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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-04 01:44:26 -05:00
Casper Beyer f3751e498f
feat(cli): add test permissions to Deno.test (#10188)
This commits adds adds "permissions" option to the test definitions 
which allows tests to run with different permission sets than 
the process's permission.

The change will only be in effect within the test function, once the 
test has completed the original process permission set is restored.

Test permissions cannot exceed the process's permission.
You can only narrow or drop permissions, failure to acquire a 
permission results in an error being thrown and the test case will fail.
2021-04-25 23:38:59 +02:00

1401 lines
47 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="deno.ns" />
declare namespace Deno {
* **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted. This API is under consideration to
* determine if permissions are required to call it.
* Retrieve the process umask. If `mask` is provided, sets the process umask.
* This call always returns what the umask was before the call.
* ```ts
* console.log(Deno.umask()); // e.g. 18 (0o022)
* const prevUmaskValue = Deno.umask(0o077); // e.g. 18 (0o022)
* console.log(Deno.umask()); // e.g. 63 (0o077)
* ```
* NOTE: This API is not implemented on Windows
export function umask(mask?: number): number;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted.
* Gets the size of the console as columns/rows.
* ```ts
* const { columns, rows } = Deno.consoleSize(Deno.stdout.rid);
* ```
export function consoleSize(
rid: number,
): {
columns: number;
rows: number;
/** **Unstable** There are questions around which permission this needs. And
* maybe should be renamed (loadAverage?)
* Returns an array containing the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages. The
* load average is a measure of CPU and IO utilization of the last one, five,
* and 15 minute periods expressed as a fractional number. Zero means there
* is no load. On Windows, the three values are always the same and represent
* the current load, not the 1, 5 and 15 minute load averages.
* ```ts
* console.log(Deno.loadavg()); // e.g. [ 0.71, 0.44, 0.44 ]
* ```
* Requires `allow-env` permission.
export function loadavg(): number[];
/** **Unstable** new API. yet to be vetted. Under consideration to possibly move to
* Deno.build or Deno.versions and if it should depend sys-info, which may not
* be desireable.
* Returns the release version of the Operating System.
* ```ts
* console.log(Deno.osRelease());
* ```
* Requires `allow-env` permission.
export function osRelease(): string;
/** **Unstable** new API. yet to be vetted.
* Displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the
* system, as well as the buffers and caches used by the kernel.
* This is similar to the `free` command in Linux
* ```ts
* console.log(Deno.systemMemoryInfo());
* ```
* Requires `allow-env` permission.
export function systemMemoryInfo(): SystemMemoryInfo;
export interface SystemMemoryInfo {
/** Total installed memory */
total: number;
/** Unused memory */
free: number;
/** Estimation of how much memory is available for starting new
* applications, without swapping. Unlike the data provided by the cache or
* free fields, this field takes into account page cache and also that not
* all reclaimable memory slabs will be reclaimed due to items being in use
available: number;
/** Memory used by kernel buffers */
buffers: number;
/** Memory used by the page cache and slabs */
cached: number;
/** Total swap memory */
swapTotal: number;
/** Unused swap memory */
swapFree: number;
/** **Unstable** new API. yet to be vetted.
* Returns the total number of logical cpus in the system along with
* the speed measured in MHz. If either the syscall to get the core
* count or speed of the cpu is unsuccessful the value of the it
* is undefined.
* ```ts
* console.log(Deno.systemCpuInfo());
* ```
* Requires `allow-env` permission.
export function systemCpuInfo(): SystemCpuInfo;
export interface SystemCpuInfo {
/** Total number of logical cpus in the system */
cores: number | undefined;
/** The speed of the cpu measured in MHz */
speed: number | undefined;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Open and initialize a plugin.
* ```ts
* const rid = Deno.openPlugin("./path/to/some/plugin.so");
* const opId = Deno.core.ops()["some_op"];
* const response = Deno.core.dispatch(opId, new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]));
* console.log(`Response from plugin ${response}`);
* ```
* Requires `allow-plugin` permission.
* The plugin system is not stable and will change in the future, hence the
* lack of docs. For now take a look at the example
* https://github.com/denoland/deno/tree/master/test_plugin
export function openPlugin(filename: string): number;
/** The log category for a diagnostic message. */
export enum DiagnosticCategory {
Warning = 0,
Error = 1,
Suggestion = 2,
Message = 3,
export interface DiagnosticMessageChain {
message: string;
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
next?: DiagnosticMessageChain[];
export interface Diagnostic {
/** A string message summarizing the diagnostic. */
messageText?: string;
/** An ordered array of further diagnostics. */
messageChain?: DiagnosticMessageChain;
/** Information related to the diagnostic. This is present when there is a
* suggestion or other additional diagnostic information */
relatedInformation?: Diagnostic[];
/** The text of the source line related to the diagnostic. */
sourceLine?: string;
source?: string;
/** The start position of the error. Zero based index. */
start?: {
line: number;
character: number;
/** The end position of the error. Zero based index. */
end?: {
line: number;
character: number;
/** The filename of the resource related to the diagnostic message. */
fileName?: string;
/** The category of the diagnostic. */
category: DiagnosticCategory;
/** A number identifier. */
code: number;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Format an array of diagnostic items and return them as a single string in a
* user friendly format.
