Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-10 06:07:03 -04:00
Bartek Iwańczuk c6bfa8cc43
Revert "refactor(core): cleanup feature flags for js source inclusion… (#19490)
… (#19463)"

This reverts commit ceb03cfb03.

This is being reverted because it causes 3.5Mb increase in the binary
due to runtime JS code being included in the binary, even though it's
already snapshotted.

CC @nayeemrmn
2023-06-15 22:50:38 +02:00

661 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::modules::ModuleCode;
use crate::OpState;
use anyhow::Context as _;
use anyhow::Error;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::task::Context;
use v8::fast_api::FastFunction;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ExtensionFileSourceCode {
/// Source code is included in the binary produced. Either by being defined
/// inline, or included using `include_str!()`. If you are snapshotting, this
/// will result in two copies of the source code being included - one in the
/// snapshot, the other the static string in the `Extension`.
IncludedInBinary(&'static str),
// Source code is loaded from a file on disk. It's meant to be used if the
// embedder is creating snapshots. Files will be loaded from the filesystem
// during the build time and they will only be present in the V8 snapshot.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ExtensionFileSource {
pub specifier: &'static str,
pub code: ExtensionFileSourceCode,
impl ExtensionFileSource {
fn find_non_ascii(s: &str) -> String {
s.chars().filter(|c| !c.is_ascii()).collect::<String>()
pub fn load(&self) -> Result<ModuleCode, Error> {
match &self.code {
ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary(code) => {
"Extension code must be 7-bit ASCII: {} (found {})",
ExtensionFileSourceCode::LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot(path) => {
let msg = || format!("Failed to read \"{}\"", path.display());
let s = std::fs::read_to_string(path).with_context(msg)?;
"Extension code must be 7-bit ASCII: {} (found {})",
pub type OpFnRef = v8::FunctionCallback;
pub type OpMiddlewareFn = dyn Fn(OpDecl) -> OpDecl;
pub type OpStateFn = dyn FnOnce(&mut OpState);
pub type OpEventLoopFn = dyn Fn(Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, &mut Context) -> bool;
pub struct OpDecl {
pub name: &'static str,
pub v8_fn_ptr: OpFnRef,
pub enabled: bool,
pub is_async: bool,
pub is_unstable: bool,
pub is_v8: bool,
pub arg_count: u8,
pub fast_fn: Option<FastFunction>,
impl OpDecl {
pub fn enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
Self { enabled, ..self }
pub fn disable(self) -> Self {
/// Declares a block of Deno `#[op]`s. The first parameter determines the name of the
/// op declaration block, and is usually `deno_ops`. This block generates a function that
/// returns a [`Vec<OpDecl>`].
/// This can be either a compact form like:
/// ```no_compile
/// # use deno_core::*;
/// #[op]
/// fn op_xyz() {}
/// deno_core::ops!(deno_ops, [
/// op_xyz
/// ]);
/// // Use the ops:
/// deno_ops()
/// ```
/// ... or a parameterized form like so that allows passing a number of type parameters
/// to each `#[op]`:
/// ```no_compile
/// # use deno_core::*;
/// #[op]
/// fn op_xyz<P>() where P: Clone {}
/// deno_core::ops!(deno_ops,
/// parameters = [P: Clone],
/// ops = [
/// op_xyz<P>
/// ]
/// );
/// // Use the ops, with `String` as the parameter `P`:
/// deno_ops::<String>()
/// ```
macro_rules! ops {
($name:ident, parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ], ops = [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ $( < $op_param:ident > )? ),+ $(,)? ]) => {
pub(crate) fn $name < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > () -> Vec<$crate::OpDecl> {
$( #[ $m ] )*
$( $op )::+ :: decl $( :: <$op_param> )? () ,
($name:ident, [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ ),+ $(,)? ] ) => {
pub(crate) fn $name() -> Vec<$crate::OpDecl> {
$( $( #[ $m ] )* $( $op )::+ :: decl(), )+
/// Defines a Deno extension. The first parameter is the name of the extension symbol namespace to create. This is the symbol you
/// will use to refer to the extension.
