mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 21:57:40 -04:00

This improves peer dependency resolution yet again. We did not handle scenarios like the following: ``` // a -> b -> c -> d -> c -> b (peer) ``` ...which would maybe work ok the first time its run in some cases, but then lead to a lockfile that would error on load. This now keeps track of circular dependencies and updates nodes accordingly. That said, there is still a lurking bug in this code somewhere that I've added a comment for (there is a mitigation on the tail end that seems to work well). The current state is much better than before and I can look into it later. I think it's something small that's incorrect.
599 lines
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599 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier;
use deno_core::anyhow::bail;
use deno_core::anyhow::Context;
use deno_core::error::custom_error;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex;
use deno_core::url::Url;
use deno_graph::npm::NpmPackageNv;
use deno_graph::semver::Version;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use crate::args::CacheSetting;
use crate::cache::DenoDir;
use crate::http_util::HttpClient;
use crate::util::fs::canonicalize_path;
use crate::util::fs::hard_link_dir_recursive;
use crate::util::path::root_url_to_safe_local_dirname;
use crate::util::progress_bar::ProgressBar;
use super::registry::NpmPackageVersionDistInfo;
use super::tarball::verify_and_extract_tarball;
static SHOULD_SYNC_DOWNLOAD: Lazy<bool> =
Lazy::new(|| std::env::var("DENO_UNSTABLE_NPM_SYNC_DOWNLOAD").is_ok());
/// For some of the tests, we want downloading of packages
/// to be deterministic so that the output is always the same
pub fn should_sync_download() -> bool {
// this gets called a lot when doing npm resolution and was taking
// a significant amount of time, so cache it in a lazy
const NPM_PACKAGE_SYNC_LOCK_FILENAME: &str = ".deno_sync_lock";
pub fn with_folder_sync_lock(
package: &NpmPackageNv,
output_folder: &Path,
action: impl FnOnce() -> Result<(), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
fn inner(
output_folder: &Path,
action: impl FnOnce() -> Result<(), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
fs::create_dir_all(output_folder).with_context(|| {
format!("Error creating '{}'.", output_folder.display())
// This sync lock file is a way to ensure that partially created
// npm package directories aren't considered valid. This could maybe
// be a bit smarter in the future to not bother extracting here
// if another process has taken the lock in the past X seconds and
// wait for the other process to finish (it could try to create the
// file with `create_new(true)` then if it exists, check the metadata
// then wait until the other process finishes with a timeout), but
// for now this is good enough.
let sync_lock_path = output_folder.join(NPM_PACKAGE_SYNC_LOCK_FILENAME);
match fs::OpenOptions::new()
Ok(_) => {
// extraction succeeded, so only now delete this file
let _ignore = std::fs::remove_file(&sync_lock_path);
Err(err) => {
"Error creating package sync lock file at '{}'. ",
"Maybe try manually deleting this folder.\n\n{:#}",
match inner(output_folder, action) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(err) => {
if let Err(remove_err) = fs::remove_dir_all(output_folder) {
if remove_err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
"Failed setting up package cache directory for {}, then ",
"failed cleaning it up.\n\nOriginal error:\n\n{}\n\n",
"Remove error:\n\n{}\n\nPlease manually ",
"delete this folder or you will run into issues using this ",
"package in the future:\n\n{}"
pub struct NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
pub nv: NpmPackageNv,
/// Peer dependency resolution may require us to have duplicate copies
/// of the same package.
pub copy_index: usize,
impl NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
pub fn with_no_count(&self) -> Self {
Self {
nv: self.nv.clone(),
copy_index: 0,
impl std::fmt::Display for NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.nv)?;
if self.copy_index > 0 {
write!(f, "_{}", self.copy_index)?;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ReadonlyNpmCache {
root_dir: PathBuf,
// cached url representation of the root directory
root_dir_url: Url,
// todo(dsherret): implementing Default for this is error prone because someone
// might accidentally use the default implementation instead of getting the
// correct location of the deno dir, which might be provided via a CLI argument.
