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// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Think of Resources as File Descriptors. They are integers that are allocated
// by the privileged side of Deno to refer to various resources. The simplest
// example are standard file system files and stdio - but there will be other
// resources added in the future that might not correspond to operating system
// level File Descriptors. To avoid confusion we call them "resources" not "file
// descriptors". This module implements a global resource table. Ops (AKA
// handlers) look up resources by their integer id here.
use crate::deno_error;
use crate::deno_error::bad_resource;
use crate::http_body::HttpBody;
use deno::ErrBox;
pub use deno::Resource as CoreResource;
pub use deno::ResourceId;
use deno::ResourceTable;
use futures;
use futures::Future;
use futures::Poll;
use reqwest::r#async::Decoder as ReqwestDecoder;
use std;
use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::net::Shutdown;
use std::process::ExitStatus;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::MutexGuard;
use tokio;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_process;
use tokio_rustls::client::TlsStream as ClientTlsStream;
use tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream as ServerTlsStream;
use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd;
use std::os::windows::io::FromRawHandle;
extern crate winapi;
lazy_static! {
static ref RESOURCE_TABLE: Mutex<ResourceTable> = Mutex::new({
let mut table = ResourceTable::default();
// TODO Load these lazily during lookup?
table.add("stdin", Box::new(CliResource::Stdin(tokio::io::stdin())));
table.add("stdout", Box::new(CliResource::Stdout({
let stdout = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(1) };
let stdout = unsafe {
table.add("stderr", Box::new(CliResource::Stderr(tokio::io::stderr())));
// TODO: move listeners out of this enum and rename to `StreamResource`
enum CliResource {
// Enum size is bounded by the largest variant.
// Use `Box` around large `Child` struct.
// https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#large_enum_variant
impl CoreResource for CliResource {}
pub fn lock_resource_table<'a>() -> MutexGuard<'a, ResourceTable> {
// Abstract async file interface.
// Ideally in unix, if Resource represents an OS rid, it will be the same.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Resource {
pub rid: ResourceId,
impl Resource {
// close(2) is done by dropping the value. Therefore we just need to remove
// the resource from the RESOURCE_TABLE.
pub fn close(&self) {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
pub fn shutdown(&mut self, how: Shutdown) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let repr = table
match repr {
CliResource::TcpStream(ref mut f) => {
TcpStream::shutdown(f, how).map_err(ErrBox::from)
_ => Err(bad_resource()),
impl Read for Resource {
fn read(&mut self, _buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
/// `DenoAsyncRead` is the same as the `tokio_io::AsyncRead` trait
/// but uses an `ErrBox` error instead of `std::io:Error`
pub trait DenoAsyncRead {
fn poll_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<usize, ErrBox>;
impl DenoAsyncRead for Resource {
fn poll_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<usize, ErrBox> {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let repr = table.get_mut(self.rid).ok_or_else(bad_resource)?;
let r = match repr {
CliResource::FsFile(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::Stdin(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::TcpStream(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::ClientTlsStream(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::ServerTlsStream(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::HttpBody(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::ChildStdout(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
CliResource::ChildStderr(ref mut f) => f.poll_read(buf),
_ => {
return Err(bad_resource());
impl Write for Resource {
fn write(&mut self, _buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// `DenoAsyncWrite` is the same as the `tokio_io::AsyncWrite` trait
/// but uses an `ErrBox` error instead of `std::io:Error`
pub trait DenoAsyncWrite {
fn poll_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<usize, ErrBox>;
fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Poll<(), ErrBox>;
impl DenoAsyncWrite for Resource {
fn poll_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<usize, ErrBox> {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let repr = table
let r = match repr {
CliResource::FsFile(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
CliResource::Stdout(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
CliResource::Stderr(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
CliResource::TcpStream(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
