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// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
export async function getJson(path) {
return (await fetch(path)).json();
export async function getTravisData(
url = "https://api.travis-ci.com/repos/denoland/deno/builds?event_type=pull_request"
) {
const res = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Accept: "application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json"
const data = await res.json();
return data.builds.reverse();
function getBenchmarkVarieties(data, benchmarkName) {
// Look at last sha hash.
const last = data[data.length - 1];
return Object.keys(last[benchmarkName]);
export function createColumns(data, benchmarkName) {
const varieties = getBenchmarkVarieties(data, benchmarkName);
return varieties.map(variety => [
...data.map(d => {
if (d[benchmarkName] != null) {
if (d[benchmarkName][variety] != null) {
const v = d[benchmarkName][variety];
if (benchmarkName == "benchmark") {
const meanValue = v ? v.mean : 0;
return meanValue || null;
} else {
return v;
return null;
export function createExecTimeColumns(data) {
return createColumns(data, "benchmark");
export function createThroughputColumns(data) {
return createColumns(data, "throughput");
export function createReqPerSecColumns(data) {
return createColumns(data, "req_per_sec");
export function createBinarySizeColumns(data) {
const propName = "binary_size";
const binarySizeNames = Object.keys(data[data.length - 1][propName]);
return binarySizeNames.map(name => [
...data.map(d => {
const binarySizeData = d["binary_size"];
switch (typeof binarySizeData) {
case "number": // legacy implementation
return name === "deno" ? binarySizeData : 0;
if (!binarySizeData) {
return null;
return binarySizeData[name] || null;
export function createThreadCountColumns(data) {
const propName = "thread_count";
const threadCountNames = Object.keys(data[data.length - 1][propName]);
return threadCountNames.map(name => [
...data.map(d => {
const threadCountData = d[propName];
if (!threadCountData) {
return null;
return threadCountData[name] || null;
export function createSyscallCountColumns(data) {
const propName = "syscall_count";
const syscallCountNames = Object.keys(data[data.length - 1][propName]);
return syscallCountNames.map(name => [
...data.map(d => {
const syscallCountData = d[propName];
if (!syscallCountData) {
return null;
return syscallCountData[name] || null;
function createTravisCompileTimeColumns(data) {
return [["duration_time", ...data.map(d => d.duration)]];
export function createSha1List(data) {
return data.map(d => d.sha1);
// Formats the byte sizes e.g. 19000 -> 18.55 KB
// Copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/18650828
export function formatBytes(a, b) {
if (0 == a) return "0 Bytes";
var c = 1024,
d = b || 2,
e = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"],
f = Math.floor(Math.log(a) / Math.log(c));
return parseFloat((a / Math.pow(c, f)).toFixed(d)) + " " + e[f];
export function formatSeconds(t) {
const a = t % 60;
const min = Math.floor(t / 60);
return a < 30 ? `${min} min` : `${min + 1} min`;
export function main() {
* Draws the charts from the benchmark data stored in gh-pages branch.
export async function drawChartsFromBenchmarkData() {
const data = await getJson("./data.json");
const execTimeColumns = createExecTimeColumns(data);
const throughputColumns = createThroughputColumns(data);
const reqPerSecColumns = createReqPerSecColumns(data);
const binarySizeColumns = createBinarySizeColumns(data);
const threadCountColumns = createThreadCountColumns(data);
const syscallCountColumns = createSyscallCountColumns(data);
const sha1List = createSha1List(data);
const sha1ShortList = sha1List.map(sha1 => sha1.substring(0, 6));
const viewCommitOnClick = _sha1List => d => {
bindto: "#exec-time-chart",
data: {
columns: execTimeColumns,
onclick: viewCommitOnClick(sha1List)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
show: false,
categories: sha1List
y: {
label: "seconds"
bindto: "#throughput-chart",
data: {
columns: throughputColumns,
onclick: viewCommitOnClick(sha1List)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
show: false,
categories: sha1ShortList
y: {
label: "seconds"
bindto: "#req-per-sec-chart",
data: {
columns: reqPerSecColumns,
onclick: viewCommitOnClick(sha1List)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
show: false,
categories: sha1ShortList
y: {
label: "seconds"
bindto: "#binary-size-chart",
data: {
columns: binarySizeColumns,
onclick: viewCommitOnClick(sha1List)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
show: false,
categories: sha1ShortList
y: {
tick: {
format: d => formatBytes(d)
bindto: "#thread-count-chart",
data: {
columns: threadCountColumns,
onclick: viewCommitOnClick(sha1List)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
show: false,
categories: sha1ShortList
bindto: "#syscall-count-chart",
data: {
columns: syscallCountColumns,
onclick: viewCommitOnClick(sha1List)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
show: false,
categories: sha1ShortList
* Draws the charts from travis' API data.
export async function drawChartsFromTravisData() {
const viewPullRequestOnClick = _prNumberList => d => {
const travisData = (await getTravisData()).filter(d => d.duration > 0);
const travisCompileTimeColumns = createTravisCompileTimeColumns(travisData);
const prNumberList = travisData.map(d => d.pull_request_number);
bindto: "#travis-compile-time-chart",
data: {
columns: travisCompileTimeColumns,
onclick: viewPullRequestOnClick(prNumberList)
axis: {
x: {
type: "category",
categories: prNumberList
y: {
tick: {
format: d => formatSeconds(d)