/// Most extensions will define a combination of ops and ESM files, like so:
/// ```no_compile
/// #[op]
/// fn op_xyz() {
/// }
/// deno_core::extension!(
/// my_extension,
/// ops = [ op_xyz ],
/// esm = [ "my_script.js" ],
/// );
/// ```
/// The following options are available for the [`extension`] macro:
/// * deps: a comma-separated list of module dependencies, eg: `deps = [ my_other_extension ]`
/// * parameters: a comma-separated list of parameters and base traits, eg: `parameters = [ P: MyTrait ]`
/// * bounds: a comma-separated list of additional type bounds, eg: `bounds = [ P::MyAssociatedType: MyTrait ]`
/// * ops: a comma-separated list of [`OpDecl`]s to provide, eg: `ops = [ op_foo, op_bar ]`
/// * esm: a comma-separated list of ESM module filenames (see [`include_js_files`]), eg: `esm = [ dir "dir", "my_file.js" ]`
/// * esm_setup_script: see [`ExtensionBuilder::esm_setup_script`]
/// * js: a comma-separated list of JS filenames (see [`include_js_files`]), eg: `js = [ dir "dir", "my_file.js" ]`
/// * config: a structure-like definition for configuration parameters which will be required when initializing this extension, eg: `config = { my_param: Option<usize> }`
/// * middleware: an [`OpDecl`] middleware function with the signature `fn (OpDecl) -> OpDecl`
/// * state: a state initialization function, with the signature `fn (&mut OpState, ...) -> ()`, where `...` are parameters matching the fields of the config struct
/// * event_loop_middleware: an event-loop middleware function (see [`ExtensionBuilder::event_loop_middleware`])
macro_rules! extension {
$(, deps = [ $( $dep:ident ),* ] )?
$(, parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )?
$(, bounds = [ $( $bound:path : $bound_type:ident ),+ ] )?
$(, ops_fn = $ops_symbol:ident $( < $ops_param:ident > )? )?
$(, ops = [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ $( < $( $op_param:ident ),* > )? ),+ $(,)? ] )?
$(, esm_entry_point = $esm_entry_point:literal )?
$(, esm = [ $( dir $dir_esm:literal , )? $( $esm:literal ),* $(,)? ] )?
$(, esm_setup_script = $esm_setup_script:expr )?
$(, js = [ $( dir $dir_js:literal , )? $( $js:literal ),* $(,)? ] )?
$(, options = { $( $options_id:ident : $options_type:ty ),* $(,)? } )?
$(, middleware = $middleware_fn:expr )?
$(, state = $state_fn:expr )?
$(, event_loop_middleware = $event_loop_middleware_fn:ident )?
$(, customizer = $customizer_fn:expr )?
) => {
/// Extension struct for
#[doc = stringify!($name)]
/// .
pub struct $name {
impl $name {
fn ext() -> $crate::ExtensionBuilder {
$crate::Extension::builder_with_deps(stringify!($name), &[ $( $( stringify!($dep) ),* )? ])
/// If ESM or JS was specified, add those files to the extension.
fn with_js(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder) {
$( ext.esm(
$crate::include_js_files!( $name $( dir $dir_esm , )? $( $esm , )* )
); )?
ext.esm(vec![ExtensionFileSource {
specifier: "ext:setup",
code: ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary($esm_setup_script),
$( ext.js(
$crate::include_js_files!( $name $( dir $dir_js , )? $( $js , )* )
); )?
// If ops were specified, add those ops to the extension.
fn with_ops $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )?(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder)
$( where $( $bound : $bound_type ),+ )?
// If individual ops are specified, roll them up into a vector and apply them
$( #[ $m ] )*
$( $op )::+ :: decl $( :: < $($op_param),* > )? ()
// Otherwise use the ops_fn, if provided
$crate::extension!(! __ops__ ext $( $ops_symbol $( < $ops_param > )? )? __eot__);
// Includes the state and middleware functions, if defined.
fn with_state_and_middleware$( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )?(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder, $( $( $options_id : $options_type ),* )? )
$( where $( $bound : $bound_type ),+ )?
$crate::extension!(! __config__ ext $( parameters = [ $( $param : $type ),* ] )? $( config = { $( $options_id : $options_type ),* } )? $( state_fn = $state_fn )? );
fn with_customizer(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder) {
$( ($customizer_fn)(ext); )?
pub fn init_js_only $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),* > )? () -> $crate::Extension
$( where $( $bound : $bound_type ),+ )?
let mut ext = Self::ext();
// If esm or JS was specified, add JS files
Self::with_js(&mut ext);
Self::with_ops $( ::< $( $param ),+ > )?(&mut ext);
Self::with_customizer(&mut ext);
pub fn init_ops_and_esm $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? ( $( $( $options_id : $options_type ),* )? ) -> $crate::Extension
$( where $( $bound : $bound_type ),+ )?
