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Ryan Dahl 0ceb554343
Native ES modules (#1460)
* Native ES modules

This is a major refactor of internal compiler.

Before: JS and TS both were sent through the typescript compiler where
their imports were parsed and handled. Both compiled to AMD JS and
finally sent to V8

Now: JS is sent directly into V8. TS is sent through the typescript
compiler, but tsc generates ES modules now instead of AMD. This
generated JS is then dumped into V8.

This should much faster for pure JS code. It may improve TS compilation

In the future this allows us to separate TS out of the runtime heap and
into its own dedicated snapshot. This will result in a smaller runtime
heap, and thus should be faster.

Some tests were unfortunately disabled to ease landing this patch:
1. compiler_tests.ts which I intend to bring back in later commits.
2. Some text_encoding_test.ts tests which made the file invalid utf8.
   See PR for a discussion.
Also worth noting that this is necessary to support WASM
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00

548 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as ts from "typescript";
import { MediaType } from "gen/msg_generated";
import { assetSourceCode } from "./assets";
import * as os from "./os";
import { assert, log, notImplemented } from "./util";
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-circular-imports
// import * as deno from "./deno";
const EOL = "\n";
const ASSETS = "$asset$";
const LIB_RUNTIME = "lib.deno_runtime.d.ts";
/** The location that a module is being loaded from. This could be a directory,
* like `.`, or it could be a module specifier like
* `http://gist.github.com/somefile.ts`
export type ContainingFile = string;
/** The internal local filename of a compiled module. It will often be something
* like `/home/ry/.deno/gen/f7b4605dfbc4d3bb356e98fda6ceb1481e4a8df5.js`
type ModuleFileName = string;
/** The original resolved resource name.
* Path to cached module file or URL from which dependency was retrieved
type ModuleId = string;
/** The external name of a module - could be a URL or could be a relative path.
* Examples `http://gist.github.com/somefile.ts` or `./somefile.ts`
export type ModuleSpecifier = string;
/** The compiled source code which is cached in `.deno/gen/` */
type OutputCode = string;
/** The original source code */
type SourceCode = string;
/** The output source map */
type SourceMap = string;
/** Abstraction of the APIs required from the `os` module so they can be
* easily mocked.
* @internal
export interface Os {
codeCache: typeof os.codeCache;
codeFetch: typeof os.codeFetch;
exit: typeof os.exit;
/** Abstraction of the APIs required from the `typescript` module so they can
* be easily mocked.
* @internal
export interface Ts {
createLanguageService: typeof ts.createLanguageService;
/* tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length */
formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext: typeof ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext;
/** A simple object structure for caching resolved modules and their contents.
* Named `ModuleMetaData` to clarify it is just a representation of meta data of
* the module, not the actual module instance.
export class ModuleMetaData implements ts.IScriptSnapshot {
public deps?: ModuleFileName[];
public exports = {};
public gatheringDeps = false;
public hasRun = false;
public scriptVersion = "";
public readonly moduleId: ModuleId,
public readonly fileName: ModuleFileName,
public readonly mediaType: MediaType,
public readonly sourceCode: SourceCode = "",
public outputCode: OutputCode = "",
public sourceMap: SourceMap = ""
) {
if (outputCode !== "" || fileName.endsWith(".d.ts")) {
this.scriptVersion = "1";
public getText(start: number, end: number): string {
return this.sourceCode.substring(start, end);
public getLength(): number {
return this.sourceCode.length;
public getChangeRange(): undefined {
// Required `IScriptSnapshot` API, but not implemented/needed in deno
return undefined;
function getExtension(
fileName: ModuleFileName,
mediaType: MediaType
): ts.Extension | undefined {
switch (mediaType) {
case MediaType.JavaScript:
return ts.Extension.Js;
case MediaType.TypeScript:
return fileName.endsWith(".d.ts") ? ts.Extension.Dts : ts.Extension.Ts;
case MediaType.Json:
return ts.Extension.Json;
case MediaType.Unknown:
return undefined;
/** Generate output code for a provided JSON string along with its source. */
export function jsonAmdTemplate(
