value) = maybe_value {
status == v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated
|| status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored
let promise = v8::Local::<v8::Promise>::try_from(value)
.expect("Expected to get promise as module evaluation result");
let promise_global = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, promise);
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
let pending_mod_evaluate = state.pending_mod_evaluate.as_ref().unwrap();
let pending_rejection_was_already_handled = pending_mod_evaluate
if !pending_rejection_was_already_handled {
let promise_global = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, promise);
state.pending_mod_evaluate.as_mut().unwrap().promise =
} else if tc_scope.has_terminated() || tc_scope.is_execution_terminating() {
let pending_mod_evaluate = {
let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
generic_error("Cannot evaluate module, because JavaScript execution has been terminated.")
)).expect("Failed to send module evaluation error.");
} else {
assert!(status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored);
fn dynamic_import_reject(
&mut self,
id: ModuleLoadId,
exception: v8::Global<v8::Value>,
) {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let resolver_handle = module_map_rc
.expect("Invalid dynamic import id");
let resolver = resolver_handle.open(scope);
// IMPORTANT: No borrows to `ModuleMap` can be held at this point because
// rejecting the promise might initiate another `import()` which will
// in turn call `bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback` which
// will reach into `ModuleMap` from within the isolate.
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, exception);
resolver.reject(scope, exception).unwrap();
fn dynamic_import_resolve(&mut self, id: ModuleLoadId, mod_id: ModuleId) {
let state_rc = self.state.clone();
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let resolver_handle = module_map_rc
.expect("Invalid dynamic import id");
let resolver = resolver_handle.open(scope);
let module = {
.map(|handle| v8::Local::new(scope, handle))
.expect("Dyn import module info not found")
// Resolution success
assert_eq!(module.get_status(), v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated);
// IMPORTANT: No borrows to `ModuleMap` can be held at this point because
// resolving the promise might initiate another `import()` which will
// in turn call `bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback` which
// will reach into `ModuleMap` from within the isolate.
let module_namespace = module.get_module_namespace();
resolver.resolve(scope, module_namespace).unwrap();
state_rc.borrow_mut().dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter = 0;
fn prepare_dyn_imports(
&mut self,
cx: &mut Context,
) -> Poll<Result<(), Error>> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
if module_map_rc.borrow().preparing_dynamic_imports.is_empty() {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
loop {
let poll_result = module_map_rc
if let Poll::Ready(Some(prepare_poll)) = poll_result {
let dyn_import_id = prepare_poll.0;
let prepare_result = prepare_poll.1;
match prepare_result {
Ok(load) => {
Err(err) => {
let exception = to_v8_type_error(&mut self.handle_scope(), err);
self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, exception);
// Continue polling for more prepared dynamic imports.
// There are no active dynamic import loads, or none are ready.
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
fn poll_dyn_imports(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), Error>> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
if module_map_rc.borrow().pending_dynamic_imports.is_empty() {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
loop {
let poll_result = module_map_rc
if let Poll::Ready(Some(load_stream_poll)) = poll_result {
let maybe_result = load_stream_poll.0;
let mut load = load_stream_poll.1;
let dyn_import_id = load.id;
if let Some(load_stream_result) = maybe_result {
match load_stream_result {
Ok((request, info)) => {
// A module (not necessarily the one dynamically imported) has been
// fetched. Create and register it, and if successful, poll for the
// next recursive-load event related to this dynamic import.
let register_result = load.register_and_recurse(
&mut self.handle_scope(),
match register_result {
Ok(()) => {
// Keep importing until it's fully drained
Err(err) => {
let exception = match err {
ModuleError::Exception(e) => e,
ModuleError::Other(e) => {
to_v8_type_error(&mut self.handle_scope(), e)
self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, exception)
Err(err) => {
// A non-javascript error occurred; this could be due to a an invalid
// module specifier, or a problem with the source map, or a failure
// to fetch the module source code.
let exception = to_v8_type_error(&mut self.handle_scope(), err);
self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, exception);
} else {
// The top-level module from a dynamic import has been instantiated.
// Load is done.
let module_id =
load.root_module_id.expect("Root module should be loaded");
let result = self.instantiate_module(module_id);
if let Err(exception) = result {
self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, exception);
self.dynamic_import_module_evaluate(dyn_import_id, module_id)?;
// Continue polling for more ready dynamic imports.
// There are no active dynamic import loads, or none are ready.
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
/// "deno_core" runs V8 with Top Level Await enabled. It means that each
/// module evaluation returns a promise from V8.
/// Feature docs: https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await
/// This promise resolves after all dependent modules have also
/// resolved. Each dependent module may perform calls to "import()" and APIs
/// using async ops will add futures to the runtime's event loop.
/// It means that the promise returned from module evaluation will
/// resolve only after all futures in the event loop are done.