let mut ext = Self::ext();
// If esm or JS was specified, add JS files
Self::with_js(&mut ext);
Self::with_ops $( ::< $( $param ),+ > )?(&mut ext);
Self::with_state_and_middleware $( ::< $( $param ),+ > )?(&mut ext, $( $( $options_id , )* )? );
Self::with_customizer(&mut ext);
pub fn init_ops $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? ( $( $( $options_id : $options_type ),* )? ) -> $crate::Extension
$( where $( $bound : $bound_type ),+ )?
let mut ext = Self::ext();
Self::with_ops $( ::< $( $param ),+ > )?(&mut ext);
Self::with_state_and_middleware $( ::< $( $param ),+ > )?(&mut ext, $( $( $options_id , )* )? );
Self::with_customizer(&mut ext);
// This branch of the macro generates a config object that calls the state function with itself.
(! __config__ $ext:ident $( parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? config = { $( $options_id:ident : $options_type:ty ),* } $( state_fn = $state_fn:expr )? ) => {
struct Config $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? {
$( pub $options_id : $options_type , )*
$( __phantom_data: ::std::marker::PhantomData<($( $param ),+)>, )?
let config = Config {
$( $options_id , )*
$( __phantom_data: ::std::marker::PhantomData::<($( $param ),+)>::default() )?
let state_fn: fn(&mut $crate::OpState, Config $( < $( $param ),+ > )? ) = $( $state_fn )?;
$ext.state(move |state: &mut $crate::OpState| {
state_fn(state, config);
(! __config__ $ext:ident $( parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? $( state_fn = $state_fn:expr )? ) => {
$( $ext.state($state_fn); )?
(! __ops__ $ext:ident __eot__) => {
(! __ops__ $ext:ident $ops_symbol:ident __eot__) => {
(! __ops__ $ext:ident $ops_symbol:ident < $ops_param:ident > __eot__) => {
pub struct Extension {
pub(crate) name: &'static str,
js_files: Option<Vec<ExtensionFileSource>>,
esm_files: Option<Vec<ExtensionFileSource>>,
esm_entry_point: Option<&'static str>,
ops: Option<Vec<OpDecl>>,
opstate_fn: Option<Box<OpStateFn>>,
middleware_fn: Option<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>>,
event_loop_middleware: Option<Box<OpEventLoopFn>>,
initialized: bool,
enabled: bool,
deps: Option<&'static [&'static str]>,
pub(crate) is_core: bool,
// Note: this used to be a trait, but we "downgraded" it to a single concrete type
// for the initial iteration, it will likely become a trait in the future
impl Extension {
pub fn builder(name: &'static str) -> ExtensionBuilder {
ExtensionBuilder {
pub fn builder_with_deps(
name: &'static str,
deps: &'static [&'static str],
) -> ExtensionBuilder {
ExtensionBuilder {
/// Check if dependencies have been loaded, and errors if either:
/// - The extension is depending on itself or an extension with the same name.
/// - A dependency hasn't been loaded yet.
pub fn check_dependencies(&self, previous_exts: &[Extension]) {
if let Some(deps) = self.deps {
'dep_loop: for dep in deps {
if dep == &self.name {
panic!("Extension '{}' is either depending on itself or there is another extension with the same name", self.name);
for ext in previous_exts {
if dep == &ext.name {
continue 'dep_loop;
panic!("Extension '{}' is missing dependency '{dep}'", self.name);
/// returns JS source code to be loaded into the isolate (either at snapshotting,
/// or at startup). as a vector of a tuple of the file name, and the source code.
pub fn get_js_sources(&self) -> Option<&Vec<ExtensionFileSource>> {
pub fn get_esm_sources(&self) -> Option<&Vec<ExtensionFileSource>> {
pub fn get_esm_entry_point(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Called at JsRuntime startup to initialize ops in the isolate.
pub fn init_ops(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<OpDecl>> {
// TODO(@AaronO): maybe make op registration idempotent
if self.initialized {
panic!("init_ops called twice: not idempotent or correct");
self.initialized = true;
let mut ops = self.ops.take()?;
for op in ops.iter_mut() {
op.enabled = self.enabled && op.enabled;
/// Allows setting up the initial op-state of an isolate at startup.
