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Marvin Hagemeister 3fb8fc1ba7
feat(unstable): refactor js lint plugin AST (#27615)
This PR changes the underlying buffer backed AST format we use for
JavaScript-based linting plugins. It adds support for various new types,
makes traversal code a lot easier and is more polished compared to
previous iterations.

Here is a quick summary (in no particular order):

- Node prop data is separate from traversal, which makes traversal code
so much easier to reason about. Previously, it was interleaved with node
prop data
- spans are in a separate table as well, as they are rarely needed.
- schema is separate from SWC conversion logic, which makes 
- supports recursive plain objects
- supports numbers
- supports bigint
- supports regex
- adds all SWC nodes

Apologies, this is kinda a big PR, but it's worth it imo.

_Marking as draft because I need to update some tests tomorrow._
2025-01-14 13:31:02 +01:00

587 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license.
use std::fmt::Display;
use deno_ast::swc::common::Span;
use deno_ast::swc::common::DUMMY_SP;
use indexmap::IndexMap;
/// Each property has this flag to mark what kind of value it holds-
/// Plain objects and arrays are not supported yet, but could be easily
/// added if needed.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum PropFlags {
impl From<PropFlags> for u8 {
fn from(m: PropFlags) -> u8 {
m as u8
impl TryFrom<u8> for PropFlags {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
0 => Ok(PropFlags::Ref),
1 => Ok(PropFlags::RefArr),
2 => Ok(PropFlags::String),
3 => Ok(PropFlags::Number),
4 => Ok(PropFlags::Bool),
5 => Ok(PropFlags::Null),
6 => Ok(PropFlags::Undefined),
7 => Ok(PropFlags::Object),
8 => Ok(PropFlags::Regex),
9 => Ok(PropFlags::BigInt),
10 => Ok(PropFlags::Array),
_ => Err("Unknown Prop flag"),
pub type Index = u32;
const GROUP_KIND: u8 = 1;
const MASK_U32_1: u32 = 0b11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000;
const MASK_U32_2: u32 = 0b00000000_11111111_00000000_00000000;
const MASK_U32_3: u32 = 0b00000000_00000000_11111111_00000000;
const MASK_U32_4: u32 = 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111;
fn append_u32(result: &mut Vec<u8>, value: u32) {
let v1: u8 = ((value & MASK_U32_1) >> 24) as u8;
let v2: u8 = ((value & MASK_U32_2) >> 16) as u8;
let v3: u8 = ((value & MASK_U32_3) >> 8) as u8;
let v4: u8 = (value & MASK_U32_4) as u8;
fn append_usize(result: &mut Vec<u8>, value: usize) {
let raw = u32::try_from(value).unwrap();
append_u32(result, raw);
pub struct StringTable {
id: usize,
table: IndexMap<String, usize>,
impl StringTable {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
table: IndexMap::new(),
pub fn insert(&mut self, s: &str) -> usize {
if let Some(id) = self.table.get(s) {
return *id;
let id = self.id;
self.id += 1;
self.table.insert(s.to_string(), id);
pub fn serialize(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut result: Vec<u8> = vec![];
append_u32(&mut result, self.table.len() as u32);
// Assume that it's sorted by id
for (s, _id) in &self.table {
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
append_u32(&mut result, bytes.len() as u32);
result.append(&mut bytes.to_vec());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct NodeRef(pub Index);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct PendingRef(pub Index);
pub trait AstBufSerializer {
fn serialize(&mut self) -> Vec<u8>;
/// <type u8>
/// <prop offset u32>
/// <child idx u32>
/// <next idx u32>
/// <parent idx u32>
struct Node {
kind: u8,
prop_offset: u32,
child: u32,
next: u32,
parent: u32,
pub struct SerializeCtx {
root_idx: Index,
nodes: Vec<Node>,
prop_stack: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
field_count: Vec<usize>,
field_buf: Vec<u8>,
prev_sibling_stack: Vec<Index>,
/// Vec of spans
spans: Vec<u32>,
/// Maps string id to the actual string
str_table: StringTable,
/// Maps kind id to string id
kind_name_map: Vec<usize>,
/// Maps prop id to string id
prop_name_map: Vec<usize>,
/// This is the internal context used to allocate and fill the buffer. The point
/// is to be able to write absolute offsets directly in place.
/// The typical workflow is to reserve all necessary space for the currrent
/// node with placeholders for the offsets of the child nodes. Once child
/// nodes have been traversed, we know their offsets and can replace the
/// placeholder values with the actual ones.
impl SerializeCtx {
pub fn new(kind_len: u8, prop_len: u8) -> Self {
let kind_size = kind_len as usize;
let prop_size = prop_len as usize;
let mut ctx = Self {
spans: Vec::with_capacity(512),
root_idx: 0,
nodes: Vec::with_capacity(512),
prop_stack: vec![vec![]],
prev_sibling_stack: vec![0],
field_count: vec![0],
field_buf: Vec::with_capacity(1024),
