mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 06:07:03 -04:00

I ended up changing the file system implementation to determine its root directory as the last step of building it instead of being the first step which makes it much more reliable.
661 lines
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661 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Write;
use deno_ast::MediaType;
use deno_core::anyhow::bail;
use deno_core::anyhow::Context;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::serde_json;
use deno_core::url::Url;
use deno_core::FastString;
use deno_core::ModuleSourceCode;
use deno_core::ModuleType;
use deno_npm::resolution::SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot;
use deno_npm::resolution::SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshotPackage;
use deno_npm::resolution::ValidSerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot;
use deno_npm::NpmPackageId;
use deno_semver::package::PackageReq;
use crate::standalone::virtual_fs::VirtualDirectory;
use super::binary::Metadata;
use super::virtual_fs::BuiltVfs;
use super::virtual_fs::VfsBuilder;
const MAGIC_BYTES: &[u8; 8] = b"d3n0l4nd";
/// Binary format:
/// * d3n0l4nd
/// * <metadata_len><metadata>
/// * <npm_snapshot_len><npm_snapshot>
/// * <remote_modules_len><remote_modules>
/// * <vfs_headers_len><vfs_headers>
/// * <vfs_file_data_len><vfs_file_data>
/// * d3n0l4nd
pub fn serialize_binary_data_section(
metadata: &Metadata,
npm_snapshot: Option<SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot>,
remote_modules: &RemoteModulesStoreBuilder,
vfs: &BuiltVfs,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, AnyError> {
fn write_bytes_with_len(bytes: &mut Vec<u8>, data: &[u8]) {
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(data.len() as u64).to_le_bytes());
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
// 1. Metadata
let metadata = serde_json::to_string(metadata)?;
write_bytes_with_len(&mut bytes, metadata.as_bytes());
// 2. Npm snapshot
let npm_snapshot =
write_bytes_with_len(&mut bytes, &npm_snapshot);
// 3. Remote modules
let update_index = bytes.len();
let start_index = bytes.len();
remote_modules.write(&mut bytes)?;
let length = bytes.len() - start_index;
let length_bytes = (length as u64).to_le_bytes();
bytes[update_index..update_index + length_bytes.len()]
// 4. VFS
let serialized_vfs = serde_json::to_string(&vfs.root)?;
write_bytes_with_len(&mut bytes, serialized_vfs.as_bytes());
let vfs_bytes_len = vfs.files.iter().map(|f| f.len() as u64).sum::<u64>();
for file in &vfs.files {
// write the magic bytes at the end so we can use it
// to make sure we've deserialized correctly
pub struct DeserializedDataSection {
pub metadata: Metadata,
pub npm_snapshot: Option<ValidSerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot>,
pub remote_modules: RemoteModulesStore,
pub vfs_dir: VirtualDirectory,
pub vfs_files_data: &'static [u8],
pub fn deserialize_binary_data_section(
data: &'static [u8],
) -> Result<Option<DeserializedDataSection>, AnyError> {
fn read_bytes_with_len(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], &[u8]), AnyError> {
let (input, len) = read_u64(input)?;
let (input, data) = read_bytes(input, len as usize)?;
Ok((input, data))
fn read_magic_bytes(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], bool), AnyError> {
if input.len() < MAGIC_BYTES.len() {
bail!("Unexpected end of data. Could not find magic bytes.");
let (magic_bytes, input) = input.split_at(MAGIC_BYTES.len());
if magic_bytes != MAGIC_BYTES {
return Ok((input, false));
Ok((input, true))
let (input, found) = read_magic_bytes(data)?;
if !found {
return Ok(None);
// 1. Metadata
let (input, data) = read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading metadata")?;
let metadata: Metadata =
serde_json::from_slice(data).context("deserializing metadata")?;
// 2. Npm snapshot
let (input, data) =
read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading npm snapshot")?;
let npm_snapshot = if data.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(deserialize_npm_snapshot(data).context("deserializing npm snapshot")?)
