mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:49:37 -04:00

This removes `ProcState` and replaces it with a new `CliFactory` which initializes our "service structs" on demand. This isn't a performance improvement at the moment for `deno run`, but might unlock performance improvements in the future.
212 lines
6.7 KiB
212 lines
6.7 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::args::CliOptions;
use crate::args::Flags;
use crate::args::ReplFlags;
use crate::colors;
use crate::factory::CliFactory;
use crate::file_fetcher::FileFetcher;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::futures::StreamExt;
use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions;
use deno_runtime::permissions::PermissionsContainer;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
mod cdp;
mod channel;
mod editor;
mod session;
use channel::rustyline_channel;
use channel::RustylineSyncMessage;
use channel::RustylineSyncMessageHandler;
use channel::RustylineSyncResponse;
use editor::EditorHelper;
use editor::ReplEditor;
use session::EvaluationOutput;
use session::ReplSession;
async fn read_line_and_poll(
repl_session: &mut ReplSession,
message_handler: &mut RustylineSyncMessageHandler,
editor: ReplEditor,
) -> Result<String, ReadlineError> {
let mut line_fut = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || editor.readline());
let mut poll_worker = true;
let notifications_rc = repl_session.notifications.clone();
let mut notifications = notifications_rc.borrow_mut();
loop {
tokio::select! {
result = &mut line_fut => {
return result.unwrap();
result = message_handler.recv() => {
match result {
Some(RustylineSyncMessage::PostMessage { method, params }) => {
let result = repl_session
.post_message_with_event_loop(&method, params)
Some(RustylineSyncMessage::LspCompletions {
}) => {
let result = repl_session.language_server.completions(&line_text, position).await;
None => {}, // channel closed
poll_worker = true;
message = notifications.next() => {
if let Some(message) = message {
let method = message.get("method").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
if method == "Runtime.exceptionThrown" {
let params = message.get("params").unwrap().as_object().unwrap();
let exception_details = params.get("exceptionDetails").unwrap().as_object().unwrap();
let text = exception_details.get("text").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
let exception = exception_details.get("exception").unwrap().as_object().unwrap();
let description = exception.get("description").and_then(|d| d.as_str()).unwrap_or("undefined");
println!("{text} {description}");
_ = repl_session.run_event_loop(), if poll_worker => {
poll_worker = false;
async fn read_eval_file(
cli_options: &CliOptions,
file_fetcher: &FileFetcher,
eval_file: &str,
) -> Result<String, AnyError> {
let specifier =
deno_core::resolve_url_or_path(eval_file, cli_options.initial_cwd())?;
let file = file_fetcher
.fetch(&specifier, PermissionsContainer::allow_all())
pub async fn run(flags: Flags, repl_flags: ReplFlags) -> Result<i32, AnyError> {
let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags).await?;
let cli_options = factory.cli_options();
let main_module = cli_options.resolve_main_module()?;
let permissions = PermissionsContainer::new(Permissions::from_options(
let npm_resolver = factory.npm_resolver().await?.clone();
let resolver = factory.resolver().await?.clone();
let dir = factory.deno_dir()?;
let file_fetcher = factory.file_fetcher()?;
let worker_factory = factory.create_cli_main_worker_factory().await?;
let mut worker = worker_factory
.create_main_worker(main_module, permissions)
let worker = worker.into_main_worker();
let mut repl_session =
ReplSession::initialize(cli_options, npm_resolver, resolver, worker)
let mut rustyline_channel = rustyline_channel();
let helper = EditorHelper {
context_id: repl_session.context_id,
sync_sender: rustyline_channel.0,
let history_file_path = dir.repl_history_file_path();
let editor = ReplEditor::new(helper, history_file_path)?;
if let Some(eval_files) = repl_flags.eval_files {
for eval_file in eval_files {
match read_eval_file(cli_options, file_fetcher, &eval_file).await {
Ok(eval_source) => {
let output = repl_session
// only output errors
if let EvaluationOutput::Error(error_text) = output {
println!("Error in --eval-file file \"{eval_file}\": {error_text}");
Err(e) => {
println!("Error in --eval-file file \"{eval_file}\": {e}");
if let Some(eval) = repl_flags.eval {
let output = repl_session.evaluate_line_and_get_output(&eval).await;
// only output errors
if let EvaluationOutput::Error(error_text) = output {
println!("Error in --eval flag: {error_text}");
// Doing this manually, instead of using `log::info!` because these messages
// are supposed to go to stdout, not stderr.
if !cli_options.is_quiet() {
println!("Deno {}", crate::version::deno());
println!("exit using ctrl+d, ctrl+c, or close()");
if repl_flags.is_default_command {
colors::yellow("REPL is running with all permissions allowed.")
println!("To specify permissions, run `deno repl` with allow flags.")
loop {
let line = read_line_and_poll(
&mut repl_session,
&mut rustyline_channel.1,
match line {
Ok(line) => {
let output = repl_session.evaluate_line_and_get_output(&line).await;
// We check for close and break here instead of making it a loop condition to get
// consistent behavior in when the user evaluates a call to close().
if repl_session.closing().await? {
Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => {
if editor.should_exit_on_interrupt() {
println!("press ctrl+c again to exit");
Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => {
Err(err) => {
println!("Error: {err:?}");