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Casper Beyer 4c779b5e8c
refactor(repl): use an inspector session (#7763)
This ports the REPL over to Rust and makes use of an inspector session to run a REPL on top of any isolate which lets make full use of rustylines various things like validators and completors without having to introduce a bunch of hard to test internal ops and glue code.

An accidental but good side effect of this is that the multiple line input we previously had is now an editable multi-line input prompt that is correctly stored in the history as a single entry.
2020-10-02 01:14:55 +02:00

938 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
//! The documentation for the inspector API is sparse, but these are helpful:
//! https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/
//! https://hyperandroid.com/2020/02/12/v8-inspector-from-an-embedder-standpoint/
use core::convert::Infallible as Never; // Alias for the future `!` type.
use deno_core::error::generic_error;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc;
use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver;
use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender;
use deno_core::futures::channel::oneshot;
use deno_core::futures::future::Future;
use deno_core::futures::pin_mut;
use deno_core::futures::prelude::*;
use deno_core::futures::select;
use deno_core::futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use deno_core::futures::task;
use deno_core::futures::task::Context;
use deno_core::futures::task::Poll;
use deno_core::serde_json;
use deno_core::serde_json::json;
use deno_core::serde_json::Value;
use deno_core::v8;
use std::cell::BorrowMutError;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::mem::replace;
use std::mem::take;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::process;
use std::ptr;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread;
use uuid::Uuid;
use warp::filters::ws;
use warp::Filter;
pub struct InspectorServer {
pub host: SocketAddr,
register_inspector_tx: UnboundedSender<InspectorInfo>,
shutdown_server_tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
thread_handle: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
impl InspectorServer {
pub fn new(host: SocketAddr) -> Self {
let (register_inspector_tx, register_inspector_rx) =
let (shutdown_server_tx, shutdown_server_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let thread_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
Self {
shutdown_server_tx: Some(shutdown_server_tx),
thread_handle: Some(thread_handle),
fn register_inspector(&self, info: InspectorInfo) {
impl Drop for InspectorServer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(shutdown_server_tx) = self.shutdown_server_tx.take() {
.expect("unable to send shutdown signal");
if let Some(thread_handle) = self.thread_handle.take() {
thread_handle.join().expect("unable to join thread");
/// Inspector information that is sent from the isolate thread to the server
/// thread when a new inspector is created.
struct InspectorInfo {
host: SocketAddr,
uuid: Uuid,
thread_name: Option<String>,
new_websocket_tx: UnboundedSender<WebSocketProxy>,
canary_rx: oneshot::Receiver<Never>,
impl InspectorInfo {
fn get_json_metadata(&self) -> Value {
"description": "deno",
"devtoolsFrontendUrl": self.get_frontend_url(),
"faviconUrl": "https://deno.land/favicon.ico",
"id": self.uuid.to_string(),
"title": self.get_title(),
"type": "deno",
// TODO(ry): "url": "file://",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": self.get_websocket_debugger_url(),
fn get_websocket_debugger_url(&self) -> String {
format!("ws://{}/ws/{}", &self.host, &self.uuid)
fn get_frontend_url(&self) -> String {
&self.host, &self.uuid
fn get_title(&self) -> String {
"[{}] deno{}",
.map(|n| format!(" - {}", n))
async fn server(
host: SocketAddr,
register_inspector_rx: UnboundedReceiver<InspectorInfo>,
shutdown_server_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
) {
// TODO: put the `inspector_map` in an `Rc<RefCell<_>>` instead. This is
// currently not possible because warp requires all filters to implement
// `Send`, which should not be necessary because we are using the
// single-threaded Tokio runtime.
