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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import "./lib.deno.shared_globals.d.ts";
import * as abortController from "./web/abort_controller.ts";
import * as abortSignal from "./web/abort_signal.ts";
import * as blob from "./web/blob.ts";
import * as consoleTypes from "./web/console.ts";
import * as csprng from "./ops/get_random_values.ts";
import * as customEvent from "./web/custom_event.ts";
import * as domException from "./web/dom_exception.ts";
import * as domFile from "./web/dom_file.ts";
import * as errorEvent from "./web/error_event.ts";
import * as event from "./web/event.ts";
import * as eventTarget from "./web/event_target.ts";
import * as formData from "./web/form_data.ts";
import * as fetchTypes from "./web/fetch.ts";
import * as headers from "./web/headers.ts";
import * as navigator from "./web/navigator.ts";
import * as permissions from "./web/permissions.ts";
import type * as promiseTypes from "./web/promise.ts";
import * as queuingStrategy from "./web/streams/queuing_strategy.ts";
import * as readableStream from "./web/streams/readable_stream.ts";
import * as request from "./web/request.ts";
import * as textEncoding from "./web/text_encoding.ts";
import * as timers from "./web/timers.ts";
import * as transformStream from "./web/streams/transform_stream.ts";
import * as url from "./web/url.ts";
import * as urlSearchParams from "./web/url_search_params.ts";
import * as workers from "./web/workers.ts";
import * as performance from "./web/performance.ts";
import * as writableStream from "./web/streams/writable_stream.ts";
// These imports are not exposed and therefore are fine to just import the
// symbols required.
import { core } from "./core.ts";
// This global augmentation is just enough types to be able to build Deno,
// the runtime types are fully defined in `lib.deno.*.d.ts`.
declare global {
interface CallSite {
getThis(): unknown;
getTypeName(): string | null;
getFunction(): Function | null;
getFunctionName(): string | null;
getMethodName(): string | null;
getFileName(): string | null;
getLineNumber(): number | null;
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
getEvalOrigin(): string | null;
isToplevel(): boolean | null;
isEval(): boolean;
isNative(): boolean;
isConstructor(): boolean;
isAsync(): boolean;
isPromiseAll(): boolean;
getPromiseIndex(): number | null;
interface ErrorConstructor {
prepareStackTrace(error: Error, structuredStackTrace: CallSite[]): string;
interface Object {
[consoleTypes.customInspect]?(): string;
interface EvalErrorInfo {
isNativeError: boolean;
isCompileError: boolean;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
thrown: any;
interface ImportMeta {
url: string;
main: boolean;
interface DenoCore {
print(s: string, isErr?: boolean): void;
dispatch(opId: number, ...zeroCopy: ArrayBufferView[]): Uint8Array | null;
opName: string,
...zeroCopy: ArrayBufferView[]
): Uint8Array | null;
setAsyncHandler(opId: number, cb: (msg: Uint8Array) => void): void;
sharedQueue: {
head(): number;
numRecords(): number;
size(): number;
push(buf: Uint8Array): boolean;
reset(): void;
shift(): Uint8Array | null;
ops(): Record<string, number>;
recv(cb: (opId: number, msg: Uint8Array) => void): void;
send(opId: number, ...data: ArrayBufferView[]): null | Uint8Array;
setMacrotaskCallback(cb: () => boolean): void;
shared: SharedArrayBuffer;
code: string,
scriptName?: string
): [unknown, EvalErrorInfo | null];
formatError: (e: Error) => string;
* Get promise details as two elements array.
* First element is the `PromiseState`.
* If promise isn't pending, second element would be the result of the promise.
* Otherwise, second element would be undefined.
* Throws `TypeError` if argument isn't a promise
getPromiseDetails<T>(promise: Promise<T>): promiseTypes.PromiseDetails<T>;
decode(bytes: Uint8Array): string;
encode(text: string): Uint8Array;
// Only `var` variables show up in the `globalThis` type when doing a global
// scope augmentation.