// 3. Remote modules
let (input, data) =
read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading remote modules data")?;
let remote_modules =
RemoteModulesStore::build(data).context("deserializing remote modules")?;
// 4. VFS
let (input, data) = read_bytes_with_len(input).context("vfs")?;
let vfs_dir: VirtualDirectory =
serde_json::from_slice(data).context("deserializing vfs data")?;
let (input, vfs_files_data) =
read_bytes_with_len(input).context("reading vfs files data")?;
// finally ensure we read the magic bytes at the end
let (_input, found) = read_magic_bytes(input)?;
if !found {
bail!("Could not find magic bytes at the end of the data.");
Ok(Some(DeserializedDataSection {
pub struct RemoteModulesStoreBuilder {
specifiers: Vec<(String, u64)>,
data: Vec<(MediaType, Vec<u8>)>,
data_byte_len: u64,
redirects: Vec<(String, String)>,
redirects_len: u64,
impl RemoteModulesStoreBuilder {
pub fn add(&mut self, specifier: &Url, media_type: MediaType, data: Vec<u8>) {
log::debug!("Adding '{}' ({})", specifier, media_type);
let specifier = specifier.to_string();
self.specifiers.push((specifier, self.data_byte_len));
self.data_byte_len += 1 + 8 + data.len() as u64; // media type (1 byte), data length (8 bytes), data
self.data.push((media_type, data));
pub fn add_redirects(&mut self, redirects: &BTreeMap<Url, Url>) {
for (from, to) in redirects {
log::debug!("Adding redirect '{}' -> '{}'", from, to);
let from = from.to_string();
let to = to.to_string();
self.redirects_len += (4 + from.len() + 4 + to.len()) as u64;
self.redirects.push((from, to));
fn write(&self, writer: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
writer.write_all(&(self.specifiers.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
writer.write_all(&(self.redirects.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
for (specifier, offset) in &self.specifiers {
writer.write_all(&(specifier.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
for (from, to) in &self.redirects {
writer.write_all(&(from.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
writer.write_all(&(to.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())?;
for (media_type, data) in &self.data {
writer.write_all(&(data.len() as u64).to_le_bytes())?;
pub enum DenoCompileModuleSource {
String(&'static str),
Bytes(Cow<'static, [u8]>),
impl DenoCompileModuleSource {
pub fn into_for_v8(self) -> ModuleSourceCode {
fn into_bytes(data: Cow<'static, [u8]>) -> ModuleSourceCode {
ModuleSourceCode::Bytes(match data {
Cow::Borrowed(d) => d.into(),
Cow::Owned(d) => d.into_boxed_slice().into(),
match self {
// todo(https://github.com/denoland/deno_core/pull/943): store whether
// the string is ascii or not ahead of time so we can avoid the is_ascii()
// check in FastString::from_static
Self::String(s) => ModuleSourceCode::String(FastString::from_static(s)),
Self::Bytes(b) => into_bytes(b),
pub struct DenoCompileModuleData<'a> {
pub specifier: &'a Url,
pub media_type: MediaType,
pub data: Cow<'static, [u8]>,
impl<'a> DenoCompileModuleData<'a> {
pub fn into_parts(self) -> (&'a Url, ModuleType, DenoCompileModuleSource) {
fn into_string_unsafe(data: Cow<'static, [u8]>) -> DenoCompileModuleSource {
match data {
Cow::Borrowed(d) => DenoCompileModuleSource::String(
// SAFETY: we know this is a valid utf8 string
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(d) },
Cow::Owned(d) => DenoCompileModuleSource::Bytes(Cow::Owned(d)),
let (media_type, source) = match self.media_type {
| MediaType::Jsx
| MediaType::Mjs
| MediaType::Cjs
| MediaType::TypeScript
| MediaType::Mts
| MediaType::Cts
| MediaType::Dts
| MediaType::Dmts
| MediaType::Dcts
| MediaType::Tsx => {
(ModuleType::JavaScript, into_string_unsafe(self.data))
MediaType::Json => (ModuleType::Json, into_string_unsafe(self.data)),
MediaType::Wasm => {
(ModuleType::Wasm, DenoCompileModuleSource::Bytes(self.data))
// just assume javascript if we made it here
MediaType::Css | MediaType::SourceMap | MediaType::Unknown => (
(self.specifier, media_type, source)
enum RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue {
pub struct RemoteModulesStore {
specifiers: HashMap<Url, RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue>,
files_data: &'static [u8],
impl RemoteModulesStore {
fn build(data: &'static [u8]) -> Result<Self, AnyError> {
fn read_specifier(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (Url, u64)), AnyError> {
let (input, specifier) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let specifier = Url::parse(&specifier)?;
let (input, offset) = read_u64(input)?;
Ok((input, (specifier, offset)))
fn read_redirect(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (Url, Url)), AnyError> {