let inspector_map = HashMap::<Uuid, InspectorInfo>::new();
let inspector_map = Arc::new(Mutex::new(inspector_map));
let inspector_map_ = inspector_map.clone();
let register_inspector_handler = register_inspector_rx
.map(|info| {
"Debugger listening on {}",
let mut g = inspector_map_.lock().unwrap();
if g.insert(info.uuid, info).is_some() {
panic!("Inspector UUID already in map");
let inspector_map_ = inspector_map_.clone();
let deregister_inspector_handler = future::poll_fn(|cx| {
let mut g = inspector_map_.lock().unwrap();
g.retain(|_, info| info.canary_rx.poll_unpin(cx) == Poll::Pending);
let inspector_map_ = inspector_map.clone();
let websocket_route = warp::path("ws")
.and_then(move |uuid: String, ws: warp::ws::Ws| {
.and_then(|uuid| {
let g = inspector_map_.lock().unwrap();
g.get(&uuid).map(|info| info.new_websocket_tx.clone()).map(
|new_websocket_tx| {
ws.on_upgrade(move |websocket| async move {
let (proxy, pump) = create_websocket_proxy(websocket);
let _ = new_websocket_tx.unbounded_send(proxy);
let json_version_route = warp::path!("json" / "version").map(|| {
"Browser": format!("Deno/{}", crate::version::DENO),
"Protocol-Version": "1.3",
"V8-Version": crate::version::v8(),
let inspector_map_ = inspector_map.clone();
let json_list_route = warp::path("json").map(move || {
let g = inspector_map_.lock().unwrap();
let json_values = g
.map(|info| info.get_json_metadata())
let server_routes =
let server_handler = warp::serve(server_routes)
.try_bind_with_graceful_shutdown(host, async {
.map(|(_, fut)| fut)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
eprintln!("Cannot start inspector server: {}.", err);
select! {
_ = register_inspector_handler => (),
_ = deregister_inspector_handler => unreachable!(),
_ = server_handler => (),
type WebSocketProxySender = UnboundedSender<ws::Message>;
type WebSocketProxyReceiver =
UnboundedReceiver<Result<ws::Message, warp::Error>>;
/// Encapsulates an UnboundedSender/UnboundedReceiver pair that together form
/// a duplex channel for sending/receiving websocket messages.
struct WebSocketProxy {
tx: WebSocketProxySender,
rx: WebSocketProxyReceiver,
impl WebSocketProxy {
pub fn split(self) -> (WebSocketProxySender, WebSocketProxyReceiver) {
(self.tx, self.rx)
/// Creates a future that proxies messages sent and received on a warp WebSocket
/// to a UnboundedSender/UnboundedReceiver pair. We need this to sidestep
/// Tokio's task budget, which causes issues when DenoInspector::poll_sessions()
/// needs to block the thread because JavaScript execution is paused.
/// This works because UnboundedSender/UnboundedReceiver are implemented in the
/// 'futures' crate, therefore they can't participate in Tokio's cooperative
/// task yielding.
/// A tuple is returned, where the first element is a duplex channel that can
/// be used to send/receive messages on the websocket, and the second element
/// is a future that does the forwarding.
fn create_websocket_proxy(
websocket: ws::WebSocket,
) -> (WebSocketProxy, impl Future<Output = ()> + Send) {
// The 'outbound' channel carries messages sent to the websocket.
let (outbound_tx, outbound_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
// The 'inbound' channel carries messages received from the websocket.
let (inbound_tx, inbound_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
let proxy = WebSocketProxy {
tx: outbound_tx,
rx: inbound_rx,
// The pump future takes care of forwarding messages between the websocket
// and channels. It resolves to () when either side disconnects, ignoring any
// errors.
let pump = async move {
let (websocket_tx, websocket_rx) = websocket.split();
let outbound_pump =
outbound_rx.map(Ok).forward(websocket_tx).map_err(|_| ());
let inbound_pump = websocket_rx
.map(|msg| inbound_tx.unbounded_send(msg))
.map_err(|_| ())
let _ = future::try_join(outbound_pump, inbound_pump).await;
(proxy, pump)
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum PollState {
pub struct DenoInspector {
v8_inspector_client: v8::inspector::V8InspectorClientBase,
v8_inspector: v8::UniqueRef<v8::inspector::V8Inspector>,
sessions: RefCell<InspectorSessions>,
flags: RefCell<InspectorFlags>,
waker: Arc<InspectorWaker>,
_canary_tx: oneshot::Sender<Never>,
pub server: Option<Arc<InspectorServer>>,
pub debugger_url: Option<String>,
impl Deref for DenoInspector {
type Target = v8::inspector::V8Inspector;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for DenoInspector {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.v8_inspector
impl Drop for DenoInspector {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Since the waker is cloneable, it might outlive the inspector itself.
// Set the poll state to 'dropped' so it doesn't attempt to request an
// interrupt from the isolate.
self.waker.update(|w| w.poll_state = PollState::Dropped);
// V8 automatically deletes all sessions when an Inspector instance is
// deleted, however InspectorSession also has a drop handler that cleans
// up after itself. To avoid a double free, make sure the inspector is
// dropped last.
take(&mut *self.sessions.borrow_mut());
impl v8::inspector::V8InspectorClientImpl for DenoInspector {
fn base(&self) -> &v8::inspector::V8InspectorClientBase {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut v8::inspector::V8InspectorClientBase {
&mut self.v8_inspector_client
fn run_message_loop_on_pause(&mut self, context_group_id: i32) {
assert_eq!(context_group_id, DenoInspectorSession::CONTEXT_GROUP_ID);
self.flags.borrow_mut().on_pause = true;
let _ = self.poll_sessions(None);
fn quit_message_loop_on_pause(&mut self) {
self.flags.borrow_mut().on_pause = false;
fn run_if_waiting_for_debugger(&mut self, context_group_id: i32) {
assert_eq!(context_group_id, DenoInspectorSession::CONTEXT_GROUP_ID);
self.flags.borrow_mut().session_handshake_done = true;
/// DenoInspector implements a Future so that it can poll for new incoming
/// connections and messages from the WebSocket server. The Worker that owns
/// this DenoInspector will call our poll function from Worker::poll().
impl Future for DenoInspector {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
impl DenoInspector {
const CONTEXT_GROUP_ID: i32 = 1;
pub fn new(
isolate: &mut deno_core::JsRuntime,
server: Option<Arc<InspectorServer>>,
) -> Box<Self> {
let context = isolate.global_context();
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut **isolate);
let (new_websocket_tx, new_websocket_rx) =
let (canary_tx, canary_rx) = oneshot::channel::<Never>();
// Create DenoInspector instance.
let mut self_ = new_box_with(|self_ptr| {
let v8_inspector_client =
let v8_inspector =
v8::inspector::V8Inspector::create(scope, unsafe { &mut *self_ptr });
let sessions = InspectorSessions::new(self_ptr, new_websocket_rx);
let flags = InspectorFlags::new();
let waker = InspectorWaker::new(scope.thread_safe_handle());
let debugger_url = if let Some(server) = server.clone() {
let info = InspectorInfo {
host: server.host,
uuid: Uuid::new_v4(),
thread_name: thread::current().name().map(|n| n.to_owned()),
let debugger_url = info.get_websocket_debugger_url();
} else {
Self {
_canary_tx: canary_tx,
// Tell the inspector about the global context.
let context = v8::Local::new(scope, context);
let context_name = v8::inspector::StringView::from(&b"global context"[..]);
self_.context_created(context, Self::CONTEXT_GROUP_ID, context_name);
// Poll the session handler so we will get notified whenever there is
// new_incoming debugger activity.
let _ = self_.poll_sessions(None).unwrap();
fn poll_sessions(
mut invoker_cx: Option<&mut Context>,
) -> Result<Poll<()>, BorrowMutError> {
// Short-circuit if there is no server
if self.server.is_none() {
return Ok(Poll::Ready(()));
// The futures this function uses do not have re-entrant poll() functions.
// However it is can happpen that poll_sessions() gets re-entered, e.g.
// when an interrupt request is honored while the inspector future is polled
// by the task executor. We let the caller know by returning some error.
let mut sessions = self.sessions.try_borrow_mut()?;
self.waker.update(|w| {
match w.poll_state {
PollState::Idle | PollState::Woken => w.poll_state = PollState::Polling,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Create a new Context object that will make downstream futures
// use the InspectorWaker when they are ready to be polled again.
let waker_ref = task::waker_ref(&self.waker);
let cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker_ref);
loop {
loop {
// Do one "handshake" with a newly connected session at a time.
if let Some(session) = &mut sessions.handshake {
let poll_result = session.poll_unpin(cx);
let handshake_done =
replace(&mut self.flags.borrow_mut().session_handshake_done, false);
match poll_result {
Poll::Pending if handshake_done => {
let session = sessions.handshake.take().unwrap();
take(&mut self.flags.borrow_mut().waiting_for_session);
Poll::Ready(_) => sessions.handshake = None,
Poll::Pending => break,
// Accept new connections.
match sessions.new_incoming.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(session)) => {
let prev = sessions.handshake.replace(session);
Poll::Ready(None) => {}
Poll::Pending => {}
// Poll established sessions.
match sessions.established.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(_)) => continue,
Poll::Ready(None) => break,
Poll::Pending => break,
let should_block = sessions.handshake.is_some()
|| self.flags.borrow().on_pause
|| self.flags.borrow().waiting_for_session;
let new_state = self.waker.update(|w| {
match w.poll_state {
PollState::Woken => {
// The inspector was woken while the session handler was being
// polled, so we poll it another time.
w.poll_state = PollState::Polling;
PollState::Polling if !should_block => {
// The session handler doesn't need to be polled any longer, and
// there's no reason to block (execution is not paused), so this
// function is about to return.
w.poll_state = PollState::Idle;
// Register the task waker that can be used to wake the parent
// task that will poll the inspector future.
if let Some(cx) = invoker_cx.take() {
// Register the address of the inspector, which allows the waker
// to request an interrupt from the isolate.
w.inspector_ptr = NonNull::new(self as *const _ as *mut Self);
PollState::Polling if should_block => {
// Isolate execution has been paused but there are no more
// events to process, so this thread will be parked. Therefore,
// store the current thread handle in the waker so it knows
// which thread to unpark when new events arrive.
w.poll_state = PollState::Parked;
_ => unreachable!(),
match new_state {
PollState::Idle => break Ok(Poll::Pending), // Yield to task.
