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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-04 01:44:26 -05:00
Bartek Iwańczuk a1f0796fcc
feat: Add support for import assertions and JSON modules (#12866)
This commit adds proper support for import assertions and JSON modules.

Implementation of "core/modules.rs" was changed to account for multiple possible
module types, instead of always assuming that the code is an "ES module". In
effect "ModuleMap" now has knowledge about each modules' type (stored via
"ModuleType" enum). Module loading pipeline now stores information about
expected module type for each request and validates that expected type matches
discovered module type based on file's "MediaType".

Relevant tests were added to "core/modules.rs" and integration tests,
additionally multiple WPT tests were enabled.

There are still some rough edges in the implementation and not all WPT were
enabled, due to:
a) unclear BOM handling in source code by "FileFetcher"
b) design limitation of Deno's "FileFetcher" that doesn't download the same
module multiple times in a single run

Co-authored-by: Kitson Kelly <me@kitsonkelly.com>
2021-12-15 19:22:36 +01:00

378 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use anyhow::Error;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
/// A generic wrapper that can encapsulate any concrete error type.
// TODO(ry) Deprecate AnyError and encourage deno_core::anyhow::Error instead.
pub type AnyError = anyhow::Error;
/// Creates a new error with a caller-specified error class name and message.
pub fn custom_error(
class: &'static str,
message: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
) -> Error {
CustomError {
message: message.into(),
pub fn generic_error(message: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Error {
custom_error("Error", message)
pub fn type_error(message: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Error {
custom_error("TypeError", message)
pub fn range_error(message: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Error {
custom_error("RangeError", message)
pub fn invalid_hostname(hostname: &str) -> Error {
type_error(format!("Invalid hostname: '{}'", hostname))
pub fn uri_error(message: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Error {
custom_error("URIError", message)
pub fn bad_resource(message: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Error {
custom_error("BadResource", message)
pub fn bad_resource_id() -> Error {
custom_error("BadResource", "Bad resource ID")
pub fn not_supported() -> Error {
custom_error("NotSupported", "The operation is not supported")
pub fn resource_unavailable() -> Error {
"Resource is unavailable because it is in use by a promise",
/// A simple error type that lets the creator specify both the error message and
/// the error class name. This type is private; externally it only ever appears
/// wrapped in an `anyhow::Error`. To retrieve the error class name from a wrapped
/// `CustomError`, use the function `get_custom_error_class()`.
struct CustomError {
class: &'static str,
message: Cow<'static, str>,
impl Display for CustomError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl std::error::Error for CustomError {}
/// If this error was crated with `custom_error()`, return the specified error
/// class name. In all other cases this function returns `None`.
pub fn get_custom_error_class(error: &Error) -> Option<&'static str> {
error.downcast_ref::<CustomError>().map(|e| e.class)
/// A `JsError` represents an exception coming from V8, with stack frames and
/// line numbers. The deno_cli crate defines another `JsError` type, which wraps
/// the one defined here, that adds source map support and colorful formatting.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct JsError {
pub message: String,
pub source_line: Option<String>,
pub script_resource_name: Option<String>,
pub line_number: Option<i64>,
pub start_column: Option<i64>, // 0-based
pub end_column: Option<i64>, // 0-based
pub frames: Vec<JsStackFrame>,
pub stack: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, serde::Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct JsStackFrame {
pub type_name: Option<String>,
pub function_name: Option<String>,
pub method_name: Option<String>,
pub file_name: Option<String>,
pub line_number: Option<i64>,
pub column_number: Option<i64>,
pub eval_origin: Option<String>,
// Warning! isToplevel has inconsistent snake<>camel case, "typo" originates in v8:
// https://source.chromium.org/search?q=isToplevel&sq=&ss=chromium%2Fchromium%2Fsrc:v8%2F
#[serde(rename = "isToplevel")]
pub is_top_level: Option<bool>,
pub is_eval: bool,
pub is_native: bool,
pub is_constructor: bool,
pub is_async: bool,
pub is_promise_all: bool,
pub promise_index: Option<i64>,
impl JsStackFrame {
pub fn from_location(
file_name: Option<String>,
line_number: Option<i64>,
column_number: Option<i64>,
) -> Self {
Self {
type_name: None,
function_name: None,
method_name: None,
eval_origin: None,
is_top_level: None,
is_eval: false,
is_native: false,
is_constructor: false,
is_async: false,
is_promise_all: false,
promise_index: None,
fn get_property<'a>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>,
object: v8::Local<v8::Object>,
key: &str,
) -> Option<v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>> {
let key = v8::String::new(scope, key).unwrap();
object.get(scope, key.into())
pub(crate) struct NativeJsError {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub message: Option<String>,