/// Thus during turn of event loop we need to check if V8 has
/// resolved or rejected the promise. If the promise is still pending
/// then another turn of event loop must be performed.
fn evaluate_pending_module(&mut self) {
let state_rc = self.state.clone();
let maybe_module_evaluation =
if maybe_module_evaluation.is_none() {
let mut module_evaluation = maybe_module_evaluation.unwrap();
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let promise_global = module_evaluation.promise.clone().unwrap();
let promise = promise_global.open(scope);
let promise_state = promise.state();
match promise_state {
v8::PromiseState::Pending => {
// NOTE: `poll_event_loop` will decide if
// runtime would be woken soon
state_rc.borrow_mut().pending_mod_evaluate = Some(module_evaluation);
v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => {
// Receiver end might have been already dropped, ignore the result
let _ = module_evaluation.sender.send(Ok(()));
v8::PromiseState::Rejected => {
let exception = promise.result(scope);
// Receiver end might have been already dropped, ignore the result
if module_evaluation
let _ = module_evaluation.sender.send(Ok(()));
} else {
let _ = module_evaluation
.send(exception_to_err_result(scope, exception, false));
// Returns true if some dynamic import was resolved.
fn evaluate_dyn_imports(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut resolved_any = false;
let mut still_pending = vec![];
let pending =
std::mem::take(&mut self.state.borrow_mut().pending_dyn_mod_evaluate);
for pending_dyn_evaluate in pending {
let maybe_result = {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let module_id = pending_dyn_evaluate.module_id;
let promise = pending_dyn_evaluate.promise.open(scope);
let _module = pending_dyn_evaluate.module.open(scope);
let promise_state = promise.state();
match promise_state {
v8::PromiseState::Pending => {
v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => {
Some(Ok((pending_dyn_evaluate.load_id, module_id)))
v8::PromiseState::Rejected => {
let exception = promise.result(scope);
let exception = v8::Global::new(scope, exception);
Some(Err((pending_dyn_evaluate.load_id, exception)))
if let Some(result) = maybe_result {
resolved_any = true;
match result {
Ok((dyn_import_id, module_id)) => {
self.dynamic_import_resolve(dyn_import_id, module_id);
Err((dyn_import_id, exception)) => {
self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, exception);
self.state.borrow_mut().pending_dyn_mod_evaluate = still_pending;
/// Asynchronously load specified module and all of its dependencies.
/// The module will be marked as "main", and because of that
/// "import.meta.main" will return true when checked inside that module.
/// User must call [`JsRuntime::mod_evaluate`] with returned `ModuleId`
/// manually after load is finished.
pub async fn load_main_module(
&mut self,
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
code: Option<String>,
) -> Result<ModuleId, Error> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
if let Some(code) = code {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
// main module
.map_err(|e| match e {
ModuleError::Exception(exception) => {
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, exception);
exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false).unwrap_err()
ModuleError::Other(error) => error,
let mut load =
ModuleMap::load_main(module_map_rc.clone(), specifier.as_str()).await?;
while let Some(load_result) = load.next().await {
let (request, info) = load_result?;
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
load.register_and_recurse(scope, &request, &info).map_err(
|e| match e {
ModuleError::Exception(exception) => {
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, exception);
exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false).unwrap_err()
ModuleError::Other(error) => error,
let root_id = load.root_module_id.expect("Root module should be loaded");
self.instantiate_module(root_id).map_err(|e| {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, e);
exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false).unwrap_err()
/// Asynchronously load specified ES module and all of its dependencies.
/// This method is meant to be used when loading some utility code that
/// might be later imported by the main module (ie. an entry point module).
/// User must call [`JsRuntime::mod_evaluate`] with returned `ModuleId`
/// manually after load is finished.
pub async fn load_side_module(
&mut self,
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
code: Option<String>,
) -> Result<ModuleId, Error> {
let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate());
if let Some(code) = code {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
// not main module
.map_err(|e| match e {
ModuleError::Exception(exception) => {
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, exception);
exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false).unwrap_err()
ModuleError::Other(error) => error,
let mut load =
ModuleMap::load_side(module_map_rc.clone(), specifier.as_str()).await?;
while let Some(load_result) = load.next().await {
let (request, info) = load_result?;
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
load.register_and_recurse(scope, &request, &info).map_err(
|e| match e {
ModuleError::Exception(exception) => {
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, exception);
exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false).unwrap_err()
ModuleError::Other(error) => error,
let root_id = load.root_module_id.expect("Root module should be loaded");
self.instantiate_module(root_id).map_err(|e| {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, e);
exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false).unwrap_err()
fn check_promise_exceptions(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
if state.pending_promise_exceptions.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let key = {
let handle = state.pending_promise_exceptions.remove(&key).unwrap();
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, handle);
exception_to_err_result(scope, exception, true)
// Send finished responses to JS
fn resolve_async_ops(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), Error> {
let isolate = self.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap();
let js_recv_cb_handle = self.state.borrow().js_recv_cb.clone().unwrap();
let global_realm = self.state.borrow().global_realm.clone().unwrap();
let scope = &mut global_realm.handle_scope(isolate);
// We return async responses to JS in unbounded batches (may change),
// each batch is a flat vector of tuples:
// `[promise_id1, op_result1, promise_id2, op_result2, ...]`
// promise_id is a simple integer, op_result is an ops::OpResult
// which contains a value OR an error, encoded as a tuple.
// This batch is received in JS via the special `arguments` variable
// and then each tuple is used to resolve or reject promises
let mut args: Vec<v8::Local<v8::Value>> = vec![];
// Now handle actual ops.
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
state.have_unpolled_ops = false;
while let Poll::Ready(Some(item)) = state.pending_ops.poll_next_unpin(cx)
let (promise_id, op_id, mut resp) = item;
args.push(v8::Integer::new(scope, promise_id as i32).into());
args.push(match resp.to_v8(scope) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => OpResult::Err(OpError::new(&|_| "TypeError", e.into()))
if args.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let js_recv_cb = js_recv_cb_handle.open(tc_scope);
let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into();
js_recv_cb.call(tc_scope, this, args.as_slice());
match tc_scope.exception() {
None => Ok(()),
Some(exception) => exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false),
fn drain_macrotasks(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.state.borrow().js_macrotask_cbs.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let js_macrotask_cb_handles = self.state.borrow().js_macrotask_cbs.clone();
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
for js_macrotask_cb_handle in js_macrotask_cb_handles {
let js_macrotask_cb = js_macrotask_cb_handle.open(scope);
// Repeatedly invoke macrotask callback until it returns true (done),
// such that ready microtasks would be automatically run before
// next macrotask is processed.
