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synced 2025-03-09 13:49:37 -04:00

We didn't validate the `path` argument that's passed to `fs.stat()` and `fs.statSync()` which lead to wrong errors being thrown. The `@rollup/plugin-node-resolve` code calls it with `undefined` quite a lot which lead to `nitro` and `nuxt` failing. Fixes https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26700 --------- Co-authored-by: Yoshiya Hinosawa <stibium121@gmail.com>
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// TODO(petamoriken): enable prefer-primordials for node polyfills
// deno-lint-ignore-file prefer-primordials
import { denoErrorToNodeError } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts";
import { promisify } from "ext:deno_node/internal/util.mjs";
import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js";
import { getValidatedPath } from "ext:deno_node/internal/fs/utils.mjs";
const { ObjectCreate, ObjectAssign } = primordials;
export type statOptions = {
bigint: boolean;
throwIfNoEntry?: boolean;
interface IStats {
/** ID of the device containing the file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
dev: number | null;
/** Inode number.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
ino: number | null;
/** **UNSTABLE**: Match behavior with Go on Windows for `mode`.
* The underlying raw `st_mode` bits that contain the standard Unix
* permissions for this file/directory. */
mode: number | null;
/** Number of hard links pointing to this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
nlink: number | null;
/** User ID of the owner of this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
uid: number | null;
/** Group ID of the owner of this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
gid: number | null;
/** Device ID of this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
rdev: number | null;
/** The size of the file, in bytes. */
size: number;
/** Blocksize for filesystem I/O.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
blksize: number | null;
/** Number of blocks allocated to the file, in 512-byte units.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
blocks: number | null;
/** The last modification time of the file. This corresponds to the `mtime`
* field from `stat` on Linux/Mac OS and `ftLastWriteTime` on Windows. This
* may not be available on all platforms. */
mtime: Date | null;
/** The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `atime`
* field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastAccessTime` on Windows. This may not
* be available on all platforms. */
atime: Date | null;
/** The creation time of the file. This corresponds to the `birthtime`
* field from `stat` on Mac/BSD and `ftCreationTime` on Windows. This may
* not be available on all platforms. */
birthtime: Date | null;
/** change time */
ctime: Date | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
atimeMs: number | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
mtimeMs: number | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
ctimeMs: number | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
birthtimeMs: number | null;
isBlockDevice: () => boolean;
isCharacterDevice: () => boolean;
isDirectory: () => boolean;
isFIFO: () => boolean;
isFile: () => boolean;
isSocket: () => boolean;
isSymbolicLink: () => boolean;
class StatsBase {
) {
this.dev = dev;
this.mode = mode;
this.nlink = nlink;
this.uid = uid;
this.gid = gid;
this.rdev = rdev;
this.blksize = blksize;
this.ino = ino;
this.size = size;
this.blocks = blocks;
isFile() {
return false;
isDirectory() {
return false;
isSymbolicLink() {
return false;
isBlockDevice() {
return false;
isFIFO() {
return false;
isCharacterDevice() {
return false;
isSocket() {
return false;
// The Date constructor performs Math.floor() to the timestamp.
// https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/#sec-timeclip
// Since there may be a precision loss when the timestamp is
// converted to a floating point number, we manually round
// the timestamp here before passing it to Date().
function dateFromMs(ms) {
return new Date(Number(ms) + 0.5);
export class Stats extends StatsBase {
) {
this.atimeMs = atimeMs;
this.mtimeMs = mtimeMs;
this.ctimeMs = ctimeMs;
this.birthtimeMs = birthtimeMs;
this.atime = dateFromMs(atimeMs);
this.mtime = dateFromMs(mtimeMs);
this.ctime = dateFromMs(ctimeMs);
this.birthtime = dateFromMs(birthtimeMs);
export interface IBigIntStats {
/** ID of the device containing the file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
dev: bigint | null;
/** Inode number.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
ino: bigint | null;
/** **UNSTABLE**: Match behavior with Go on Windows for `mode`.
* The underlying raw `st_mode` bits that contain the standard Unix
* permissions for this file/directory. */
mode: bigint | null;
/** Number of hard links pointing to this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
nlink: bigint | null;
/** User ID of the owner of this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
uid: bigint | null;
/** Group ID of the owner of this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
gid: bigint | null;
/** Device ID of this file.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
rdev: bigint | null;
/** The size of the file, in bytes. */
size: bigint;
/** Blocksize for filesystem I/O.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
blksize: bigint | null;
/** Number of blocks allocated to the file, in 512-byte units.