// That said, the rest of the LSP code does this at the moment and so this code
// copies that.
impl Default for ReadonlyNpmCache {
fn default() -> Self {
// This only gets used when creating the tsc runtime and for testing, and so
// it shouldn't ever actually access the DenoDir, so it doesn't support a
// custom root.
impl ReadonlyNpmCache {
pub fn new(root_dir: PathBuf) -> Self {
fn try_get_canonicalized_root_dir(
root_dir: &Path,
) -> Result<PathBuf, AnyError> {
if !root_dir.exists() {
.with_context(|| format!("Error creating {}", root_dir.display()))?;
// this may fail on readonly file systems, so just ignore if so
let root_dir =
let root_dir_url = Url::from_directory_path(&root_dir).unwrap();
Self {
pub fn from_deno_dir(dir: &DenoDir) -> Self {
pub fn root_dir_url(&self) -> &Url {
pub fn package_folder_for_id(
folder_id: &NpmPackageCacheFolderId,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> PathBuf {
if folder_id.copy_index == 0 {
self.package_folder_for_name_and_version(&folder_id.nv, registry_url)
} else {
.package_name_folder(&folder_id.nv.name, registry_url)
.join(format!("{}_{}", folder_id.nv.version, folder_id.copy_index))
pub fn package_folder_for_name_and_version(
package: &NpmPackageNv,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> PathBuf {
.package_name_folder(&package.name, registry_url)
pub fn package_name_folder(&self, name: &str, registry_url: &Url) -> PathBuf {
let mut dir = self.registry_folder(registry_url);
if name.to_lowercase() != name {
let encoded_name = mixed_case_package_name_encode(name);
// Using the encoded directory may have a collision with an actual package name
// so prefix it with an underscore since npm packages can't start with that
} else {
// ensure backslashes are used on windows
for part in name.split('/') {
dir = dir.join(part);
pub fn registry_folder(&self, registry_url: &Url) -> PathBuf {
pub fn resolve_package_folder_id_from_specifier(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> Result<NpmPackageCacheFolderId, AnyError> {
match self
.maybe_resolve_package_folder_id_from_specifier(specifier, registry_url)
Some(id) => Ok(id),
None => bail!("could not find npm package for '{}'", specifier),
fn maybe_resolve_package_folder_id_from_specifier(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> Option<NpmPackageCacheFolderId> {
let registry_root_dir = self
.replace('\\', "/")
// this not succeeding indicates a fatal issue, so unwrap
let mut relative_url = registry_root_dir.make_relative(specifier)?;
if relative_url.starts_with("../") {
return None;
// base32 decode the url if it starts with an underscore
// * Ex. _{base32(package_name)}/
if let Some(end_url) = relative_url.strip_prefix('_') {
let mut parts = end_url
match mixed_case_package_name_decode(&parts[0]) {
Some(part) => {
parts[0] = part;
None => return None,
relative_url = parts.join("/");
// examples:
// * chalk/5.0.1/
// * @types/chalk/5.0.1/
// * some-package/5.0.1_1/ -- where the `_1` (/_\d+/) is a copy of the folder for peer deps
let is_scoped_package = relative_url.starts_with('@');
let mut parts = relative_url
.take(if is_scoped_package { 3 } else { 2 })
.map(|(_, part)| part)
if parts.len() < 2 {
return None;
let version_part = parts.pop().unwrap();
let name = parts.join("/");
let (version, copy_index) =
if let Some((version, copy_count)) = version_part.split_once('_') {
(version, copy_count.parse::<usize>().ok()?)
} else {
(version_part, 0)
Some(NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
nv: NpmPackageNv {
version: Version::parse_from_npm(version).ok()?,
pub fn get_cache_location(&self) -> PathBuf {
/// Stores a single copy of npm packages in a cache.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NpmCache {
readonly: ReadonlyNpmCache,
cache_setting: CacheSetting,
http_client: HttpClient,
progress_bar: ProgressBar,
/// ensures a package is only downloaded once per run
previously_reloaded_packages: Arc<Mutex<HashSet<NpmPackageNv>>>,
impl NpmCache {
pub fn from_deno_dir(
dir: &DenoDir,
cache_setting: CacheSetting,
http_client: HttpClient,
progress_bar: ProgressBar,
) -> Self {
Self {
readonly: ReadonlyNpmCache::from_deno_dir(dir),
previously_reloaded_packages: Default::default(),
pub fn as_readonly(&self) -> ReadonlyNpmCache {
pub fn cache_setting(&self) -> &CacheSetting {
pub fn root_dir_url(&self) -> &Url {
/// Checks if the cache should be used for the provided name and version.
