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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-03 17:34:47 -05:00
Bartek Iwańczuk 8214b686ce Refactor DenoDir (#2636)
* rename `ModuleMetaData` to `SourceFile` and remove TS specific

* add `TsCompiler` struct encapsulating processing of TypeScript files

* move `SourceMapGetter` trait implementation to `//cli/compiler.rs`

* add low-level `DiskCache` API for general purpose caches and use it in
  `DenoDir` and `TsCompiler` for filesystem access

* don't use hash-like filenames for compiled modules, instead use
  metadata file for storing compilation hash

* add `SourceFileCache` for in-process caching of loaded files for fast
  subsequent access

* define `SourceFileFetcher` trait encapsulating loading of local and
  remote files and implement it for `DenoDir`

* define `use_cache` and `no_fetch` flags on `DenoDir` instead of using
  in fetch methods
2019-07-17 18:15:30 -04:00

702 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::deno_dir::DenoDir;
use crate::deno_dir::SourceFile;
use crate::deno_dir::SourceFileFetcher;
use crate::diagnostics::Diagnostic;
use crate::disk_cache::DiskCache;
use crate::msg;
use crate::resources;
use crate::source_maps::SourceMapGetter;
use crate::startup_data;
use crate::state::*;
use crate::version;
use crate::worker::Worker;
use deno::Buf;
use deno::ErrBox;
use deno::ModuleSpecifier;
use futures::future::Either;
use futures::Future;
use futures::Stream;
use ring;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use url::Url;
/// Optional tuple which represents the state of the compiler
/// configuration where the first is canonical name for the configuration file
/// and a vector of the bytes of the contents of the configuration file.
type CompilerConfig = Option<(PathBuf, Vec<u8>)>;
/// Information associated with compiled file in cache.
/// Includes source code path and state hash.
/// version_hash is used to validate versions of the file
/// and could be used to remove stale file in cache.
pub struct CompiledFileMetadata {
pub source_path: PathBuf,
pub version_hash: String,
static SOURCE_PATH: &'static str = "source_path";
static VERSION_HASH: &'static str = "version_hash";
impl CompiledFileMetadata {
pub fn from_json_string(metadata_string: String) -> Option<Self> {
// TODO: use serde for deserialization
let maybe_metadata_json: serde_json::Result<serde_json::Value> =
if let Ok(metadata_json) = maybe_metadata_json {
let source_path = metadata_json[SOURCE_PATH].as_str().map(PathBuf::from);
let version_hash = metadata_json[VERSION_HASH].as_str().map(String::from);
if source_path.is_none() || version_hash.is_none() {
return None;
return Some(CompiledFileMetadata {
source_path: source_path.unwrap(),
version_hash: version_hash.unwrap(),
pub fn to_json_string(self: &Self) -> Result<String, serde_json::Error> {
let mut value_map = serde_json::map::Map::new();
value_map.insert(SOURCE_PATH.to_owned(), json!(&self.source_path));
value_map.insert(VERSION_HASH.to_string(), json!(&self.version_hash));
/// Creates the JSON message send to compiler.ts's onmessage.
fn req(
root_names: Vec<String>,
compiler_config: CompilerConfig,
bundle: Option<String>,
) -> Buf {
let j = if let Some((config_path, config_data)) = compiler_config {
"rootNames": root_names,
"bundle": bundle,
"configPath": config_path,
"config": str::from_utf8(&config_data).unwrap(),
} else {
"rootNames": root_names,
"bundle": bundle,
fn gen_hash(v: Vec<&[u8]>) -> String {
let mut ctx = ring::digest::Context::new(&ring::digest::SHA1);
for src in v.iter() {
let digest = ctx.finish();
let mut out = String::new();
// TODO There must be a better way to do this...
for byte in digest.as_ref() {
write!(&mut out, "{:02x}", byte).unwrap();
/// Emit a SHA1 hash based on source code, deno version and TS config.
/// Used to check if a recompilation for source code is needed.
pub fn source_code_version_hash(
source_code: &[u8],
version: &str,
config_hash: &[u8],
) -> String {
gen_hash(vec![source_code, version.as_bytes(), config_hash])
fn load_config_file(
config_path: Option<String>,
) -> (Option<PathBuf>, Option<Vec<u8>>) {
// take the passed flag and resolve the file name relative to the cwd
let config_file = match &config_path {
Some(config_file_name) => {
debug!("Compiler config file: {}", config_file_name);