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into();
loop {
let is_done = js_macrotask_cb.call(tc_scope, this, &[]);
if let Some(exception) = tc_scope.exception() {
return exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false);
if tc_scope.has_terminated() || tc_scope.is_execution_terminating() {
return Ok(());
let is_done = is_done.unwrap();
if is_done.is_true() {
fn drain_nexttick(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.state.borrow().js_nexttick_cbs.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let state = self.state.clone();
if !state.borrow().has_tick_scheduled {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
// TODO(bartlomieju): Node also checks for absence of "rejection_to_warn"
if !state.borrow().has_tick_scheduled {
return Ok(());
let js_nexttick_cb_handles = state.borrow().js_nexttick_cbs.clone();
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope();
for js_nexttick_cb_handle in js_nexttick_cb_handles {
let js_nexttick_cb = js_nexttick_cb_handle.open(scope);
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into();
js_nexttick_cb.call(tc_scope, this, &[]);
if let Some(exception) = tc_scope.exception() {
return exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false);
/// A representation of a JavaScript realm tied to a [`JsRuntime`], that allows
/// execution in the realm's context.
/// A [`JsRealm`] instance is a reference to an already existing realm, which
/// does not hold ownership of it, so instances can be created and dropped as
/// needed. As such, calling [`JsRealm::new`] doesn't create a new realm, and
/// cloning a [`JsRealm`] only creates a new reference. See
/// [`JsRuntime::create_realm`] to create new realms instead.
/// Despite [`JsRealm`] instances being references, multiple instances that
/// point to the same realm won't overlap because every operation requires
/// passing a mutable reference to the [`v8::Isolate`]. Therefore, no operation
/// on two [`JsRealm`] instances tied to the same isolate can be run at the same
/// time, regardless of whether they point to the same realm.
/// # Panics
/// Every method of [`JsRealm`] will panic if you call if with a reference to a
/// [`v8::Isolate`] other than the one that corresponds to the current context.
/// # Lifetime of the realm
/// As long as the corresponding isolate is alive, a [`JsRealm`] instance will
/// keep the underlying V8 context alive even if it would have otherwise been
/// garbage collected.
pub struct JsRealm(v8::Global<v8::Context>);
impl JsRealm {
pub fn new(context: v8::Global<v8::Context>) -> Self {
pub fn context(&self) -> &v8::Global<v8::Context> {
pub fn handle_scope<'s>(
isolate: &'s mut v8::Isolate,
) -> v8::HandleScope<'s> {
v8::HandleScope::with_context(isolate, &self.0)
pub fn global_object<'s>(
isolate: &'s mut v8::Isolate,
) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Object> {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(isolate);
/// Executes traditional JavaScript code (traditional = not ES modules) in the
/// realm's context.
/// `name` can be a filepath or any other string, eg.
/// - "/some/file/path.js"
/// - "<anon>"
/// - "[native code]"
/// The same `name` value can be used for multiple executions.
/// `Error` can usually be downcast to `JsError`.
pub fn execute_script(
isolate: &mut v8::Isolate,
name: &str,
source_code: &str,
) -> Result<v8::Global<v8::Value>, Error> {
let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(isolate);
let source = v8::String::new(scope, source_code).unwrap();
let name = v8::String::new(scope, name).unwrap();
let origin = bindings::script_origin(scope, name);
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let script = match v8::Script::compile(tc_scope, source, Some(&origin)) {
Some(script) => script,
None => {
let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap();
return exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false);
match script.run(tc_scope) {
Some(value) => {
let value_handle = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, value);
None => {
let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap();
exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false)
// TODO(andreubotella): `mod_evaluate`, `load_main_module`, `load_side_module`
pub fn queue_async_op(
ctx: &OpCtx,
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope,
deferred: bool,
op: impl Future<Output = (PromiseId, OpId, OpResult)> + 'static,
) {
let runtime_state = match ctx.runtime_state.upgrade() {
Some(rc_state) => rc_state,
// atleast 1 Rc is held by the JsRuntime.
None => unreachable!(),
match OpCall::eager(op) {
// This calls promise.resolve() before the control goes back to userland JS. It works something
// along the lines of:
// function opresolve(promiseId, ...) {
// getPromise(promiseId).resolve(...);
// }
// const p = setPromise();
// op.op_async(promiseId, ...); // Calls `opresolve`
// return p;
EagerPollResult::Ready((promise_id, op_id, mut resp)) if !deferred => {
let args = &[
v8::Integer::new(scope, promise_id).into(),
let js_recv_cb_handle =
let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let js_recv_cb = js_recv_cb_handle.open(tc_scope);
let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into();
js_recv_cb.call(tc_scope, this, args);
EagerPollResult::Ready(op) => {
let ready = OpCall::ready(op);
let mut state = runtime_state.borrow_mut();
state.have_unpolled_ops = true;
EagerPollResult::Pending(op) => {
let mut state = runtime_state.borrow_mut();
state.have_unpolled_ops = true;
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::error::custom_error;
use crate::error::AnyError;
use crate::modules::ModuleSource;
use crate::modules::ModuleSourceFuture;
use crate::modules::ModuleType;
use crate::ZeroCopyBuf;
use deno_ops::op;
use futures::future::lazy;
use std::ops::FnOnce;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
// deno_ops macros generate code assuming deno_core in scope.
