Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-03 17:34:47 -05:00
Bartek Iwańczuk 6e2df8c64f
feat: Deno.test() sanitizes ops and resources (#4399)
This PR brings assertOps and assertResources sanitizers to Deno.test() API.

assertOps checks that test doesn't leak async ops, ie. there are no unresolved
promises originating from Deno APIs. Enabled by default, can be disabled using 

assertResources checks that test doesn't leak resources, ie. all resources used
in test are closed. For example; if a file is opened during a test case it must be
explicitly closed before test case finishes. It's most useful for asynchronous
generators. Enabled by default, can be disabled using 

We've used those sanitizers in internal runtime tests and it proved very useful in
surfacing incorrect tests which resulted in interference between the tests.

All tests have been sanitized.

Closes #4208
2020-03-18 19:25:55 -04:00

419 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { gray, green, italic, red, yellow } from "./colors.ts";
import { exit } from "./ops/os.ts";
import { Console, stringifyArgs } from "./web/console.ts";
import { stdout } from "./files.ts";
import { TextEncoder } from "./web/text_encoding.ts";
import { metrics } from "./ops/runtime.ts";
import { resources } from "./ops/resources.ts";
import { assert } from "./util.ts";
const RED_FAILED = red("FAILED");
const GREEN_OK = green("ok");
const YELLOW_SKIPPED = yellow("SKIPPED");
const disabledConsole = new Console((_x: string, _isErr?: boolean): void => {});
function formatDuration(time = 0): string {
const timeStr = `(${time}ms)`;
return gray(italic(timeStr));
// Wrap `TestFunction` in additional assertion that makes sure
// the test case does not leak async "ops" - ie. number of async
// completed ops after the test is the same as number of dispatched
// ops. Note that "unref" ops are ignored since in nature that are
// optional.
function assertOps(fn: TestFunction): TestFunction {
return async function asyncOpSanitizer(): Promise<void> {
const pre = metrics();
await fn();
const post = metrics();
// We're checking diff because one might spawn HTTP server in the background
// that will be a pending async op before test starts.
const dispatchedDiff = post.opsDispatchedAsync - pre.opsDispatchedAsync;
const completedDiff = post.opsCompletedAsync - pre.opsCompletedAsync;
dispatchedDiff === completedDiff,
`Test case is leaking async ops.
- dispatched: ${pre.opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${pre.opsCompletedAsync}
- dispatched: ${post.opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${post.opsCompletedAsync}`
// Wrap `TestFunction` in additional assertion that makes sure
// the test case does not "leak" resources - ie. resource table after
// the test has exactly the same contents as before the test.
function assertResources(fn: TestFunction): TestFunction {
return async function resourceSanitizer(): Promise<void> {
const pre = resources();
await fn();
const post = resources();
const preStr = JSON.stringify(pre, null, 2);
const postStr = JSON.stringify(post, null, 2);
const msg = `Test case is leaking resources.
Before: ${preStr}
After: ${postStr}`;
assert(preStr === postStr, msg);
export type TestFunction = () => void | Promise<void>;
export interface TestDefinition {
fn: TestFunction;
name: string;
skip?: boolean;
disableOpSanitizer?: boolean;
disableResourceSanitizer?: boolean;
const TEST_REGISTRY: TestDefinition[] = [];
export function test(t: TestDefinition): void;
export function test(fn: TestFunction): void;
export function test(name: string, fn: TestFunction): void;
// Main test function provided by Deno, as you can see it merely
// creates a new object with "name" and "fn" fields.
export function test(
t: string | TestDefinition | TestFunction,
fn?: TestFunction
): void {
let testDef: TestDefinition;
if (typeof t === "string") {
if (!fn || typeof fn != "function") {
throw new TypeError("Missing test function");
if (!t) {
throw new TypeError("The test name can't be empty");
testDef = { fn: fn as TestFunction, name: t, skip: false };
} else if (typeof t === "function") {
if (!t.name) {
throw new TypeError("The test function can't be anonymous");
testDef = { fn: t, name: t.name, skip: false };
} else {
if (!t.fn) {
throw new TypeError("Missing test function");
if (!t.name) {
throw new TypeError("The test name can't be empty");
testDef = { ...t, skip: Boolean(t.skip) };
if (testDef.disableOpSanitizer !== true) {
testDef.fn = assertOps(testDef.fn);
if (testDef.disableResourceSanitizer !== true) {
testDef.fn = assertResources(testDef.fn);
interface TestStats {
filtered: number;
ignored: number;
measured: number;
passed: number;
failed: number;
export interface RunTestsOptions {
exitOnFail?: boolean;
failFast?: boolean;
only?: string | RegExp;
skip?: string | RegExp;
disableLog?: boolean;
reporter?: TestReporter;
enum TestStatus {
Passed = "passed",
Failed = "failed",
Skipped = "skipped"
interface TestResult {
name: string;
status: TestStatus;
duration: number;
