Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-09 13:49:37 -04:00

555 lines
16 KiB

// Based on https://github.com/golang/go/blob/891682/src/bufio/bufio_test.go
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import { assert, assertEquals, fail } from "../testing/asserts.ts";
import {
} from "./bufio.ts";
import * as iotest from "./_iotest.ts";
import { StringReader } from "./readers.ts";
import { StringWriter } from "./writers.ts";
import { charCode } from "./util.ts";
import { copyBytes } from "../bytes/mod.ts";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
async function readBytes(buf: BufReader): Promise<string> {
const b = new Uint8Array(1000);
let nb = 0;
while (true) {
const c = await buf.readByte();
if (c === null) {
break; // EOF
b[nb] = c;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
return decoder.decode(b.subarray(0, nb));
Deno.test("bufioReaderSimple", async function (): Promise<void> {
const data = "hello world";
const b = new BufReader(new StringReader(data));
const s = await readBytes(b);
assertEquals(s, data);
interface ReadMaker {
name: string;
fn: (r: Deno.Reader) => Deno.Reader;
const readMakers: ReadMaker[] = [
{ name: "full", fn: (r): Deno.Reader => r },
name: "byte",
fn: (r): iotest.OneByteReader => new iotest.OneByteReader(r),
{ name: "half", fn: (r): iotest.HalfReader => new iotest.HalfReader(r) },
// TODO { name: "data+err", r => new iotest.DataErrReader(r) },
// { name: "timeout", fn: r => new iotest.TimeoutReader(r) },
// Call read to accumulate the text of a file
async function reads(buf: BufReader, m: number): Promise<string> {
const b = new Uint8Array(1000);
let nb = 0;
while (true) {
const result = await buf.read(b.subarray(nb, nb + m));
if (result === null) {
nb += result;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
return decoder.decode(b.subarray(0, nb));
interface NamedBufReader {
name: string;
fn: (r: BufReader) => Promise<string>;
const bufreaders: NamedBufReader[] = [
{ name: "1", fn: (b: BufReader): Promise<string> => reads(b, 1) },
{ name: "2", fn: (b: BufReader): Promise<string> => reads(b, 2) },
{ name: "3", fn: (b: BufReader): Promise<string> => reads(b, 3) },
{ name: "4", fn: (b: BufReader): Promise<string> => reads(b, 4) },
{ name: "5", fn: (b: BufReader): Promise<string> => reads(b, 5) },
{ name: "7", fn: (b: BufReader): Promise<string> => reads(b, 7) },
{ name: "bytes", fn: readBytes },
// { name: "lines", fn: readLines },
const bufsizes: number[] = [
Deno.test("bufioBufReader", async function (): Promise<void> {
const texts = new Array<string>(31);
let str = "";
let all = "";
for (let i = 0; i < texts.length - 1; i++) {
texts[i] = str + "\n";
all += texts[i];
str += String.fromCharCode((i % 26) + 97);
texts[texts.length - 1] = all;
for (const text of texts) {
for (const readmaker of readMakers) {
for (const bufreader of bufreaders) {
for (const bufsize of bufsizes) {
const read = readmaker.fn(new StringReader(text));
const buf = new BufReader(read, bufsize);
const s = await bufreader.fn(buf);
const debugStr =
`reader=${readmaker.name} ` +
`fn=${bufreader.name} bufsize=${bufsize} want=${text} got=${s}`;
assertEquals(s, text, debugStr);
Deno.test("bufioBufferFull", async function (): Promise<void> {
const longString =
"And now, hello, world! It is the time for all good men to come to the" +
" aid of their party";
const buf = new BufReader(new StringReader(longString), MIN_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
try {
await buf.readSlice(charCode("!"));
fail("readSlice should throw");
} catch (err) {
assert(err instanceof BufferFullError);
assert(err.partial instanceof Uint8Array);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(err.partial), "And now, hello, ");
const line = await buf.readSlice(charCode("!"));
assert(line !== null);
const actual = decoder.decode(line);
assertEquals(actual, "world!");
Deno.test("bufioReadString", async function (): Promise<void> {
const string = "And now, hello world!";
const buf = new BufReader(new StringReader(string), MIN_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
const line = await buf.readString(",");
assert(line !== null);
assertEquals(line, "And now,");
assertEquals(line.length, 8);
const line2 = await buf.readString(",");
assert(line2 !== null);
assertEquals(line2, " hello world!");
assertEquals(await buf.readString(","), null);
try {
await buf.readString("deno");
fail("should throw");
} catch (err) {
assert(err.message, "Delimiter should be a single character");
const testInput = encoder.encode(
const testInputrn = encoder.encode(
"012\r\n345\r\n678\r\n9ab\r\ncde\r\nfgh\r\nijk\r\nlmn\r\nopq\r\nrst\r\n" +
const testOutput = encoder.encode("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy");
// TestReader wraps a Uint8Array and returns reads of a specific length.