PollState::Polling => {} // Poll the session handler again.
PollState::Parked => thread::park(), // Park the thread.
_ => unreachable!(),
/// This function blocks the thread until at least one inspector client has
/// established a websocket connection and successfully completed the
/// handshake. After that, it instructs V8 to pause at the next statement.
pub fn wait_for_session_and_break_on_next_statement(&mut self) {
loop {
match self.sessions.get_mut().established.iter_mut().next() {
Some(session) => break session.break_on_next_statement(),
None => {
self.flags.get_mut().waiting_for_session = true;
let _ = self.poll_sessions(None).unwrap();
struct InspectorFlags {
waiting_for_session: bool,
session_handshake_done: bool,
on_pause: bool,
impl InspectorFlags {
fn new() -> RefCell<Self> {
let self_ = Self::default();
struct InspectorSessions {
Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Box<DenoInspectorSession>> + 'static>>,
handshake: Option<Box<DenoInspectorSession>>,
established: FuturesUnordered<Box<DenoInspectorSession>>,
impl InspectorSessions {
fn new(
inspector_ptr: *mut DenoInspector,
new_websocket_rx: UnboundedReceiver<WebSocketProxy>,
) -> RefCell<Self> {
let new_incoming = new_websocket_rx
.map(move |websocket| DenoInspectorSession::new(inspector_ptr, websocket))
let self_ = Self {
impl Default for InspectorSessions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
new_incoming: stream::empty().boxed_local(),
handshake: None,
established: FuturesUnordered::new(),
struct InspectorWakerInner {
poll_state: PollState,
task_waker: Option<task::Waker>,
parked_thread: Option<thread::Thread>,
inspector_ptr: Option<NonNull<DenoInspector>>,
isolate_handle: v8::IsolateHandle,
unsafe impl Send for InspectorWakerInner {}
struct InspectorWaker(Mutex<InspectorWakerInner>);
impl InspectorWaker {
fn new(isolate_handle: v8::IsolateHandle) -> Arc<Self> {
let inner = InspectorWakerInner {
poll_state: PollState::Idle,
task_waker: None,
parked_thread: None,
inspector_ptr: None,
fn update<F, R>(&self, update_fn: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut InspectorWakerInner) -> R,
let mut g = self.0.lock().unwrap();
update_fn(&mut g)
impl task::ArcWake for InspectorWaker {
fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
arc_self.update(|w| {
match w.poll_state {
PollState::Idle => {
// Wake the task, if any, that has polled the Inspector future last.
if let Some(waker) = w.task_waker.take() {
// Request an interrupt from the isolate if it's running and there's
// not unhandled interrupt request in flight.
if let Some(arg) = w
.map(|ptr| ptr.as_ptr() as *mut c_void)
w.isolate_handle.request_interrupt(handle_interrupt, arg);
extern "C" fn handle_interrupt(
_isolate: &mut v8::Isolate,
arg: *mut c_void,
) {
let inspector = unsafe { &*(arg as *mut DenoInspector) };
let _ = inspector.poll_sessions(None);
PollState::Parked => {
// Unpark the isolate thread.
let parked_thread = w.parked_thread.take().unwrap();
assert_ne!(parked_thread.id(), thread::current().id());
_ => {}
w.poll_state = PollState::Woken;
struct DenoInspectorSession {
v8_channel: v8::inspector::ChannelBase,
v8_session: v8::UniqueRef<v8::inspector::V8InspectorSession>,
websocket_tx: WebSocketProxySender,
websocket_rx_handler: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static>>,
impl Deref for DenoInspectorSession {
type Target = v8::inspector::V8InspectorSession;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for DenoInspectorSession {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.v8_session
impl DenoInspectorSession {
const CONTEXT_GROUP_ID: i32 = 1;
pub fn new(
inspector_ptr: *mut DenoInspector,
websocket: WebSocketProxy,
) -> Box<Self> {
new_box_with(move |self_ptr| {
let v8_channel = v8::inspector::ChannelBase::new::<Self>();
let v8_session = unsafe { &mut *inspector_ptr }.connect(
// Todo(piscisaureus): V8Inspector::connect() should require that
// the 'v8_channel' argument cannot move.