// Warning! .stack is special so handled by itself
// stack: Option<String>,
impl JsError {
pub(crate) fn create(js_error: Self) -> Error {
pub fn from_v8_exception(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope,
exception: v8::Local<v8::Value>,
) -> Self {
// Create a new HandleScope because we're creating a lot of new local
// handles below.
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(scope);
let msg = v8::Exception::create_message(scope, exception);
let (message, frames, stack) = if is_instance_of_error(scope, exception) {
// The exception is a JS Error object.
let exception: v8::Local<v8::Object> = exception.try_into().unwrap();
let e: NativeJsError =
serde_v8::from_v8(scope, exception.into()).unwrap();
// Get the message by formatting error.name and error.message.
let name = e.name.unwrap_or_else(|| "Error".to_string());
let message_prop = e.message.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
let message = if !name.is_empty() && !message_prop.is_empty() {
format!("Uncaught {}: {}", name, message_prop)
} else if !name.is_empty() {
format!("Uncaught {}", name)
} else if !message_prop.is_empty() {
format!("Uncaught {}", message_prop)
} else {
// Access error.stack to ensure that prepareStackTrace() has been called.
// This should populate error.__callSiteEvals.
let stack = get_property(scope, exception, "stack");
let stack: Option<v8::Local<v8::String>> =
stack.and_then(|s| s.try_into().ok());
let stack = stack.map(|s| s.to_rust_string_lossy(scope));
// Read an array of structured frames from error.__callSiteEvals.
let frames_v8 = get_property(scope, exception, "__callSiteEvals");
// Ignore non-array values
let frames_v8: Option<v8::Local<v8::Array>> =
frames_v8.and_then(|a| a.try_into().ok());
// Convert them into Vec<JsStackFrame>
let frames: Vec<JsStackFrame> = match frames_v8 {
Some(frames_v8) => serde_v8::from_v8(scope, frames_v8.into()).unwrap(),
None => vec![],
(message, frames, stack)
} else {
// The exception is not a JS Error object.
// Get the message given by V8::Exception::create_message(), and provide
// empty frames.
(msg.get(scope).to_rust_string_lossy(scope), vec![], None)
Self {
script_resource_name: msg
.and_then(|v| v8::Local::<v8::String>::try_from(v).ok())
.map(|v| v.to_rust_string_lossy(scope)),
source_line: msg
.map(|v| v.to_rust_string_lossy(scope)),
line_number: msg.get_line_number(scope).and_then(|v| v.try_into().ok()),
start_column: msg.get_start_column().try_into().ok(),
end_column: msg.get_end_column().try_into().ok(),
impl std::error::Error for JsError {}
fn format_source_loc(
file_name: &str,
line_number: i64,
column_number: i64,
) -> String {
let line_number = line_number;
let column_number = column_number;
format!("{}:{}:{}", file_name, line_number, column_number)
impl Display for JsError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(stack) = &self.stack {
let stack_lines = stack.lines();
if stack_lines.count() > 1 {
return write!(f, "{}", stack);
write!(f, "{}", self.message)?;
if let Some(script_resource_name) = &self.script_resource_name {
if self.line_number.is_some() && self.start_column.is_some() {
let source_loc = format_source_loc(
write!(f, "\n at {}", source_loc)?;
pub(crate) fn attach_handle_to_error(
scope: &mut v8::Isolate,
err: Error,
handle: v8::Local<v8::Value>,
) -> Error {
ErrWithV8Handle::new(scope, err, handle).into()
/// Implements `value instanceof primordials.Error` in JS. Similar to
/// `Value::is_native_error()` but more closely matches the semantics
/// of `instanceof`. `Value::is_native_error()` also checks for static class
/// inheritance rather than just scanning the prototype chain, which doesn't
/// work with our WebIDL implementation of `DOMException`.
pub(crate) fn is_instance_of_error<'s>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>,
value: v8::Local<v8::Value>,
) -> bool {
if !value.is_object() {
return false;
let message = v8::String::empty(scope);
let error_prototype = v8::Exception::error(scope, message)
let mut maybe_prototype =
while let Some(prototype) = maybe_prototype {
if prototype.strict_equals(error_prototype) {
return true;
maybe_prototype = prototype
.and_then(|o| o.get_prototype(scope));
// TODO(piscisaureus): rusty_v8 should implement the Error trait on
// values of type v8::Global<T>.
pub(crate) struct ErrWithV8Handle {
err: Error,
handle: v8::Global<v8::Value>,
impl ErrWithV8Handle {
pub fn new(
scope: &mut v8::Isolate,
err: Error,
handle: v8::Local<v8::Value>,
) -> Self {
let handle = v8::Global::new(scope, handle);
Self { err, handle }
pub fn get_handle<'s>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>,
) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Value> {
v8::Local::new(scope, &self.handle)
unsafe impl Send for ErrWithV8Handle {}
unsafe impl Sync for ErrWithV8Handle {}
impl std::error::Error for ErrWithV8Handle {}
impl Display for ErrWithV8Handle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
<Error as Display>::fmt(&self.err, f)
impl Debug for ErrWithV8Handle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
<Self as Display>::fmt(self, f)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_bad_resource() {
let err = bad_resource("Resource has been closed");
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "Resource has been closed");
fn test_bad_resource_id() {
let err = bad_resource_id();
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "Bad resource ID");