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
_ => None,
// Convert the PathBuf to a canonicalized string. This is needed by the
// compiler to properly deal with the configuration.
let config_path = match &config_file {
Some(config_file) => Some(config_file.canonicalize().unwrap().to_owned()),
_ => None,
// Load the contents of the configuration file
let config = match &config_file {
Some(config_file) => {
debug!("Attempt to load config: {}", config_file.to_str().unwrap());
match fs::read(&config_file) {
Ok(config_data) => Some(config_data.to_owned()),
_ => panic!(
"Error retrieving compiler config file at \"{}\"",
_ => None,
(config_path, config)
pub struct TsCompiler {
pub deno_dir: DenoDir,
pub config: CompilerConfig,
pub config_hash: Vec<u8>,
pub disk_cache: DiskCache,
/// Set of all URLs that have been compiled. This prevents double
/// compilation of module.
pub compiled: Mutex<HashSet<Url>>,
/// This setting is controlled by `--reload` flag. Unless the flag
/// is provided disk cache is used.
pub use_disk_cache: bool,
impl TsCompiler {
pub fn new(
deno_dir: DenoDir,
use_disk_cache: bool,
config_path: Option<String>,
) -> Self {
let compiler_config = match load_config_file(config_path) {
(Some(config_path), Some(config)) => Some((config_path, config.to_vec())),
_ => None,
let config_bytes = match &compiler_config {
Some((_, config)) => config.clone(),
_ => b"".to_vec(),
Self {
disk_cache: deno_dir.clone().gen_cache,
config: compiler_config,
config_hash: config_bytes,
compiled: Mutex::new(HashSet::new()),
/// Create a new V8 worker with snapshot of TS compiler and setup compiler's runtime.
fn setup_worker(state: ThreadSafeState) -> Worker {
// Count how many times we start the compiler worker.
state.metrics.compiler_starts.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let mut worker = Worker::new(
// TODO(ry) Maybe we should use a separate state for the compiler.
// as was done previously.
pub fn bundle_async(
self: &Self,
state: ThreadSafeState,
module_name: String,
out_file: String,
) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ErrBox> {
"Invoking the compiler to bundle. module_name: {}",
let root_names = vec![module_name.clone()];
let req_msg = req(root_names, self.config.clone(), Some(out_file));
let worker = TsCompiler::setup_worker(state.clone());
let resource = worker.state.resource.clone();
let compiler_rid = resource.rid;
let first_msg_fut =
resources::post_message_to_worker(compiler_rid, req_msg)
.then(move |_| worker)
.then(move |result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
// TODO(ry) Need to forward the error instead of exiting.
eprintln!("{}", err.to_string());
debug!("Sent message to worker");
let stream_future =
stream_future.map(|(f, _rest)| f).map_err(|(f, _rest)| f)
first_msg_fut.map_err(|_| panic!("not handled")).and_then(
move |maybe_msg: Option<Buf>| {
debug!("Received message from worker");
if let Some(msg) = maybe_msg {
let json_str = std::str::from_utf8(&msg).unwrap();
debug!("Message: {}", json_str);
if let Some(diagnostics) = Diagnostic::from_emit_result(json_str) {
return Err(ErrBox::from(diagnostics));
/// Mark given module URL as compiled to avoid multiple compilations of same module
/// in single run.
fn mark_compiled(&self, url: &Url) {
let mut c = self.compiled.lock().unwrap();
/// Check if given module URL has already been compiled and can be fetched directly from disk.
fn has_compiled(&self, url: &Url) -> bool {
let c = self.compiled.lock().unwrap();
/// Asynchronously compile module and all it's dependencies.
/// This method compiled every module at most once.
/// If `--reload` flag was provided then compiler will not on-disk cache and force recompilation.
/// If compilation is required then new V8 worker is spawned with fresh TS compiler.
pub fn compile_async(
self: &Self,
state: ThreadSafeState,
source_file: &SourceFile,
) -> impl Future<Item = SourceFile, Error = ErrBox> {
// TODO: maybe fetching of original SourceFile should be done here?
if source_file.media_type != msg::MediaType::TypeScript {
return Either::A(futures::future::ok(source_file.clone()));
if self.has_compiled(&source_file.url) {
match self.get_compiled_source_file(&source_file) {
Ok(compiled_module) => {
return Either::A(futures::future::ok(compiled_module));