let (input, from) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let from = Url::parse(&from)?;
let (input, to) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let to = Url::parse(&to)?;
Ok((input, (from, to)))
fn read_headers(
input: &[u8],
) -> Result<(&[u8], HashMap<Url, RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue>), AnyError>
let (input, specifiers_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (mut input, redirects_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let mut specifiers =
HashMap::with_capacity(specifiers_len + redirects_len);
for _ in 0..specifiers_len {
let (current_input, (specifier, offset)) =
read_specifier(input).context("reading specifier")?;
input = current_input;
RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Data(offset as usize),
for _ in 0..redirects_len {
let (current_input, (from, to)) = read_redirect(input)?;
input = current_input;
specifiers.insert(from, RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Redirect(to));
Ok((input, specifiers))
let (files_data, specifiers) = read_headers(data)?;
Ok(Self {
pub fn resolve_specifier<'a>(
&'a self,
specifier: &'a Url,
) -> Result<Option<&'a Url>, AnyError> {
let mut count = 0;
let mut current = specifier;
loop {
if count > 10 {
bail!("Too many redirects resolving '{}'", specifier);
match self.specifiers.get(current) {
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Redirect(to)) => {
current = to;
count += 1;
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Data(_)) => {
return Ok(Some(current));
None => {
return Ok(None);
pub fn read<'a>(
&'a self,
original_specifier: &'a Url,
) -> Result<Option<DenoCompileModuleData<'a>>, AnyError> {
let mut count = 0;
let mut specifier = original_specifier;
loop {
if count > 10 {
bail!("Too many redirects resolving '{}'", original_specifier);
match self.specifiers.get(specifier) {
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Redirect(to)) => {
specifier = to;
count += 1;
Some(RemoteModulesStoreSpecifierValue::Data(offset)) => {
let input = &self.files_data[*offset..];
let (input, media_type_byte) = read_bytes(input, 1)?;
let media_type = deserialize_media_type(media_type_byte[0])?;
let (input, len) = read_u64(input)?;
let (_input, data) = read_bytes(input, len as usize)?;
return Ok(Some(DenoCompileModuleData {
data: Cow::Borrowed(data),
None => {
return Ok(None);
fn serialize_npm_snapshot(
mut snapshot: SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot,
) -> Vec<u8> {
fn append_string(bytes: &mut Vec<u8>, string: &str) {
let len = string.len() as u32;
snapshot.packages.sort_by(|a, b| a.id.cmp(&b.id)); // determinism
let ids_to_stored_ids = snapshot
.map(|(i, pkg)| (&pkg.id, i as u32))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let mut root_packages: Vec<_> = snapshot.root_packages.iter().collect();
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(snapshot.packages.len() as u32).to_le_bytes());
for pkg in &snapshot.packages {
append_string(&mut bytes, &pkg.id.as_serialized());
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(root_packages.len() as u32).to_le_bytes());
for (req, id) in root_packages {
append_string(&mut bytes, &req.to_string());
let id = ids_to_stored_ids.get(&id).unwrap();
for pkg in &snapshot.packages {
let deps_len = pkg.dependencies.len() as u32;
let mut deps: Vec<_> = pkg.dependencies.iter().collect();
for (req, id) in deps {
append_string(&mut bytes, req);
let id = ids_to_stored_ids.get(&id).unwrap();
fn deserialize_npm_snapshot(
input: &[u8],
) -> Result<ValidSerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot, AnyError> {
fn parse_id(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], NpmPackageId), AnyError> {
let (input, id) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let id = NpmPackageId::from_serialized(&id)?;
Ok((input, id))
#[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // clippy bug
fn parse_root_package<'a>(
id_to_npm_id: &'a impl Fn(usize) -> Result<NpmPackageId, AnyError>,
) -> impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (PackageReq, NpmPackageId)), AnyError> + 'a
|input| {
let (input, req) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let req = PackageReq::from_str(&req)?;
let (input, id) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
Ok((input, (req, id_to_npm_id(id)?)))
#[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // clippy bug
fn parse_package_dep<'a>(
id_to_npm_id: &'a impl Fn(usize) -> Result<NpmPackageId, AnyError>,
) -> impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (String, NpmPackageId)), AnyError> + 'a
|input| {
let (input, req) = read_string_lossy(input)?;
let (input, id) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
Ok((input, (req.into_owned(), id_to_npm_id(id)?)))