mod deno_core {
pub use crate::*;
pub fn run_in_task<F>(f: F)
F: FnOnce(&mut Context) + Send + 'static,
futures::executor::block_on(lazy(move |cx| f(cx)));
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Mode {
struct TestState {
mode: Mode,
dispatch_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
async fn op_test(
rc_op_state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
control: u8,
buf: Option<ZeroCopyBuf>,
) -> Result<u8, AnyError> {
let op_state_ = rc_op_state.borrow();
let test_state = op_state_.borrow::<TestState>();
test_state.dispatch_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
match test_state.mode {
Mode::Async => {
assert_eq!(control, 42);
Mode::AsyncZeroCopy(has_buffer) => {
assert_eq!(buf.is_some(), has_buffer);
if let Some(buf) = buf {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 1);
fn setup(mode: Mode) -> (JsRuntime, Arc<AtomicUsize>) {
let dispatch_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let dispatch_count2 = dispatch_count.clone();
let ext = Extension::builder()
.state(move |state| {
state.put(TestState {
dispatch_count: dispatch_count2.clone(),
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
get_error_class_fn: Some(&|error| {
function assert(cond) {
if (!cond) {
throw Error("assert");
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
(runtime, dispatch_count)
fn test_ref_unref_ops() {
let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
var promiseIdSymbol = Symbol.for("Deno.core.internalPromiseId");
var p1 = Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", 42);
var p2 = Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", 42);
let isolate = runtime.v8_isolate();
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(isolate);
let state = state_rc.borrow();
assert_eq!(state.pending_ops.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(state.unrefed_ops.len(), 0);
let isolate = runtime.v8_isolate();
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(isolate);
let state = state_rc.borrow();
assert_eq!(state.pending_ops.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(state.unrefed_ops.len(), 2);
let isolate = runtime.v8_isolate();
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(isolate);
let state = state_rc.borrow();
assert_eq!(state.pending_ops.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(state.unrefed_ops.len(), 0);
fn test_dispatch() {
let (mut runtime, dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
let control = 42;
Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", control);
async function main() {
Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", control);
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);
fn test_op_async_promise_id() {
let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
const p = Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", 42);
if (p[Symbol.for("Deno.core.internalPromiseId")] == undefined) {
throw new Error("missing id on returned promise");
fn test_dispatch_no_zero_copy_buf() {
let (mut runtime, dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::AsyncZeroCopy(false));
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
fn test_dispatch_stack_zero_copy_bufs() {
let (mut runtime, dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::AsyncZeroCopy(true));
let zero_copy_a = new Uint8Array([0]);
Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", null, zero_copy_a);
assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
fn test_execute_script_return_value() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
let value_global = runtime.execute_script("a.js", "a = 1 + 2").unwrap();
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
let value = value_global.open(scope);
assert_eq!(value.integer_value(scope).unwrap(), 3);
let value_global = runtime.execute_script("b.js", "b = 'foobar'").unwrap();
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
let value = value_global.open(scope);
async fn test_poll_value() {
run_in_task(|cx| {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
let value_global = runtime
.execute_script("a.js", "Promise.resolve(1 + 2)")
let v = runtime.poll_value(&value_global, cx);
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
matches!(v, Poll::Ready(Ok(v)) if v.open(scope).integer_value(scope).unwrap() == 3)
let value_global = runtime
"Promise.resolve(new Promise(resolve => resolve(2 + 2)))",
let v = runtime.poll_value(&value_global, cx);
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
matches!(v, Poll::Ready(Ok(v)) if v.open(scope).integer_value(scope).unwrap() == 4)
let value_global = runtime
.execute_script("a.js", "Promise.reject(new Error('fail'))")
let v = runtime.poll_value(&value_global, cx);
matches!(v, Poll::Ready(Err(e)) if e.downcast_ref::<JsError>().unwrap().exception_message == "Uncaught Error: fail")
let value_global = runtime
.execute_script("a.js", "new Promise(resolve => {})")
let v = runtime.poll_value(&value_global, cx);
matches!(v, Poll::Ready(Err(e)) if e.to_string() == "Promise resolution is still pending but the event loop has already resolved.");
async fn test_resolve_value() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
let value_global = runtime
.execute_script("a.js", "Promise.resolve(1 + 2)")
let result_global = runtime.resolve_value(value_global).await.unwrap();
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
let value = result_global.open(scope);
assert_eq!(value.integer_value(scope).unwrap(), 3);
let value_global = runtime
"Promise.resolve(new Promise(resolve => resolve(2 + 2)))",
let result_global = runtime.resolve_value(value_global).await.unwrap();
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
let value = result_global.open(scope);
assert_eq!(value.integer_value(scope).unwrap(), 4);
let value_global = runtime
.execute_script("a.js", "Promise.reject(new Error('fail'))")
let err = runtime.resolve_value(value_global).await.unwrap_err();
"Uncaught Error: fail",
let value_global = runtime
.execute_script("a.js", "new Promise(resolve => {})")
let error_string = runtime
"Promise resolution is still pending but the event loop has already resolved.",
fn terminate_execution_webassembly() {
let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
let v8_isolate_handle = runtime.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle();
// Run an infinite loop in Webassemby code, which should be terminated.
let promise = runtime.execute_script("infinite_wasm_loop.js",
(async () => {
const wasmCode = new Uint8Array([
0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 1,
96, 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 17, 1, 13,
105, 110, 102, 105, 110, 105, 116, 101, 95, 108, 111,
111, 112, 0, 0, 10, 9, 1, 7, 0, 3, 64,
12, 0, 11, 11,
const wasmModule = await WebAssembly.compile(wasmCode);
globalThis.wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule);
let terminator_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
// terminate execution
let ok = v8_isolate_handle.terminate_execution();
let err = runtime
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "Uncaught Error: execution terminated");
// Cancel the execution-terminating exception in order to allow script
// execution again.
let ok = runtime.v8_isolate().cancel_terminate_execution();
// Verify that the isolate usable again.