* ```ts
* const { diagnostics } = await Deno.emit("file_with_compile_issues.ts");
* console.table(diagnostics); // Prints raw diagnostic data
* console.log(Deno.formatDiagnostics(diagnostics)); // User friendly output of diagnostics
* ```
* @param diagnostics An array of diagnostic items to format
export function formatDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]): string;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* A specific subset TypeScript compiler options that can be supported by the
* Deno TypeScript compiler. */
export interface CompilerOptions {
/** Allow JavaScript files to be compiled. Defaults to `true`. */
allowJs?: boolean;
/** Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not
* affect code emit, just typechecking. Defaults to `false`. */
allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean;
/** Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. Defaults to `false`. */
allowUmdGlobalAccess?: boolean;
/** Do not report errors on unreachable code. Defaults to `false`. */
allowUnreachableCode?: boolean;
/** Do not report errors on unused labels. Defaults to `false` */
allowUnusedLabels?: boolean;
/** Parse in strict mode and emit `"use strict"` for each source file.
* Defaults to `true`. */
alwaysStrict?: boolean;
/** Base directory to resolve non-relative module names. Defaults to
* `undefined`. */
baseUrl?: string;
/** The character set of the input files. Defaults to `"utf8"`. */
charset?: string;
/** Report errors in `.js` files. Use in conjunction with `allowJs`. Defaults
* to `false`. */
checkJs?: boolean;
/** Generates corresponding `.d.ts` file. Defaults to `false`. */
declaration?: boolean;
/** Output directory for generated declaration files. */
declarationDir?: string;
/** Generates a source map for each corresponding `.d.ts` file. Defaults to
* `false`. */
declarationMap?: boolean;
/** Provide full support for iterables in `for..of`, spread and
* destructuring when targeting ES5 or ES3. Defaults to `false`. */
downlevelIteration?: boolean;
/** Only emit `.d.ts` declaration files. Defaults to `false`. */
emitDeclarationOnly?: boolean;
/** Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source. See issue
* [microsoft/TypeScript#2577](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2577)
* for details. Defaults to `false`. */
emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
/** Emit `__importStar` and `__importDefault` helpers for runtime babel
* ecosystem compatibility and enable `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` for type
* system compatibility. Defaults to `true`. */
esModuleInterop?: boolean;
/** Enables experimental support for ES decorators. Defaults to `true`. */
experimentalDecorators?: boolean;
/** Import emit helpers (e.g. `__extends`, `__rest`, etc..) from
* [tslib](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tslib). */
importHelpers?: boolean;
/** This flag controls how `import` works, there are 3 different options:
* - `remove`: The default behavior of dropping import statements which only
* reference types.
* - `preserve`: Preserves all `import` statements whose values or types are
* never used. This can cause imports/side-effects to be preserved.
* - `error`: This preserves all imports (the same as the preserve option),
* but will error when a value import is only used as a type. This might
* be useful if you want to ensure no values are being accidentally
* imported, but still make side-effect imports explicit.
* This flag works because you can use `import type` to explicitly create an
* `import` statement which should never be emitted into JavaScript. */
importsNotUsedAsValues?: "remove" | "preserve" | "error";
/** Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file.
* Defaults to `false`. */
inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
/** Emit the source alongside the source maps within a single file; requires
* `inlineSourceMap` or `sourceMap` to be set. Defaults to `false`. */
inlineSources?: boolean;
/** Support JSX in `.tsx` files: `"react"`, `"preserve"`, `"react-native"`.