Err(err) => {
return Either::A(futures::future::err(err));
if self.use_disk_cache {
// Try to load cached version:
// 1. check if there's 'meta' file
if let Some(metadata) = self.get_metadata(&source_file.url) {
// 2. compare version hashes
// TODO: it would probably be good idea to make it method implemented on SourceFile
let version_hash_to_validate = source_code_version_hash(
if metadata.version_hash == version_hash_to_validate {
debug!("load_cache metadata version hash match");
if let Ok(compiled_module) =
"found cached compiled module: {:?}",
// TODO: store in in-process cache for subsequent access
return Either::A(futures::future::ok(compiled_module));
let source_file_ = source_file.clone();
debug!(">>>>> compile_sync START");
let module_url = source_file.url.clone();
"Running rust part of compile_sync, module specifier: {}",
let root_names = vec![module_url.to_string()];
let req_msg = req(root_names, self.config.clone(), None);
let worker = TsCompiler::setup_worker(state.clone());
let compiling_job = state.progress.add("Compile", &module_url.to_string());
let state_ = state.clone();
let resource = worker.state.resource.clone();
let compiler_rid = resource.rid;
let first_msg_fut =
resources::post_message_to_worker(compiler_rid, req_msg)
.then(move |_| worker)
.then(move |result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
// TODO(ry) Need to forward the error instead of exiting.
eprintln!("{}", err.to_string());
debug!("Sent message to worker");
let stream_future =
stream_future.map(|(f, _rest)| f).map_err(|(f, _rest)| f)
let fut = first_msg_fut
.map_err(|_| panic!("not handled"))
.and_then(move |maybe_msg: Option<Buf>| {
debug!("Received message from worker");
if let Some(msg) = maybe_msg {
let json_str = std::str::from_utf8(&msg).unwrap();
debug!("Message: {}", json_str);
if let Some(diagnostics) = Diagnostic::from_emit_result(json_str) {
return Err(ErrBox::from(diagnostics));
}).and_then(move |_| {
// if we are this far it means compilation was successful and we can
// load compiled filed from disk
// TODO: can this be somehow called using `self.`?
.map_err(|e| {
// TODO: this situation shouldn't happen
panic!("Expected to find compiled file: {}", e)
}).and_then(move |source_file_after_compile| {
// Explicit drop to keep reference alive until future completes.
}).then(move |r| {
debug!(">>>>> compile_sync END");
// TODO(ry) do this in worker's destructor.
// resource.close();
/// Get associated `CompiledFileMetadata` for given module if it exists.
pub fn get_metadata(self: &Self, url: &Url) -> Option<CompiledFileMetadata> {
// Try to load cached version:
// 1. check if there's 'meta' file
let cache_key = self
.get_cache_filename_with_extension(url, "meta");
if let Ok(metadata_bytes) = self.disk_cache.get(&cache_key) {
if let Ok(metadata) = std::str::from_utf8(&metadata_bytes) {
if let Some(read_metadata) =
return Some(read_metadata);
/// Return compiled JS file for given TS module.
// TODO: ideally we shouldn't construct SourceFile by hand, but it should be delegated to
// SourceFileFetcher
pub fn get_compiled_source_file(
self: &Self,
source_file: &SourceFile,
) -> Result<SourceFile, ErrBox> {
let cache_key = self
.get_cache_filename_with_extension(&source_file.url, "js");
let compiled_code = self.disk_cache.get(&cache_key)?;
let compiled_code_filename = self.disk_cache.location.join(cache_key);
debug!("compiled filename: {:?}", compiled_code_filename);
let compiled_module = SourceFile {
url: source_file.url.clone(),
redirect_source_url: None,
filename: compiled_code_filename,
media_type: msg::MediaType::JavaScript,
source_code: compiled_code,
/// Save compiled JS file for given TS module to on-disk cache.
/// Along compiled file a special metadata file is saved as well containing
/// hash that can be validated to avoid unnecessary recompilation.
fn cache_compiled_file(
self: &Self,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
contents: &str,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let js_key = self
.get_cache_filename_with_extension(module_specifier.as_url(), "js");
.set(&js_key, contents.as_bytes())
.and_then(|_| {
let source_file = self
.expect("Source file not found");
let version_hash = source_code_version_hash(
let compiled_file_metadata = CompiledFileMetadata {
source_path: source_file.filename.to_owned(),
