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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-04 09:57:11 -05:00
David Sherret 826e42a5b5
fix: improved support for cjs and cts modules (#26558)
* cts support
* better cjs/cts type checking
* deno compile cjs/cts support
* More efficient detect cjs (going towards stabilization)
* Determination of whether .js, .ts, .jsx, or .tsx is cjs or esm is only
done after loading
* Support `import x = require(...);`

Co-authored-by: Bartek Iwańczuk <biwanczuk@gmail.com>
2024-11-01 12:27:00 -04:00

661 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Write;
use deno_ast::MediaType;
use deno_core::anyhow::bail;
use deno_core::anyhow::Context;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::serde_json;
use deno_core::url::Url;
use deno_core::FastString;
use deno_core::ModuleSourceCode;
use deno_core::ModuleType;
use deno_npm::resolution::SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot;
use deno_npm::resolution::SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshotPackage;
use deno_npm::resolution::ValidSerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot;
use deno_npm::NpmPackageId;
use deno_semver::package::PackageReq;
use crate::standalone::virtual_fs::VirtualDirectory;
use super::binary::Metadata;
use super::virtual_fs::VfsBuilder;
const MAGIC_BYTES: &[u8; 8] = b"d3n0l4nd";
/// Binary format:
/// * d3n0l4nd
/// * <metadata_len><metadata>
/// * <npm_snapshot_len><npm_snapshot>
/// * <remote_modules_len><remote_modules>
/// * <vfs_headers_len><vfs_headers>
/// * <vfs_file_data_len><vfs_file_data>
/// * d3n0l4nd
pub fn serialize_binary_data_section(
metadata: &Metadata,
npm_snapshot: Option<SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot>,
remote_modules: &RemoteModulesStoreBuilder,
vfs: VfsBuilder,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, AnyError> {
fn write_bytes_with_len(bytes: &mut Vec<u8>, data: &[u8]) {
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(data.len() as u64).to_le_bytes());
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
// 1. Metadata
let metadata = serde_json::to_string(metadata)?;
write_bytes_with_len(&mut bytes, metadata.as_bytes());
// 2. Npm snapshot
let npm_snapshot =
write_bytes_with_len(&mut bytes, &npm_snapshot);
// 3. Remote modules
let update_index = bytes.len();
let start_index = bytes.len();
remote_modules.write(&mut bytes)?;
let length = bytes.len() - start_index;
let length_bytes = (length as u64).to_le_bytes();
bytes[update_index..update_index + length_bytes.len()]
// 4. VFS
let (vfs, vfs_files) = vfs.into_dir_and_files();
let vfs = serde_json::to_string(&vfs)?;
write_bytes_with_len(&mut bytes, vfs.as_bytes());
let vfs_bytes_len = vfs_files.iter().map(|f| f.len() as u64).sum::<u64>();
for file in &vfs_files {
// write the magic bytes at the end so we can use it
// to make sure we've deserialized correctly
pub struct DeserializedDataSection {
pub metadata: Metadata,
pub npm_snapshot: Option<ValidSerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot>,
pub remote_modules: RemoteModulesStore,
pub vfs_dir: VirtualDirectory,
pub vfs_files_data: &'static [u8],
pub fn deserialize_binary_data_section(
data: &'static [u8],
) -> Result<Option<DeserializedDataSection>, AnyError> {
fn read_bytes_with_len(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], &[u8]), AnyError> {
let (input, len) = read_u64(input)?;
let (input, data) = read_bytes(input, len as usize)?;
Ok((input, data))
fn read_magic_bytes(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], bool), AnyError> {
if input.len() < MAGIC_BYTES.len() {
bail!("Unexpected end of data. Could not find magic bytes.");
let (magic_bytes, input) = input.split_at(MAGIC_BYTES.len());
if magic_bytes != MAGIC_BYTES {
return Ok((input, false));
Ok((input, true))
let (input, found) = read_magic_bytes(data)?;
if !found {
return Ok(None);
// 1. Metadata
let (input, data) = read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading metadata")?;
let metadata: Metadata =
serde_json::from_slice(data).context("deserializing metadata")?;
// 2. Npm snapshot
let (input, data) =
read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading npm snapshot")?;
let npm_snapshot = if data.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(deserialize_npm_snapshot(data).context("deserializing npm snapshot")?)
