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// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as urlSearchParams from "./url_search_params";
interface URLParts {
protocol: string;
username: string;
password: string;
hostname: string;
port: string;
path: string;
query: string;
hash: string;
const patterns = {
protocol: "(?:([^:/?#]+):)",
authority: "(?://([^/?#]*))",
path: "([^?#]*)",
query: "(\\?[^#]*)",
hash: "(#.*)",
authentication: "(?:([^:]*)(?::([^@]*))?@)",
hostname: "([^:]+)",
port: "(?::(\\d+))"
const urlRegExp = new RegExp(
const authorityRegExp = new RegExp(
const searchParamsMethods: Array<keyof urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams> = [
function parse(url: string): URLParts | undefined {
const urlMatch = urlRegExp.exec(url);
if (urlMatch) {
const [, , authority] = urlMatch;
const authorityMatch = authority
? authorityRegExp.exec(authority)
: [null, null, null, null, null];
if (authorityMatch) {
return {
protocol: urlMatch[1] || "",
username: authorityMatch[1] || "",
password: authorityMatch[2] || "",
hostname: authorityMatch[3] || "",
port: authorityMatch[4] || "",
path: urlMatch[3] || "",
query: urlMatch[4] || "",
hash: urlMatch[5] || ""
return undefined;
export class URL {
private _parts: URLParts;
private _searchParams!: urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams;
private _updateSearchParams() {
const searchParams = new urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams(this.search);
for (const methodName of searchParamsMethods) {
// tslint:disable:no-any
const method: (...args: any[]) => any = searchParams[methodName];
searchParams[methodName] = (...args: any[]) => {
method.apply(searchParams, args);
this.search = searchParams.toString();
// tslint:enable
this._searchParams = searchParams;
get hash(): string {
return this._parts.hash;
set hash(value: string) {
value = unescape(String(value));
if (!value) {
this._parts.hash = "";
} else {
if (value.charAt(0) !== "#") {
value = `#${value}`;
// hashes can contain % and # unescaped
this._parts.hash = escape(value)
.replace(/%25/g, "%")
.replace(/%23/g, "#");
get host(): string {
return `${this.hostname}${this.port ? `:${this.port}` : ""}`;
set host(value: string) {
value = String(value);
const url = new URL(`http://${value}`);
this._parts.hostname = url.hostname;
this._parts.port = url.port;
get hostname(): string {
return this._parts.hostname;
set hostname(value: string) {
value = String(value);
this._parts.hostname = encodeURIComponent(value);
get href(): string {
const authentication =
this.username || this.password
? `${this.username}${this.password ? ":" + this.password : ""}@`
: "";
return `${this.protocol}//${authentication}${this.host}${this.pathname}${
set href(value: string) {
value = String(value);
if (value !== this.href) {
const url = new URL(value);
this._parts = { ...url._parts };
get origin(): string {
return `${this.protocol}//${this.host}`;
get password(): string {
return this._parts.password;
set password(value: string) {
value = String(value);
this._parts.password = encodeURIComponent(value);
get pathname(): string {
return this._parts.path ? this._parts.path : "/";
set pathname(value: string) {
value = unescape(String(value));
if (!value || value.charAt(0) !== "/") {
value = `/${value}`;
// paths can contain % unescaped
this._parts.path = escape(value).replace(/%25/g, "%");
get port(): string {
return this._parts.port;
set port(value: string) {
const port = parseInt(String(value), 10);
this._parts.port = isNaN(port)
? ""
: Math.max(0, port % 2 ** 16).toString();
get protocol(): string {
return `${this._parts.protocol}:`;
set protocol(value: string) {
value = String(value);
if (value) {
if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) === ":") {
value = value.slice(0, -1);
this._parts.protocol = encodeURIComponent(value);
get search(): string {
return this._parts.query;
set search(value: string) {
value = String(value);
if (value.charAt(0) !== "?") {
value = `?${value}`;
this._parts.query = value;
get username(): string {
return this._parts.username;
set username(value: string) {
value = String(value);
this._parts.username = encodeURIComponent(value);
get searchParams(): urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams {
return this._searchParams;
constructor(url: string, base?: string | URL) {
let baseParts: URLParts | undefined;
if (base) {
baseParts = typeof base === "string" ? parse(base) : base._parts;
if (!baseParts) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid base URL.");
const urlParts = parse(url);
if (!urlParts) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid URL.");
if (urlParts.protocol) {
this._parts = urlParts;
} else if (baseParts) {
this._parts = {
protocol: baseParts.protocol,
username: baseParts.username,
password: baseParts.password,
hostname: baseParts.hostname,
port: baseParts.port,
path: urlParts.path || baseParts.path,
query: urlParts.query || baseParts.query,
hash: urlParts.hash
} else {
throw new TypeError("URL requires a base URL.");
toString(): string {
return this.href;
toJSON(): string {
return this.href;