fn parse_package<'a>(
input: &'a [u8],
id: NpmPackageId,
id_to_npm_id: &impl Fn(usize) -> Result<NpmPackageId, AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&'a [u8], SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshotPackage), AnyError> {
let (input, deps_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (input, dependencies) =
parse_hashmap_n_times(input, deps_len, parse_package_dep(id_to_npm_id))?;
SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshotPackage {
system: Default::default(),
dist: Default::default(),
optional_dependencies: Default::default(),
bin: None,
scripts: Default::default(),
deprecated: Default::default(),
let (input, packages_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
// get a hashmap of all the npm package ids to their serialized ids
let (input, data_ids_to_npm_ids) =
parse_vec_n_times(input, packages_len, parse_id)
.context("deserializing id")?;
let data_id_to_npm_id = |id: usize| {
.ok_or_else(|| deno_core::anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid npm package id"))
let (input, root_packages_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (input, root_packages) = parse_hashmap_n_times(
.context("deserializing root package")?;
let (input, packages) =
parse_vec_n_times_with_index(input, packages_len, |input, index| {
parse_package(input, data_id_to_npm_id(index)?, &data_id_to_npm_id)
.context("deserializing package")?;
if !input.is_empty() {
bail!("Unexpected data left over");
SerializedNpmResolutionSnapshot {
// this is ok because we have already verified that all the
// identifiers found in the snapshot are valid via the
// npm package id -> npm package id mapping
fn serialize_media_type(media_type: MediaType) -> u8 {
match media_type {
MediaType::JavaScript => 0,
MediaType::Jsx => 1,
MediaType::Mjs => 2,
MediaType::Cjs => 3,
MediaType::TypeScript => 4,
MediaType::Mts => 5,
MediaType::Cts => 6,
MediaType::Dts => 7,
MediaType::Dmts => 8,
MediaType::Dcts => 9,
MediaType::Tsx => 10,
MediaType::Json => 11,
MediaType::Wasm => 12,
MediaType::Css => 13,
MediaType::SourceMap => 14,
MediaType::Unknown => 15,
fn deserialize_media_type(value: u8) -> Result<MediaType, AnyError> {
match value {
0 => Ok(MediaType::JavaScript),
1 => Ok(MediaType::Jsx),
2 => Ok(MediaType::Mjs),
3 => Ok(MediaType::Cjs),
4 => Ok(MediaType::TypeScript),
5 => Ok(MediaType::Mts),
6 => Ok(MediaType::Cts),
7 => Ok(MediaType::Dts),
8 => Ok(MediaType::Dmts),
9 => Ok(MediaType::Dcts),
10 => Ok(MediaType::Tsx),
11 => Ok(MediaType::Json),
12 => Ok(MediaType::Wasm),
13 => Ok(MediaType::Css),
14 => Ok(MediaType::SourceMap),
15 => Ok(MediaType::Unknown),
_ => bail!("Unknown media type value: {}", value),
fn parse_hashmap_n_times<TKey: std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash, TValue>(
mut input: &[u8],
times: usize,
parse: impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], (TKey, TValue)), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&[u8], HashMap<TKey, TValue>), AnyError> {
let mut results = HashMap::with_capacity(times);
for _ in 0..times {
let result = parse(input);
let (new_input, (key, value)) = result?;
results.insert(key, value);
input = new_input;
Ok((input, results))
fn parse_vec_n_times<TResult>(
input: &[u8],
times: usize,
parse: impl Fn(&[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], TResult), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&[u8], Vec<TResult>), AnyError> {
parse_vec_n_times_with_index(input, times, |input, _index| parse(input))
fn parse_vec_n_times_with_index<TResult>(
mut input: &[u8],
times: usize,
parse: impl Fn(&[u8], usize) -> Result<(&[u8], TResult), AnyError>,
) -> Result<(&[u8], Vec<TResult>), AnyError> {
let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(times);
for i in 0..times {
let result = parse(input, i);
let (new_input, result) = result?;
input = new_input;
Ok((input, results))
fn read_bytes(input: &[u8], len: usize) -> Result<(&[u8], &[u8]), AnyError> {
if input.len() < len {
bail!("Unexpected end of data.",);
let (len_bytes, input) = input.split_at(len);
Ok((input, len_bytes))
fn read_string_lossy(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], Cow<str>), AnyError> {
let (input, str_len) = read_u32_as_usize(input)?;
let (input, data_bytes) = read_bytes(input, str_len)?;
Ok((input, String::from_utf8_lossy(data_bytes)))
fn read_u32_as_usize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], usize), AnyError> {
let (input, len_bytes) = read_bytes(input, 4)?;
let len = u32::from_le_bytes(len_bytes.try_into()?);
Ok((input, len as usize))
fn read_u64(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], u64), AnyError> {
let (input, len_bytes) = read_bytes(input, 8)?;
let len = u64::from_le_bytes(len_bytes.try_into()?);
Ok((input, len))