* Defaults to `"react"`. */
jsx?: "react" | "preserve" | "react-native";
/** Specify the JSX factory function to use when targeting react JSX emit,
* e.g. `React.createElement` or `h`. Defaults to `React.createElement`. */
jsxFactory?: string;
/** Specify the JSX fragment factory function to use when targeting react
* JSX emit, e.g. `Fragment`. Defaults to `React.Fragment`. */
jsxFragmentFactory?: string;
/** Resolve keyof to string valued property names only (no numbers or
* symbols). Defaults to `false`. */
keyofStringsOnly?: string;
/** List of library files to be included in the compilation. If omitted,
* then the Deno main runtime libs are used. */
lib?: string[];
/** The locale to use to show error messages. */
locale?: string;
/** Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of
* generated locations. Use this flag if the `.map` files will be located at
* run-time in a different location than the `.js` files. The location
* specified will be embedded in the source map to direct the debugger where
* the map files will be located. Defaults to `undefined`. */
mapRoot?: string;
/** Specify the module format for the emitted code. Defaults to
* `"esnext"`. */
| "none"
| "commonjs"
| "amd"
| "system"
| "umd"
| "es6"
| "es2015"
| "esnext";
/** Do not generate custom helper functions like `__extends` in compiled
* output. Defaults to `false`. */
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
/** Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. Defaults to
* `false`. */
noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean;
/** Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied any type.
* Defaults to `true`. */
noImplicitAny?: boolean;
/** Report an error when not all code paths in function return a value.
* Defaults to `false`. */
noImplicitReturns?: boolean;
/** Raise error on `this` expressions with an implied `any` type. Defaults to
* `true`. */
noImplicitThis?: boolean;
/** Do not emit `"use strict"` directives in module output. Defaults to
* `false`. */
noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean;
/** Do not include the default library file (`lib.d.ts`). Defaults to
* `false`. */
noLib?: boolean;
/** Do not add triple-slash references or module import targets to the list of
* compiled files. Defaults to `false`. */
noResolve?: boolean;
/** Disable strict checking of generic signatures in function types. Defaults
* to `false`. */
noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean;
/** Include 'undefined' in index signature results. Defaults to `false`. */
noUncheckedIndexedAccess?: boolean;
/** Report errors on unused locals. Defaults to `false`. */
noUnusedLocals?: boolean;
/** Report errors on unused parameters. Defaults to `false`. */
noUnusedParameters?: boolean;
/** List of path mapping entries for module names to locations relative to the
* `baseUrl`. Defaults to `undefined`. */
paths?: Record<string, string[]>;
/** Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code. Defaults to
* `false`. */
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
/** Remove all comments except copy-right header comments beginning with
* `/*!`. Defaults to `true`. */
removeComments?: boolean;
/** Specifies the root directory of input files. Only use to control the
* output directory structure with `outDir`. Defaults to `undefined`. */
rootDir?: string;
/** List of _root_ folders whose combined content represent the structure of
* the project at runtime. Defaults to `undefined`. */
rootDirs?: string[];
/** Generates corresponding `.map` file. Defaults to `false`. */
sourceMap?: boolean;
/** Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files
* instead of source locations. Use this flag if the sources will be located
* at run-time in a different location than that at design-time. The location
* specified will be embedded in the sourceMap to direct the debugger where
* the source files will be located. Defaults to `undefined`. */
sourceRoot?: string;
/** Skip type checking of all declaration files (`*.d.ts`). */
skipLibCheck?: boolean;
/** Enable all strict type checking options. Enabling `strict` enables
* `noImplicitAny`, `noImplicitThis`, `alwaysStrict`, `strictBindCallApply`,
* `strictNullChecks`, `strictFunctionTypes` and
* `strictPropertyInitialization`. Defaults to `true`. */
strict?: boolean;
/** Enable stricter checking of the `bind`, `call`, and `apply` methods on
* functions. Defaults to `true`. */
strictBindCallApply?: boolean;
/** Disable bivariant parameter checking for function types. Defaults to
* `true`. */
strictFunctionTypes?: boolean;
/** Ensure non-undefined class properties are initialized in the constructor.
* This option requires `strictNullChecks` be enabled in order to take effect.
* Defaults to `true`. */
strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean;
/** In strict null checking mode, the `null` and `undefined` values are not in
* the domain of every type and are only assignable to themselves and `any`
* (the one exception being that `undefined` is also assignable to `void`). */
strictNullChecks?: boolean;
/** Suppress excess property checks for object literals. Defaults to
* `false`. */
suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean;
/** Suppress `noImplicitAny` errors for indexing objects lacking index
* signatures. */
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
/** Specify ECMAScript target version. Defaults to `esnext`. */
| "es3"
| "es5"
| "es6"
| "es2015"
| "es2016"
| "es2017"
| "es2018"
| "es2019"
| "es2020"
| "esnext";
/** List of names of type definitions to include. Defaults to `undefined`.
