mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 14:17:49 -04:00

Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
320 lines
8.7 KiB
320 lines
8.7 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::request_properties::HttpConnectionProperties;
use crate::response_body::CompletionHandle;
use crate::response_body::ResponseBytes;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::OpState;
use deno_core::ResourceId;
use http::request::Parts;
use http::HeaderMap;
use hyper1::body::Incoming;
use hyper1::upgrade::OnUpgrade;
use slab::Slab;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::RefMut;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub type Request = hyper1::Request<Incoming>;
pub type Response = hyper1::Response<ResponseBytes>;
pub type SlabId = u32;
enum RequestBodyState {
impl From<Incoming> for RequestBodyState {
fn from(value: Incoming) -> Self {
/// Ensures that the request body closes itself when no longer needed.
pub struct HttpRequestBodyAutocloser(ResourceId, Rc<RefCell<OpState>>);
impl HttpRequestBodyAutocloser {
pub fn new(res: ResourceId, op_state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>) -> Self {
Self(res, op_state)
impl Drop for HttpRequestBodyAutocloser {
fn drop(&mut self) {
_ = self.1.borrow_mut().resource_table.close(self.0);
pub struct HttpSlabRecord {
request_info: HttpConnectionProperties,
request_parts: Parts,
request_body: Option<RequestBodyState>,
// The response may get taken before we tear this down
response: Option<Response>,
promise: CompletionHandle,
trailers: Rc<RefCell<Option<HeaderMap>>>,
been_dropped: bool,
#[cfg(feature = "__zombie_http_tracking")]
alive: bool,
thread_local! {
static SLAB: RefCell<Slab<HttpSlabRecord>> = const { RefCell::new(Slab::new()) };
macro_rules! http_trace {
($index:expr, $args:tt) => {
#[cfg(feature = "__http_tracing")]
let total = SLAB.with(|x| x.try_borrow().map(|x| x.len()));
if let Ok(total) = total {
println!("HTTP id={} total={}: {}", $index, total, format!($args));
} else {
println!("HTTP id={} total=?: {}", $index, format!($args));
/// Hold a lock on the slab table and a reference to one entry in the table.
pub struct SlabEntry(
RefMut<'static, Slab<HttpSlabRecord>>,
const SLAB_CAPACITY: usize = 1024;
pub fn slab_init() {
SLAB.with(|slab: &RefCell<Slab<HttpSlabRecord>>| {
// Note that there might already be an active HTTP server, so this may just
// end up adding room for an additional SLAB_CAPACITY items. All HTTP servers
// on a single thread share the same slab.
let mut slab = slab.borrow_mut();
pub fn slab_get(index: SlabId) -> SlabEntry {
http_trace!(index, "slab_get");
let mut lock: RefMut<'static, Slab<HttpSlabRecord>> = SLAB.with(|x| {
// SAFETY: We're extracting a lock here and placing it into an object that is thread-local, !Send as a &'static
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(x.borrow_mut()) }
let Some(entry) = lock.get_mut(index as usize) else {
panic!("HTTP state error: Attempted to access invalid request {} ({} in total available)",
#[cfg(feature = "__zombie_http_tracking")]
assert!(entry.alive, "HTTP state error: Entry is not alive");
let entry = NonNull::new(entry as _).unwrap();
SlabEntry(entry, index, lock)
fn slab_insert_raw(
request_parts: Parts,
request_body: Option<Incoming>,
request_info: HttpConnectionProperties,
) -> SlabId {
let index = SLAB.with(|slab| {
let mut slab = slab.borrow_mut();
let body = ResponseBytes::default();
let trailers = body.trailers();
let request_body = request_body.map(|r| r.into());
slab.insert(HttpSlabRecord {
response: Some(Response::new(body)),
been_dropped: false,
promise: CompletionHandle::default(),
#[cfg(feature = "__zombie_http_tracking")]
alive: true,
}) as u32;
http_trace!(index, "slab_insert");
pub fn slab_insert(
request: Request,
request_info: HttpConnectionProperties,
) -> SlabId {
let (request_parts, request_body) = request.into_parts();
slab_insert_raw(request_parts, Some(request_body), request_info)
pub fn slab_drop(index: SlabId) {
http_trace!(index, "slab_drop");
let mut entry = slab_get(index);
let record = entry.self_mut();
"HTTP state error: Entry has already been dropped"
record.been_dropped = true;
if record.promise.is_completed() {
fn slab_expunge(index: SlabId) {
SLAB.with(|slab| {
slab.borrow_mut().get_mut(index as usize).unwrap().alive = false;
slab.borrow_mut().remove(index as usize);
http_trace!(index, "slab_expunge");
impl SlabEntry {
fn self_ref(&self) -> &HttpSlabRecord {
// SAFETY: We have the lock and we're borrowing lifetime from self
unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }
fn self_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HttpSlabRecord {
// SAFETY: We have the lock and we're borrowing lifetime from self
unsafe { self.0.as_mut() }
/// Perform the Hyper upgrade on this entry.
pub fn upgrade(&mut self) -> Result<OnUpgrade, AnyError> {
// Manually perform the upgrade. We're peeking into hyper's underlying machinery here a bit
.ok_or_else(|| AnyError::msg("upgrade unavailable"))
/// Take the Hyper body from this entry.
pub fn take_body(&mut self) -> Option<Incoming> {
let body_holder = &mut self.self_mut().request_body;
let body = body_holder.take();
match body {
Some(RequestBodyState::Incoming(body)) => Some(body),
x => {
*body_holder = x;
pub fn take_resource(&mut self) -> Option<HttpRequestBodyAutocloser> {
let body_holder = &mut self.self_mut().request_body;
let body = body_holder.take();
match body {
Some(RequestBodyState::Resource(res)) => Some(res),
x => {
*body_holder = x;
/// Replace the request body with a resource ID and the OpState we'll need to shut it down.
/// We cannot keep just the resource itself, as JS code might be reading from the resource ID
/// to generate the response data (requiring us to keep it in the resource table).
pub fn put_resource(&mut self, res: HttpRequestBodyAutocloser) {
self.self_mut().request_body = Some(RequestBodyState::Resource(res));
/// Complete this entry, potentially expunging it if it is complete.
pub fn complete(self) {
let promise = &self.self_ref().promise;
"HTTP state error: Entry has already been completed"
http_trace!(self.1, "SlabEntry::complete");
// If we're all done, we need to drop ourself to release the lock before we expunge this record
if self.self_ref().been_dropped {
let index = self.1;
/// Get a mutable reference to the response.
pub fn response(&mut self) -> &mut Response {
/// Get a mutable reference to the trailers.
pub fn trailers(&mut self) -> &RefCell<Option<HeaderMap>> {
/// Take the response.
pub fn take_response(&mut self) -> Response {
/// Get a reference to the connection properties.
pub fn request_info(&self) -> &HttpConnectionProperties {
/// Get a reference to the request parts.
pub fn request_parts(&self) -> &Parts {
/// Get a reference to the completion handle.
pub fn promise(&self) -> CompletionHandle {
/// Get a reference to the response body completion handle.
pub fn body_promise(&self) -> CompletionHandle {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use deno_net::raw::NetworkStreamType;
use http::Request;
fn test_slab() {
let req = Request::builder().body(()).unwrap();
let (parts, _) = req.into_parts();
let id = slab_insert_raw(
HttpConnectionProperties {
peer_address: "".into(),
peer_port: None,
local_port: None,
stream_type: NetworkStreamType::Tcp,
let entry = slab_get(id);