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synced 2025-03-09 05:36:49 -04:00

Moves to using a minimal System loader for bundles generated by Deno. TypeScript in 3.8 will be able to output TLA for modules, and the loader is written to take advantage of that as soon as we update Deno to TS 3.8. System also allows us to support `import.meta` and provide more ESM aligned assignment of exports, as well as there is better handling of circular imports. The loader is also very terse versus to try to save overhead. Also, fixed an issue where abstract classes were not being re-exported. Fixes #2553 Fixes #3559 Fixes #3751 Fixes #3825 Refs #3301
306 lines
10 KiB
306 lines
10 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
extern crate deno_core;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
mod ops;
use deno_core::js_check;
pub use deno_core::v8_set_flags;
use deno_core::CoreOp;
use deno_core::ErrBox;
use deno_core::Isolate;
use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier;
use deno_core::StartupData;
use deno_core::ZeroCopyBuf;
pub use ops::EmitResult;
use ops::WrittenFile;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
static TYPESCRIPT_CODE: &str = include_str!("typescript/lib/typescript.js");
static COMPILER_CODE: &str = include_str!("compiler_main.js");
static BUNDLE_LOADER: &str = include_str!("bundle_loader.js");
pub fn ts_version() -> String {
let data = include_str!("typescript/package.json");
let pkg: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(data).unwrap();
type ExternCrateModules = HashMap<String, String>;
pub struct TSState {
bundle: bool,
exit_code: i32,
emit_result: Option<EmitResult>,
/// A list of files emitted by typescript. WrittenFile is tuple of the form
/// (url, corresponding_module, source_code)
written_files: Vec<WrittenFile>,
extern_crate_modules: ExternCrateModules,
fn compiler_op<D>(
ts_state: Arc<Mutex<TSState>>,
dispatcher: D,
) -> impl Fn(&[u8], Option<ZeroCopyBuf>) -> CoreOp
D: Fn(&mut TSState, &[u8]) -> CoreOp,
move |control: &[u8], zero_copy_buf: Option<ZeroCopyBuf>| -> CoreOp {
assert!(zero_copy_buf.is_none()); // zero_copy_buf unused in compiler.
let mut s = ts_state.lock().unwrap();
dispatcher(&mut s, control)
pub struct TSIsolate {
isolate: Box<Isolate>,
state: Arc<Mutex<TSState>>,
impl TSIsolate {
fn new(
bundle: bool,
maybe_extern_crate_modules: Option<ExternCrateModules>,
) -> TSIsolate {
let mut isolate = Isolate::new(StartupData::None, false);
js_check(isolate.execute("assets/typescript.js", TYPESCRIPT_CODE));
js_check(isolate.execute("compiler_main.js", COMPILER_CODE));
let extern_crate_modules = maybe_extern_crate_modules.unwrap_or_default();
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(TSState {
exit_code: 0,
emit_result: None,
written_files: Vec::new(),
compiler_op(state.clone(), ops::json_op(ops::load_module)),
.register_op("exit", compiler_op(state.clone(), ops::json_op(ops::exit)));
compiler_op(state.clone(), ops::json_op(ops::write_file)),
compiler_op(state.clone(), ops::json_op(ops::resolve_module_names)),
compiler_op(state.clone(), ops::json_op(ops::set_emit_result)),
TSIsolate { isolate, state }
// TODO(ry) Instead of Result<Arc<Mutex<TSState>>, ErrBox>, return something
// like Result<TSState, ErrBox>. I think it would be nicer if this function
// consumes TSIsolate.
/// Compiles each module to ESM. Doesn't write any files to disk.
/// Passes all output via state.
fn compile(
mut self,
config_json: &serde_json::Value,
root_names: Vec<String>,
) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<TSState>>, ErrBox> {
let root_names_json = serde_json::json!(root_names).to_string();
let source =
&format!("main({:?}, {})", config_json.to_string(), root_names_json);
self.isolate.execute("<anon>", source)?;
/// Compile provided roots into a single JS bundle.
/// This function writes compiled bundle to disk at provided path.
/// Source map file and type declaration file are emmited
/// alongside the bundle.