/// NOTE: Subsequent calls for the same package will always return `true`
/// to ensure a package is only downloaded once per run of the CLI. This
/// prevents downloads from re-occurring when someone has `--reload` and
/// and imports a dynamic import that imports the same package again for example.
fn should_use_global_cache_for_package(
package: &NpmPackageNv,
) -> bool {
|| !self
pub async fn ensure_package(
package: &NpmPackageNv,
dist: &NpmPackageVersionDistInfo,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
.ensure_package_inner(package, dist, registry_url)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed caching npm package '{package}'."))
async fn ensure_package_inner(
package: &NpmPackageNv,
dist: &NpmPackageVersionDistInfo,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
let package_folder = self
.package_folder_for_name_and_version(package, registry_url);
if self.should_use_global_cache_for_package(package)
&& package_folder.exists()
// if this file exists, then the package didn't successfully extract
// the first time, or another process is currently extracting the zip file
&& !package_folder.join(NPM_PACKAGE_SYNC_LOCK_FILENAME).exists()
return Ok(());
} else if self.cache_setting == CacheSetting::Only {
return Err(custom_error(
"An npm specifier not found in cache: \"{}\", --cached-only is specified.",
let guard = self.progress_bar.update(&dist.tarball);
let maybe_bytes = self
.download_with_progress(&dist.tarball, &guard)
match maybe_bytes {
Some(bytes) => {
verify_and_extract_tarball(package, &bytes, dist, &package_folder)
None => {
bail!("Could not find npm package tarball at: {}", dist.tarball);
/// Ensures a copy of the package exists in the global cache.
/// This assumes that the original package folder being hard linked
/// from exists before this is called.
pub fn ensure_copy_package(
folder_id: &NpmPackageCacheFolderId,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
assert_ne!(folder_id.copy_index, 0);
let package_folder =
self.readonly.package_folder_for_id(folder_id, registry_url);
if package_folder.exists()
// if this file exists, then the package didn't successfully extract
// the first time, or another process is currently extracting the zip file
&& !package_folder.join(NPM_PACKAGE_SYNC_LOCK_FILENAME).exists()
&& self.cache_setting.should_use_for_npm_package(&folder_id.nv.name)
return Ok(());
let original_package_folder = self
.package_folder_for_name_and_version(&folder_id.nv, registry_url);
with_folder_sync_lock(&folder_id.nv, &package_folder, || {
hard_link_dir_recursive(&original_package_folder, &package_folder)
pub fn package_folder_for_id(
id: &NpmPackageCacheFolderId,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> PathBuf {
self.readonly.package_folder_for_id(id, registry_url)
pub fn package_folder_for_name_and_version(
package: &NpmPackageNv,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> PathBuf {
.package_folder_for_name_and_version(package, registry_url)
pub fn package_name_folder(&self, name: &str, registry_url: &Url) -> PathBuf {
self.readonly.package_name_folder(name, registry_url)
pub fn registry_folder(&self, registry_url: &Url) -> PathBuf {
pub fn resolve_package_folder_id_from_specifier(
specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
registry_url: &Url,
) -> Result<NpmPackageCacheFolderId, AnyError> {
.resolve_package_folder_id_from_specifier(specifier, registry_url)
pub fn mixed_case_package_name_encode(name: &str) -> String {
// use base32 encoding because it's reversable and the character set
// only includes the characters within 0-9 and A-Z so it can be lower cased
base32::Alphabet::RFC4648 { padding: false },
pub fn mixed_case_package_name_decode(name: &str) -> Option<String> {
base32::decode(base32::Alphabet::RFC4648 { padding: false }, name)
.and_then(|b| String::from_utf8(b).ok())
mod test {
use deno_core::url::Url;
use deno_graph::npm::NpmPackageNv;
use deno_graph::semver::Version;
use super::ReadonlyNpmCache;
use crate::npm::cache::NpmPackageCacheFolderId;
fn should_get_package_folder() {
let deno_dir = crate::cache::DenoDir::new(None).unwrap();
let root_dir = deno_dir.npm_folder_path();
let cache = ReadonlyNpmCache::new(root_dir.clone());
let registry_url = Url::parse("https://registry.npmjs.org/").unwrap();
&NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
nv: NpmPackageNv {
name: "json".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("1.2.5").unwrap(),
copy_index: 0,
&NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
nv: NpmPackageNv {
name: "json".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("1.2.5").unwrap(),
copy_index: 1,
&NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
nv: NpmPackageNv {
name: "JSON".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("2.1.5").unwrap(),
copy_index: 0,
&NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
nv: NpmPackageNv {
name: "@types/JSON".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("2.1.5").unwrap(),
copy_index: 0,