// 3. Remote modules
let (input, data) =
read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading remote modules data")?;
let remote_modules =
RemoteModulesStore::build(data).context("deserializing remote modules")?;
// 4. VFS
let (input, data) = read_bytes_with_len(input).context("vfs")?;
let vfs_dir: VirtualDirectory =
serde_json::from_slice(data).context("deserializing vfs data")?;
let (input, vfs_files_data) =
read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading vfs files data")?;
// finally ensure we read the magic bytes at the end
let (_input, found) = read_magic_bytes(input)?;
if !found {
bail!("Could not find magic bytes at the end of the data.");
Ok(Some(DeserializedDataSection {
pub struct RemoteModulesStoreBuilder {
specifiers: Vec<(String, u64)>,
data: Vec<(MediaType, Vec<u8>)>,
data_byte_len: u64,
redirects: Vec<(String, String)>,
redirects_len: u64,
impl RemoteModulesStoreBuilder {
pub fn add(&mut self, specifier: &Url, media_type: MediaType, data: Vec<u8>) {
log::debug!("Adding '{}' ({})", specifier, media_type);
let specifier = specifier.to_string();
self.specifiers.push((specifier, self.data_byte_len));
self.data_byte_len += 1 + 8 + data.len() as u64; // media type (1 byte), data length (8 bytes), data
self.data.push((media_type, data));
pub fn add_redirects(&mut self, redirects: &BTreeMap<Url, Url>) {
for (from, to) in redirects {
log::debug!("Adding redirect '{}' -> '{}'", from, to);
let from = from.to_string();
let to = to.to_string();
self.redirects_len += (4 + from.len() + 4 + to.len()) as u64;
self.redirects.push((from, to));
fn write(&self, writer: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
writer.write_all(&(self.specifiers.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
writer.write_all(&(self.redirects.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
for (specifier, offset) in &self.specifiers {
writer.write_all(&(specifier.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
for (from, to) in &self.redirects {
writer.write_all(&(from.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
writer.write_all(&(to.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
for (media_type, data) in &self.data {
writer.write_all(&(data.len() as u64).to_le_bytes())?;
pub enum DenoCompileModuleSource {
String(&'static str),
Bytes(Cow<'static, [u8]>),
impl DenoCompileModuleSource {
pub fn into_for_v8(self) -> ModuleSourceCode {
fn into_bytes(data: Cow<'static, [u8]>) -> ModuleSourceCode {
ModuleSourceCode::Bytes(match data {
Cow::Borrowed(d) => d.into(),
Cow::Owned(d) => d.into_boxed_slice().into(),
match self {
// todo(https://github.com/denoland/deno_core/pull/943): store whether
// the string is ascii or not ahead of time so we can avoid the is_ascii()
// check in FastString::from_static
Self::String(s) => ModuleSourceCode::String(FastString::from_static(s)),
Self::Bytes(b) => into_bytes(b),
pub struct DenoCompileModuleData<'a> {
pub specifier: &'a Url,
pub media_type: MediaType,
pub data: Cow<'static, [u8]>,
impl<'a> DenoCompileModuleData<'a> {
pub fn into_parts(self) -> (&'a Url, ModuleType, DenoCompileModuleSource) {
fn into_string_unsafe(data: Cow<'static, [u8]>) -> DenoCompileModuleSource {
match data {
Cow::Borrowed(d) => DenoCompileModuleSource::String(
// SAFETY: we know this is a valid utf8 string
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(d) },
Cow::Owned(d) => DenoCompileModuleSource::Bytes(Cow::Owned(d)),
let (media_type, source) = match self.media_type {
| MediaType::Jsx
| MediaType::Mjs
| MediaType::Cjs
| MediaType::TypeScript
| MediaType::Mts
| MediaType::Cts
| MediaType::Dts
| MediaType::Dmts
| MediaType::Dcts
| MediaType::Tsx => {
(ModuleType::JavaScript, into_string_unsafe(self.data))
MediaType::Json => (ModuleType::Json, into_string_unsafe(self.data)),
MediaType::Wasm => {
(ModuleType::Wasm, DenoCompileModuleSource::Bytes(self.data))
// just assume javascript if we made it here
MediaType::Css | MediaType::SourceMap | MediaType::Unknown => (
(self.specifier, media_type, source)
enum RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue {
pub struct RemoteModulesStore {
specifiers: HashMap<Url, RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue>,
files_data: &'static [u8],
impl RemoteModulesStore {
fn build(data: &'static [u8]) -> Result<Self, AnyError> {
fn read_specifier(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (Url, u64)), AnyError> {
let (input, specifier) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let specifier = Url::parse(&specifier)?;