jsonString: string,
sourceFileName: string
): OutputCode {
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return `define([], function() { return JSON.parse(\`${jsonString}\`); });\n//# sourceURL=${sourceFileName}`;
/** A singleton class that combines the TypeScript Language Service host API
* with Deno specific APIs to provide an interface for compiling and running
* TypeScript and JavaScript modules.
export class DenoCompiler
implements ts.LanguageServiceHost, ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost {
// Modules are usually referenced by their ModuleSpecifier and ContainingFile,
// and keeping a map of the resolved module file name allows more efficient
// future resolution
private readonly _fileNamesMap = new Map<
Map<ModuleSpecifier, ModuleFileName>
// A reference to the log utility, so it can be monkey patched during testing
private _log = log;
// A map of module file names to module meta data
private readonly _moduleMetaDataMap = new Map<
// TODO ideally this are not static and can be influenced by command line
// arguments
private readonly _options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
allowJs: true,
checkJs: true,
module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
outDir: "$deno$",
resolveJsonModule: true,
sourceMap: true,
stripComments: true,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext
// A reference to the `./os.ts` module, so it can be monkey patched during
// testing
private _os: Os = os;
// Used to contain the script file we are currently running
private _scriptFileNames: string[] = [];
// A reference to the TypeScript LanguageService instance so it can be
// monkey patched during testing
private _service: ts.LanguageService;
// A reference to `typescript` module so it can be monkey patched during
// testing
private _ts: Ts = ts;
// Flags forcing recompilation of TS code
public recompile = false;
/** The TypeScript language service often refers to the resolved fileName of
* a module, this is a shortcut to avoid unnecessary module resolution logic
* for modules that may have been initially resolved by a `moduleSpecifier`
* and `containingFile`. Also, `resolveModule()` throws when the module
* cannot be resolved, which isn't always valid when dealing with the
* TypeScript compiler, but the TypeScript compiler shouldn't be asking about
* external modules that we haven't told it about yet.
getModuleMetaData(fileName: ModuleFileName): ModuleMetaData | undefined {
return this._moduleMetaDataMap.has(fileName)
? this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName)
: fileName.startsWith(ASSETS)
? this.resolveModule(fileName, "")
: undefined;
/** Given a `moduleSpecifier` and `containingFile` retrieve the cached
* `fileName` for a given module. If the module has yet to be resolved
* this will return `undefined`.
private _resolveFileName(
moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier,
containingFile: ContainingFile
): ModuleFileName | undefined {
this._log("compiler.resolveFileName", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile });
const innerMap = this._fileNamesMap.get(containingFile);
if (innerMap) {
return innerMap.get(moduleSpecifier);
return undefined;
/** Caches the resolved `fileName` in relationship to the `moduleSpecifier`
* and `containingFile` in order to reduce calls to the privileged side
* to retrieve the contents of a module.
private _setFileName(
moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier,
containingFile: ContainingFile,
fileName: ModuleFileName
): void {
this._log("compiler.setFileName", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile });
let innerMap = this._fileNamesMap.get(containingFile);
if (!innerMap) {
innerMap = new Map();
this._fileNamesMap.set(containingFile, innerMap);
innerMap.set(moduleSpecifier, fileName);
private constructor() {
if (DenoCompiler._instance) {
throw new TypeError("Attempt to create an additional compiler.");
this._service = this._ts.createLanguageService(this);
// Deno specific compiler API
/** Retrieve the output of the TypeScript compiler for a given module and
* cache the result. Re-compilation can be forced using '--recompile' flag.
compile(moduleMetaData: ModuleMetaData): OutputCode {
const recompile = !!this.recompile;
if (!recompile && moduleMetaData.outputCode) {
return moduleMetaData.outputCode;
const { fileName, sourceCode, mediaType, moduleId } = moduleMetaData;
console.warn("Compiling", moduleId);
// Instead of using TypeScript to transpile JSON modules, we will just do
// it directly.
if (mediaType === MediaType.Json) {
moduleMetaData.outputCode = jsonAmdTemplate(sourceCode, fileName);
} else {
const service = this._service;
mediaType === MediaType.TypeScript || mediaType === MediaType.JavaScript
const output = service.getEmitOutput(fileName);
// Get the relevant diagnostics - this is 3x faster than
// `getPreEmitDiagnostics`.
const diagnostics = [
// TypeScript is overly opinionated that only CommonJS modules kinds can
// support JSON imports. Allegedly this was fixed in
// Microsoft/TypeScript#26825 but that doesn't seem to be working here,
// so we will ignore complaints about this compiler setting.
.filter(diagnostic => diagnostic.code !== 5070),
if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
const errMsg = this._ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(
// All TypeScript errors are terminal for deno
"The emit was skipped for an unknown reason."
output.outputFiles.length === 2,
`Expected 2 files to be emitted, got ${output.outputFiles.length}.`
const [sourceMapFile, outputFile] = output.outputFiles;
"Expected first emitted file to be a source map"
"Expected second emitted file to be JavaScript"
moduleMetaData.outputCode = `${
}\n//# sourceURL=${fileName}`;
moduleMetaData.sourceMap = sourceMapFile.text;
moduleMetaData.scriptVersion = "1";
return moduleMetaData.outputCode;
/** Given a fileName, return what was generated by the compiler. */
getGeneratedSourceMap(fileName: string): string {
const moduleMetaData = this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName);
return moduleMetaData ? moduleMetaData.sourceMap : "";
getOutput(filename: ModuleFileName): OutputCode {
const moduleMetaData = this.getModuleMetaData(filename)!;
assert(moduleMetaData != null, `Module not loaded: "${filename}"`);
this._scriptFileNames = [moduleMetaData.fileName];
return this.compile(moduleMetaData);
/** Given a `moduleSpecifier` and `containingFile`, resolve the module and
* return the `ModuleMetaData`.
moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier,
containingFile: ContainingFile
): ModuleMetaData {
this._log("compiler.resolveModule", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile });
assert(moduleSpecifier != null && moduleSpecifier.length > 0);
let fileName = this._resolveFileName(moduleSpecifier, containingFile);
if (fileName && this._moduleMetaDataMap.has(fileName)) {
return this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName)!;
let moduleId: ModuleId | undefined;
let mediaType = MediaType.Unknown;
let sourceCode: SourceCode | undefined;
let outputCode: OutputCode | undefined;
let sourceMap: SourceMap | undefined;
if (
moduleSpecifier.startsWith(ASSETS) ||
) {
// Assets are compiled into the runtime javascript bundle.
// we _know_ `.pop()` will return a string, but TypeScript doesn't so
// not null assertion
moduleId = moduleSpecifier.split("/").pop()!;
const assetName = moduleId.includes(".") ? moduleId : `${moduleId}.d.ts`;
assert(assetName in assetSourceCode, `No such asset "${assetName}"`);
mediaType = MediaType.TypeScript;
sourceCode = assetSourceCode[assetName];
fileName = `${ASSETS}/${assetName}`;
outputCode = "";
sourceMap = "";
} else {
// We query Rust with a CodeFetch message. It will load the sourceCode,
// and if there is any outputCode cached, will return that as well.
const fetchResponse = this._os.codeFetch(moduleSpecifier, containingFile);
moduleId = fetchResponse.moduleName;
fileName = fetchResponse.filename;
mediaType = fetchResponse.mediaType;
sourceCode = fetchResponse.sourceCode;
outputCode = fetchResponse.outputCode;
sourceMap =
fetchResponse.sourceMap && JSON.parse(fetchResponse.sourceMap);
assert(moduleId != null, "No module ID.");
assert(fileName != null, "No file name.");
assert(sourceCode ? sourceCode.length > 0 : false, "No source code.");
mediaType !== MediaType.Unknown,
`Unknown media type for: "${moduleSpecifier}" from "${containingFile}".`
"resolveModule sourceCode length:",
sourceCode && sourceCode.length
this._log("resolveModule has outputCode:", outputCode != null);
this._log("resolveModule has source map:", sourceMap != null);
this._log("resolveModule has media type:", MediaType[mediaType]);
// fileName is asserted above, but TypeScript does not track so not null
this._setFileName(moduleSpecifier, containingFile, fileName!);
if (fileName && this._moduleMetaDataMap.has(fileName)) {
return this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName)!;
const moduleMetaData = new ModuleMetaData(
