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361 lines
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import { globrex } from "./globrex.ts";
import { SEP, SEP_PATTERN, isWindows } from "./path/constants.ts";
import { isAbsolute, join, normalize } from "./path/mod.ts";
import { WalkInfo, walk, walkSync } from "./walk.ts";
const { DenoError, ErrorKind, cwd, stat, statSync } = Deno;
type FileInfo = Deno.FileInfo;
export interface GlobOptions {
extended?: boolean;
globstar?: boolean;
export interface GlobToRegExpOptions extends GlobOptions {
flags?: string;
* Generate a regex based on glob pattern and options
* This was meant to be using the the `fs.walk` function
* but can be used anywhere else.
* Examples:
* Looking for all the `ts` files:
* walkSync(".", {
* match: [globToRegExp("*.ts")]
* })
* Looking for all the `.json` files in any subfolder:
* walkSync(".", {
* match: [globToRegExp(join("a", "**", "*.json"),{
* flags: "g",
* extended: true,
* globstar: true
* })]
* })
* @param glob - Glob pattern to be used
* @param options - Specific options for the glob pattern
* @returns A RegExp for the glob pattern
export function globToRegExp(
glob: string,
options: GlobToRegExpOptions = {}
): RegExp {
const result = globrex(glob, { ...options, strict: false, filepath: true });
return result.path!.regex;
/** Test whether the given string is a glob */
export function isGlob(str: string): boolean {
const chars: Record<string, string> = { "{": "}", "(": ")", "[": "]" };
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
const regex = /\\(.)|(^!|\*|[\].+)]\?|\[[^\\\]]+\]|\{[^\\}]+\}|\(\?[:!=][^\\)]+\)|\([^|]+\|[^\\)]+\))/;
if (str === "") {
return false;
let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
while ((match = regex.exec(str))) {
if (match[2]) return true;
let idx = match.index + match[0].length;
// if an open bracket/brace/paren is escaped,
// set the index to the next closing character
const open = match[1];
const close = open ? chars[open] : null;
if (open && close) {
const n = str.indexOf(close, idx);
if (n !== -1) {
idx = n + 1;
str = str.slice(idx);
return false;
/** Like normalize(), but doesn't collapse "**\/.." when `globstar` is true. */
export function normalizeGlob(
glob: string,
{ globstar = false }: GlobOptions = {}
): string {
if (!!glob.match(/\0/g)) {
throw new DenoError(
`Glob contains invalid characters: "${glob}"`
if (!globstar) {
return normalize(glob);
const s = SEP_PATTERN.source;
const badParentPattern = new RegExp(
return normalize(glob.replace(badParentPattern, "\0")).replace(/\0/g, "..");
/** Like join(), but doesn't collapse "**\/.." when `globstar` is true. */
export function joinGlobs(
globs: string[],
{ extended = false, globstar = false }: GlobOptions = {}
): string {
if (!globstar || globs.length == 0) {
return join(...globs);
if (globs.length === 0) return ".";
let joined: string | undefined;
for (const glob of globs) {
const path = glob;
if (path.length > 0) {
if (!joined) joined = path;
else joined += `${SEP}${path}`;
if (!joined) return ".";
return normalizeGlob(joined, { extended, globstar });
export interface ExpandGlobOptions extends GlobOptions {
root?: string;
exclude?: string[];
includeDirs?: boolean;
interface SplitPath {
segments: string[];
isAbsolute: boolean;
hasTrailingSep: boolean;
// Defined for any absolute Windows path.
winRoot?: string;
// TODO: Maybe make this public somewhere.
function split(path: string): SplitPath {
const s = SEP_PATTERN.source;
const segments = path
.replace(new RegExp(`^${s}|${s}$`, "g"), "")
const isAbsolute_ = isAbsolute(path);
return {
isAbsolute: isAbsolute_,
hasTrailingSep: !!path.match(new RegExp(`${s}$`)),
winRoot: isWindows && isAbsolute_ ? segments.shift() : undefined
* Expand the glob string from the specified `root` directory and yield each
* result as a `WalkInfo` object.
// TODO: Use a proper glob expansion algorithm.
