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synced 2025-03-04 09:57:11 -05:00

Refactors Event and EventTarget so that they better encapsulate their non-public data as well as are more forward compatible with things like DOM Nodes. Moves `dom_types.ts` -> `dom_types.d.ts` which was always the intention, it was a legacy of when we used to build the types from the code and the limitations of the compiler. There was a lot of cruft in `dom_types` which shouldn't have been there, and mis-alignment to the DOM standards. This generally has been eliminated, though we still have some minor differences from the DOM (like the removal of some deprecated methods/properties). Adds `DOMException`. Strictly it shouldn't inherit from `Error`, but most browsers provide a stack trace when one is thrown, so the behaviour in Deno actually better matches the browser. `Event` still doesn't log to console like it does in the browser. I wanted to get this raised and that could be an enhancement later on (it currently doesn't either).
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// TODO reenable this code when we enable writableStreams and transport types
// // Forked from https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams/tree/8928cf04b035fd02fb1340b7eb541c76be37e546
// // Copyright (c) 2018-Present by Arthur Langereis - @zenmumbler MIT
// /**
// * streams/pipe-to - pipeTo algorithm implementation
// * Part of Stardazed
// * (c) 2018-Present by Arthur Langereis - @zenmumbler
// * https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams
// */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// // TODO reenable this lint here
// import * as rs from "./readable-internals.ts";
// import * as ws from "./writable-internals.ts";
// import * as shared from "./shared-internals.ts";
// import { ReadableStreamDefaultReader } from "./readable-stream-default-reader.ts";
// import { WritableStreamDefaultWriter } from "./writable-stream-default-writer.ts";
// import { PipeOptions } from "../dom_types.d.ts";
// import { Err } from "../errors.ts";
// // add a wrapper to handle falsy rejections
// interface ErrorWrapper {
// actualError: shared.ErrorResult;
// }
// export function pipeTo<ChunkType>(
// source: rs.SDReadableStream<ChunkType>,
// dest: ws.WritableStream<ChunkType>,
// options: PipeOptions
// ): Promise<void> {
// const preventClose = !!options.preventClose;
// const preventAbort = !!options.preventAbort;
// const preventCancel = !!options.preventCancel;
// const signal = options.signal;
// let shuttingDown = false;
// let latestWrite = Promise.resolve();
// const promise = shared.createControlledPromise<void>();
// // If IsReadableByteStreamController(this.[[readableStreamController]]) is true, let reader be either ! AcquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(this) or ! AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(this), at the user agent’s discretion.
// // Otherwise, let reader be ! AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(this).
// const reader = new ReadableStreamDefaultReader(source);
// const writer = new WritableStreamDefaultWriter(dest);
// let abortAlgorithm: () => any;
// if (signal !== undefined) {
// abortAlgorithm = (): void => {
// // TODO this should be a DOMException,
// // https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams/blob/master/packages/streams/src/pipe-to.ts#L38
// const error = new errors.Aborted("Aborted");
// const actions: Array<() => Promise<void>> = [];
// if (preventAbort === false) {
// actions.push(() => {
// if (dest[shared.state_] === "writable") {
// return ws.writableStreamAbort(dest, error);
// }
// return Promise.resolve();
// });
// }
// if (preventCancel === false) {
// actions.push(() => {
// if (source[shared.state_] === "readable") {
// return rs.readableStreamCancel(source, error);
// }
// return Promise.resolve();
// });
// }
// shutDown(
// () => {
// return Promise.all(actions.map(a => a())).then(_ => undefined);
// },
// { actualError: error }
// );
// };
// if (signal.aborted === true) {
// abortAlgorithm();
// } else {
// signal.addEventListener("abort", abortAlgorithm);
// }
// }
// function onStreamErrored(
// stream: rs.SDReadableStream<ChunkType> | ws.WritableStream<ChunkType>,
// promise: Promise<void>,
// action: (error: shared.ErrorResult) => void
// ): void {
// if (stream[shared.state_] === "errored") {
// action(stream[shared.storedError_]);
// } else {
// promise.catch(action);
// }
// }
// function onStreamClosed(
// stream: rs.SDReadableStream<ChunkType> | ws.WritableStream<ChunkType>,
// promise: Promise<void>,
// action: () => void
// ): void {
// if (stream[shared.state_] === "closed") {
// action();
// } else {
// promise.then(action);
// }
// }
// onStreamErrored(source, reader[rs.closedPromise_].promise, error => {
// if (!preventAbort) {
// shutDown(() => ws.writableStreamAbort(dest, error), {
// actualError: error
// });
// } else {
// shutDown(undefined, { actualError: error });
// }
// });
// onStreamErrored(dest, writer[ws.closedPromise_].promise, error => {
// if (!preventCancel) {
// shutDown(() => rs.readableStreamCancel(source, error), {
// actualError: error
// });
// } else {
// shutDown(undefined, { actualError: error });
// }
// });
// onStreamClosed(source, reader[rs.closedPromise_].promise, () => {
// if (!preventClose) {
// shutDown(() =>
// ws.writableStreamDefaultWriterCloseWithErrorPropagation(writer)
// );
// } else {
// shutDown();
// }
// });
// if (
// ws.writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest) ||
// dest[shared.state_] === "closed"
// ) {
// // Assert: no chunks have been read or written.
// const destClosed = new TypeError();
// if (!preventCancel) {
// shutDown(() => rs.readableStreamCancel(source, destClosed), {
// actualError: destClosed
// });
// } else {
// shutDown(undefined, { actualError: destClosed });
// }
// }
// function awaitLatestWrite(): Promise<void> {
// const curLatestWrite = latestWrite;
// return latestWrite.then(() =>
// curLatestWrite === latestWrite ? undefined : awaitLatestWrite()
// );
// }
// function flushRemainder(): Promise<void> | undefined {
// if (
// dest[shared.state_] === "writable" &&
// !ws.writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest)
// ) {
// return awaitLatestWrite();
// } else {
// return undefined;
// }
// }
// function shutDown(action?: () => Promise<void>, error?: ErrorWrapper): void {
// if (shuttingDown) {
// return;
// }
// shuttingDown = true;
// if (action === undefined) {
// action = (): Promise<void> => Promise.resolve();
// }
// function finishShutDown(): void {
// action!().then(
// _ => finalize(error),
// newError => finalize({ actualError: newError })
// );
// }
// const flushWait = flushRemainder();
// if (flushWait) {
// flushWait.then(finishShutDown);
// } else {
// finishShutDown();
// }
// }
// function finalize(error?: ErrorWrapper): void {
// ws.writableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(writer);
// rs.readableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader);
// if (signal && abortAlgorithm) {
// signal.removeEventListener("abort", abortAlgorithm);
// }
// if (error) {
// promise.reject(error.actualError);
// } else {
// promise.resolve(undefined);
// }
// }
// function next(): Promise<void> | undefined {
// if (shuttingDown) {
// return;
// }
// writer[ws.readyPromise_].promise.then(() => {
// rs.readableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader).then(
// ({ value, done }) => {
// if (done) {
// return;
// }
// latestWrite = ws
// .writableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(writer, value!)
// .catch(() => {});
// next();
// },
// _error => {
// latestWrite = Promise.resolve();
// }
// );
// });
// }
// next();
// return promise.promise;
// }