let meta_key = self
.get_cache_filename_with_extension(module_specifier.as_url(), "meta");
/// Return associated source map file for given TS module.
// TODO: ideally we shouldn't construct SourceFile by hand, but it should be delegated to
// SourceFileFetcher
pub fn get_source_map_file(
self: &Self,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
) -> Result<SourceFile, ErrBox> {
let cache_key = self
.get_cache_filename_with_extension(module_specifier.as_url(), "js.map");
let source_code = self.disk_cache.get(&cache_key)?;
let source_map_filename = self.disk_cache.location.join(cache_key);
debug!("source map filename: {:?}", source_map_filename);
let source_map_file = SourceFile {
url: module_specifier.as_url().to_owned(),
redirect_source_url: None,
filename: source_map_filename,
media_type: msg::MediaType::JavaScript,
/// Save source map file for given TS module to on-disk cache.
fn cache_source_map(
self: &Self,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
contents: &str,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let source_map_key = self
.get_cache_filename_with_extension(module_specifier.as_url(), "js.map");
self.disk_cache.set(&source_map_key, contents.as_bytes())
/// This method is called by TS compiler via an "op".
pub fn cache_compiler_output(
self: &Self,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
extension: &str,
contents: &str,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
match extension {
".map" => self.cache_source_map(module_specifier, contents),
".js" => self.cache_compiled_file(module_specifier, contents),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl SourceMapGetter for TsCompiler {
fn get_source_map(&self, script_name: &str) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
.and_then(|out| Some(out.source_code))
fn get_source_line(&self, script_name: &str, line: usize) -> Option<String> {
.and_then(|out| {
str::from_utf8(&out.source_code).ok().and_then(|v| {
let lines: Vec<&str> = v.lines().collect();
assert!(lines.len() > line);
// `SourceMapGetter` related methods
impl TsCompiler {
fn try_to_resolve(self: &Self, script_name: &str) -> Option<ModuleSpecifier> {
// if `script_name` can't be resolved to ModuleSpecifier it's probably internal
// script (like `gen/cli/bundle/compiler.js`) so we won't be
// able to get source for it anyway
fn try_resolve_and_get_source_file(
script_name: &str,
) -> Option<SourceFile> {
if let Some(module_specifier) = self.try_to_resolve(script_name) {
return match self.deno_dir.fetch_source_file(&module_specifier) {
Ok(out) => Some(out),
Err(_) => None,
fn try_to_resolve_and_get_source_map(
script_name: &str,
) -> Option<SourceFile> {
if let Some(module_specifier) = self.try_to_resolve(script_name) {
return match self.get_source_map_file(&module_specifier) {
Ok(out) => Some(out),
Err(_) => None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::tokio_util;
use deno::ModuleSpecifier;
use std::path::PathBuf;
impl TsCompiler {
fn compile_sync(
self: &Self,
state: ThreadSafeState,
source_file: &SourceFile,
) -> Result<SourceFile, ErrBox> {
tokio_util::block_on(self.compile_async(state, source_file))
fn test_compile_sync() {
tokio_util::init(|| {
let specifier =
let mut out = SourceFile {
url: specifier.as_url().clone(),
redirect_source_url: None,
filename: PathBuf::from("/tests/002_hello.ts"),
media_type: msg::MediaType::TypeScript,
source_code: include_bytes!("../tests/002_hello.ts").to_vec(),
let mock_state = ThreadSafeState::mock(vec![
out = mock_state
.compile_sync(mock_state.clone(), &out)
.starts_with("console.log(\"Hello World\");".as_bytes())
fn test_bundle_async() {
let specifier = "./tests/002_hello.ts";
use deno::ModuleSpecifier;
let module_name = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path(specifier)
let state = ThreadSafeState::mock(vec![
let out = state.ts_compiler.bundle_async(
fn test_source_code_version_hash() {
source_code_version_hash(b"1+2", "0.4.0", b"{}")
// Different source_code should result in different hash.
source_code_version_hash(b"1", "0.4.0", b"{}")
// Different version should result in different hash.
source_code_version_hash(b"1", "0.1.0", b"{}")
// Different config should result in different hash.
source_code_version_hash(b"1", "0.4.0", b"{\"compilerOptions\": {}}")