unsafe { &mut *self_ptr },
let (websocket_tx, websocket_rx) = websocket.split();
let websocket_rx_handler =
Self::receive_from_websocket(self_ptr, websocket_rx);
Self {
/// Returns a future that receives messages from the websocket and dispatches
/// them to the V8 session.
fn receive_from_websocket(
self_ptr: *mut Self,
websocket_rx: WebSocketProxyReceiver,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static>> {
async move {
eprintln!("Debugger session started.");
let result = websocket_rx
.map_ok(move |msg| {
let msg = msg.as_bytes();
let msg = v8::inspector::StringView::from(msg);
unsafe { &mut *self_ptr }.dispatch_protocol_message(msg);
match result {
Ok(_) => eprintln!("Debugger session ended."),
Err(err) => eprintln!("Debugger session ended: {}.", err),
fn send_to_websocket(&self, msg: v8::UniquePtr<v8::inspector::StringBuffer>) {
let msg = msg.unwrap().string().to_string();
let msg = ws::Message::text(msg);
let _ = self.websocket_tx.unbounded_send(msg);
pub fn break_on_next_statement(&mut self) {
let reason = v8::inspector::StringView::from(&b"debugCommand"[..]);
let detail = v8::inspector::StringView::empty();
self.schedule_pause_on_next_statement(reason, detail);
impl v8::inspector::ChannelImpl for DenoInspectorSession {
fn base(&self) -> &v8::inspector::ChannelBase {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut v8::inspector::ChannelBase {
&mut self.v8_channel
fn send_response(
&mut self,
_call_id: i32,
message: v8::UniquePtr<v8::inspector::StringBuffer>,
) {
fn send_notification(
&mut self,
message: v8::UniquePtr<v8::inspector::StringBuffer>,
) {
fn flush_protocol_notifications(&mut self) {}
impl Future for DenoInspectorSession {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
/// A local inspector session that can be used to send and receive protocol messages directly on
/// the same thread as an isolate.
pub struct InspectorSession {
v8_channel: v8::inspector::ChannelBase,
v8_session: v8::UniqueRef<v8::inspector::V8InspectorSession>,
response_tx_map: HashMap<i32, oneshot::Sender<serde_json::Value>>,
next_message_id: i32,
impl Deref for InspectorSession {
type Target = v8::inspector::V8InspectorSession;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for InspectorSession {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.v8_session
impl v8::inspector::ChannelImpl for InspectorSession {
fn base(&self) -> &v8::inspector::ChannelBase {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut v8::inspector::ChannelBase {
&mut self.v8_channel
fn send_response(
&mut self,
call_id: i32,
message: v8::UniquePtr<v8::inspector::StringBuffer>,
) {
let raw_message = message.unwrap().string().to_string();
let message = serde_json::from_str(&raw_message).unwrap();
fn send_notification(
&mut self,
_message: v8::UniquePtr<v8::inspector::StringBuffer>,
) {
fn flush_protocol_notifications(&mut self) {}
impl InspectorSession {
const CONTEXT_GROUP_ID: i32 = 1;
pub fn new(inspector_ptr: *mut DenoInspector) -> Box<Self> {
new_box_with(move |self_ptr| {
let v8_channel = v8::inspector::ChannelBase::new::<Self>();
let v8_session = unsafe { &mut *inspector_ptr }.connect(
unsafe { &mut *self_ptr },
let response_tx_map = HashMap::new();
let next_message_id = 0;
Self {
pub async fn post_message(
&mut self,
method: String,
params: Option<serde_json::Value>,
) -> Result<serde_json::Value, AnyError> {
let id = self.next_message_id;
self.next_message_id += 1;
let (response_tx, response_rx) = oneshot::channel::<serde_json::Value>();
self.response_tx_map.insert(id, response_tx);
let message = json!({
"id": id,
"method": method,
"params": params,
let raw_message = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
let raw_message = v8::inspector::StringView::from(raw_message.as_bytes());
let response = response_rx.await.unwrap();
if let Some(error) = response.get("error") {
return Err(generic_error(format!("{}", error)));
let result = response.get("result").unwrap().clone();
fn new_box_with<T>(new_fn: impl FnOnce(*mut T) -> T) -> Box<T> {
let b = Box::new(MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit());
let p = Box::into_raw(b) as *mut T;
unsafe { ptr::write(p, new_fn(p)) };
unsafe { Box::from_raw(p) }