let (input, offset) = read_u64(input)?;
Ok((input, (specifier, offset)))
fn read_redirect(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (Url, Url)), AnyError> {
let (input, from) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let from = Url::parse(&from)?;
let (input, to) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let to = Url::parse(&to)?;
Ok((input, (from, to)))
fn read_headers(
input: &[u8],
) -> Result<(&[u8], HashMap<Url, RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue>), AnyError>
let (input, specifiers_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (mut input, redirects_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let mut specifiers =
HashMap::with_capacity(specifiers_len + redirects_len);
for _ in 0..specifiers_len {
let (current_input, (specifier, offset)) =
read_specifier(input).context("reading specifier")?;
input = current_input;
RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Data(offset as usize),
for _ in 0..redirects_len {
let (current_input, (from, to)) = read_redirect(input)?;
input = current_input;
specifiers.insert(from, RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Redirect(to));
Ok((input, specifiers))
let (files_data, specifiers) = read_headers(data)?;
Ok(Self {
pub fn resolve_specifier<'a>(
&'a self,
specifier: &'a Url,
) -> Result<Option<&'a Url>, AnyError> {
let mut count = 0;
let mut current = specifier;
loop {
if count > 10 {
bail!("Too many redirects resolving '{}'", specifier);
match self.specifiers.get(current) {
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Redirect(to)) => {
current = to;
count += 1;
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Data(_)) => {
return Ok(Some(current));
None => {
return Ok(None);
pub fn read<'a>(
&'a self,
original_specifier: &'a Url,
) -> Result<Option<DenoCompileModuleData<'a>>, AnyError> {
let mut count = 0;
let mut specifier = original_specifier;
loop {
if count > 10 {
bail!("Too many redirects resolving '{}'", original_specifier);
match self.specifiers.get(specifier) {
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Redirect(to)) => {
specifier = to;
count += 1;
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Data(offset)) => {
let input = &self.files_data[*offset..];
let (input, media_type_byte) = read_bytes(input, 1)?;
let media_type = deserialize_media_type(media_type_byte[0])?;
let (input, len) = read_u64(input)?;
let (_input, data) = read_bytes(input, len as usize)?;
return Ok(Some(DenoCompileModuleData {
data: Cow::Borrowed(data),
None => {
return Ok(None);
fn serialize_npm_snapshot(
mut snapshot: SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot,
) -> Vec<u8> {
fn append_string(bytes: &mut Vec<u8>, string: &str) {
let len = string.len() as u32;
snapshot.packages.sort_by(|a, b| a.id.cmp(&b.id)); // determinism
let ids_to_stored_ids = snapshot
.map(|(i, pkg)| (&pkg.id, i as u32))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let mut root_packages: Vec<_> = snapshot.root_packages.iter().collect();
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(snapshot.packages.len() as u32).to_le_bytes());
for pkg in &snapshot.packages {
append_string(&mut bytes, &pkg.id.as_serialized());
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(root_packages.len() as u32).to_le_bytes());
for (req, id) in root_packages {
append_string(&mut bytes, &req.to_string());
let id = ids_to_stored_ids.get(&id).unwrap();
for pkg in &snapshot.packages {
let deps_len = pkg.dependencies.len() as u32;
let mut deps: Vec<_> = pkg.dependencies.iter().collect();
for (req, id) in deps {
append_string(&mut bytes, req);
let id = ids_to_stored_ids.get(&id).unwrap();
fn deserialize_npm_snapshot(
input: &[u8],
) -> Result<ValidSerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot, AnyError> {
fn parse_id(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], NpmPackageId), AnyError> {
let (input, id) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let id = NpmPackageId::from_serialized(&id)?;
Ok((input, id))
#[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // clippy bug
fn parse_root_package<'a>(
id_to_npm_id: &'a impl Fn(usize) -> Result<NpmPackageId, AnyError>,
) -> impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (PackageReq, NpmPackageId)), AnyError> + 'a
|input| {
let (input, req) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let req = PackageReq::from_str(&req)?;
let (input, id) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
Ok((input, (req, id_to_npm_id(id)?)))
