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// TODO reenable this code when we enable writableStreams and transport types
// // Forked from https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams/tree/8928cf04b035fd02fb1340b7eb541c76be37e546
// // Copyright (c) 2018-Present by Arthur Langereis - @zenmumbler MIT
// /**
// * streams/writable-internals - internal types and functions for writable streams
// * Part of Stardazed
// * (c) 2018-Present by Arthur Langereis - @zenmumbler
// * https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams
// */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// // TODO reenable this lint here
// import * as shared from "./shared-internals.ts";
// import * as q from "./queue-mixin.ts";
// import { QueuingStrategy, QueuingStrategySizeCallback } from "../dom_types.ts";
// export const backpressure_ = Symbol("backpressure_");
// export const closeRequest_ = Symbol("closeRequest_");
// export const inFlightWriteRequest_ = Symbol("inFlightWriteRequest_");
// export const inFlightCloseRequest_ = Symbol("inFlightCloseRequest_");
// export const pendingAbortRequest_ = Symbol("pendingAbortRequest_");
// export const writableStreamController_ = Symbol("writableStreamController_");
// export const writer_ = Symbol("writer_");
// export const writeRequests_ = Symbol("writeRequests_");
// export const abortAlgorithm_ = Symbol("abortAlgorithm_");
// export const closeAlgorithm_ = Symbol("closeAlgorithm_");
// export const controlledWritableStream_ = Symbol("controlledWritableStream_");
// export const started_ = Symbol("started_");
// export const strategyHWM_ = Symbol("strategyHWM_");
// export const strategySizeAlgorithm_ = Symbol("strategySizeAlgorithm_");
// export const writeAlgorithm_ = Symbol("writeAlgorithm_");
// export const ownerWritableStream_ = Symbol("ownerWritableStream_");
// export const closedPromise_ = Symbol("closedPromise_");
// export const readyPromise_ = Symbol("readyPromise_");
// export const errorSteps_ = Symbol("errorSteps_");
// export const abortSteps_ = Symbol("abortSteps_");
// export type StartFunction = (
// controller: WritableStreamController
// ) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
// export type StartAlgorithm = () => Promise<void> | void;
// export type WriteFunction<InputType> = (
// chunk: InputType,
// controller: WritableStreamController
// ) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
// export type WriteAlgorithm<InputType> = (chunk: InputType) => Promise<void>;
// export type CloseAlgorithm = () => Promise<void>;
// export type AbortAlgorithm = (reason?: shared.ErrorResult) => Promise<void>;
// // ----
// export interface WritableStreamController {
// error(e?: shared.ErrorResult): void;
// [errorSteps_](): void;
// [abortSteps_](reason: shared.ErrorResult): Promise<void>;
// }
// export interface WriteRecord<InputType> {
// chunk: InputType;
// }
// export interface WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// extends WritableStreamController,
// q.QueueContainer<WriteRecord<InputType> | "close"> {
// [abortAlgorithm_]: AbortAlgorithm; // A promise - returning algorithm, taking one argument(the abort reason), which communicates a requested abort to the underlying sink
// [closeAlgorithm_]: CloseAlgorithm; // A promise - returning algorithm which communicates a requested close to the underlying sink
// [controlledWritableStream_]: WritableStream<InputType>; // The WritableStream instance controlled
// [started_]: boolean; // A boolean flag indicating whether the underlying sink has finished starting
// [strategyHWM_]: number; // A number supplied by the creator of the stream as part of the stream’s queuing strategy, indicating the point at which the stream will apply backpressure to its underlying sink
// [strategySizeAlgorithm_]: QueuingStrategySizeCallback<InputType>; // An algorithm to calculate the size of enqueued chunks, as part of the stream’s queuing strategy
// [writeAlgorithm_]: WriteAlgorithm<InputType>; // A promise-returning algorithm, taking one argument (the chunk to write), which writes data to the underlying sink
// }
// // ----
// export interface WritableStreamWriter<InputType> {
// readonly closed: Promise<void>;
// readonly desiredSize: number | null;
// readonly ready: Promise<void>;
// abort(reason: shared.ErrorResult): Promise<void>;
// close(): Promise<void>;
// releaseLock(): void;
// write(chunk: InputType): Promise<void>;
// }
// export interface WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>
// extends WritableStreamWriter<InputType> {
// [ownerWritableStream_]: WritableStream<InputType> | undefined;
// [closedPromise_]: shared.ControlledPromise<void>;
// [readyPromise_]: shared.ControlledPromise<void>;
// }
// // ----
// export type WritableStreamState =
// | "writable"
// | "closed"
// | "erroring"
// | "errored";
// export interface WritableStreamSink<InputType> {