error?: Error;
export enum TestEvent {
Start = "start",
TestStart = "testStart",
TestEnd = "testEnd",
End = "end"
interface TestEventStart {
kind: TestEvent.Start;
tests: number;
interface TestEventTestStart {
kind: TestEvent.TestStart;
name: string;
interface TestEventTestEnd {
kind: TestEvent.TestEnd;
result: TestResult;
interface TestEventEnd {
kind: TestEvent.End;
stats: TestStats;
duration: number;
results: TestResult[];
// TODO: already implements AsyncGenerator<RunTestsMessage>, but add as "implements to class"
// TODO: implements PromiseLike<TestsResult>
class TestApi {
readonly testsToRun: TestDefinition[];
readonly stats: TestStats = {
filtered: 0,
ignored: 0,
measured: 0,
passed: 0,
failed: 0
public tests: TestDefinition[],
public filterFn: (def: TestDefinition) => boolean,
public failFast: boolean
) {
this.testsToRun = tests.filter(filterFn);
this.stats.filtered = tests.length - this.testsToRun.length;
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<
TestEventStart | TestEventTestStart | TestEventTestEnd | TestEventEnd
> {
yield {
kind: TestEvent.Start,
tests: this.testsToRun.length
const results: TestResult[] = [];
const suiteStart = +new Date();
for (const { name, fn, skip } of this.testsToRun) {
const result: Partial<TestResult> = { name, duration: 0 };
yield { kind: TestEvent.TestStart, name };
if (skip) {
result.status = TestStatus.Skipped;
} else {
const start = +new Date();
try {
await fn();
result.status = TestStatus.Passed;
} catch (err) {
result.status = TestStatus.Failed;
result.error = err;
} finally {
result.duration = +new Date() - start;
yield { kind: TestEvent.TestEnd, result: result as TestResult };
results.push(result as TestResult);
if (this.failFast && result.error != null) {
const duration = +new Date() - suiteStart;
yield {
kind: TestEvent.End,
stats: this.stats,
function createFilterFn(
only: undefined | string | RegExp,
skip: undefined | string | RegExp
): (def: TestDefinition) => boolean {
return (def: TestDefinition): boolean => {
let passes = true;
if (only) {
if (only instanceof RegExp) {
passes = passes && only.test(def.name);
} else {
passes = passes && def.name.includes(only);
if (skip) {
if (skip instanceof RegExp) {
passes = passes && !skip.test(def.name);
} else {
passes = passes && !def.name.includes(skip);
return passes;
interface TestReporter {
start(msg: TestEventStart): Promise<void>;
testStart(msg: TestEventTestStart): Promise<void>;
testEnd(msg: TestEventTestEnd): Promise<void>;
end(msg: TestEventEnd): Promise<void>;
export class ConsoleTestReporter implements TestReporter {
private encoder: TextEncoder;
constructor() {
this.encoder = new TextEncoder();
private log(msg: string, noNewLine = false): void {
if (!noNewLine) {
msg += "\n";
// Using `stdout` here because it doesn't force new lines
// compared to `console.log`; `core.print` on the other hand
// is line-buffered and doesn't output message without newline
async start(event: TestEventStart): Promise<void> {
this.log(`running ${event.tests} tests`);
async testStart(event: TestEventTestStart): Promise<void> {
const { name } = event;
this.log(`test ${name} ... `, true);
async testEnd(event: TestEventTestEnd): Promise<void> {
const { result } = event;
switch (result.status) {
case TestStatus.Passed:
this.log(`${GREEN_OK} ${formatDuration(result.duration)}`);
case TestStatus.Failed:
this.log(`${RED_FAILED} ${formatDuration(result.duration)}`);
case TestStatus.Skipped:
this.log(`${YELLOW_SKIPPED} ${formatDuration(result.duration)}`);
async end(event: TestEventEnd): Promise<void> {
const { stats, duration, results } = event;
// Attempting to match the output of Rust's test runner.
const failedTests = results.filter(r => r.error);
if (failedTests.length > 0) {
for (const result of failedTests) {
for (const result of failedTests) {
`\ntest result: ${stats.failed ? RED_FAILED : GREEN_OK}. ` +
`${stats.passed} passed; ${stats.failed} failed; ` +
`${stats.ignored} ignored; ${stats.measured} measured; ` +
`${stats.filtered} filtered out ` +
export async function runTests({
exitOnFail = true,
failFast = false,
only = undefined,
skip = undefined,
disableLog = false,
reporter = undefined
}: RunTestsOptions = {}): Promise<{
results: TestResult[];
stats: TestStats;
duration: number;
}> {
const filterFn = createFilterFn(only, skip);
const testApi = new TestApi(TEST_REGISTRY, filterFn, failFast);
if (!reporter) {
reporter = new ConsoleTestReporter();
// @ts-ignore
const originalConsole = globalThis.console;
if (disableLog) {
// @ts-ignore
globalThis.console = disabledConsole;
let endMsg: TestEventEnd;
for await (const testMsg of testApi) {
switch (testMsg.kind) {
case TestEvent.Start:
await reporter.start(testMsg);
case TestEvent.TestStart:
await reporter.testStart(testMsg);
case TestEvent.TestEnd:
await reporter.testEnd(testMsg);
case TestEvent.End:
endMsg = testMsg;
delete endMsg!.kind;
await reporter.end(testMsg);
if (disableLog) {
// @ts-ignore
globalThis.console = originalConsole;
if (endMsg!.stats.failed > 0 && exitOnFail) {
return endMsg!;