pub fn init_state(&mut self, state: &mut OpState) {
if let Some(op_fn) = self.opstate_fn.take() {
/// init_middleware lets us middleware op registrations, it's called before init_ops
pub fn init_middleware(&mut self) -> Option<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>> {
pub fn init_event_loop_middleware(&mut self) -> Option<Box<OpEventLoopFn>> {
pub fn run_event_loop_middleware(
op_state_rc: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
cx: &mut Context,
) -> bool {
.map(|f| f(op_state_rc, cx))
pub fn enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
Self { enabled, ..self }
pub fn disable(self) -> Self {
// Provides a convenient builder pattern to declare Extensions
pub struct ExtensionBuilder {
js: Vec<ExtensionFileSource>,
esm: Vec<ExtensionFileSource>,
esm_entry_point: Option<&'static str>,
ops: Vec<OpDecl>,
state: Option<Box<OpStateFn>>,
middleware: Option<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>>,
event_loop_middleware: Option<Box<OpEventLoopFn>>,
name: &'static str,
deps: &'static [&'static str],
is_core: bool,
impl ExtensionBuilder {
pub fn js(&mut self, js_files: Vec<ExtensionFileSource>) -> &mut Self {
pub fn esm(&mut self, esm_files: Vec<ExtensionFileSource>) -> &mut Self {
pub fn esm_entry_point(&mut self, entry_point: &'static str) -> &mut Self {
self.esm_entry_point = Some(entry_point);
pub fn ops(&mut self, ops: Vec<OpDecl>) -> &mut Self {
pub fn state<F>(&mut self, opstate_fn: F) -> &mut Self
F: FnOnce(&mut OpState) + 'static,
self.state = Some(Box::new(opstate_fn));
pub fn middleware<F>(&mut self, middleware_fn: F) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(OpDecl) -> OpDecl + 'static,
self.middleware = Some(Box::new(middleware_fn));
pub fn event_loop_middleware<F>(&mut self, middleware_fn: F) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, &mut Context) -> bool + 'static,
self.event_loop_middleware = Some(Box::new(middleware_fn));
/// Consume the [`ExtensionBuilder`] and return an [`Extension`].
pub fn take(self) -> Extension {
let js_files = Some(self.js);
let esm_files = Some(self.esm);
let ops = Some(self.ops);
let deps = Some(self.deps);
Extension {
esm_entry_point: self.esm_entry_point,
opstate_fn: self.state,
middleware_fn: self.middleware,
event_loop_middleware: self.event_loop_middleware,
initialized: false,
enabled: true,
name: self.name,
is_core: self.is_core,
pub fn build(&mut self) -> Extension {
let js_files = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.js));
let esm_files = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.esm));
let ops = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.ops));
let deps = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.deps));
Extension {
esm_entry_point: self.esm_entry_point.take(),
opstate_fn: self.state.take(),
middleware_fn: self.middleware.take(),
event_loop_middleware: self.event_loop_middleware.take(),
initialized: false,
enabled: true,
name: self.name,
is_core: self.is_core,
pub(crate) fn deno_core(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.is_core = true;
/// Helps embed JS files in an extension. Returns a vector of
/// `ExtensionFileSource`, that represent the filename and source code. All
/// specified files are rewritten into "ext:<extension_name>/<file_name>".
/// An optional "dir" option can be specified to prefix all files with a
/// directory name.
/// Example (for "my_extension"):
/// ```ignore
/// include_js_files!(
/// "01_hello.js",
/// "02_goodbye.js",
/// )
/// // Produces following specifiers:
/// - "ext:my_extension/01_hello.js"
/// - "ext:my_extension/02_goodbye.js"
/// /// Example with "dir" option (for "my_extension"):
/// ```ignore
/// include_js_files!(
/// dir "js",
/// "01_hello.js",
/// "02_goodbye.js",
/// )
/// // Produces following specifiers:
/// - "ext:my_extension/js/01_hello.js"
/// - "ext:my_extension/js/02_goodbye.js"
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "include_js_files_for_snapshotting"))]
macro_rules! include_js_files {
($name:ident dir $dir:literal, $($file:literal,)+) => {
$($crate::ExtensionFileSource {
specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file),
code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary(
include_str!(concat!($dir, "/", $file)
($name:ident $($file:literal,)+) => {
$($crate::ExtensionFileSource {
specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file),
code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary(
#[cfg(feature = "include_js_files_for_snapshotting")]
macro_rules! include_js_files {
($name:ident dir $dir:literal, $($file:literal,)+) => {
$($crate::ExtensionFileSource {
specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file),
code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot(
($name:ident $($file:literal,)+) => {
$($crate::ExtensionFileSource {
specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file),
code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot(