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synced 2025-03-10 06:07:03 -04:00

Resolves #1705 This PR adds the Deno APIs as a global namespace named `Deno`. For backwards compatibility, the ability to `import * from "deno"` is preserved. I have tried to convert every test and internal code the references the module to use the namespace instead, but because I didn't break compatibility I am not sure. On the REPL, `deno` no longer exists, replaced only with `Deno` to align with the regular runtime. The runtime type library includes both the namespace and module. This means it duplicates the whole type information. When we remove the functionality from the runtime, it will be a one line change to the library generator to remove the module definition from the type library. I marked a `TODO` in a couple places where to remove the `"deno"` module, but there are additional places I know I didn't mark.
188 lines
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188 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { test, testPerm, assert, assertEqual } from "./test_util.ts";
const { run, DenoError, ErrorKind } = Deno;
test(function runPermissions() {
let caughtError = false;
try {
Deno.run({ args: ["python", "-c", "print('hello world')"] });
} catch (e) {
caughtError = true;
assertEqual(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.PermissionDenied);
assertEqual(e.name, "PermissionDenied");
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runSuccess() {
const p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "print('hello world')"]
const status = await p.status();
console.log("status", status);
assertEqual(status.success, true);
assertEqual(status.code, 0);
assertEqual(status.signal, undefined);
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runCommandFailedWithCode() {
let p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "import sys;sys.exit(41 + 1)"]
let status = await p.status();
assertEqual(status.success, false);
assertEqual(status.code, 42);
assertEqual(status.signal, undefined);
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runCommandFailedWithSignal() {
if (Deno.platform.os === "win") {
return; // No signals on windows.
const p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "import os;os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)"]
const status = await p.status();
assertEqual(status.success, false);
assertEqual(status.code, undefined);
assertEqual(status.signal, 9);
testPerm({ run: true }, function runNotFound() {
let error;
try {
run({ args: ["this file hopefully doesn't exist"] });
} catch (e) {
error = e;
assert(error !== undefined);
assert(error instanceof DenoError);
assertEqual(error.kind, ErrorKind.NotFound);
testPerm({ write: true, run: true }, async function runWithCwdIsAsync() {
const enc = new TextEncoder();
const cwd = Deno.makeTempDirSync({ prefix: "deno_command_test" });
const exitCodeFile = "deno_was_here";
const pyProgramFile = "poll_exit.py";
const pyProgram = `
from sys import exit
from time import sleep
while True:
with open("${exitCodeFile}", "r") as f:
line = f.readline()
code = int(line)
except IOError:
# Retry if we got here before deno wrote the file.
Deno.writeFileSync(`${cwd}/${pyProgramFile}.py`, enc.encode(pyProgram));
const p = run({
args: ["python", `${pyProgramFile}.py`]
// Write the expected exit code *after* starting python.
// This is how we verify that `run()` is actually asynchronous.
const code = 84;
Deno.writeFileSync(`${cwd}/${exitCodeFile}`, enc.encode(`${code}`));
const status = await p.status();
assertEqual(status.success, false);
assertEqual(status.code, code);
assertEqual(status.signal, undefined);
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runStdinPiped() {
const p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "import sys; assert 'hello' == sys.stdin.read();"],
stdin: "piped"
let msg = new TextEncoder().encode("hello");
let n = await p.stdin.write(msg);
assertEqual(n, msg.byteLength);
const status = await p.status();
assertEqual(status.success, true);
assertEqual(status.code, 0);
assertEqual(status.signal, undefined);
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runStdoutPiped() {
const p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "import sys; sys.stdout.write('hello')"],
stdout: "piped"
const data = new Uint8Array(10);
let r = await p.stdout.read(data);
assertEqual(r.nread, 5);
assertEqual(r.eof, false);
const s = new TextDecoder().decode(data.subarray(0, r.nread));
assertEqual(s, "hello");
r = await p.stdout.read(data);
assertEqual(r.nread, 0);
assertEqual(r.eof, true);
const status = await p.status();
assertEqual(status.success, true);
assertEqual(status.code, 0);
assertEqual(status.signal, undefined);
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runStderrPiped() {
const p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "import sys; sys.stderr.write('hello')"],
stderr: "piped"
const data = new Uint8Array(10);
let r = await p.stderr.read(data);
assertEqual(r.nread, 5);
assertEqual(r.eof, false);
const s = new TextDecoder().decode(data.subarray(0, r.nread));
assertEqual(s, "hello");
r = await p.stderr.read(data);
assertEqual(r.nread, 0);
assertEqual(r.eof, true);
const status = await p.status();
assertEqual(status.success, true);
assertEqual(status.code, 0);
assertEqual(status.signal, undefined);
testPerm({ run: true }, async function runOutput() {
const p = run({
args: ["python", "-c", "import sys; sys.stdout.write('hello')"],
stdout: "piped"
const output = await p.output();
const s = new TextDecoder().decode(output);
assertEqual(s, "hello");