this._moduleMetaDataMap.set(fileName!, moduleMetaData);
return moduleMetaData;
/** Load and run a module and all of its dependencies based on a module
* specifier and a containing file
moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier,
containingFile: ContainingFile
): ModuleMetaData {
this._log("compiler.run", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile });
const moduleMetaData = this.resolveModule(moduleSpecifier, containingFile);
this._scriptFileNames = [moduleMetaData.fileName];
return moduleMetaData;
getSource(filename: ModuleFileName): SourceCode {
const moduleMetaData = this.getModuleMetaData(filename)!;
assert(moduleMetaData != null, `Module not loaded: "${filename}"`);
return moduleMetaData.sourceCode;
getJavaScriptSource(filename: ModuleFileName): OutputCode {
let s = this.getOutput(filename);
if (!s) {
s = this.getSource(filename);
return s;
// TypeScript Language Service and Format Diagnostic Host API
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string {
this._log("getCanonicalFileName", fileName);
return fileName;
getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions {
return this._options;
getNewLine(): string {
return EOL;
getScriptFileNames(): string[] {
// This is equal to `"files"` in the `tsconfig.json`, therefore we only need
// to include the actual base source files we are evaluating at the moment,
// which would be what is set during the `.run()`
return this._scriptFileNames;
getScriptKind(fileName: ModuleFileName): ts.ScriptKind {
this._log("getScriptKind()", fileName);
const moduleMetaData = this.getModuleMetaData(fileName);
if (moduleMetaData) {
switch (moduleMetaData.mediaType) {
case MediaType.TypeScript:
return ts.ScriptKind.TS;
case MediaType.JavaScript:
return ts.ScriptKind.JS;
case MediaType.Json:
return ts.ScriptKind.JSON;
return this._options.allowJs ? ts.ScriptKind.JS : ts.ScriptKind.TS;
} else {
return this._options.allowJs ? ts.ScriptKind.JS : ts.ScriptKind.TS;
getScriptVersion(fileName: ModuleFileName): string {
this._log("getScriptVersion()", fileName);
const moduleMetaData = this.getModuleMetaData(fileName);
return (moduleMetaData && moduleMetaData.scriptVersion) || "";
getScriptSnapshot(fileName: ModuleFileName): ts.IScriptSnapshot | undefined {
this._log("getScriptSnapshot()", fileName);
return this.getModuleMetaData(fileName);
getCurrentDirectory(): string {
return "";
getDefaultLibFileName(): string {
const moduleSpecifier = LIB_RUNTIME;
const moduleMetaData = this.resolveModule(moduleSpecifier, ASSETS);
return moduleMetaData.fileName;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean {
return true;
readFile(path: string): string | undefined {
this._log("readFile()", path);
return notImplemented();
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean {
const moduleMetaData = this.getModuleMetaData(fileName);
const exists = moduleMetaData != null;
this._log("fileExists()", fileName, exists);
return exists;
moduleNames: ModuleSpecifier[],
containingFile: ContainingFile
): Array<ts.ResolvedModuleFull | ts.ResolvedModule> {
this._log("resolveModuleNames()", { moduleNames, containingFile });
return moduleNames.map(name => {
let moduleMetaData: ModuleMetaData;
if (name === "deno") {
// builtin modules are part of the runtime lib
moduleMetaData = this.resolveModule(LIB_RUNTIME, ASSETS);
} else if (name === "typescript") {
moduleMetaData = this.resolveModule("typescript.d.ts", ASSETS);
} else {
moduleMetaData = this.resolveModule(name, containingFile);
// According to the interface we shouldn't return `undefined` but if we
// fail to return the same length of modules to those we cannot resolve
// then TypeScript fails on an assertion that the lengths can't be
// different, so we have to return an "empty" resolved module
// TODO: all this does is push the problem downstream, and TypeScript
// will complain it can't identify the type of the file and throw
// a runtime exception, so we need to handle missing modules better
const resolvedFileName = moduleMetaData.fileName || "";
// This flags to the compiler to not go looking to transpile functional
// code, anything that is in `/$asset$/` is just library code
const isExternalLibraryImport = resolvedFileName.startsWith(ASSETS);
return {
extension: getExtension(resolvedFileName, moduleMetaData.mediaType)
private static _instance: DenoCompiler | undefined;
/** Returns the instance of `DenoCompiler` or creates a new instance. */
static instance(): DenoCompiler {
return (
DenoCompiler._instance || (DenoCompiler._instance = new DenoCompiler())