class TestReader implements Deno.Reader {
constructor(private data: Uint8Array, private stride: number) {}
read(buf: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null> {
let nread = this.stride;
if (nread > this.data.byteLength) {
nread = this.data.byteLength;
if (nread > buf.byteLength) {
nread = buf.byteLength;
if (nread === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
copyBytes(this.data, buf as Uint8Array);
this.data = this.data.subarray(nread);
return Promise.resolve(nread);
async function testReadLine(input: Uint8Array): Promise<void> {
for (let stride = 1; stride < 2; stride++) {
let done = 0;
const reader = new TestReader(input, stride);
const l = new BufReader(reader, input.byteLength + 1);
while (true) {
const r = await l.readLine();
if (r === null) {
const { line, more } = r;
assertEquals(more, false);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands
const want = testOutput.subarray(done, done + line.byteLength);
`Bad line at stride ${stride}: want: ${want} got: ${line}`
done += line.byteLength;
`readLine didn't return everything: got: ${done}, ` +
`want: ${testOutput} (stride: ${stride})`
Deno.test("bufioReadLine", async function (): Promise<void> {
await testReadLine(testInput);
await testReadLine(testInputrn);
Deno.test("bufioPeek", async function (): Promise<void> {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const p = new Uint8Array(10);
// string is 16 (minReadBufferSize) long.
const buf = new BufReader(
new StringReader("abcdefghijklmnop"),
let actual = await buf.peek(1);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "a");
actual = await buf.peek(4);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "abcd");
try {
await buf.peek(32);
fail("peek() should throw");
} catch (err) {
assert(err instanceof BufferFullError);
assert(err.partial instanceof Uint8Array);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(err.partial), "abcdefghijklmnop");
await buf.read(p.subarray(0, 3));
assertEquals(decoder.decode(p.subarray(0, 3)), "abc");
actual = await buf.peek(1);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "d");
actual = await buf.peek(1);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "d");
actual = await buf.peek(1);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "d");
actual = await buf.peek(2);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "de");
const res = await buf.read(p.subarray(0, 3));
assertEquals(decoder.decode(p.subarray(0, 3)), "def");
assert(res !== null);
actual = await buf.peek(4);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "ghij");
await buf.read(p);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(p), "ghijklmnop");
actual = await buf.peek(0);
assert(actual !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "");
const r = await buf.peek(1);
assert(r === null);
Test for issue 3022, not exposing a reader's error on a successful Peek.
buf = NewReaderSize(dataAndEOFReader("abcd"), 32)
if s, err := buf.Peek(2); string(s) != "ab" || err != nil {
t.Errorf(`Peek(2) on "abcd", EOF = %q, %v; want "ab", nil`, string(s), err)
if s, err := buf.Peek(4); string(s) != "abcd" || err != nil {
`Peek(4) on "abcd", EOF = %q, %v; want "abcd", nil`,
if n, err := buf.Read(p[0:5]); string(p[0:n]) != "abcd" || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Read after peek = %q, %v; want abcd, EOF", p[0:n], err)
if n, err := buf.Read(p[0:1]); string(p[0:n]) != "" || err != io.EOF {
t.Fatalf(`second Read after peek = %q, %v; want "", EOF`, p[0:n], err)
Deno.test("bufioWriter", async function (): Promise<void> {
const data = new Uint8Array(8192);
for (let i = 0; i < data.byteLength; i++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands
data[i] = charCode(" ") + (i % (charCode("~") - charCode(" ")));
const w = new Deno.Buffer();
for (const nwrite of bufsizes) {
for (const bs of bufsizes) {
// Write nwrite bytes using buffer size bs.
// Check that the right amount makes it out
// and that the data is correct.
const buf = new BufWriter(w, bs);
const context = `nwrite=${nwrite} bufsize=${bs}`;
const n = await buf.write(data.subarray(0, nwrite));
assertEquals(n, nwrite, context);
await buf.flush();
const written = w.bytes();
assertEquals(written.byteLength, nwrite);
for (let l = 0; l < written.byteLength; l++) {
assertEquals(written[l], data[l]);
Deno.test("bufioWriterSync", function (): void {
const data = new Uint8Array(8192);
for (let i = 0; i < data.byteLength; i++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands
data[i] = charCode(" ") + (i % (charCode("~") - charCode(" ")));
const w = new Deno.Buffer();
for (const nwrite of bufsizes) {
for (const bs of bufsizes) {
// Write nwrite bytes using buffer size bs.