/// To instantiate bundle use returned `module_name`.
pub fn compile_bundle(
bundle_filename: &Path,
root_names: Vec<PathBuf>,
extern_crate_modules: Option<ExternCrateModules>,
) -> Result<String, ErrBox> {
let ts_isolate = TSIsolate::new(true, extern_crate_modules);
let config_json = serde_json::json!({
"compilerOptions": {
"strict": true,
"declaration": true,
"lib": ["esnext"],
"module": "amd",
"target": "esnext",
"listFiles": true,
"listEmittedFiles": true,
// "types" : ["typescript.d.ts"],
"typeRoots" : ["$typeRoots$"],
// Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file;
// requires --inlineSourceMap or --sourceMap to be set.
// "inlineSources": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"outFile": bundle_filename,
let root_names_str: Vec<String> = root_names
.map(|p| {
if !p.exists() {
panic!("File not found {}", p.display());
let module_specifier =
// TODO lift js_check to caller?
let locked_state = js_check(ts_isolate.compile(&config_json, root_names_str));
let state = locked_state.lock().unwrap();
// Assuming that TypeScript has emitted the main file last.
let main = state.written_files.last().unwrap();
let module_name = main.module_name.clone();
fn print_source_code(code: &str) {
let mut i = 1;
for line in code.lines() {
println!("{:3} {}", i, line);
i += 1;
/// Create a V8 snapshot.
pub fn mksnapshot_bundle(
isolate: &mut Isolate,
snapshot_filename: &Path,
bundle_filename: &Path,
main_module_name: &str,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
js_check(isolate.execute("bundle_loader.js", BUNDLE_LOADER));
let source_code_vec = std::fs::read(bundle_filename).unwrap();
let bundle_source_code = std::str::from_utf8(&source_code_vec).unwrap();
isolate.execute(&bundle_filename.to_string_lossy(), bundle_source_code),
let script = &format!("instantiate('{}')", main_module_name);
js_check(isolate.execute("anon", script));
write_snapshot(isolate, snapshot_filename)?;
/// Create a V8 snapshot. This differs from mksnapshot_bundle in that is also
/// runs typescript.js
pub fn mksnapshot_bundle_ts(
isolate: &mut Isolate,
snapshot_filename: &Path,
bundle_filename: &Path,
main_module_name: &str,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
js_check(isolate.execute("typescript.js", TYPESCRIPT_CODE));
fn write_snapshot(
runtime_isolate: &mut Isolate,
snapshot_filename: &Path,
) -> Result<(), ErrBox> {
println!("Creating snapshot...");
let snapshot = runtime_isolate.snapshot()?;
let snapshot_slice: &[u8] = &*snapshot;
println!("Snapshot size: {}", snapshot_slice.len());
fs::write(&snapshot_filename, snapshot_slice)?;
println!("Snapshot written to: {} ", snapshot_filename.display());
pub fn get_asset(name: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
macro_rules! inc {
($e:expr) => {
Some(include_str!(concat!("typescript/lib/", $e)))
match name {
"system_loader.js" => Some(include_str!("system_loader.js")),
"bootstrap.ts" => Some("console.log(\"hello deno\");"),
"typescript.d.ts" => inc!("typescript.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.d.ts"),
"lib.es2020.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2020.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.d.ts"),
"lib.es2016.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2016.d.ts"),
"lib.es5.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es5.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.core.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.core.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.collection.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.collection.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.generator.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.generator.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.promise.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.promise.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts"),
"lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts" => {
"lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts"),
"lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.object.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.object.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.string.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.string.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.intl.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.intl.d.ts"),
"lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.asyncgenerator.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.asyncgenerator.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.promise.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.promise.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts"),
"lib.es2018.intl.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2018.intl.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.array.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.array.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.object.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.object.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.string.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.string.d.ts"),
"lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts"),
"lib.es2020.string.d.ts" => inc!("lib.es2020.string.d.ts"),
"lib.es2020.symbol.wellknown.d.ts" => {
"lib.esnext.array.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.array.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.asynciterable.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.asynciterable.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.bigint.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.bigint.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.intl.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.intl.d.ts"),
"lib.esnext.symbol.d.ts" => inc!("lib.esnext.symbol.d.ts"),
_ => None,
/// Sets the --trace-serializer V8 flag for debugging snapshots.
pub fn trace_serializer() {
let dummy = "foo".to_string();
let r = deno_core::v8_set_flags(vec![
assert_eq!(r, vec![dummy]);