// start?: StartFunction;
// write?: WriteFunction<InputType>;
// close?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;
// abort?(reason?: shared.ErrorResult): void;
// type?: undefined; // unused, for future revisions
// }
// export interface AbortRequest {
// reason: shared.ErrorResult;
// wasAlreadyErroring: boolean;
// promise: Promise<void>;
// resolve(): void;
// reject(error: shared.ErrorResult): void;
// }
// export declare class WritableStream<InputType> {
// constructor(
// underlyingSink?: WritableStreamSink<InputType>,
// strategy?: QueuingStrategy<InputType>
// );
// readonly locked: boolean;
// abort(reason?: shared.ErrorResult): Promise<void>;
// getWriter(): WritableStreamWriter<InputType>;
// [shared.state_]: WritableStreamState;
// [backpressure_]: boolean;
// [closeRequest_]: shared.ControlledPromise<void> | undefined;
// [inFlightWriteRequest_]: shared.ControlledPromise<void> | undefined;
// [inFlightCloseRequest_]: shared.ControlledPromise<void> | undefined;
// [pendingAbortRequest_]: AbortRequest | undefined;
// [shared.storedError_]: shared.ErrorResult;
// [writableStreamController_]:
// | WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// | undefined;
// [writer_]: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType> | undefined;
// [writeRequests_]: Array<shared.ControlledPromise<void>>;
// }
// // ---- Stream
// export function initializeWritableStream<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// stream[shared.state_] = "writable";
// stream[shared.storedError_] = undefined;
// stream[writer_] = undefined;
// stream[writableStreamController_] = undefined;
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_] = undefined;
// stream[closeRequest_] = undefined;
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_] = undefined;
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_] = undefined;
// stream[writeRequests_] = [];
// stream[backpressure_] = false;
// }
// export function isWritableStream(value: unknown): value is WritableStream<any> {
// if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
// return false;
// }
// return writableStreamController_ in value;
// }
// export function isWritableStreamLocked<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): boolean {
// return stream[writer_] !== undefined;
// }
// export function writableStreamAbort<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// reason: shared.ErrorResult
// ): Promise<void> {
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (state === "closed" || state === "errored") {
// return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// }
// let pending = stream[pendingAbortRequest_];
// if (pending !== undefined) {
// return pending.promise;
// }
// // Assert: state is "writable" or "erroring".
// let wasAlreadyErroring = false;
// if (state === "erroring") {
// wasAlreadyErroring = true;
// reason = undefined;
// }
// pending = {
// reason,
// wasAlreadyErroring
// } as AbortRequest;
// const promise = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
// pending!.resolve = resolve;
// pending!.reject = reject;
// });
// pending.promise = promise;
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_] = pending;
// if (!wasAlreadyErroring) {
// writableStreamStartErroring(stream, reason);
// }
// return promise;
// }
// export function writableStreamAddWriteRequest<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): Promise<void> {
// // Assert: !IsWritableStreamLocked(stream) is true.
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable".
// const writePromise = shared.createControlledPromise<void>();
// stream[writeRequests_].push(writePromise);
// return writePromise.promise;
// }
// export function writableStreamDealWithRejection<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (state === "writable") {
// writableStreamStartErroring(stream, error);
// return;
// }
// // Assert: state is "erroring"
// writableStreamFinishErroring(stream);
// }
// export function writableStreamStartErroring<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// reason: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[storedError]] is undefined.
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable".
// const controller = stream[writableStreamController_]!;
// // Assert: controller is not undefined.
// stream[shared.state_] = "erroring";
// stream[shared.storedError_] = reason;
// const writer = stream[writer_];
// if (writer !== undefined) {
// writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected(writer, reason);
// }
// if (
// !writableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) &&
// controller[started_]
// ) {
// writableStreamFinishErroring(stream);
// }
// }
// export function writableStreamFinishErroring<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "erroring".
// // Assert: writableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) is false.