* The type definitions are resolved according to the normal Deno resolution
* irrespective of if sources are provided on the call. Like other Deno
* modules, there is no "magical" resolution. For example:
* ```ts
* Deno.compile(
* "./foo.js",
* undefined,
* {
* types: [ "./foo.d.ts", "https://deno.land/x/example/types.d.ts" ]
* }
* );
* ```
types?: string[];
/** Emit class fields with ECMAScript-standard semantics. Defaults to
* `false`. */
useDefineForClassFields?: boolean;
interface ImportMap {
imports: Record<string, string>;
scopes?: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;
* **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* The options for `Deno.emit()` API.
export interface EmitOptions {
/** Indicate that the source code should be emitted to a single file
* JavaScript bundle that is a single ES module (`"module"`) or a single
* file self contained script we executes in an immediately invoked function
* when loaded (`"classic"`). */
bundle?: "module" | "classic";
/** If `true` then the sources will be typed checked, returning any
* diagnostic errors in the result. If `false` type checking will be
* skipped. Defaults to `true`.
* *Note* by default, only TypeScript will be type checked, just like on
* the command line. Use the `compilerOptions` options of `checkJs` to
* enable type checking of JavaScript. */
check?: boolean;
/** A set of options that are aligned to TypeScript compiler options that
* are supported by Deno. */
compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions;
/** An [import-map](https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/import_maps#import-maps)
* which will be applied to the imports. */
importMap?: ImportMap;
/** An absolute path to an [import-map](https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/import_maps#import-maps).
* Required to be specified if an `importMap` is specified to be able to
* determine resolution of relative paths. If a `importMap` is not
* specified, then it will assumed the file path points to an import map on
* disk and will be attempted to be loaded based on current runtime
* permissions.
importMapPath?: string;
/** A record of sources to use when doing the emit. If provided, Deno will
* use these sources instead of trying to resolve the modules externally. */
sources?: Record<string, string>;
* **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* The result of `Deno.emit()` API.
export interface EmitResult {
/** Diagnostic messages returned from the type checker (`tsc`). */
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
/** Any emitted files. If bundled, then the JavaScript will have the
* key of `deno:///bundle.js` with an optional map (based on
* `compilerOptions`) in `deno:///bundle.js.map`. */
files: Record<string, string>;
/** An optional array of any compiler options that were ignored by Deno. */
ignoredOptions?: string[];
/** An array of internal statistics related to the emit, for diagnostic
* purposes. */
stats: Array<[string, number]>;
* **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Similar to the command line functionality of `deno run` or `deno cache`,
* `Deno.emit()` provides a way to provide Deno arbitrary JavaScript
* or TypeScript and have it return JavaScript based on the options and
* settings provided. The source code can either be provided or the modules
* can be fetched and resolved in line with the behavior of the command line.
* Requires `allow-read` and/or `allow-net` if sources are not provided.
* @param rootSpecifier The specifier that will be used as the entry point.
* If no sources are provided, then the specifier would
* be the same as if you typed it on the command line for
* `deno run`. If sources are provided, it should match
* one of the names of the sources.
* @param options A set of options to be used with the emit.
export function emit(
rootSpecifier: string | URL,
options?: EmitOptions,
): Promise<EmitResult>;
/** **UNSTABLE**: Should not have same name as `window.location` type. */
interface Location {
/** The full url for the module, e.g. `file://some/file.ts` or
* `https://some/file.ts`. */
fileName: string;
/** The line number in the file. It is assumed to be 1-indexed. */
lineNumber: number;
/** The column number in the file. It is assumed to be 1-indexed. */
columnNumber: number;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Given a current location in a module, lookup the source location and return
* it.
* When Deno transpiles code, it keep source maps of the transpiled code. This
* function can be used to lookup the original location. This is
* automatically done when accessing the `.stack` of an error, or when an
* uncaught error is logged. This function can be used to perform the lookup
* for creating better error handling.
* **Note:** `line` and `column` are 1 indexed, which matches display
* expectations, but is not typical of most index numbers in Deno.
* An example:
* ```ts
* const orig = Deno.applySourceMap({
* fileName: "file://my/module.ts",
* lineNumber: 5,
* columnNumber: 15
* });
* console.log(`${orig.filename}:${orig.line}:${orig.column}`);
* ```
export function applySourceMap(location: Location): Location;
enum LinuxSignal {
SIGUSR1 = 10,
SIGUSR2 = 12,
SIGURG = 23,
SIGIO = 29,
SIGPWR = 30,
SIGSYS = 31,
enum MacOSSignal {
SIGBUS = 10,
SIGSYS = 12,
SIGURG = 16,
SIGIO = 23,
SIGUSR1 = 30,
SIGUSR2 = 31,
/** **UNSTABLE**: Further changes required to make platform independent.