.execute_script("simple.js", "1 + 1")
.expect("execution should be possible again");
fn terminate_execution() {
let (mut isolate, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
let v8_isolate_handle = isolate.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle();
let terminator_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
// allow deno to boot and run
// terminate execution
let ok = v8_isolate_handle.terminate_execution();
// Rn an infinite loop, which should be terminated.
match isolate.execute_script("infinite_loop.js", "for(;;) {}") {
Ok(_) => panic!("execution should be terminated"),
Err(e) => {
assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Uncaught Error: execution terminated")
// Cancel the execution-terminating exception in order to allow script
// execution again.
let ok = isolate.v8_isolate().cancel_terminate_execution();
// Verify that the isolate usable again.
.execute_script("simple.js", "1 + 1")
.expect("execution should be possible again");
fn dangling_shared_isolate() {
let v8_isolate_handle = {
// isolate is dropped at the end of this block
let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
// this should not SEGFAULT
fn syntax_error() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
let src = "hocuspocus(";
let r = runtime.execute_script("i.js", src);
let e = r.unwrap_err();
let js_error = e.downcast::<JsError>().unwrap();
let frame = js_error.frames.first().unwrap();
assert_eq!(frame.column_number, Some(12));
fn test_encode_decode() {
run_in_task(|cx| {
let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) {
fn test_serialize_deserialize() {
run_in_task(|cx| {
let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async);
if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) {
fn test_error_builder() {
fn op_err() -> Result<(), Error> {
Err(custom_error("DOMExceptionOperationError", "abc"))
pub fn get_error_class_name(_: &Error) -> &'static str {
run_in_task(|cx| {
let ext = Extension::builder().ops(vec![op_err::decl()]).build();
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
get_error_class_fn: Some(&get_error_class_name),
if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) {
fn will_snapshot() {
let snapshot = {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
will_snapshot: true,
runtime.execute_script("a.js", "a = 1 + 2").unwrap();
let snapshot = Snapshot::JustCreated(snapshot);
let mut runtime2 = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
startup_snapshot: Some(snapshot),
.execute_script("check.js", "if (a != 3) throw Error('x')")
fn test_snapshot_callbacks() {
let snapshot = {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
will_snapshot: true,
Deno.core.ops.op_set_macrotask_callback(() => {
return true;
Deno.core.ops.op_set_format_exception_callback(()=> {
return null;
Deno.core.setPromiseRejectCallback(() => {
return false;
a = 1 + 2;
let snapshot = Snapshot::JustCreated(snapshot);
let mut runtime2 = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
startup_snapshot: Some(snapshot),
.execute_script("check.js", "if (a != 3) throw Error('x')")
fn test_from_boxed_snapshot() {
let snapshot = {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
will_snapshot: true,
runtime.execute_script("a.js", "a = 1 + 2").unwrap();
let snap: &[u8] = &*runtime.snapshot();
let snapshot = Snapshot::Boxed(snapshot);
let mut runtime2 = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
startup_snapshot: Some(snapshot),
.execute_script("check.js", "if (a != 3) throw Error('x')")
fn test_get_module_namespace() {
struct ModsLoader;
impl ModuleLoader for ModsLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, Error> {
assert_eq!(specifier, "file:///main.js");
assert_eq!(referrer, ".");
let s = crate::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
_module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
async { Err(generic_error("Module loading is not supported")) }
let loader = std::rc::Rc::new(ModsLoader::default());
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
module_loader: Some(loader),
let specifier = crate::resolve_url("file:///main.js").unwrap();
let source_code = r#"
export const a = "b";
export default 1 + 2;
let module_id = futures::executor::block_on(
runtime.load_main_module(&specifier, Some(source_code)),
let _ = runtime.mod_evaluate(module_id);
let module_namespace = runtime.get_module_namespace(module_id).unwrap();
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
let module_namespace =
v8::Local::<v8::Object>::new(scope, module_namespace);
let unknown_export_name = v8::String::new(scope, "none").unwrap();
let binding = module_namespace.get(scope, unknown_export_name.into());
let empty_export_name = v8::String::new(scope, "").unwrap();
let binding = module_namespace.get(scope, empty_export_name.into());
let a_export_name = v8::String::new(scope, "a").unwrap();
let binding = module_namespace.get(scope, a_export_name.into());
assert_eq!(binding.unwrap(), v8::String::new(scope, "b").unwrap());
let default_export_name = v8::String::new(scope, "default").unwrap();
let binding = module_namespace.get(scope, default_export_name.into());
assert_eq!(binding.unwrap(), v8::Number::new(scope, 3_f64));
fn test_heap_limits() {
let create_params =
v8::Isolate::create_params().heap_limits(0, 3 * 1024 * 1024);
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
create_params: Some(create_params),
let cb_handle = runtime.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle();
