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Bartek Iwańczuk a1a024a9f0 fix: add global test registry (denoland/deno_std#568)
After adding deno test command a new problem appeared.

If you try running deno test inside this repo test runner will find 
80 test files but won't run any tests! This is caused by fact that 
deno test uses tagged version of standard library which causes 
test function available inside to repo to be different function that 
test available in standard lib used by deno test.
Original: 4531fa8159
2019-08-21 12:34:34 -04:00

398 lines
9.6 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import {
} from "../colors/mod.ts";
export type TestFunction = () => void | Promise<void>;
export interface TestDefinition {
fn: TestFunction;
name: string;
// Replacement of the global `console` function to be in silent mode
const noop = function(): void {};
// Clear the current line of the console.
// see: http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences-vt-100.php
const CLEAR_LINE = "\x1b[2K\r";
// Save Object of the global `console` in case of silent mode
type Console = typeof window.console;
// ref https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#console-namespace
// For historical web-compatibility reasons, the namespace object for
// console must have as its [[Prototype]] an empty object, created as if
// by ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%), instead of %ObjectPrototype%.
const disabledConsole = Object.create({}) as Console;
Object.assign(disabledConsole, {
log: noop,
debug: noop,
info: noop,
dir: noop,
warn: noop,
error: noop,
assert: noop,
count: noop,
countReset: noop,
table: noop,
time: noop,
timeLog: noop,
timeEnd: noop,
group: noop,
groupCollapsed: noop,
groupEnd: noop,
clear: noop
const originalConsole = window.console;
function enableConsole(): void {
window.console = originalConsole;
function disableConsole(): void {
window.console = disabledConsole;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
function print(txt: string, newline: boolean = true): void {
if (newline) {
txt += "\n";
declare global {
interface Window {
* A global property to collect all registered test cases.
* It is required because user's code can import multiple versions
* of `testing` module.
* If test cases aren't registered in a globally shared
* object, then imports from different versions would register test cases
* to registry from it's respective version of `testing` module.
__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY: TestDefinition[];
let candidates: TestDefinition[] = [];
if (window["__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY"]) {
candidates = window.__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY as TestDefinition[];
} else {
window["__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY"] = candidates;
let filterRegExp: RegExp | null;
let filtered = 0;
// Must be called before any test() that needs to be filtered.
export function setFilter(s: string): void {
filterRegExp = new RegExp(s, "i");
function filter(name: string): boolean {
if (filterRegExp) {
return filterRegExp.test(name);
} else {
return true;
export function test(t: TestDefinition): void;
export function test(fn: TestFunction): void;
export function test(name: string, fn: TestFunction): void;
export function test(
t: string | TestDefinition | TestFunction,
fn?: TestFunction
): void {
let name: string;
if (typeof t === "string") {
if (!fn) {
throw new Error("Missing test function");
name = t;
} else {
fn = typeof t === "function" ? t : t.fn;
name = t.name;
if (!name) {
throw new Error("Test function may not be anonymous");
if (filter(name)) {
candidates.push({ fn, name });
} else {
const RED_FAILED = red("FAILED");
const GREEN_OK = green("OK");
interface TestStats {
filtered: number;
ignored: number;
measured: number;
passed: number;
failed: number;
interface TestResult {
timeElapsed?: number;
name: string;
error?: Error;
ok: boolean;
printed: boolean;
interface TestResults {
keys: Map<string, number>;
cases: Map<number, TestResult>;
function createTestResults(tests: TestDefinition[]): TestResults {
return tests.reduce(
(acc: TestResults, { name }: TestDefinition, i: number): TestResults => {
acc.keys.set(name, i);
acc.cases.set(i, { name, printed: false, ok: false, error: undefined });
return acc;
{ cases: new Map(), keys: new Map() }
function formatTestTime(time: number = 0): string {
return `${time.toFixed(2)}ms`;
function promptTestTime(time: number = 0, displayWarning = false): string {
// if time > 5s we display a warning
// only for test time, not the full runtime
if (displayWarning && time >= 5000) {
return bgRed(white(bold(`(${formatTestTime(time)})`)));
} else {
return gray(italic(`(${formatTestTime(time)})`));
function report(result: TestResult): void {
if (result.ok) {
`${GREEN_OK} ${result.name} ${promptTestTime(
} else if (result.error) {
print(`${RED_FAILED} ${result.name}\n${result.error.stack}`);
} else {
print(`test ${result.name} ... unresolved`);
result.printed = true;
function printResults(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
flush: boolean,
exitOnFail: boolean,
timeElapsed: number
): void {
if (flush) {
for (const result of results.cases.values()) {
if (!result.printed) {
if (result.error && exitOnFail) {
// Attempting to match the output of Rust's test runner.
`\ntest result: ${stats.failed ? RED_FAILED : GREEN_OK}. ` +
`${stats.passed} passed; ${stats.failed} failed; ` +
`${stats.ignored} ignored; ${stats.measured} measured; ` +
`${stats.filtered} filtered out ` +
function previousPrinted(name: string, results: TestResults): boolean {
const curIndex: number = results.keys.get(name)!;
if (curIndex === 0) {
return true;
return results.cases.get(curIndex - 1)!.printed;
async function createTestCase(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
exitOnFail: boolean,
{ fn, name }: TestDefinition
): Promise<void> {
const result: TestResult = results.cases.get(results.keys.get(name)!)!;
try {
const start = performance.now();
await fn();
const end = performance.now();
result.ok = true;
result.timeElapsed = end - start;
} catch (err) {
result.error = err;
if (exitOnFail) {
throw err;
if (previousPrinted(name, results)) {
function initTestCases(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
tests: TestDefinition[],
exitOnFail: boolean
): Array<Promise<void>> {
return tests.map(createTestCase.bind(null, stats, results, exitOnFail));
async function runTestsParallel(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
tests: TestDefinition[],
exitOnFail: boolean
): Promise<void> {
try {
await Promise.all(initTestCases(stats, results, tests, exitOnFail));
} catch (_) {
// The error was thrown to stop awaiting all promises if exitOnFail === true
// stats.failed has been incremented and the error stored in results
async function runTestsSerial(
stats: TestStats,
tests: TestDefinition[],
exitOnFail: boolean,
disableLog: boolean
): Promise<void> {
for (const { fn, name } of tests) {
// Displaying the currently running test if silent mode
if (disableLog) {
print(`${yellow("RUNNING")} ${name}`, false);
try {
let start, end;
start = performance.now();
await fn();
end = performance.now();
if (disableLog) {
// Rewriting the current prompt line to erase `running ....`
print(CLEAR_LINE, false);
GREEN_OK + " " + name + " " + promptTestTime(end - start, true)
} catch (err) {
if (disableLog) {
print(CLEAR_LINE, false);
print(`${RED_FAILED} ${name}`);
if (exitOnFail) {
/** Defines options for controlling execution details of a test suite. */
export interface RunOptions {
parallel?: boolean;
exitOnFail?: boolean;
only?: RegExp;
skip?: RegExp;
disableLog?: boolean;
* Runs specified test cases.
* Parallel execution can be enabled via the boolean option; default: serial.
// TODO: change return type to `Promise<boolean>` - ie. don't
// exit but return value
export async function runTests({
parallel = false,
exitOnFail = false,
only = /[^\s]/,
skip = /^\s*$/,
disableLog = false
}: RunOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
const tests: TestDefinition[] = candidates.filter(
({ name }): boolean => only.test(name) && !skip.test(name)
const stats: TestStats = {
measured: 0,
ignored: candidates.length - tests.length,
filtered: filtered,
passed: 0,
failed: 0
const results: TestResults = createTestResults(tests);
print(`running ${tests.length} tests`);
const start = performance.now();
if (Deno.args.includes("--quiet")) {
disableLog = true;
if (disableLog) {
if (parallel) {
await runTestsParallel(stats, results, tests, exitOnFail);
} else {
await runTestsSerial(stats, tests, exitOnFail, disableLog);
const end = performance.now();
if (disableLog) {
printResults(stats, results, parallel, exitOnFail, end - start);
if (stats.failed) {
// Use setTimeout to avoid the error being ignored due to unhandled
// promise rejections being swallowed.
setTimeout((): void => {
console.error(`There were ${stats.failed} test failures.`);
}, 0);
* Runs specified test cases if the enclosing script is main.
* Execution mode is toggleable via opts.parallel, defaults to false.
export async function runIfMain(
meta: ImportMeta,
opts?: RunOptions
): Promise<void> {
if (meta.main) {
return runTests(opts);