* Signals numbers. This is platform dependent. */
export const Signal: typeof MacOSSignal | typeof LinuxSignal;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Represents the stream of signals, implements both `AsyncIterator` and
* `PromiseLike`. */
export class SignalStream
implements AsyncIterableIterator<void>, PromiseLike<void> {
constructor(signal: typeof Deno.Signal);
then<T, S>(
f: (v: void) => T | Promise<T>,
g?: (v: void) => S | Promise<S>,
): Promise<T | S>;
next(): Promise<IteratorResult<void>>;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<void>;
dispose(): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Returns the stream of the given signal number. You can use it as an async
* iterator.
* ```ts
* for await (const _ of Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGTERM)) {
* console.log("got SIGTERM!");
* }
* ```
* You can also use it as a promise. In this case you can only receive the
* first one.
* ```ts
* await Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGTERM);
* console.log("SIGTERM received!")
* ```
* If you want to stop receiving the signals, you can use `.dispose()` method
* of the signal stream object.
* ```ts
* const sig = Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGTERM);
* setTimeout(() => { sig.dispose(); }, 5000);
* for await (const _ of sig) {
* console.log("SIGTERM!")
* }
* ```
* The above for-await loop exits after 5 seconds when `sig.dispose()` is
* called.
* NOTE: This functionality is not yet implemented on Windows.
export function signal(signo: number): SignalStream;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted. */
export const signals: {
/** Returns the stream of SIGALRM signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGALRM)`. */
alarm: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGCHLD signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGCHLD)`. */
child: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGHUP signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGHUP)`. */
hungup: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGINT signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGINT)`. */
interrupt: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGIO signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGIO)`. */
io: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGPIPE signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGPIPE)`. */
pipe: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGQUIT signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGQUIT)`. */
quit: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGTERM signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGTERM)`. */
terminate: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGUSR1 signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGUSR1)`. */
userDefined1: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGUSR2 signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGUSR2)`. */
userDefined2: () => SignalStream;
/** Returns the stream of SIGWINCH signals.
* This method is the shorthand for `Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGWINCH)`. */
windowChange: () => SignalStream;
export type SetRawOptions = {
cbreak: boolean;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted
* Set TTY to be under raw mode or not. In raw mode, characters are read and
* returned as is, without being processed. All special processing of
* characters by the terminal is disabled, including echoing input characters.
* Reading from a TTY device in raw mode is faster than reading from a TTY
* device in canonical mode.
* The `cbreak` option can be used to indicate that characters that correspond
* to a signal should still be generated. When disabling raw mode, this option
* is ignored. This functionality currently only works on Linux and Mac OS.
* ```ts
* Deno.setRaw(myTTY.rid, true, { cbreak: true });
* ```
export function setRaw(
rid: number,
mode: boolean,
options?: SetRawOptions,
): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: needs investigation into high precision time.
* Synchronously changes the access (`atime`) and modification (`mtime`) times
* of a file system object referenced by `path`. Given times are either in
* seconds (UNIX epoch time) or as `Date` objects.
* ```ts
* Deno.utimeSync("myfile.txt", 1556495550, new Date());
* ```
* Requires `allow-write` permission. */
export function utimeSync(
path: string,
atime: number | Date,
mtime: number | Date,
): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: needs investigation into high precision time.
* Changes the access (`atime`) and modification (`mtime`) times of a file
* system object referenced by `path`. Given times are either in seconds
* (UNIX epoch time) or as `Date` objects.
* ```ts
* await Deno.utime("myfile.txt", 1556495550, new Date());
* ```
* Requires `allow-write` permission. */
export function utime(
path: string,
atime: number | Date,
mtime: number | Date,
): Promise<void>;
/** The type of the resource record.
* Only the listed types are supported currently. */
export type RecordType =
| "A"
| "AAAA"
| "MX"
| "PTR"
| "SRV"
| "TXT";
export interface ResolveDnsOptions {
/** The name server to be used for lookups.
* If not specified, defaults to the system configuration e.g. `/etc/resolv.conf` on Unix. */
nameServer?: {
/** The IP address of the name server */
ipAddr: string;
/** The port number the query will be sent to.
* If not specified, defaults to 53. */
port?: number;
/** If `resolveDns` is called with "MX" record type specified, it will return an array of this interface. */
export interface MXRecord {
preference: number;
exchange: string;
/** If `resolveDns` is called with "SRV" record type specified, it will return an array of this interface. */
export interface SRVRecord {
priority: number;
weight: number;
port: number;
target: string;
export function resolveDns(
query: string,
recordType: "A" | "AAAA" | "ANAME" | "CNAME" | "PTR",
options?: ResolveDnsOptions,
): Promise<string[]>;
export function resolveDns(
query: string,
recordType: "MX",
options?: ResolveDnsOptions,
): Promise<MXRecord[]>;
export function resolveDns(
query: string,
recordType: "SRV",
options?: ResolveDnsOptions,
): Promise<SRVRecord[]>;
export function resolveDns(
query: string,
recordType: "TXT",
options?: ResolveDnsOptions,
): Promise<string[][]>;
/** ** UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Performs DNS resolution against the given query, returning resolved records.