// This is a very incomplete solution. The whole directory tree from `root` is
// walked and parent paths are not supported.
export async function* expandGlob(
glob: string,
root = cwd(),
exclude = [],
includeDirs = true,
extended = false,
globstar = false
}: ExpandGlobOptions = {}
): AsyncIterableIterator<WalkInfo> {
const globOptions: GlobOptions = { extended, globstar };
const absRoot = isAbsolute(root)
? normalize(root)
: joinGlobs([cwd(), root], globOptions);
const resolveFromRoot = (path: string): string =>
? normalize(path)
: joinGlobs([absRoot, path], globOptions);
const excludePatterns = exclude
.map((s: string): RegExp => globToRegExp(s, globOptions));
const shouldInclude = ({ filename }: WalkInfo): boolean =>
!excludePatterns.some((p: RegExp): boolean => !!filename.match(p));
const { segments, hasTrailingSep, winRoot } = split(resolveFromRoot(glob));
let fixedRoot = winRoot != undefined ? winRoot : "/";
while (segments.length > 0 && !isGlob(segments[0])) {
fixedRoot = joinGlobs([fixedRoot, segments.shift()!], globOptions);
let fixedRootInfo: WalkInfo;
try {
fixedRootInfo = { filename: fixedRoot, info: await stat(fixedRoot) };
} catch {
async function* advanceMatch(
walkInfo: WalkInfo,
globSegment: string
): AsyncIterableIterator<WalkInfo> {
if (!walkInfo.info.isDirectory()) {
} else if (globSegment == "..") {
const parentPath = joinGlobs([walkInfo.filename, ".."], globOptions);
try {
return yield* [
{ filename: parentPath, info: await stat(parentPath) }
} catch {
} else if (globSegment == "**") {
return yield* walk(walkInfo.filename, {
includeFiles: false,
skip: excludePatterns
yield* walk(walkInfo.filename, {
maxDepth: 1,
match: [
joinGlobs([walkInfo.filename, globSegment], globOptions),
skip: excludePatterns
let currentMatches: WalkInfo[] = [fixedRootInfo];
for (const segment of segments) {
// Advancing the list of current matches may introduce duplicates, so we
// pass everything through this Map.
const nextMatchMap: Map<string, FileInfo> = new Map();
for (const currentMatch of currentMatches) {
for await (const nextMatch of advanceMatch(currentMatch, segment)) {
nextMatchMap.set(nextMatch.filename, nextMatch.info);
currentMatches = [...nextMatchMap].sort().map(
([filename, info]): WalkInfo => ({
if (hasTrailingSep) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(({ info }): boolean =>
if (!includeDirs) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(
({ info }): boolean => !info.isDirectory()
yield* currentMatches;
/** Synchronous version of `expandGlob()`. */
// TODO: As `expandGlob()`.
export function* expandGlobSync(
glob: string,
root = cwd(),
exclude = [],
includeDirs = true,
extended = false,
globstar = false
}: ExpandGlobOptions = {}
): IterableIterator<WalkInfo> {
const globOptions: GlobOptions = { extended, globstar };
const absRoot = isAbsolute(root)
? normalize(root)
: joinGlobs([cwd(), root], globOptions);
const resolveFromRoot = (path: string): string =>
? normalize(path)
: joinGlobs([absRoot, path], globOptions);
const excludePatterns = exclude
.map((s: string): RegExp => globToRegExp(s, globOptions));
const shouldInclude = ({ filename }: WalkInfo): boolean =>
!excludePatterns.some((p: RegExp): boolean => !!filename.match(p));
const { segments, hasTrailingSep, winRoot } = split(resolveFromRoot(glob));
let fixedRoot = winRoot != undefined ? winRoot : "/";
while (segments.length > 0 && !isGlob(segments[0])) {
fixedRoot = joinGlobs([fixedRoot, segments.shift()!], globOptions);
let fixedRootInfo: WalkInfo;
try {
fixedRootInfo = { filename: fixedRoot, info: statSync(fixedRoot) };
} catch {
function* advanceMatch(
walkInfo: WalkInfo,
globSegment: string
): IterableIterator<WalkInfo> {
if (!walkInfo.info.isDirectory()) {
} else if (globSegment == "..") {
const parentPath = joinGlobs([walkInfo.filename, ".."], globOptions);
try {
return yield* [
{ filename: parentPath, info: statSync(parentPath) }
} catch {
} else if (globSegment == "**") {
return yield* walkSync(walkInfo.filename, {
includeFiles: false,
skip: excludePatterns
yield* walkSync(walkInfo.filename, {
maxDepth: 1,
match: [
joinGlobs([walkInfo.filename, globSegment], globOptions),
skip: excludePatterns
let currentMatches: WalkInfo[] = [fixedRootInfo];
for (const segment of segments) {
// Advancing the list of current matches may introduce duplicates, so we
// pass everything through this Map.
const nextMatchMap: Map<string, FileInfo> = new Map();
for (const currentMatch of currentMatches) {
for (const nextMatch of advanceMatch(currentMatch, segment)) {
nextMatchMap.set(nextMatch.filename, nextMatch.info);
currentMatches = [...nextMatchMap].sort().map(
([filename, info]): WalkInfo => ({
if (hasTrailingSep) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(({ info }): boolean =>
if (!includeDirs) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(
({ info }): boolean => !info.isDirectory()
yield* currentMatches;