// Check that the right amount makes it out
// and that the data is correct.
const buf = new BufWriterSync(w, bs);
const context = `nwrite=${nwrite} bufsize=${bs}`;
const n = buf.writeSync(data.subarray(0, nwrite));
assertEquals(n, nwrite, context);
const written = w.bytes();
assertEquals(written.byteLength, nwrite);
for (let l = 0; l < written.byteLength; l++) {
assertEquals(written[l], data[l]);
Deno.test("bufReaderReadFull", async function (): Promise<void> {
const enc = new TextEncoder();
const dec = new TextDecoder();
const text = "Hello World";
const data = new Deno.Buffer(enc.encode(text));
const bufr = new BufReader(data, 3);
const buf = new Uint8Array(6);
const r = await bufr.readFull(buf);
assert(r !== null);
assertEquals(r, buf);
assertEquals(dec.decode(buf), "Hello ");
const buf = new Uint8Array(6);
try {
await bufr.readFull(buf);
fail("readFull() should throw PartialReadError");
} catch (err) {
assert(err instanceof PartialReadError);
assert(err.partial instanceof Uint8Array);
assertEquals(err.partial.length, 5);
assertEquals(dec.decode(buf.subarray(0, 5)), "World");
Deno.test("readStringDelimAndLines", async function (): Promise<void> {
const enc = new TextEncoder();
const data = new Deno.Buffer(
enc.encode("Hello World\tHello World 2\tHello World 3")
const chunks_ = [];
for await (const c of readStringDelim(data, "\t")) {
assertEquals(chunks_.length, 3);
assertEquals(chunks_, ["Hello World", "Hello World 2", "Hello World 3"]);
const linesData = new Deno.Buffer(enc.encode("0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9"));
const lines_ = [];
for await (const l of readLines(linesData)) {
assertEquals(lines_.length, 10);
assertEquals(lines_, ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]);
async function (): Promise<void> {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const bufSize = 25;
const b = new BufReader(new StringReader(data), bufSize);
const r1 = (await b.readLine()) as ReadLineResult;
assert(r1 !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(r1.line), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy");
const r2 = (await b.readLine()) as ReadLineResult;
assert(r2 !== null);
assertEquals(decoder.decode(r2.line), "z");
r1.line.buffer !== r2.line.buffer,
"array buffer should not be shared across reads"
name: "Reset buffer after flush",
async fn(): Promise<void> {
const stringWriter = new StringWriter();
const bufWriter = new BufWriter(stringWriter);
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
await bufWriter.write(encoder.encode("hello\nworld\nhow\nare\nyou?\n\n"));
await bufWriter.flush();
await bufWriter.write(encoder.encode("foobar\n\n"));
await bufWriter.flush();
const actual = stringWriter.toString();
assertEquals(actual, "hello\nworld\nhow\nare\nyou?\n\nfoobar\n\n");
name: "Reset buffer after flush sync",
fn(): void {
const stringWriter = new StringWriter();
const bufWriter = new BufWriterSync(stringWriter);
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const actual = stringWriter.toString();
assertEquals(actual, "hello\nworld\nhow\nare\nyou?\n\nfoobar\n\n");
name: "BufWriter.flush should write all bytes",
async fn(): Promise<void> {
const bufSize = 16 * 1024;
const data = new Uint8Array(bufSize);
const cache: Uint8Array[] = [];
const writer: Deno.Writer = {
write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number> {
cache.push(p.subarray(0, 1));
// Writer that only writes 1 byte at a time
return Promise.resolve(1);
const bufWriter = new BufWriter(writer);
await bufWriter.write(data);
await bufWriter.flush();
const buf = new Uint8Array(cache.length);
for (let i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) buf.set(cache[i], i);
assertEquals(data, buf);
name: "BufWriterSync.flush should write all bytes",
fn(): void {
const bufSize = 16 * 1024;
const data = new Uint8Array(bufSize);
const cache: Uint8Array[] = [];
const writer: Deno.WriterSync = {
writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number {
cache.push(p.subarray(0, 1));
// Writer that only writes 1 byte at a time
return 1;
const bufWriter = new BufWriterSync(writer);
const buf = new Uint8Array(cache.length);
for (let i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) buf.set(cache[i], i);
assertEquals(data, buf);