* Fails in the cases such as:
* - the query is in invalid format
* - the options have an invalid parameter, e.g. `nameServer.port` is beyond the range of 16-bit unsigned integer
* - timed out
* ```ts
* const a = await Deno.resolveDns("example.com", "A");
* const aaaa = await Deno.resolveDns("example.com", "AAAA", {
* nameServer: { ipAddr: "", port: 1234 },
* });
* ```
* Requires `allow-net` permission.
export function resolveDns(
query: string,
recordType: RecordType,
options?: ResolveDnsOptions,
): Promise<string[] | MXRecord[] | SRVRecord[] | string[][]>;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* A generic transport listener for message-oriented protocols. */
export interface DatagramConn extends AsyncIterable<[Uint8Array, Addr]> {
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Waits for and resolves to the next message to the `UDPConn`. */
receive(p?: Uint8Array): Promise<[Uint8Array, Addr]>;
/** UNSTABLE: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Sends a message to the target. */
send(p: Uint8Array, addr: Addr): Promise<number>;
/** UNSTABLE: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Close closes the socket. Any pending message promises will be rejected
* with errors. */
close(): void;
/** Return the address of the `UDPConn`. */
readonly addr: Addr;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<[Uint8Array, Addr]>;
export interface UnixListenOptions {
/** A Path to the Unix Socket. */
path: string;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Listen announces on the local transport address.
* ```ts
* const listener = Deno.listen({ path: "/foo/bar.sock", transport: "unix" })
* ```
* Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permission. */
export function listen(
options: UnixListenOptions & { transport: "unix" },
): Listener;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted
* Listen announces on the local transport address.
* ```ts
* const listener1 = Deno.listenDatagram({
* port: 80,
* transport: "udp"
* });
* const listener2 = Deno.listenDatagram({
* hostname: "golang.org",
* port: 80,
* transport: "udp"
* });
* ```
* Requires `allow-net` permission. */
export function listenDatagram(
options: ListenOptions & { transport: "udp" },
): DatagramConn;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted
* Listen announces on the local transport address.
* ```ts
* const listener = Deno.listenDatagram({
* address: "/foo/bar.sock",
* transport: "unixpacket"
* });
* ```
* Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permission. */
export function listenDatagram(
options: UnixListenOptions & { transport: "unixpacket" },
): DatagramConn;
export interface UnixConnectOptions {
transport: "unix";
path: string;
/** **UNSTABLE**: The unix socket transport is unstable as a new API yet to
* be vetted. The TCP transport is considered stable.
* Connects to the hostname (default is "") and port on the named
* transport (default is "tcp"), and resolves to the connection (`Conn`).
* ```ts
* const conn1 = await Deno.connect({ port: 80 });
* const conn2 = await Deno.connect({ hostname: "", port: 80 });
* const conn3 = await Deno.connect({ hostname: "[2001:db8::1]", port: 80 });
* const conn4 = await Deno.connect({ hostname: "golang.org", port: 80, transport: "tcp" });
* const conn5 = await Deno.connect({ path: "/foo/bar.sock", transport: "unix" });
* ```
* Requires `allow-net` permission for "tcp" and `allow-read` for "unix". */
export function connect(
options: ConnectOptions | UnixConnectOptions,
): Promise<Conn>;
export interface StartTlsOptions {
/** A literal IP address or host name that can be resolved to an IP address.
* If not specified, defaults to ``. */
hostname?: string;
/** Server certificate file. */
certFile?: string;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Start TLS handshake from an existing connection using
* an optional cert file, hostname (default is ""). The
* cert file is optional and if not included Mozilla's root certificates will
* be used (see also https://github.com/ctz/webpki-roots for specifics)
* Using this function requires that the other end of the connection is
* prepared for TLS handshake.
* ```ts
* const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: 80, hostname: "" });
* const tlsConn = await Deno.startTls(conn, { certFile: "./certs/my_custom_root_CA.pem", hostname: "", port: 80 });
* ```
* Requires `allow-net` permission.
export function startTls(
conn: Conn,
options?: StartTlsOptions,
): Promise<Conn>;
export interface ListenTlsOptions {
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) protocols to announce to
* the client. If not specified, no ALPN extension will be included in the
* TLS handshake.
alpnProtocols?: string[];
/** **UNSTABLE**: The `signo` argument may change to require the Deno.Signal
* enum.
* Send a signal to process under given `pid`. This functionality currently
* only works on Linux and Mac OS.
