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synced 2025-03-04 01:44:26 -05:00

This PR extracts the core part of https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/27203 to make it easier to review and land in parts. It contains: - The JS plugin code the deserializes and walks the buffer - The Rust portion to serialize SWC to the buffer format (a bunch of nodes are still todos, but imo these can land anytime later) - Basic lint plugin types, without the AST node types to make this PR easier to review - Added more code comments to explain the format etc. More fixes and changes will be done in follow-up PRs. --------- Co-authored-by: Bartek Iwańczuk <biwanczuk@gmail.com>
557 lines
11 KiB
557 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assertEquals } from "./test_util.ts";
// TODO(@marvinhagemeister) Remove once we land "official" types
export interface LintReportData {
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
node: any;
message: string;
// TODO(@marvinhagemeister) Remove once we land "official" types
interface LintContext {
id: string;
// TODO(@marvinhagemeister) Remove once we land "official" types
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
type LintVisitor = Record<string, (node: any) => void>;
// TODO(@marvinhagemeister) Remove once we land "official" types
interface LintRule {
create(ctx: LintContext): LintVisitor;
destroy?(): void;
// TODO(@marvinhagemeister) Remove once we land "official" types
interface LintPlugin {
name: string;
rules: Record<string, LintRule>;
function runLintPlugin(plugin: LintPlugin, fileName: string, source: string) {
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
return (Deno as any)[(Deno as any).internal].runLintPlugin(
function testPlugin(
source: string,
rule: LintRule,
) {
const plugin = {
name: "test-plugin",
rules: {
testRule: rule,
return runLintPlugin(plugin, "source.tsx", source);
function testVisit(source: string, ...selectors: string[]): string[] {
const log: string[] = [];
testPlugin(source, {
create() {
const visitor: LintVisitor = {};
for (const s of selectors) {
visitor[s] = () => log.push(s);
return visitor;
return log;
function testLintNode(source: string, ...selectors: string[]) {
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
const log: any[] = [];
testPlugin(source, {
create() {
const visitor: LintVisitor = {};
for (const s of selectors) {
visitor[s] = (node) => {
return visitor;
return log;
Deno.test("Plugin - visitor enter/exit", () => {
const enter = testVisit("foo", "Identifier");
assertEquals(enter, ["Identifier"]);
const exit = testVisit("foo", "Identifier:exit");
assertEquals(exit, ["Identifier:exit"]);
const both = testVisit("foo", "Identifier", "Identifier:exit");
assertEquals(both, ["Identifier", "Identifier:exit"]);
Deno.test("Plugin - Program", () => {
const node = testLintNode("", "Program");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "Program",
sourceType: "script",
range: [1, 1],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - BlockStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("{ foo; }", "BlockStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [1, 9],
body: [{
type: "ExpressionStatement",
range: [3, 7],
expression: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "foo",
range: [3, 6],
Deno.test("Plugin - BreakStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("break;", "BreakStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "BreakStatement",
range: [1, 7],
label: null,
node = testLintNode("break foo;", "BreakStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "BreakStatement",
range: [1, 11],
label: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [7, 10],
name: "foo",
Deno.test("Plugin - ContinueStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("continue;", "ContinueStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ContinueStatement",
range: [1, 10],
label: null,
node = testLintNode("continue foo;", "ContinueStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ContinueStatement",
range: [1, 14],
label: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [10, 13],
name: "foo",
Deno.test("Plugin - DebuggerStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("debugger;", "DebuggerStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "DebuggerStatement",
range: [1, 10],
Deno.test("Plugin - DoWhileStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("do {} while (foo);", "DoWhileStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "DoWhileStatement",
range: [1, 19],
test: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [14, 17],
name: "foo",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [4, 6],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - ExpressionStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("foo;", "ExpressionStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ExpressionStatement",
range: [1, 5],
expression: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [1, 4],
name: "foo",
Deno.test("Plugin - ForInStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("for (a in b) {}", "ForInStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ForInStatement",
range: [1, 16],
left: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [6, 7],
name: "a",
right: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [11, 12],
name: "b",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [14, 16],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - ForOfStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("for (a of b) {}", "ForOfStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ForOfStatement",
range: [1, 16],
await: false,
left: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [6, 7],
name: "a",
right: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [11, 12],
name: "b",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [14, 16],
body: [],
node = testLintNode("for await (a of b) {}", "ForOfStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ForOfStatement",
range: [1, 22],
await: true,
left: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [12, 13],
name: "a",
right: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [17, 18],
name: "b",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [20, 22],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - ForStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("for (;;) {}", "ForStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ForStatement",
range: [1, 12],
init: null,
test: null,
update: null,
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [10, 12],
body: [],
node = testLintNode("for (a; b; c) {}", "ForStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ForStatement",
range: [1, 17],
init: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [6, 7],
name: "a",
test: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [9, 10],
name: "b",
update: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [12, 13],
name: "c",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [15, 17],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - IfStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("if (foo) {}", "IfStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "IfStatement",
range: [1, 12],
test: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "foo",
range: [5, 8],
consequent: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [10, 12],
body: [],
alternate: null,
node = testLintNode("if (foo) {} else {}", "IfStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "IfStatement",
range: [1, 20],
test: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "foo",
range: [5, 8],
consequent: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [10, 12],
body: [],
alternate: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [18, 20],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - LabeledStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("foo: {};", "LabeledStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "LabeledStatement",
range: [1, 8],
label: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "foo",
range: [1, 4],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [6, 8],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - ReturnStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("return", "ReturnStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ReturnStatement",
range: [1, 7],
argument: null,
node = testLintNode("return foo;", "ReturnStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ReturnStatement",
range: [1, 12],
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "foo",
range: [8, 11],
Deno.test("Plugin - SwitchStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode(
`switch (foo) {
case foo:
case bar:
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "SwitchStatement",
range: [1, 94],
discriminant: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [9, 12],
name: "foo",
cases: [
type: "SwitchCase",
range: [22, 31],
test: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [27, 30],
name: "foo",
consequent: [],
type: "SwitchCase",
range: [38, 62],
test: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [43, 46],
name: "bar",
consequent: [
type: "BreakStatement",
label: null,
range: [56, 62],
type: "SwitchCase",
range: [69, 88],
test: null,
consequent: [
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [86, 88],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - ThrowStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("throw foo;", "ThrowStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "ThrowStatement",
range: [1, 11],
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [7, 10],
name: "foo",
Deno.test("Plugin - TryStatement", () => {
let node = testLintNode("try {} catch {};", "TryStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "TryStatement",
range: [1, 16],
block: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [5, 7],
body: [],
handler: {
type: "CatchClause",
range: [8, 16],
param: null,
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [14, 16],
body: [],
finalizer: null,
node = testLintNode("try {} catch (e) {};", "TryStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "TryStatement",
range: [1, 20],
block: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [5, 7],
body: [],
handler: {
type: "CatchClause",
range: [8, 20],
param: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [15, 16],
name: "e",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [18, 20],
body: [],
finalizer: null,
node = testLintNode("try {} finally {};", "TryStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "TryStatement",
range: [1, 18],
block: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [5, 7],
body: [],
handler: null,
finalizer: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [16, 18],
body: [],
Deno.test("Plugin - WhileStatement", () => {
const node = testLintNode("while (foo) {}", "WhileStatement");
assertEquals(node[0], {
type: "WhileStatement",
range: [1, 15],
test: {
type: "Identifier",
range: [8, 11],
name: "foo",
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
range: [13, 15],
body: [],