str_table: StringTable::new(),
kind_name_map: vec![0; kind_size],
prop_name_map: vec![0; prop_size],
let empty_str = ctx.str_table.insert("");
// Placeholder node is always 0
ctx.append_node(0, &DUMMY_SP);
ctx.kind_name_map[0] = empty_str;
ctx.kind_name_map[1] = empty_str;
// Insert default props that are always present
let type_str = ctx.str_table.insert("type");
let parent_str = ctx.str_table.insert("parent");
let range_str = ctx.str_table.insert("range");
let length_str = ctx.str_table.insert("length");
// These values are expected to be in this order on the JS side
ctx.prop_name_map[0] = empty_str;
ctx.prop_name_map[1] = type_str;
ctx.prop_name_map[2] = parent_str;
ctx.prop_name_map[3] = range_str;
ctx.prop_name_map[4] = length_str;
pub fn set_root_idx(&mut self, idx: Index) {
self.root_idx = idx;
/// Allocate a node's header
fn field_header<P>(&mut self, prop: P, prop_flags: PropFlags)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
let flags: u8 = prop_flags.into();
let n: u8 = prop.clone().into();
if let Some(v) = self.prop_name_map.get::<usize>(n.into()) {
if *v == 0 {
let id = self.str_table.insert(&format!("{prop}"));
self.prop_name_map[n as usize] = id;
// Increment field counter
let idx = self.field_count.len() - 1;
let count = self.field_count[idx];
self.field_count[idx] = count + 1;
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
fn get_node(&mut self, id: Index) -> &mut Node {
self.nodes.get_mut(id as usize).unwrap()
fn set_parent(&mut self, child_id: Index, parent_id: Index) {
let child = self.get_node(child_id);
child.parent = parent_id;
fn set_child(&mut self, parent_id: Index, child_id: Index) {
let parent = self.get_node(parent_id);
parent.child = child_id;
fn set_next(&mut self, node_id: Index, next_id: Index) {
let node = self.get_node(node_id);
node.next = next_id;
fn update_ref_links(&mut self, parent_id: Index, child_id: Index) {
let last_idx = self.prev_sibling_stack.len() - 1;
let parent = self.get_node(parent_id);
if parent.child == 0 {
parent.child = child_id;
} else {
let prev_id = self.prev_sibling_stack[last_idx];
self.set_next(prev_id, child_id);
self.prev_sibling_stack[last_idx] = child_id;
self.set_parent(child_id, parent_id);
pub fn append_node<K>(&mut self, kind: K, span: &Span) -> PendingRef
K: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.append_inner(kind, span.lo.0, span.hi.0)
pub fn append_inner<K>(
&mut self,
kind: K,
span_lo: u32,
span_hi: u32,
) -> PendingRef
K: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
let kind_u8: u8 = kind.clone().into();
let id: Index = self.nodes.len() as u32;
self.nodes.push(Node {
kind: kind_u8,
prop_offset: 0,
child: 0,
next: 0,
parent: 0,
if let Some(v) = self.kind_name_map.get::<usize>(kind_u8.into()) {
if *v == 0 {
let s_id = self.str_table.insert(&format!("{kind}"));
self.kind_name_map[kind_u8 as usize] = s_id;
// write spans
pub fn commit_node(&mut self, id: PendingRef) -> NodeRef {
let mut buf = self.prop_stack.pop().unwrap();
let count = self.field_count.pop().unwrap();
let offset = self.field_buf.len();
// All nodes have <10 fields
self.field_buf.push(count as u8);
self.field_buf.append(&mut buf);
let node = self.nodes.get_mut(id.0 as usize).unwrap();
node.prop_offset = offset as u32;
// Allocate an object field
pub fn open_obj(&mut self) {
pub fn commit_obj<P>(&mut self, prop: P)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
let mut buf = self.prop_stack.pop().unwrap();
let count = self.field_count.pop().unwrap();
let offset = self.field_buf.len();
append_usize(&mut self.field_buf, count);
self.field_buf.append(&mut buf);
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Object);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_usize(buf, offset);
/// Allocate an null field
pub fn write_null<P>(&mut self, prop: P)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Null);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_u32(buf, 0);
/// Allocate an null field
pub fn write_undefined<P>(&mut self, prop: P)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Undefined);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_u32(buf, 0);
/// Allocate a number field
pub fn write_num<P>(&mut self, prop: P, value: &str)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Number);
let id = self.str_table.insert(value);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_usize(buf, id);
/// Allocate a bigint field
pub fn write_bigint<P>(&mut self, prop: P, value: &str)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::BigInt);
let id = self.str_table.insert(value);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_usize(buf, id);
/// Allocate a RegExp field
pub fn write_regex<P>(&mut self, prop: P, value: &str)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Regex);