* If `pid` is negative, the signal will be sent to the process group
* identified by `pid`.
* const p = Deno.run({
* cmd: ["sleep", "10000"]
* });
* Deno.kill(p.pid, Deno.Signal.SIGINT);
* Requires `allow-run` permission. */
export function kill(pid: number, signo: number): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted. Additional consideration is still
* necessary around the permissions required.
* Get the `hostname` of the machine the Deno process is running on.
* ```ts
* console.log(Deno.hostname());
* ```
* Requires `allow-env` permission.
export function hostname(): string;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted.
* The pid of the current process's parent.
export const ppid: number;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted.
* A custom HttpClient for use with `fetch`.
* ```ts
* const client = new Deno.createHttpClient({ caFile: "./ca.pem" });
* const req = await fetch("https://myserver.com", { client });
* ```
export class HttpClient {
rid: number;
close(): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted.
* The options used when creating a [HttpClient].
export interface CreateHttpClientOptions {
/** A certificate authority to use when validating TLS certificates. Certificate data must be PEM encoded.
caData?: string;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New API, yet to be vetted.
* Create a custom HttpClient for to use with `fetch`.
* ```ts
* const client = new Deno.createHttpClient({ caFile: "./ca.pem" });
* const req = await fetch("https://myserver.com", { client });
* ```
export function createHttpClient(
options: CreateHttpClientOptions,
): HttpClient;
/** **UNSTABLE**: needs investigation into high precision time.
* Synchronously changes the access (`atime`) and modification (`mtime`) times
* of a file stream resource referenced by `rid`. Given times are either in
* seconds (UNIX epoch time) or as `Date` objects.
* ```ts
* const file = Deno.openSync("file.txt", { create: true, write: true });
* Deno.futimeSync(file.rid, 1556495550, new Date());
* ```
export function futimeSync(
rid: number,
atime: number | Date,
mtime: number | Date,
): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: needs investigation into high precision time.
* Changes the access (`atime`) and modification (`mtime`) times of a file
* stream resource referenced by `rid`. Given times are either in seconds
* (UNIX epoch time) or as `Date` objects.
* ```ts
* const file = await Deno.open("file.txt", { create: true, write: true });
* await Deno.futime(file.rid, 1556495550, new Date());
* ```
export function futime(
rid: number,
atime: number | Date,
mtime: number | Date,
): Promise<void>;
/** *UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* SleepSync puts the main thread to sleep synchronously for a given amount of
* time in milliseconds.
* ```ts
* Deno.sleepSync(10);
* ```
export function sleepSync(millis: number): void;
export interface Metrics extends OpMetrics {
ops: Record<string, OpMetrics>;
export interface OpMetrics {
opsDispatched: number;
opsDispatchedSync: number;
opsDispatchedAsync: number;
opsDispatchedAsyncUnref: number;
opsCompleted: number;
opsCompletedSync: number;
opsCompletedAsync: number;
opsCompletedAsyncUnref: number;
bytesSentControl: number;
bytesSentData: number;
bytesReceived: number;
export interface MemoryUsage {
rss: number;
heapTotal: number;
heapUsed: number;
external: number;
export function memoryUsage(): MemoryUsage;
export interface RequestEvent {
readonly request: Request;
respondWith(r: Response | Promise<Response>): Promise<void>;
export interface HttpConn extends AsyncIterable<RequestEvent> {
readonly rid: number;
nextRequest(): Promise<RequestEvent | null>;
close(): void;
/** **UNSTABLE**: new API, yet to be vetted.
* Services HTTP requests given a TCP or TLS socket.
* ```ts
* const httpConn = Deno.serveHttp(conn);
* const e = await httpConn.nextRequest();
* if (e) {
* e.respondWith(new Response("Hello World"));
* }
* ```
* If `httpConn.nextRequest()` encounters an error or returns `null`
* then the underlying HttpConn resource is closed automatically.
export function serveHttp(conn: Conn): HttpConn;
/** **UNSTABLE**: New option, yet to be vetted. */
export interface TestDefinition {
/** Specifies the permissions that should be used to run the test.
* Set this to "inherit" to keep the calling thread's permissions.
* Set this to "none" to revoke all permissions.
* Defaults to "inherit".
permissions?: "inherit" | "none" | {
/** Specifies if the `net` permission should be requested or revoked.
* If set to `"inherit"`, the current `env` permission will be inherited.
* If set to `true`, the global `net` permission will be requested.
* If set to `false`, the global `net` permission will be revoked.
* Defaults to "inherit".
env?: "inherit" | boolean;
/** Specifies if the `hrtime` permission should be requested or revoked.
* If set to `"inherit"`, the current `hrtime` permission will be inherited.