CliResource::ClientTlsStream(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
CliResource::ServerTlsStream(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
CliResource::ChildStdin(ref mut f) => f.poll_write(buf),
_ => {
return Err(bad_resource());
fn shutdown(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), ErrBox> {
pub fn add_fs_file(fs_file: tokio::fs::File) -> Resource {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let rid = table.add("fsFile", Box::new(CliResource::FsFile(fs_file)));
Resource { rid }
pub fn add_tcp_stream(stream: tokio::net::TcpStream) -> Resource {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let rid = table.add("tcpStream", Box::new(CliResource::TcpStream(stream)));
Resource { rid }
pub fn add_tls_stream(stream: ClientTlsStream<TcpStream>) -> Resource {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let rid = table.add(
Resource { rid }
pub fn add_server_tls_stream(stream: ServerTlsStream<TcpStream>) -> Resource {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let rid = table.add(
Resource { rid }
pub fn add_reqwest_body(body: ReqwestDecoder) -> Resource {
let body = HttpBody::from(body);
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let rid = table.add("httpBody", Box::new(CliResource::HttpBody(body)));
Resource { rid }
pub struct ChildResources {
pub child_rid: Option<ResourceId>,
pub stdin_rid: Option<ResourceId>,
pub stdout_rid: Option<ResourceId>,
pub stderr_rid: Option<ResourceId>,
pub fn add_child(mut child: tokio_process::Child) -> ChildResources {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let mut resources = ChildResources {
child_rid: None,
stdin_rid: None,
stdout_rid: None,
stderr_rid: None,
if child.stdin().is_some() {
let stdin = child.stdin().take().unwrap();
let rid = table.add("childStdin", Box::new(CliResource::ChildStdin(stdin)));
resources.stdin_rid = Some(rid);
if child.stdout().is_some() {
let stdout = child.stdout().take().unwrap();
let rid =
table.add("childStdout", Box::new(CliResource::ChildStdout(stdout)));
resources.stdout_rid = Some(rid);
if child.stderr().is_some() {
let stderr = child.stderr().take().unwrap();
let rid =
table.add("childStderr", Box::new(CliResource::ChildStderr(stderr)));
resources.stderr_rid = Some(rid);
let rid = table.add("child", Box::new(CliResource::Child(Box::new(child))));
resources.child_rid = Some(rid);
pub struct ChildStatus {
rid: ResourceId,
// Invert the dumbness that tokio_process causes by making Child itself a future.
impl Future for ChildStatus {
type Item = ExitStatus;
type Error = ErrBox;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<ExitStatus, ErrBox> {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let repr = table
match repr {
CliResource::Child(ref mut child) => child.poll().map_err(ErrBox::from),
_ => Err(bad_resource()),
pub fn child_status(rid: ResourceId) -> Result<ChildStatus, ErrBox> {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
let maybe_repr =
match maybe_repr {
CliResource::Child(ref mut _child) => Ok(ChildStatus { rid }),
_ => Err(bad_resource()),
// TODO: revamp this after the following lands:
// https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/pull/785
pub fn get_file(rid: ResourceId) -> Result<std::fs::File, ErrBox> {
let mut table = lock_resource_table();
// We take ownership of File here.
// It is put back below while still holding the lock.
let (_name, repr) = table.map.remove(&rid).ok_or_else(bad_resource)?;
let repr = repr
.or_else(|_| Err(bad_resource()))?;
match *repr {
CliResource::FsFile(r) => {
// Trait Clone not implemented on tokio::fs::File,
// so convert to std File first.
let std_file = r.into_std();
// Create a copy and immediately put back.
// We don't want to block other resource ops.
// try_clone() would yield a copy containing the same
// underlying fd, so operations on the copy would also
// affect the one in resource table, and we don't need
// to write back.
let maybe_std_file_copy = std_file.try_clone();
// Insert the entry back with the same rid.
_ => Err(bad_resource()),
pub fn lookup(rid: ResourceId) -> Result<Resource, ErrBox> {
debug!("resource lookup {}", rid);
let table = lock_resource_table();
let _ = table.get::<CliResource>(rid).ok_or_else(bad_resource)?;
Ok(Resource { rid })
pub fn seek(
resource: Resource,
offset: i32,
whence: u32,
) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = ErrBox> + Send> {
// Translate seek mode to Rust repr.
let seek_from = match whence {
0 => SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64),
1 => SeekFrom::Current(i64::from(offset)),
2 => SeekFrom::End(i64::from(offset)),
_ => {
return Box::new(futures::future::err(
format!("Invalid seek mode: {}", whence),
match get_file(resource.rid) {
Ok(mut file) => Box::new(futures::future::lazy(move || {
let result = file.seek(seek_from).map(|_| {}).map_err(ErrBox::from);
Err(err) => Box::new(futures::future::err(err)),