mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 01:44:26 -05:00

- Generalizes the npm version code (ex. `NpmVersion` -> `Version`, `NpmVersionReq` -> `VersionReq`). This is a slow refactor towards extracting out this code for deno specifiers and better usage in deno_graph. - Removes `SpecifierVersionReq`. Consolidates `NpmVersionReq` and `SpecifierVersionReq` to just `VersionReq` - Removes `NpmVersionMatcher`. This now just looks at `VersionReq`. - Paves the way to allow us to create `NpmPackageReference`'s from a package.json's dependencies/dev dependencies (`VersionReq::parse_from_npm`).
509 lines
13 KiB
509 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use super::Version;
/// Collection of ranges.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct VersionRangeSet(pub Vec<VersionRange>);
impl VersionRangeSet {
pub fn satisfies(&self, version: &Version) -> bool {
self.0.iter().any(|r| r.satisfies(version))
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RangeBound {
Unbounded, // matches everything
impl RangeBound {
pub fn inclusive(version: Version) -> Self {
Self::version(VersionBoundKind::Inclusive, version)
pub fn exclusive(version: Version) -> Self {
Self::version(VersionBoundKind::Exclusive, version)
pub fn version(kind: VersionBoundKind, version: Version) -> Self {
Self::Version(VersionBound::new(kind, version))
pub fn clamp_start(&self, other: &RangeBound) -> RangeBound {
match &self {
RangeBound::Unbounded => other.clone(),
RangeBound::Version(self_bound) => RangeBound::Version(match &other {
RangeBound::Unbounded => self_bound.clone(),
RangeBound::Version(other_bound) => {
match self_bound.version.cmp(&other_bound.version) {
Ordering::Greater => self_bound.clone(),
Ordering::Less => other_bound.clone(),
Ordering::Equal => match self_bound.kind {
VersionBoundKind::Exclusive => self_bound.clone(),
VersionBoundKind::Inclusive => other_bound.clone(),
pub fn clamp_end(&self, other: &RangeBound) -> RangeBound {
match &self {
RangeBound::Unbounded => other.clone(),
RangeBound::Version(self_bound) => {
RangeBound::Version(match other {
RangeBound::Unbounded => self_bound.clone(),
RangeBound::Version(other_bound) => {
match self_bound.version.cmp(&other_bound.version) {
// difference with above is the next two lines are switched
Ordering::Greater => other_bound.clone(),
Ordering::Less => self_bound.clone(),
Ordering::Equal => match self_bound.kind {
VersionBoundKind::Exclusive => self_bound.clone(),
VersionBoundKind::Inclusive => other_bound.clone(),
pub fn has_pre_with_exact_major_minor_patch(
version: &Version,
) -> bool {
if let RangeBound::Version(self_version) = &self {
if !self_version.version.pre.is_empty()
&& self_version.version.major == version.major
&& self_version.version.minor == version.minor
&& self_version.version.patch == version.patch
return true;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum VersionBoundKind {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct VersionBound {
pub kind: VersionBoundKind,
pub version: Version,
impl VersionBound {
pub fn new(kind: VersionBoundKind, version: Version) -> Self {
Self { kind, version }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct VersionRange {
pub start: RangeBound,
pub end: RangeBound,
impl VersionRange {
pub fn all() -> VersionRange {
VersionRange {
start: RangeBound::Version(VersionBound {
kind: VersionBoundKind::Inclusive,
version: Version::default(),
end: RangeBound::Unbounded,
pub fn none() -> VersionRange {
VersionRange {
start: RangeBound::Version(VersionBound {
kind: VersionBoundKind::Inclusive,
version: Version::default(),
end: RangeBound::Version(VersionBound {
kind: VersionBoundKind::Exclusive,
version: Version::default(),
/// If this range won't match anything.
pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
if let RangeBound::Version(end) = &self.end {
end.kind == VersionBoundKind::Exclusive
&& end.version.major == 0
&& end.version.minor == 0
&& end.version.patch == 0
} else {
pub fn satisfies(&self, version: &Version) -> bool {
let satisfies = self.min_satisfies(version) && self.max_satisfies(version);
if satisfies && !version.pre.is_empty() {
// check either side of the range has a pre and same version
|| self.end.has_pre_with_exact_major_minor_patch(version)
} else {
fn min_satisfies(&self, version: &Version) -> bool {
match &self.start {
RangeBound::Unbounded => true,
RangeBound::Version(bound) => match version.cmp(&bound.version) {
Ordering::Less => false,
Ordering::Equal => bound.kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive,
Ordering::Greater => true,
fn max_satisfies(&self, version: &Version) -> bool {
match &self.end {
RangeBound::Unbounded => true,
RangeBound::Version(bound) => match version.cmp(&bound.version) {
Ordering::Less => true,
Ordering::Equal => bound.kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive,
Ordering::Greater => false,
pub fn clamp(&self, range: &VersionRange) -> VersionRange {
let start = self.start.clamp_start(&range.start);
let end = self.end.clamp_end(&range.end);
// clamp the start range to the end when greater
let start = start.clamp_end(&end);
VersionRange { start, end }
/// A range that could be a wildcard or number value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum XRange {
/// A partial version.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Partial {
pub major: XRange,
pub minor: XRange,
pub patch: XRange,
pub pre: Vec<String>,
pub build: Vec<String>,
impl Partial {
pub fn as_tilde_version_range(&self) -> VersionRange {
// tilde ranges allow patch-level changes
let end = match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => return VersionRange::all(),
XRange::Val(major) => match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => Version {
major: major + 1,
minor: 0,
patch: 0,
pre: Vec::new(),
build: Vec::new(),
XRange::Val(minor) => Version {
minor: minor + 1,
patch: 0,
pre: Vec::new(),
build: Vec::new(),
VersionRange {
start: self.as_lower_bound(),
end: RangeBound::exclusive(end),
pub fn as_caret_version_range(&self) -> VersionRange {
// partial ranges allow patch and minor updates, except when
// leading parts are < 1 in which case it will only bump the
// first non-zero or patch part
let end = match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => return VersionRange::all(),
XRange::Val(major) => {
let next_major = Version {
major: major + 1,
if major > 0 {
} else {
match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => next_major,
XRange::Val(minor) => {
let next_minor = Version {
minor: minor + 1,
if minor > 0 {
} else {
match self.patch {
XRange::Wildcard => next_minor,
XRange::Val(patch) => Version {
patch: patch + 1,
VersionRange {
start: self.as_lower_bound(),
end: RangeBound::Version(VersionBound {
kind: VersionBoundKind::Exclusive,
version: end,
pub fn as_lower_bound(&self) -> RangeBound {
RangeBound::inclusive(Version {
major: match self.major {
XRange::Val(val) => val,
XRange::Wildcard => 0,
minor: match self.minor {
XRange::Val(val) => val,
XRange::Wildcard => 0,
patch: match self.patch {
XRange::Val(val) => val,
XRange::Wildcard => 0,
pre: self.pre.clone(),
build: self.build.clone(),
pub fn as_upper_bound(&self) -> RangeBound {
let mut end = Version::default();
let mut kind = VersionBoundKind::Inclusive;
match self.patch {
XRange::Wildcard => {
end.minor += 1;
kind = VersionBoundKind::Exclusive;
XRange::Val(val) => {
end.patch = val;
match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => {
end.minor = 0;
end.major += 1;
kind = VersionBoundKind::Exclusive;
XRange::Val(val) => {
end.minor += val;
match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => {
return RangeBound::Unbounded;
XRange::Val(val) => {
end.major += val;
if kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive {
end.pre = self.pre.clone();
RangeBound::version(kind, end)
pub fn as_equal_range(&self) -> VersionRange {
let major = match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => {
return self.as_greater_range(VersionBoundKind::Inclusive)
XRange::Val(val) => val,
let minor = match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => {
return self.as_greater_range(VersionBoundKind::Inclusive)
XRange::Val(val) => val,
let patch = match self.patch {
XRange::Wildcard => {
return self.as_greater_range(VersionBoundKind::Inclusive)
XRange::Val(val) => val,
let version = Version {
pre: self.pre.clone(),
build: self.build.clone(),
VersionRange {
start: RangeBound::inclusive(version.clone()),
end: RangeBound::inclusive(version),
pub fn as_greater_than(
mut start_kind: VersionBoundKind,
) -> VersionRange {
let major = match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => match start_kind {
VersionBoundKind::Inclusive => return VersionRange::all(),
VersionBoundKind::Exclusive => return VersionRange::none(),
XRange::Val(major) => major,
let mut start = Version::default();
if start_kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive {
start.pre = self.pre.clone();
start.major = major;
match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => {
if start_kind == VersionBoundKind::Exclusive {
start_kind = VersionBoundKind::Inclusive;
start.major += 1;
XRange::Val(minor) => {
start.minor = minor;
match self.patch {
XRange::Wildcard => {
if start_kind == VersionBoundKind::Exclusive {
start_kind = VersionBoundKind::Inclusive;
start.minor += 1;
XRange::Val(patch) => {
start.patch = patch;
VersionRange {
start: RangeBound::version(start_kind, start),
end: RangeBound::Unbounded,
pub fn as_less_than(&self, mut end_kind: VersionBoundKind) -> VersionRange {
let major = match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => match end_kind {
VersionBoundKind::Inclusive => return VersionRange::all(),
VersionBoundKind::Exclusive => return VersionRange::none(),
XRange::Val(major) => major,
let mut end = Version {
match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => {
if end_kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive {
end.major += 1;
end_kind = VersionBoundKind::Exclusive;
XRange::Val(minor) => {
end.minor = minor;
match self.patch {
XRange::Wildcard => {
if end_kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive {
end.minor += 1;
end_kind = VersionBoundKind::Exclusive;
XRange::Val(patch) => {
end.patch = patch;
if end_kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive {
end.pre = self.pre.clone();
VersionRange {
start: RangeBound::Unbounded,
end: RangeBound::version(end_kind, end),
pub fn as_greater_range(&self, start_kind: VersionBoundKind) -> VersionRange {
let major = match self.major {
XRange::Wildcard => return VersionRange::all(),
XRange::Val(major) => major,
let mut start = Version::default();
let mut end = Version::default();
start.major = major;
end.major = major;
match self.patch {
XRange::Wildcard => {
if self.minor != XRange::Wildcard {
end.minor += 1;
XRange::Val(patch) => {
start.patch = patch;
end.patch = patch;
match self.minor {
XRange::Wildcard => {
end.major += 1;
XRange::Val(minor) => {
start.minor = minor;
end.minor += minor;
let end_kind = if start_kind == VersionBoundKind::Inclusive && start == end
} else {
VersionRange {
start: RangeBound::version(start_kind, start),
end: RangeBound::version(end_kind, end),