let callback_invoke_count = Rc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let inner_invoke_count = Rc::clone(&callback_invoke_count);
move |current_limit, _initial_limit| {
inner_invoke_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
current_limit * 2
let err = runtime
"script name",
r#"let s = ""; while(true) { s += "Hello"; }"#,
.expect_err("script should fail");
"Uncaught Error: execution terminated",
assert!(callback_invoke_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0)
fn test_heap_limit_cb_remove() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
runtime.add_near_heap_limit_callback(|current_limit, _initial_limit| {
current_limit * 2
runtime.remove_near_heap_limit_callback(3 * 1024 * 1024);
fn test_heap_limit_cb_multiple() {
let create_params =
v8::Isolate::create_params().heap_limits(0, 3 * 1024 * 1024);
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
create_params: Some(create_params),
let cb_handle = runtime.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle();
let callback_invoke_count_first = Rc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let inner_invoke_count_first = Rc::clone(&callback_invoke_count_first);
move |current_limit, _initial_limit| {
inner_invoke_count_first.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
current_limit * 2
let callback_invoke_count_second = Rc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let inner_invoke_count_second = Rc::clone(&callback_invoke_count_second);
move |current_limit, _initial_limit| {
inner_invoke_count_second.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
current_limit * 2
let err = runtime
"script name",
r#"let s = ""; while(true) { s += "Hello"; }"#,
.expect_err("script should fail");
"Uncaught Error: execution terminated",
assert_eq!(0, callback_invoke_count_first.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
assert!(callback_invoke_count_second.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0);
fn es_snapshot() {
struct ModsLoader;
impl ModuleLoader for ModsLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, Error> {
assert_eq!(specifier, "file:///main.js");
assert_eq!(referrer, ".");
let s = crate::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
_module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
let loader = std::rc::Rc::new(ModsLoader::default());
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
module_loader: Some(loader),
will_snapshot: true,
let specifier = crate::resolve_url("file:///main.js").unwrap();
let source_code = "Deno.core.print('hello\\n')".to_string();
let module_id = futures::executor::block_on(
runtime.load_main_module(&specifier, Some(source_code)),
let _ = runtime.mod_evaluate(module_id);
let _snapshot = runtime.snapshot();
fn test_error_without_stack() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default());
// SyntaxError
let result = runtime.execute_script(
function main() {
let expected_error = r#"Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
at error_without_stack.js:3:15"#;
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().to_string(), expected_error);
fn test_error_stack() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default());
let result = runtime.execute_script(
function assert(cond) {
if (!cond) {
throw Error("assert");
function main() {
let expected_error = r#"Error: assert
at assert (error_stack.js:4:11)
at main (error_stack.js:9:3)
at error_stack.js:12:1"#;
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().to_string(), expected_error);
fn test_error_async_stack() {
run_in_task(|cx| {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default());
(async () => {
const p = (async () => {
await Promise.resolve().then(() => {
throw new Error("async");
try {
await p;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
let expected_error = r#"Error: async
at error_async_stack.js:5:13
at async error_async_stack.js:4:5
at async error_async_stack.js:10:5"#;
match runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) {
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
assert_eq!(e.to_string(), expected_error);
_ => panic!(),
fn test_pump_message_loop() {
run_in_task(|cx| {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default());
function assertEquals(a, b) {
if (a === b) return;
throw a + " does not equal " + b;
const sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(16);
const i32a = new Int32Array(sab);
globalThis.resolved = false;
(function() {
const result = Atomics.waitAsync(i32a, 0, 0);
(value) => { assertEquals("ok", value); globalThis.resolved = true; },
() => { assertUnreachable();
const notify_return_value = Atomics.notify(i32a, 0, 1);
assertEquals(1, notify_return_value);
match runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
_ => panic!(),
// noop script, will resolve promise from first script
.execute_script("pump_message_loop2.js", r#"assertEquals(1, 1);"#)
// check that promise from `Atomics.waitAsync` has been resolved
r#"assertEquals(globalThis.resolved, true);"#,
fn test_core_js_stack_frame() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default());
// Call non-existent op so we get error from `core.js`
let error = runtime
let error_string = error.to_string();
// Test that the script specifier is a URL: `deno:<repo-relative path>`.
fn test_v8_platform() {
let options = RuntimeOptions {
v8_platform: Some(v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared()),
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(options);
runtime.execute_script("<none>", "").unwrap();
#[ignore] // TODO(@littledivy): Fast API ops when snapshot is not loaded.
fn test_is_proxy() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default());
let all_true: v8::Global<v8::Value> = runtime
(function () {
const o = { a: 1, b: 2};
const p = new Proxy(o, {});
return Deno.core.ops.op_is_proxy(p) && !Deno.core.ops.op_is_proxy(o) && !Deno.core.ops.op_is_proxy(42);
let mut scope = runtime.handle_scope();
let all_true = v8::Local::<v8::Value>::new(&mut scope, &all_true);
async fn test_async_opstate_borrow() {
struct InnerState(u64);
async fn op_async_borrow(
op_state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let n = {
let op_state = op_state.borrow();
let inner_state = op_state.borrow::<InnerState>();
// Future must be Poll::Pending on first call
if n != 42 {
let extension = Extension::builder()
.state(|state| {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
async fn test_sync_op_serialize_object_with_numbers_as_keys() {
fn op_sync_serialize_object_with_numbers_as_keys(
value: serde_json::Value,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let extension = Extension::builder()
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
lines: {
100: {
unit: "m"
200: {
unit: "cm"
async fn test_async_op_serialize_object_with_numbers_as_keys() {
async fn op_async_serialize_object_with_numbers_as_keys(
value: serde_json::Value,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let extension = Extension::builder()
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
Deno.core.opAsync('op_async_serialize_object_with_numbers_as_keys', {
lines: {
100: {
unit: "m"
200: {
unit: "cm"
async fn test_set_macrotask_callback_set_next_tick_callback() {
async fn op_async_sleep() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Future must be Poll::Pending on first call
let extension = Extension::builder()
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
(async function () {
const results = [];
Deno.core.ops.op_set_macrotask_callback(() => {
return true;
Deno.core.ops.op_set_next_tick_callback(() => {
await Deno.core.opAsync('op_async_sleep');
if (results[0] != "nextTick") {
throw new Error(`expected nextTick, got: ${results[0]}`);
if (results[1] != "macrotask") {
throw new Error(`expected macrotask, got: ${results[1]}`);
async fn test_set_macrotask_callback_set_next_tick_callback_multiple() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
Deno.core.ops.op_set_macrotask_callback(() => { return true; });
Deno.core.ops.op_set_macrotask_callback(() => { return true; });
Deno.core.ops.op_set_next_tick_callback(() => {});
Deno.core.ops.op_set_next_tick_callback(() => {});
let isolate = runtime.v8_isolate();
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(isolate);
let state = state_rc.borrow();
assert_eq!(state.js_macrotask_cbs.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(state.js_nexttick_cbs.len(), 2);
fn test_has_tick_scheduled() {
use futures::task::ArcWake;
static MACROTASK: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
static NEXT_TICK: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn op_macrotask() -> Result<(), AnyError> {
MACROTASK.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn op_next_tick() -> Result<(), AnyError> {
NEXT_TICK.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let extension = Extension::builder()
.ops(vec![op_macrotask::decl(), op_next_tick::decl()])
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
Deno.core.ops.op_set_macrotask_callback(() => {
return true; // We're done.
Deno.core.ops.op_set_next_tick_callback(() => Deno.core.ops.op_next_tick());
struct ArcWakeImpl(Arc<AtomicUsize>);
impl ArcWake for ArcWakeImpl {
fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
arc_self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let awoken_times = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let waker =
let cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker);
assert!(matches!(runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false), Poll::Pending));
assert_eq!(1, MACROTASK.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
assert_eq!(1, NEXT_TICK.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
assert_eq!(awoken_times.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
assert!(matches!(runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false), Poll::Pending));
assert_eq!(awoken_times.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
assert!(matches!(runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false), Poll::Pending));
assert_eq!(awoken_times.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
assert!(matches!(runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false), Poll::Pending));
assert_eq!(awoken_times.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(runtime.v8_isolate());
state_rc.borrow_mut().has_tick_scheduled = false;
runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false),
assert_eq!(awoken_times.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false),
assert_eq!(awoken_times.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
fn terminate_during_module_eval() {
struct ModsLoader;
impl ModuleLoader for ModsLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, Error> {
assert_eq!(specifier, "file:///main.js");
assert_eq!(referrer, ".");
let s = crate::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
_module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
async move {
Ok(ModuleSource {
code: b"console.log('hello world');".to_vec().into_boxed_slice(),
module_url_specified: "file:///main.js".to_string(),
module_url_found: "file:///main.js".to_string(),
module_type: ModuleType::JavaScript,
let loader = std::rc::Rc::new(ModsLoader::default());
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
module_loader: Some(loader),
let specifier = crate::resolve_url("file:///main.js").unwrap();
let source_code = "Deno.core.print('hello\\n')".to_string();
let module_id = futures::executor::block_on(
runtime.load_main_module(&specifier, Some(source_code)),
let mod_result =
.contains("JavaScript execution has been terminated"));
async fn test_set_promise_reject_callback() {
static PROMISE_REJECT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn op_promise_reject() -> Result<(), AnyError> {
PROMISE_REJECT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let extension = Extension::builder()
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
// Note: |promise| is not the promise created below, it's a child.