// stream[shared.state_] = "errored";
// const controller = stream[writableStreamController_]!;
// controller[errorSteps_]();
// const storedError = stream[shared.storedError_];
// for (const writeRequest of stream[writeRequests_]) {
// writeRequest.reject(storedError);
// }
// stream[writeRequests_] = [];
// const abortRequest = stream[pendingAbortRequest_];
// if (abortRequest === undefined) {
// writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream);
// return;
// }
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_] = undefined;
// if (abortRequest.wasAlreadyErroring) {
// abortRequest.reject(storedError);
// writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream);
// return;
// }
// const promise = controller[abortSteps_](abortRequest.reason);
// promise.then(
// _ => {
// abortRequest.resolve();
// writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream);
// },
// error => {
// abortRequest.reject(error);
// writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream);
// }
// );
// }
// export function writableStreamFinishInFlightWrite<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightWriteRequest]] is not undefined.
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_]!.resolve(undefined);
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_] = undefined;
// }
// export function writableStreamFinishInFlightWriteWithError<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightWriteRequest]] is not undefined.
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_]!.reject(error);
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_] = undefined;
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable" or "erroring".
// writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error);
// }
// export function writableStreamFinishInFlightClose<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightCloseRequest]] is not undefined.
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_]!.resolve(undefined);
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_] = undefined;
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable" or "erroring".
// if (state === "erroring") {
// stream[shared.storedError_] = undefined;
// if (stream[pendingAbortRequest_] !== undefined) {
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_]!.resolve();
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_] = undefined;
// }
// }
// stream[shared.state_] = "closed";
// const writer = stream[writer_];
// if (writer !== undefined) {
// writer[closedPromise_].resolve(undefined);
// }
// // Assert: stream.[[pendingAbortRequest]] is undefined.
// // Assert: stream.[[storedError]] is undefined.
// }
// export function writableStreamFinishInFlightCloseWithError<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightCloseRequest]] is not undefined.
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_]!.reject(error);
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_] = undefined;
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable" or "erroring".
// if (stream[pendingAbortRequest_] !== undefined) {
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_]!.reject(error);
// stream[pendingAbortRequest_] = undefined;
// }
// writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error);
// }
// export function writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): boolean {
// return (
// stream[closeRequest_] !== undefined ||
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_] !== undefined
// );
// }
// export function writableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): boolean {
// return (
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_] !== undefined ||
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_] !== undefined
// );
// }
// export function writableStreamMarkCloseRequestInFlight<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightCloseRequest]] is undefined.
// // Assert: stream.[[closeRequest]] is not undefined.
// stream[inFlightCloseRequest_] = stream[closeRequest_];
// stream[closeRequest_] = undefined;
// }
// export function writableStreamMarkFirstWriteRequestInFlight<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightWriteRequest]] is undefined.
// // Assert: stream.[[writeRequests]] is not empty.
// const writeRequest = stream[writeRequests_].shift()!;
// stream[inFlightWriteRequest_] = writeRequest;
// }
// export function writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "errored".
// const closeRequest = stream[closeRequest_];
// if (closeRequest !== undefined) {
// // Assert: stream.[[inFlightCloseRequest]] is undefined.
// closeRequest.reject(stream[shared.storedError_]);
// stream[closeRequest_] = undefined;
// }
// const writer = stream[writer_];
// if (writer !== undefined) {
// writer[closedPromise_].reject(stream[shared.storedError_]);
// writer[closedPromise_].promise.catch(() => {});
// }
// }
// export function writableStreamUpdateBackpressure<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// backpressure: boolean
// ): void {
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable".
// // Assert: !WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) is false.
// const writer = stream[writer_];
// if (writer !== undefined && backpressure !== stream[backpressure_]) {
// if (backpressure) {
// writer[readyPromise_] = shared.createControlledPromise<void>();
// } else {
// writer[readyPromise_].resolve(undefined);
// }
// }
// stream[backpressure_] = backpressure;
// }
// // ---- Writers
// export function isWritableStreamDefaultWriter(
// value: unknown
// ): value is WritableStreamDefaultWriter<any> {
// if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
// return false;
// }
// return ownerWritableStream_ in value;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterAbort<InputType>(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>,
// reason: shared.ErrorResult
// ): Promise<void> {
// const stream = writer[ownerWritableStream_]!;
// // Assert: stream is not undefined.
// return writableStreamAbort(stream, reason);
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterClose<InputType>(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>
// ): Promise<void> {
// const stream = writer[ownerWritableStream_]!;
// // Assert: stream is not undefined.
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (state === "closed" || state === "errored") {
// return Promise.reject(
// new TypeError("Writer stream is already closed or errored")
// );
// }
// // Assert: state is "writable" or "erroring".
// // Assert: writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) is false.
// const closePromise = shared.createControlledPromise<void>();
// stream[closeRequest_] = closePromise;
// if (stream[backpressure_] && state === "writable") {
// writer[readyPromise_].resolve(undefined);
// }
// writableStreamDefaultControllerClose(stream[writableStreamController_]!);
// return closePromise.promise;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterCloseWithErrorPropagation<InputType>(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>
// ): Promise<void> {
// const stream = writer[ownerWritableStream_]!;
// // Assert: stream is not undefined.
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) || state === "closed") {
// return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// }
// if (state === "errored") {
// return Promise.reject(stream[shared.storedError_]);
// }
// // Assert: state is "writable" or "erroring".
// return writableStreamDefaultWriterClose(writer);
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureClosedPromiseRejected<
// InputType
// >(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// const closedPromise = writer[closedPromise_];
// if (closedPromise.state === shared.ControlledPromiseState.Pending) {
// closedPromise.reject(error);
// } else {
// writer[closedPromise_] = shared.createControlledPromise<void>();
// writer[closedPromise_].reject(error);
// }
// writer[closedPromise_].promise.catch(() => {});
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected<
// InputType
// >(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// const readyPromise = writer[readyPromise_];
// if (readyPromise.state === shared.ControlledPromiseState.Pending) {
// readyPromise.reject(error);
// } else {
// writer[readyPromise_] = shared.createControlledPromise<void>();
// writer[readyPromise_].reject(error);
// }
// writer[readyPromise_].promise.catch(() => {});
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterGetDesiredSize<InputType>(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>
// ): number | null {
// const stream = writer[ownerWritableStream_]!;
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (state === "errored" || state === "erroring") {
// return null;
// }
// if (state === "closed") {
// return 0;
// }
// return writableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(
// stream[writableStreamController_]!
// );
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterRelease<InputType>(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>
// ): void {
// const stream = writer[ownerWritableStream_]!;
// // Assert: stream is not undefined.
// // Assert: stream.[[writer]] is writer.
// const releasedError = new TypeError();
// writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected(writer, releasedError);
// writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureClosedPromiseRejected(writer, releasedError);
// stream[writer_] = undefined;
// writer[ownerWritableStream_] = undefined;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultWriterWrite<InputType>(
// writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<InputType>,
// chunk: InputType
// ): Promise<void> {
// const stream = writer[ownerWritableStream_]!;
// // Assert: stream is not undefined.
// const controller = stream[writableStreamController_]!;
// const chunkSize = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetChunkSize(
// controller,
// chunk
// );
// if (writer[ownerWritableStream_] !== stream) {
// return Promise.reject(new TypeError());
// }
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (state === "errored") {
// return Promise.reject(stream[shared.storedError_]);
// }
// if (writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) || state === "closed") {
// return Promise.reject(
// new TypeError("Cannot write to a closing or closed stream")
// );
// }
// if (state === "erroring") {
// return Promise.reject(stream[shared.storedError_]);
// }
// // Assert: state is "writable".
// const promise = writableStreamAddWriteRequest(stream);
// writableStreamDefaultControllerWrite(controller, chunk, chunkSize);
// return promise;
// }
// // ---- Controller
// export function setUpWritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>(
// stream: WritableStream<InputType>,
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>,
// startAlgorithm: StartAlgorithm,
// writeAlgorithm: WriteAlgorithm<InputType>,
// closeAlgorithm: CloseAlgorithm,
// abortAlgorithm: AbortAlgorithm,
// highWaterMark: number,
// sizeAlgorithm: QueuingStrategySizeCallback<InputType>
// ): void {
// if (!isWritableStream(stream)) {
// throw new TypeError();
// }
// if (stream[writableStreamController_] !== undefined) {
// throw new TypeError();
// }
// controller[controlledWritableStream_] = stream;
// stream[writableStreamController_] = controller;
// q.resetQueue(controller);
// controller[started_] = false;
// controller[strategySizeAlgorithm_] = sizeAlgorithm;
// controller[strategyHWM_] = highWaterMark;
// controller[writeAlgorithm_] = writeAlgorithm;
// controller[closeAlgorithm_] = closeAlgorithm;
// controller[abortAlgorithm_] = abortAlgorithm;
// const backpressure = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(
// controller
// );
// writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure);
// const startResult = startAlgorithm();
// Promise.resolve(startResult).then(
// _ => {
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable" or "erroring".