/* eslint-disable no-var */
// Assigned to `window` global - main runtime
var Deno: {
core: DenoCore;
noColor: boolean;
var onload: ((e: Event) => void) | undefined;
var onunload: ((e: Event) => void) | undefined;
// These methods are used to prepare different runtime
// environments. After bootrapping, this namespace
// should be removed from global scope.
var bootstrap: {
mainRuntime: (() => void) | undefined;
// Assigned to `self` global - worker runtime and compiler
workerRuntime: ((name: string) => Promise<void> | void) | undefined;
// Assigned to `self` global - compiler
tsCompilerRuntime: (() => void) | undefined;
var onerror:
| ((
msg: string,
source: string,
lineno: number,
colno: number,
e: Event
) => boolean | void)
| undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
var onmessage: ((e: { data: any }) => Promise<void> | void) | undefined;
// Called in compiler
var close: () => void;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
var postMessage: (msg: any) => void;
/* eslint-enable */
export function writable(value: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
export function nonEnumerable(value: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
export function readOnly(value: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
enumerable: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export function getterOnly(getter: () => any): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
get: getter,
enumerable: true,
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope
export const windowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMethods = {
atob: writable(textEncoding.atob),
btoa: writable(textEncoding.btoa),
clearInterval: writable(timers.clearInterval),
clearTimeout: writable(timers.clearTimeout),
fetch: writable(fetchTypes.fetch),
// queueMicrotask is bound in Rust
setInterval: writable(timers.setInterval),
setTimeout: writable(timers.setTimeout),
// Other properties shared between WindowScope and WorkerGlobalScope
export const windowOrWorkerGlobalScopeProperties = {
console: writable(new consoleTypes.Console(core.print)),
AbortController: nonEnumerable(abortController.AbortControllerImpl),
AbortSignal: nonEnumerable(abortSignal.AbortSignalImpl),
Blob: nonEnumerable(blob.DenoBlob),
ByteLengthQueuingStrategy: nonEnumerable(
CountQueuingStrategy: nonEnumerable(queuingStrategy.CountQueuingStrategyImpl),
CustomEvent: nonEnumerable(customEvent.CustomEventImpl),
crypto: readOnly(csprng),
DOMException: nonEnumerable(domException.DOMExceptionImpl),
ErrorEvent: nonEnumerable(errorEvent.ErrorEventImpl),
Event: nonEnumerable(event.EventImpl),
EventTarget: nonEnumerable(eventTarget.EventTargetImpl),
File: nonEnumerable(domFile.DomFileImpl),
FormData: nonEnumerable(formData.FormDataImpl),
Headers: nonEnumerable(headers.HeadersImpl),
navigator: nonEnumerable(new navigator.NavigatorImpl()),
Navigator: nonEnumerable(navigator.NavigatorImpl),
Permissions: nonEnumerable(permissions.PermissionsImpl),
PermissionStatus: nonEnumerable(permissions.PermissionStatusImpl),
ReadableStream: nonEnumerable(readableStream.ReadableStreamImpl),
Request: nonEnumerable(request.Request),
Response: nonEnumerable(fetchTypes.Response),
performance: writable(new performance.PerformanceImpl()),
Performance: nonEnumerable(performance.PerformanceImpl),
PerformanceEntry: nonEnumerable(performance.PerformanceEntryImpl),
PerformanceMark: nonEnumerable(performance.PerformanceMarkImpl),
PerformanceMeasure: nonEnumerable(performance.PerformanceMeasureImpl),
TextDecoder: nonEnumerable(textEncoding.TextDecoder),
TextEncoder: nonEnumerable(textEncoding.TextEncoder),
TransformStream: nonEnumerable(transformStream.TransformStreamImpl),
URL: nonEnumerable(url.URLImpl),
URLSearchParams: nonEnumerable(urlSearchParams.URLSearchParamsImpl),
Worker: nonEnumerable(workers.WorkerImpl),
WritableStream: nonEnumerable(writableStream.WritableStreamImpl),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export function setEventTargetData(value: any): void {
eventTarget.eventTargetData.set(value, eventTarget.getDefaultTargetData());
export const eventTargetProperties = {
addEventListener: readOnly(
dispatchEvent: readOnly(eventTarget.EventTargetImpl.prototype.dispatchEvent),
removeEventListener: readOnly(