Deno.core.ops.op_set_promise_reject_callback((type, promise, reason) => {
if (type !== /* PromiseRejectWithNoHandler */ 0) {
throw Error("unexpected type: " + type);
if (reason.message !== "reject") {
throw Error("unexpected reason: " + reason);
new Promise((_, reject) => reject(Error("reject")));
assert_eq!(1, PROMISE_REJECT.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
const prev = Deno.core.ops.op_set_promise_reject_callback((...args) => {
new Promise((_, reject) => reject(Error("reject")));
assert_eq!(2, PROMISE_REJECT.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
async fn test_set_promise_reject_callback_top_level_await() {
static PROMISE_REJECT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn op_promise_reject() -> Result<(), AnyError> {
PROMISE_REJECT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let extension = Extension::builder()
struct ModsLoader;
impl ModuleLoader for ModsLoader {
fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
_is_main: bool,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, Error> {
assert_eq!(specifier, "file:///main.js");
assert_eq!(referrer, ".");
let s = crate::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap();
fn load(
_module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
_maybe_referrer: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
_is_dyn_import: bool,
) -> Pin<Box<ModuleSourceFuture>> {
let source = r#"
Deno.core.ops.op_set_promise_reject_callback((type, promise, reason) => {
throw new Error('top level throw');
async move {
Ok(ModuleSource {
code: source.as_bytes().to_vec().into_boxed_slice(),
module_url_specified: "file:///main.js".to_string(),
module_url_found: "file:///main.js".to_string(),
module_type: ModuleType::JavaScript,
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![extension],
module_loader: Some(Rc::new(ModsLoader)),
let id = runtime
.load_main_module(&crate::resolve_url("file:///main.js").unwrap(), None)
let receiver = runtime.mod_evaluate(id);
assert_eq!(1, PROMISE_REJECT.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
fn test_op_return_serde_v8_error() {
fn op_err() -> Result<std::collections::BTreeMap<u64, u64>, anyhow::Error> {
Ok([(1, 2), (3, 4)].into_iter().collect()) // Maps can't have non-string keys in serde_v8
let ext = Extension::builder().ops(vec![op_err::decl()]).build();
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
fn test_op_high_arity() {
fn op_add_4(
x1: i64,
x2: i64,
x3: i64,
x4: i64,
) -> Result<i64, anyhow::Error> {
Ok(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4)
let ext = Extension::builder().ops(vec![op_add_4::decl()]).build();
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
let r = runtime
.execute_script("test.js", "Deno.core.ops.op_add_4(1, 2, 3, 4)")
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
assert_eq!(r.open(scope).integer_value(scope), Some(10));
fn test_op_disabled() {
fn op_foo() -> Result<i64, anyhow::Error> {
let ext = Extension::builder()
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
let r = runtime
.execute_script("test.js", "Deno.core.ops.op_foo()")
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
fn test_op_detached_buffer() {
use serde_v8::DetachedBuffer;
fn op_sum_take(b: DetachedBuffer) -> Result<u64, anyhow::Error> {
Ok(b.as_ref().iter().clone().map(|x| *x as u64).sum())
fn op_boomerang(
b: DetachedBuffer,
) -> Result<DetachedBuffer, anyhow::Error> {
let ext = Extension::builder()
.ops(vec![op_sum_take::decl(), op_boomerang::decl()])
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
const a1 = new Uint8Array([1,2,3]);
const a1b = a1.subarray(0, 3);
const a2 = new Uint8Array([5,10,15]);
const a2b = a2.subarray(0, 3);
if (!(a1.length > 0 && a1b.length > 0)) {
throw new Error("a1 & a1b should have a length");
let sum = Deno.core.ops.op_sum_take(a1b);
if (sum !== 6) {
throw new Error(`Bad sum: ${sum}`);
if (a1.length > 0 || a1b.length > 0) {
throw new Error("expecting a1 & a1b to be detached");
const a3 = Deno.core.ops.op_boomerang(a2b);
if (a3.byteLength != 3) {
throw new Error(`Expected a3.byteLength === 3, got ${a3.byteLength}`);
if (a3[0] !== 5 || a3[1] !== 10) {
throw new Error(`Invalid a3: ${a3[0]}, ${a3[1]}`);
if (a2.byteLength > 0 || a2b.byteLength > 0) {
throw new Error("expecting a2 & a2b to be detached, a3 re-attached");
const wmem = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 1, maximum: 2 });
const w32 = new Uint32Array(wmem.buffer);
w32[0] = 1; w32[1] = 2; w32[2] = 3;
const assertWasmThrow = (() => {
try {
let sum = Deno.core.ops.op_sum_take(w32.subarray(0, 2));
return false;
} catch(e) {
return e.message.includes('ExpectedDetachable');
if (!assertWasmThrow()) {
throw new Error("expected wasm mem to not be detachable");
fn test_op_unstable_disabling() {
fn op_foo() -> Result<i64, anyhow::Error> {
fn op_bar() -> Result<i64, anyhow::Error> {
let ext = Extension::builder()
.ops(vec![op_foo::decl(), op_bar::decl()])
.middleware(|op| if op.is_unstable { op.disable() } else { op })
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![ext],
if (Deno.core.ops.op_foo() !== 42) {
throw new Error("Exptected op_foo() === 42");
if (Deno.core.ops.op_bar() !== undefined) {
throw new Error("Expected op_bar to be disabled")
fn js_realm_simple() {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default());
let main_context = runtime.global_context();
let main_global = {
let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope();
let local_global = main_context.open(scope).global(scope);
v8::Global::new(scope, local_global)
let realm = runtime.create_realm().unwrap();
assert_ne!(realm.context(), &main_context);
assert_ne!(realm.global_object(runtime.v8_isolate()), main_global);
let main_object = runtime.execute_script("", "Object").unwrap();
let realm_object = realm
.execute_script(runtime.v8_isolate(), "", "Object")
assert_ne!(main_object, realm_object);
fn js_realm_init() {
fn op_test() -> Result<String, Error> {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
extensions: vec![Extension::builder().ops(vec![op_test::decl()]).build()],
let realm = runtime.create_realm().unwrap();
let ret = realm
.execute_script(runtime.v8_isolate(), "", "Deno.core.ops.op_test()")
let scope = &mut realm.handle_scope(runtime.v8_isolate());
assert_eq!(ret, serde_v8::to_v8(scope, "Test").unwrap());
fn js_realm_init_snapshot() {
let snapshot = {
let runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
will_snapshot: true,
let snap: &[u8] = &*runtime.snapshot();
fn op_test() -> Result<String, Error> {
let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
startup_snapshot: Some(Snapshot::Boxed(snapshot)),
extensions: vec![Extension::builder().ops(vec![op_test::decl()]).build()],
let realm = runtime.create_realm().unwrap();
let ret = realm
.execute_script(runtime.v8_isolate(), "", "Deno.core.ops.op_test()")
let scope = &mut realm.handle_scope(runtime.v8_isolate());
assert_eq!(ret, serde_v8::to_v8(scope, "Test").unwrap());