* _Linux/Mac OS only._ */
blocks: bigint | null;
/** The last modification time of the file. This corresponds to the `mtime`
* field from `stat` on Linux/Mac OS and `ftLastWriteTime` on Windows. This
* may not be available on all platforms. */
mtime: Date | null;
/** The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `atime`
* field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastAccessTime` on Windows. This may not
* be available on all platforms. */
atime: Date | null;
/** The creation time of the file. This corresponds to the `birthtime`
* field from `stat` on Mac/BSD and `ftCreationTime` on Windows. This may
* not be available on all platforms. */
birthtime: Date | null;
/** change time */
ctime: Date | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
atimeMs: bigint | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
mtimeMs: bigint | null;
/** atime in milliseconds */
ctimeMs: bigint | null;
/** atime in nanoseconds */
birthtimeMs: bigint | null;
/** atime in nanoseconds */
atimeNs: bigint | null;
/** atime in nanoseconds */
mtimeNs: bigint | null;
/** atime in nanoseconds */
ctimeNs: bigint | null;
/** atime in nanoseconds */
birthtimeNs: bigint | null;
isBlockDevice: () => boolean;
isCharacterDevice: () => boolean;
isDirectory: () => boolean;
isFIFO: () => boolean;
isFile: () => boolean;
isSocket: () => boolean;
isSymbolicLink: () => boolean;
export class BigIntStats {}
export function convertFileInfoToStats(origin: Deno.FileInfo): Stats {
const stats = ObjectCreate(Stats.prototype);
ObjectAssign(stats, {
dev: origin.dev,
ino: origin.ino,
mode: origin.mode,
nlink: origin.nlink,
uid: origin.uid,
gid: origin.gid,
rdev: origin.rdev,
size: origin.size,
blksize: origin.blksize,
blocks: origin.blocks,
mtime: origin.mtime,
atime: origin.atime,
birthtime: origin.birthtime,
mtimeMs: origin.mtime?.getTime() || null,
atimeMs: origin.atime?.getTime() || null,
birthtimeMs: origin.birthtime?.getTime() || null,
isFile: () => origin.isFile,
isDirectory: () => origin.isDirectory,
isSymbolicLink: () => origin.isSymlink,
// not sure about those
isBlockDevice: () => false,
isFIFO: () => false,
isCharacterDevice: () => false,
isSocket: () => false,
ctime: origin.ctime,
ctimeMs: origin.ctime?.getTime() || null,
return stats;
function toBigInt(number?: number | null) {
if (number === null || number === undefined) return null;
return BigInt(number);
export function convertFileInfoToBigIntStats(
origin: Deno.FileInfo,
): BigIntStats {
const stats = ObjectCreate(BigIntStats.prototype);
ObjectAssign(stats, {
dev: toBigInt(origin.dev),
ino: toBigInt(origin.ino),
mode: toBigInt(origin.mode),
nlink: toBigInt(origin.nlink),
uid: toBigInt(origin.uid),
gid: toBigInt(origin.gid),
rdev: toBigInt(origin.rdev),
size: toBigInt(origin.size) || 0n,
blksize: toBigInt(origin.blksize),
blocks: toBigInt(origin.blocks),
mtime: origin.mtime,
atime: origin.atime,
birthtime: origin.birthtime,
mtimeMs: origin.mtime ? BigInt(origin.mtime.getTime()) : null,
atimeMs: origin.atime ? BigInt(origin.atime.getTime()) : null,
birthtimeMs: origin.birthtime ? BigInt(origin.birthtime.getTime()) : null,
mtimeNs: origin.mtime ? BigInt(origin.mtime.getTime()) * 1000000n : null,
atimeNs: origin.atime ? BigInt(origin.atime.getTime()) * 1000000n : null,
birthtimeNs: origin.birthtime
? BigInt(origin.birthtime.getTime()) * 1000000n
: null,
isFile: () => origin.isFile,
isDirectory: () => origin.isDirectory,
isSymbolicLink: () => origin.isSymlink,
// not sure about those
isBlockDevice: () => false,
isFIFO: () => false,
isCharacterDevice: () => false,
isSocket: () => false,
ctime: origin.ctime,
ctimeMs: origin.ctime ? BigInt(origin.ctime.getTime()) : null,
ctimeNs: origin.ctime ? BigInt(origin.ctime.getTime()) * 1000000n : null,
return stats;
// shortcut for Convert File Info to Stats or BigIntStats
export function CFISBIS(fileInfo: Deno.FileInfo, bigInt: boolean) {
if (bigInt) return convertFileInfoToBigIntStats(fileInfo);
return convertFileInfoToStats(fileInfo);
export type statCallbackBigInt = (err: Error | null, stat: BigIntStats) => void;
export type statCallback = (err: Error | null, stat: Stats) => void;
export function stat(path: string | URL, callback: statCallback): void;
export function stat(
path: string | URL,
options: { bigint: false },
callback: statCallback,
): void;
export function stat(
path: string | URL,
options: { bigint: true },
callback: statCallbackBigInt,
): void;
export function stat(
path: string | URL,
optionsOrCallback: statCallback | statCallbackBigInt | statOptions,
maybeCallback?: statCallback | statCallbackBigInt,
) {
const callback =
(typeof optionsOrCallback === "function"
? optionsOrCallback
: maybeCallback) as (
...args: [Error] | [null, BigIntStats | Stats]
) => void;
const options = typeof optionsOrCallback === "object"
? optionsOrCallback
: { bigint: false };
path = getValidatedPath(path).toString();
if (!callback) throw new Error("No callback function supplied");
(stat) => callback(null, CFISBIS(stat, options.bigint)),
(err) =>
denoErrorToNodeError(err, { syscall: "stat", path: getPathname(path) }),
export const statPromise = promisify(stat) as (
& ((path: string | URL) => Promise<Stats>)
& ((path: string | URL, options: { bigint: false }) => Promise<Stats>)
& ((path: string | URL, options: { bigint: true }) => Promise<BigIntStats>)
export function statSync(path: string | URL): Stats;
export function statSync(
path: string | URL,
options: { bigint: false; throwIfNoEntry?: boolean },
): Stats;
export function statSync(
path: string | URL,
options: { bigint: true; throwIfNoEntry?: boolean },
): BigIntStats;
export function statSync(
path: string | URL,
options: statOptions = { bigint: false, throwIfNoEntry: true },
): Stats | BigIntStats | undefined {
path = getValidatedPath(path).toString();
try {
const origin = Deno.statSync(path);
return CFISBIS(origin, options.bigint);
} catch (err) {
if (
options?.throwIfNoEntry === false &&
err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound
) {
if (err instanceof Error) {
throw denoErrorToNodeError(err, {
syscall: "stat",
path: getPathname(path),
} else {
throw err;
function getPathname(path: string | URL) {
return typeof path === "string" ? path : path.pathname;