mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:37:12 -04:00

Importing .wasm files is non-standardized therefore deciding to support current functionality past 1.0 release is risky. Besides that .wasm import posed many challenges in our codebase due to complex interactions with TS compiler which spawned thread for each encountered .wasm import. This commit removes: - cli/compilers/wasm.rs - cli/compilers/wasm_wrap.js - two integration tests related to .wasm imports
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import "./lib.deno.shared_globals.d.ts";
import * as abortController from "./web/abort_controller.ts";
import * as abortSignal from "./web/abort_signal.ts";
import * as blob from "./web/blob.ts";
import * as consoleTypes from "./web/console.ts";
import * as promiseTypes from "./web/promise.ts";
import * as customEvent from "./web/custom_event.ts";
import * as domException from "./web/dom_exception.ts";
import * as domFile from "./web/dom_file.ts";
import * as event from "./web/event.ts";
import * as eventTarget from "./web/event_target.ts";
import * as formData from "./web/form_data.ts";
import * as fetchTypes from "./web/fetch.ts";
import * as headers from "./web/headers.ts";
import * as textEncoding from "./web/text_encoding.ts";
import * as timers from "./web/timers.ts";
import * as url from "./web/url.ts";
import * as urlSearchParams from "./web/url_search_params.ts";
import * as workers from "./web/workers.ts";
import * as performanceUtil from "./web/performance.ts";
import * as request from "./web/request.ts";
import * as readableStream from "./web/streams/readable_stream.ts";
import * as transformStream from "./web/streams/transform_stream.ts";
import * as queuingStrategy from "./web/streams/queuing_strategy.ts";
import * as writableStream from "./web/streams/writable_stream.ts";
// These imports are not exposed and therefore are fine to just import the
// symbols required.
import { core } from "./core.ts";
// This global augmentation is just enough types to be able to build Deno,
// the runtime types are fully defined in `lib.deno.*.d.ts`.
declare global {
interface CallSite {
getThis(): unknown;
getTypeName(): string | null;
getFunction(): Function | null;
getFunctionName(): string | null;
getMethodName(): string | null;
getFileName(): string | null;
getLineNumber(): number | null;
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
getEvalOrigin(): string | null;
isToplevel(): boolean | null;
isEval(): boolean;
isNative(): boolean;
isConstructor(): boolean;
isAsync(): boolean;
isPromiseAll(): boolean;
getPromiseIndex(): number | null;
interface ErrorConstructor {
prepareStackTrace(error: Error, structuredStackTrace: CallSite[]): string;
interface Object {
[consoleTypes.customInspect]?(): string;
interface EvalErrorInfo {
isNativeError: boolean;
isCompileError: boolean;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
thrown: any;
interface ImportMeta {
url: string;
main: boolean;
interface DenoCore {
print(s: string, isErr?: boolean): void;
opId: number,
control: Uint8Array,
zeroCopy?: ArrayBufferView | null
): Uint8Array | null;
setAsyncHandler(opId: number, cb: (msg: Uint8Array) => void): void;
sharedQueue: {
head(): number;
numRecords(): number;
size(): number;
push(buf: Uint8Array): boolean;
reset(): void;
shift(): Uint8Array | null;
ops(): Record<string, number>;
recv(cb: (opId: number, msg: Uint8Array) => void): void;
opId: number,
control: null | ArrayBufferView,
data?: ArrayBufferView
): null | Uint8Array;
setMacrotaskCallback(cb: () => boolean): void;
shared: SharedArrayBuffer;
code: string,
scriptName?: string
): [unknown, EvalErrorInfo | null];
formatError: (e: Error) => string;
* Get promise details as two elements array.
* First element is the `PromiseState`.
* If promise isn't pending, second element would be the result of the promise.
* Otherwise, second element would be undefined.
* Throws `TypeError` if argument isn't a promise
getPromiseDetails<T>(promise: Promise<T>): promiseTypes.PromiseDetails<T>;
decode(bytes: Uint8Array): string;
encode(text: string): Uint8Array;
// Only `var` variables show up in the `globalThis` type when doing a global
// scope augmentation.
/* eslint-disable no-var */
// Assigned to `window` global - main runtime
var Deno: {
core: DenoCore;
var onload: ((e: Event) => void) | undefined;
var onunload: ((e: Event) => void) | undefined;
// These methods are used to prepare different runtime
// environments. After bootrapping, this namespace
// should be removed from global scope.
var bootstrap: {
mainRuntime: (() => void) | undefined;
// Assigned to `self` global - worker runtime and compiler
workerRuntime: ((name: string) => Promise<void> | void) | undefined;
// Assigned to `self` global - compiler
tsCompilerRuntime: (() => void) | undefined;
var onerror:
| ((
msg: string,
source: string,
lineno: number,
colno: number,
e: Event
) => boolean | void)
| undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
var onmessage: ((e: { data: any }) => Promise<void> | void) | undefined;
// Called in compiler
var close: () => void;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
var postMessage: (msg: any) => void;
/* eslint-enable */
export function writable(value: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
export function nonEnumerable(value: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
export function readOnly(value: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
enumerable: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export function getterOnly(getter: () => any): PropertyDescriptor {
return {
get: getter,
enumerable: true,
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope
export const windowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMethods = {
atob: writable(textEncoding.atob),
btoa: writable(textEncoding.btoa),
clearInterval: writable(timers.clearInterval),
clearTimeout: writable(timers.clearTimeout),
fetch: writable(fetchTypes.fetch),
// queueMicrotask is bound in Rust
setInterval: writable(timers.setInterval),
setTimeout: writable(timers.setTimeout),
// Other properties shared between WindowScope and WorkerGlobalScope
export const windowOrWorkerGlobalScopeProperties = {
console: writable(new consoleTypes.Console(core.print)),
AbortController: nonEnumerable(abortController.AbortControllerImpl),
AbortSignal: nonEnumerable(abortSignal.AbortSignalImpl),
Blob: nonEnumerable(blob.DenoBlob),
ByteLengthQueuingStrategy: nonEnumerable(
CountQueuingStrategy: nonEnumerable(queuingStrategy.CountQueuingStrategyImpl),
File: nonEnumerable(domFile.DomFileImpl),
CustomEvent: nonEnumerable(customEvent.CustomEventImpl),
DOMException: nonEnumerable(domException.DOMExceptionImpl),
Event: nonEnumerable(event.EventImpl),
EventTarget: nonEnumerable(eventTarget.EventTargetImpl),
URL: nonEnumerable(url.URLImpl),
URLSearchParams: nonEnumerable(urlSearchParams.URLSearchParamsImpl),
Headers: nonEnumerable(headers.HeadersImpl),
FormData: nonEnumerable(formData.FormDataImpl),
TextEncoder: nonEnumerable(textEncoding.TextEncoder),
TextDecoder: nonEnumerable(textEncoding.TextDecoder),
ReadableStream: nonEnumerable(readableStream.ReadableStreamImpl),
TransformStream: nonEnumerable(transformStream.TransformStreamImpl),
Request: nonEnumerable(request.Request),
Response: nonEnumerable(fetchTypes.Response),
performance: writable(new performanceUtil.Performance()),
Worker: nonEnumerable(workers.WorkerImpl),
WritableStream: nonEnumerable(writableStream.WritableStreamImpl),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export function setEventTargetData(value: any): void {
eventTarget.eventTargetData.set(value, eventTarget.getDefaultTargetData());
export const eventTargetProperties = {
addEventListener: readOnly(
dispatchEvent: readOnly(eventTarget.EventTargetImpl.prototype.dispatchEvent),
removeEventListener: readOnly(