// controller[started_] = true;
// writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller);
// },
// error => {
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable" or "erroring".
// controller[started_] = true;
// writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error);
// }
// );
// }
// export function isWritableStreamDefaultController(
// value: unknown
// ): value is WritableStreamDefaultController<any> {
// if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
// return false;
// }
// return controlledWritableStream_ in value;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Use ! assertions to override type check here, this way we don't
// // have to perform type checks/assertions everywhere else.
// controller[writeAlgorithm_] = undefined!;
// controller[closeAlgorithm_] = undefined!;
// controller[abortAlgorithm_] = undefined!;
// controller[strategySizeAlgorithm_] = undefined!;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerClose<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// ): void {
// q.enqueueValueWithSize(controller, "close", 0);
// writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller);
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerGetChunkSize<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>,
// chunk: InputType
// ): number {
// let chunkSize: number;
// try {
// chunkSize = controller[strategySizeAlgorithm_](chunk);
// } catch (error) {
// writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, error);
// chunkSize = 1;
// }
// return chunkSize;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// ): number {
// return controller[strategyHWM_] - controller[q.queueTotalSize_];
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerWrite<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>,
// chunk: InputType,
// chunkSize: number
// ): void {
// try {
// q.enqueueValueWithSize(controller, { chunk }, chunkSize);
// } catch (error) {
// writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, error);
// return;
// }
// const stream = controller[controlledWritableStream_];
// if (
// !writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) &&
// stream[shared.state_] === "writable"
// ) {
// const backpressure = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(
// controller
// );
// writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure);
// }
// writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller);
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// ): void {
// if (!controller[started_]) {
// return;
// }
// const stream = controller[controlledWritableStream_];
// if (stream[inFlightWriteRequest_] !== undefined) {
// return;
// }
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// if (state === "closed" || state === "errored") {
// return;
// }
// if (state === "erroring") {
// writableStreamFinishErroring(stream);
// return;
// }
// if (controller[q.queue_].length === 0) {
// return;
// }
// const writeRecord = q.peekQueueValue(controller);
// if (writeRecord === "close") {
// writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessClose(controller);
// } else {
// writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessWrite(controller, writeRecord.chunk);
// }
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// if (controller[controlledWritableStream_][shared.state_] === "writable") {
// writableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, error);
// }
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessClose<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// ): void {
// const stream = controller[controlledWritableStream_];
// writableStreamMarkCloseRequestInFlight(stream);
// q.dequeueValue(controller);
// // Assert: controller.[[queue]] is empty.
// const sinkClosePromise = controller[closeAlgorithm_]();
// writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller);
// sinkClosePromise.then(
// _ => {
// writableStreamFinishInFlightClose(stream);
// },
// error => {
// writableStreamFinishInFlightCloseWithError(stream, error);
// }
// );
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessWrite<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>,
// chunk: InputType
// ): void {
// const stream = controller[controlledWritableStream_];
// writableStreamMarkFirstWriteRequestInFlight(stream);
// controller[writeAlgorithm_](chunk).then(
// _ => {
// writableStreamFinishInFlightWrite(stream);
// const state = stream[shared.state_];
// // Assert: state is "writable" or "erroring".
// q.dequeueValue(controller);
// if (
// !writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) &&
// state === "writable"
// ) {
// const backpressure = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(
// controller
// );
// writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure);
// }
// writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller);
// },
// error => {
// if (stream[shared.state_] === "writable") {
// writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller);
// }
// writableStreamFinishInFlightWriteWithError(stream, error);
// }
// );
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// ): boolean {
// const desiredSize = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller);
// return desiredSize <= 0;
// }
// export function writableStreamDefaultControllerError<InputType>(
// controller: WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>,
// error: shared.ErrorResult
// ): void {
// const stream = controller[controlledWritableStream_];
// // Assert: stream.[[state]] is "writable".
// writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller);
// writableStreamStartErroring(stream, error);
// }