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2019-09-06 12:57:15 -04:00

266 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
extern crate deno;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
mod ops;
use deno::js_check;
pub use deno::v8_set_flags;
use deno::ErrBox;
use deno::Isolate;
use deno::ModuleSpecifier;
use deno::StartupData;
pub use ops::EmitResult;
use ops::WrittenFile;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
static TYPESCRIPT_CODE: &str =
static COMPILER_CODE: &str = include_str!("compiler_main.js");
static AMD_RUNTIME_CODE: &str = include_str!("amd_runtime.js");
pub struct TSState {
bundle: bool,
exit_code: i32,
emit_result: Option<EmitResult>,
/// A list of files emitted by typescript. WrittenFile is tuple of the form
/// (url, corresponding_module, source_code)
written_files: Vec<WrittenFile>,
impl TSState {
fn main_module_name(&self) -> String {
// Assuming that TypeScript has emitted the main file last.
pub struct TSIsolate {
isolate: Isolate,
state: Arc<Mutex<TSState>>,
impl TSIsolate {
fn new(bundle: bool) -> TSIsolate {
let mut isolate = Isolate::new(StartupData::None, false);
js_check(isolate.execute("assets/typescript.js", TYPESCRIPT_CODE));
js_check(isolate.execute("compiler_main.js", COMPILER_CODE));
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(TSState {
exit_code: 0,
emit_result: None,
written_files: Vec::new(),
let state_ = state.clone();
isolate.set_dispatch(move |op_id, control_buf, zero_copy_buf| {
assert!(zero_copy_buf.is_none()); // zero_copy_buf unused in compiler.
let mut s = state_.lock().unwrap();
ops::dispatch_op(&mut s, op_id, control_buf)
TSIsolate { isolate, state }
// TODO(ry) Instead of Result<Arc<Mutex<TSState>>, ErrBox>, return something
// like Result<TSState, ErrBox>. I think it would be nicer if this function
// consumes TSIsolate.
/// Compiles each module to ESM. Doesn't write any files to disk.
/// Passes all output via state.
fn compile(
mut self,
config_json: &serde_json::Value,
root_names: Vec<String>,
) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<TSState>>, ErrBox> {
let root_names_json = serde_json::json!(root_names).to_string();
let source =
&format!("main({:?}, {})", config_json.to_string(), root_names_json);
self.isolate.execute("<anon>", source)?;
pub fn compile_bundle(
bundle: &Path,
root_names: Vec<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<TSState>>, ErrBox> {
let ts_isolate = TSIsolate::new(true);
let config_json = serde_json::json!({
"compilerOptions": {
"declaration": true,
"lib": ["esnext"],
"module": "amd",
"target": "esnext",
"listFiles": true,
"listEmittedFiles": true,
// "types" : ["typescript.d.ts"],
"typeRoots" : ["$typeRoots$"],
// Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file;
// requires --inlineSourceMap or --sourceMap to be set.
// "inlineSources": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"outFile": bundle,
let mut root_names_str: Vec<String> = root_names
.map(|p| {
if !p.exists() {
panic!("File not found {}", p.display());
let module_specifier =
// TODO lift js_check to caller?
let state = js_check(ts_isolate.compile(&config_json, root_names_str));
fn print_source_code(code: &str) {
let mut i = 1;
for line in code.lines() {
println!("{:3} {}", i, line);
i += 1;
/// Create a V8 snapshot.
pub fn mksnapshot_bundle(
bundle: &Path,
state: Arc<Mutex<TSState>>,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let mut runtime_isolate = Isolate::new(StartupData::None, true);
let source_code_vec = std::fs::read(bundle)?;
let source_code = std::str::from_utf8(&source_code_vec)?;
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute("amd_runtime.js", AMD_RUNTIME_CODE));
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute(&bundle.to_string_lossy(), &source_code));
let main = state.lock().unwrap().main_module_name();
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute("anon", &format!("require('{}')", main)));
write_snapshot(runtime_isolate, bundle)?;
/// Create a V8 snapshot. This differs from mksnapshot_bundle in that is also
/// runs typescript.js
pub fn mksnapshot_bundle_ts(
bundle: &Path,
state: Arc<Mutex<TSState>>,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
let mut runtime_isolate = Isolate::new(StartupData::None, true);
let source_code_vec = std::fs::read(bundle)?;
let source_code = std::str::from_utf8(&source_code_vec)?;
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute("amd_runtime.js", AMD_RUNTIME_CODE));
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute("typescript.js", TYPESCRIPT_CODE));
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute(&bundle.to_string_lossy(), &source_code));
let main = state.lock().unwrap().main_module_name();
js_check(runtime_isolate.execute("anon", &format!("require('{}')", main)));
write_snapshot(runtime_isolate, bundle)?;
fn write_snapshot(
runtime_isolate: Isolate,
bundle: &Path,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
println!("creating snapshot...");
let snapshot = runtime_isolate.snapshot()?;
let snapshot_slice =
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(snapshot.data_ptr, snapshot.data_len) };
println!("snapshot bytes {}", snapshot_slice.len());
let snapshot_path = bundle.with_extension("bin");
fs::write(&snapshot_path, snapshot_slice)?;
println!("snapshot path {} ", snapshot_path.display());
macro_rules! inc {
($e:expr) => {
/// Same as get_asset() but returns NotFound intead of None.
pub fn get_asset2(name: &str) -> Result<&'static str, ErrBox> {
match get_asset(name) {
Some(a) => Ok(a),
None => Err(
std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "Asset not found")
pub fn get_asset(name: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
match name {
"lib.deno_core.d.ts" => Some(include_str!("lib.deno_core.d.ts")),
"lib.esnext.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.d.ts"),
"lib.es2016.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2016.d.ts"),
"lib.es5.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es5.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.core.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.core.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.collection.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.collection.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.generator.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.generator.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.promise.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.promise.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts" => {
"lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts"),
"lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.object.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.object.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.string.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.string.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.intl.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.intl.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.promise.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.promise.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.intl.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.intl.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.array.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.array.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.object.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.object.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.string.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.string.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.bigint.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.bigint.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.intl.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.intl.d.ts"),
_ => None,
/// Sets the --trace-serializer V8 flag for debugging snapshots.
pub fn trace_serializer() {
let dummy = "foo".to_string();
let r =
deno::v8_set_flags(vec![dummy.clone(), "--trace-serializer".to_string()]);
assert_eq!(r, vec![dummy]);