#[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // clippy bug
fn parse_package_dep<'a>(
id_to_npm_id: &'a impl Fn(usize) -> Result<NpmPackageId, AnyError>,
) -> impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (String, NpmPackageId)), AnyError> + 'a
|input| {
let (input, req) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let (input, id) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
Ok((input, (req.into_owned(), id_to_npm_id(id)?)))
fn parse_package<'a>(
input: &'a [u8],
id: NpmPackageId,
id_to_npm_id: &impl Fn(usize) -> Result<NpmPackageId, AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&'a [u8], SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshotPackage), AnyError> {
let (input, deps_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (input, dependencies) =
parse_hashmap_n_times(input, deps_len, parse_package_dep(id_to_npm_id))?;
SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshotPackage {
system: Default::default(),
dist: Default::default(),
optional_dependencies: Default::default(),
bin: None,
scripts: Default::default(),
deprecated: Default::default(),
let (input, packages_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
// get a hashmap of all the npm package ids to their serialized ids
let (input, data_ids_to_npm_ids) =
parse_vec_n_times(input, packages_len, parse_id)
.context("deserializing id")?;
let data_id_to_npm_id = |id: usize| {
.ok_or_else(|| deno_core::anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid npm package id"))
let (input, root_packages_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (input, root_packages) = parse_hashmap_n_times(
.context("deserializing root package")?;
let (input, packages) =
parse_vec_n_times_with_index(input, packages_len, |input, index| {
parse_package(input, data_id_to_npm_id(index)?, &data_id_to_npm_id)
.context("deserializing package")?;
if !input.is_empty() {
bail!("Unexpected data left over");
SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot {
// this is ok because we have already verified that all the
// identifiers found in the snapshot are valid via the
// npm package id -> npm package id mapping
fn serialize_media_type(media_type: MediaType) -> u8 {
match media_type {
MediaType::JavaScript => 0,
MediaType::Jsx => 1,
MediaType::Mjs => 2,
MediaType::Cjs => 3,
MediaType::TypeScript => 4,
MediaType::Mts => 5,
MediaType::Cts => 6,
MediaType::Dts => 7,
MediaType::Dmts => 8,
MediaType::Dcts => 9,
MediaType::Tsx => 10,
MediaType::Json => 11,
MediaType::Wasm => 12,
MediaType::Css => 13,
MediaType::SourceMap => 14,
MediaType::Unknown => 15,
fn deserialize_media_type(value: u8) -> Result<MediaType, AnyError> {
match value {
0 => Ok(MediaType::JavaScript),
1 => Ok(MediaType::Jsx),
2 => Ok(MediaType::Mjs),
3 => Ok(MediaType::Cjs),
4 => Ok(MediaType::TypeScript),
5 => Ok(MediaType::Mts),
6 => Ok(MediaType::Cts),
7 => Ok(MediaType::Dts),
8 => Ok(MediaType::Dmts),
9 => Ok(MediaType::Dcts),
10 => Ok(MediaType::Tsx),
11 => Ok(MediaType::Json),
12 => Ok(MediaType::Wasm),
13 => Ok(MediaType::Css),
14 => Ok(MediaType::SourceMap),
15 => Ok(MediaType::Unknown),
_ => bail!("Unknown media type value: {}", value),
fn parse_hashmap_n_times<TKey: std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash, TValue>(
mut input: &[u8],
times: usize,
parse: impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (TKey, TValue)), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&[u8], HashMap<TKey, TValue>), AnyError> {
let mut results = HashMap::with_capacity(times);
for _ in 0..times {
let result = parse(input);
let (new_input, (key, value)) = result?;
results.insert(key, value);
input = new_input;
Ok((input, results))
fn parse_vec_n_times<TResult>(
input: &[u8],
times: usize,
parse: impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], TResult), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&[u8], Vec<TResult>), AnyError> {
parse_vec_n_times_with_index(input, times, |input, _index| parse(input))
fn parse_vec_n_times_with_index<TResult>(
mut input: &[u8],
times: usize,
parse: impl Fn(&[u8], usize) -> Result<(&[u8], TResult), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&[u8], Vec<TResult>), AnyError> {
let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(times);
for i in 0..times {
let result = parse(input, i);
let (new_input, result) = result?;
input = new_input;
Ok((input, results))
fn read_bytes(input: &[u8], len: usize) -> Result<(&[u8], &[u8]), AnyError> {
if input.len() < len {
bail!("Unexpected end of data.",);
let (len_bytes, input) = input.split_at(len);
Ok((input, len_bytes))
fn read_string_lossy(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], Cow<str>), AnyError> {
let (input, str_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (input, data_bytes) = read_bytes(input, str_len)?;
Ok((input, String::from_utf8_lossy(data_bytes)))
fn read_u32_as_usize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], usize), AnyError> {
let (input, len_bytes) = read_bytes(input, 4)?;
let len = u32::from_le_bytes(len_bytes.try_into()?);
Ok((input, len as usize))
fn read_u64(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], u64), AnyError> {
let (input, len_bytes) = read_bytes(input, 8)?;
let len = u64::from_le_bytes(len_bytes.try_into()?);
Ok((input, len))