let id = self.str_table.insert(value);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_usize(buf, id);
/// Store the string in our string table and save the id of the string
/// in the current field.
pub fn write_str<P>(&mut self, prop: P, value: &str)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::String);
let id = self.str_table.insert(value);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_usize(buf, id);
/// Write a bool to a field.
pub fn write_bool<P>(&mut self, prop: P, value: bool)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Bool);
let n = if value { 1 } else { 0 };
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_u32(buf, n);
/// Replace the placeholder of a reference field with the actual offset
/// to the node we want to point to.
pub fn write_ref<P>(&mut self, prop: P, parent: &PendingRef, value: NodeRef)
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::Ref);
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_u32(buf, value.0);
if parent.0 > 0 {
self.update_ref_links(parent.0, value.0);
/// Helper for writing optional node offsets
pub fn write_maybe_ref<P>(
&mut self,
prop: P,
parent: &PendingRef,
value: Option<NodeRef>,
) where
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
if let Some(v) = value {
self.write_ref(prop, parent, v);
} else {
/// Write a vec of node offsets into the property. The necessary space
/// has been reserved earlier.
pub fn write_ref_vec<P>(
&mut self,
prop: P,
parent_ref: &PendingRef,
value: Vec<NodeRef>,
) where
P: Into<u8> + Display + Clone,
self.field_header(prop, PropFlags::RefArr);
let group_id = self.append_node(GROUP_KIND, &DUMMY_SP);
let group_id = self.commit_node(group_id).0;
let buf = self.prop_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
append_u32(buf, group_id);
self.update_ref_links(parent_ref.0, group_id);
let mut prev_id = 0;
for (i, item) in value.iter().enumerate() {
self.set_parent(item.0, group_id);
if i == 0 {
self.set_child(group_id, item.0);
} else {
self.set_next(prev_id, item.0);
prev_id = item.0;
/// Serialize all information we have into a buffer that can be sent to JS.
/// It has the following structure:
/// <...ast>
/// <string table>
/// <node kind map> <- node kind id maps to string id
/// <node prop map> <- node property id maps to string id
/// <spans> <- List of spans, rarely needed
/// <offset spans>
/// <offset kind map>
/// <offset prop map>
/// <offset str table>
pub fn serialize(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
// The buffer starts with the serialized AST first, because that
// contains absolute offsets. By butting this at the start of the
// message we don't have to waste time updating any offsets.
for node in &self.nodes {
append_u32(&mut buf, node.prop_offset);
append_u32(&mut buf, node.child);
append_u32(&mut buf, node.next);
append_u32(&mut buf, node.parent);
// Next follows the string table. We'll keep track of the offset
// in the message of where the string table begins
let offset_str_table = buf.len();
// Serialize string table
buf.append(&mut self.str_table.serialize());
// Next, serialize the mappings of kind -> string of encountered
// nodes in the AST. We use this additional lookup table to compress
// the message so that we can save space by using a u8 . All nodes of
// JS, TS and JSX together are <200
let offset_kind_map = buf.len();
// Write the total number of entries in the kind -> str mapping table
// TODO: make this a u8
append_usize(&mut buf, self.kind_name_map.len());
for v in &self.kind_name_map {
append_usize(&mut buf, *v);
// Store offset to prop -> string map. It's the same as with node kind
// as the total number of properties is <120 which allows us to store it
// as u8.
let offset_prop_map = buf.len();
// Write the total number of entries in the kind -> str mapping table
append_usize(&mut buf, self.prop_name_map.len());
for v in &self.prop_name_map {
append_usize(&mut buf, *v);
// Spans are rarely needed, so they're stored in a separate array.
// They're indexed by the node id.
let offset_spans = buf.len();
for v in &self.spans {
append_u32(&mut buf, *v);
// The field value table. They're detached from nodes as they're not
// as frequently needed as the nodes themselves. The most common
// operation is traversal and we can traverse nodes without knowing
// about the fields.
let offset_props = buf.len();
buf.append(&mut self.field_buf);
// Putting offsets of relevant parts of the buffer at the end. This
// allows us to hop to the relevant part by merely looking at the last
// for values in the message. Each value represents an offset into the
// buffer.
append_usize(&mut buf, offset_props);
append_usize(&mut buf, offset_spans);
append_usize(&mut buf, offset_kind_map);
append_usize(&mut buf, offset_prop_map);
append_usize(&mut buf, offset_str_table);
append_u32(&mut buf, self.root_idx);