* If set to `true`, the global `hrtime` permission will be requested.
* If set to `false`, the global `hrtime` permission will be revoked.
* Defaults to "inherit".
hrtime?: "inherit" | boolean;
/** Specifies if the `net` permission should be requested or revoked.
* if set to `"inherit"`, the current `net` permission will be inherited.
* if set to `true`, the global `net` permission will be requested.
* if set to `false`, the global `net` permission will be revoked.
* if set to `string[]`, the `net` permission will be requested with the
* specified host strings with the format `"<host>[:<port>]`.
* Defaults to "inherit".
* Examples:
* ```
* Deno.test({
* name: "inherit",
* permissions: {
* net: "inherit",
* },
* async fn() {
* const status = await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "net" })
* assertEquals(status.state, "granted");
* },
* };
* ```
* ```
* Deno.test({
* name: "true",
* permissions: {
* net: true,
* },
* async fn() {
* const status = await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "net" });
* assertEquals(status.state, "granted");
* },
* };
* ```
* ```
* Deno.test({
* name: "false",
* permissions: {
* net: false,
* },
* async fn() {
* const status = await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "net" });
* assertEquals(status.state, "denied");
* },
* };
* ```
* ```
* Deno.test({
* name: "localhost:8080",
* permissions: {
* net: ["localhost:8080"],
* },
* async fn() {
* const status = await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "net", host: "localhost:8080" });
* assertEquals(status.state, "granted");
* },
* };
* ```
net?: "inherit" | boolean | string[];
/** Specifies if the `plugin` permission should be requested or revoked.
* If set to `"inherit"`, the current `plugin` permission will be inherited.
* If set to `true`, the global `plugin` permission will be requested.
* If set to `false`, the global `plugin` permission will be revoked.
* Defaults to "inherit".
plugin?: "inherit" | boolean;
/** Specifies if the `read` permission should be requested or revoked.
* If set to `"inherit"`, the current `read` permission will be inherited.
* If set to `true`, the global `read` permission will be requested.
* If set to `false`, the global `read` permission will be revoked.
* If set to `Array<string | URL>`, the `read` permission will be requested with the
* specified file paths.
* Defaults to "inherit".
read?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>;
/** Specifies if the `run` permission should be requested or revoked.
* If set to `"inherit"`, the current `run` permission will be inherited.
* If set to `true`, the global `run` permission will be requested.
* If set to `false`, the global `run` permission will be revoked.
* Defaults to "inherit".
run?: "inherit" | boolean;
/** Specifies if the `write` permission should be requested or revoked.
* If set to `"inherit"`, the current `write` permission will be inherited.
* If set to `true`, the global `write` permission will be requested.
* If set to `false`, the global `write` permission will be revoked.
* If set to `Array<string | URL>`, the `write` permission will be requested with the
* specified file paths.
* Defaults to "inherit".
write?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>;
declare function fetch(
input: Request | URL | string,
init?: RequestInit & { client: Deno.HttpClient },
): Promise<Response>;
declare interface WorkerOptions {
* Set deno.namespace to `true` to make `Deno` namespace and all of its
* methods available to the worker environment. Defaults to `false`.
* Configure deno.permissions options to change the level of access the worker will
* have. By default it will inherit the permissions of its parent thread. The permissions
* of a worker can't be extended beyond its parent's permissions reach.
* - "inherit" will take the permissions of the thread the worker is created in
* - You can disable/enable permissions all together by passing a boolean
* - You can provide a list of routes relative to the file the worker
* is created in to limit the access of the worker (read/write permissions only)
* Example:
* ```ts
* // mod.ts
* const worker = new Worker(
* new URL("deno_worker.ts", import.meta.url).href, {
* type: "module",
* deno: {
* namespace: true,
* permissions: {
* read: true,
* },
* },
* }
* );
* worker.postMessage({ cmd: "readFile", fileName: "./log.txt" });
* // deno_worker.ts
* self.onmessage = async function (e) {
* const { cmd, fileName } = e.data;
* if (cmd !== "readFile") {
* throw new Error("Invalid command");
* }
* const buf = await Deno.readFile(fileName);
* const fileContents = new TextDecoder().decode(buf);
* console.log(fileContents);
* }
* // $ cat log.txt
* // hello world
* // hello world 2
* // $ deno run --allow-read mod.ts
* // hello world
* // hello world2
* ```
// TODO(Soremwar)
// `deno: boolean` is kept for backwards compatibility with the previous
// worker options implementation. Remove for 2.0.
deno?: boolean | {
namespace?: boolean;
/** Set to `"none"` to disable all the permissions in the worker. */
permissions?: "inherit" | "none" | {
env?: "inherit" | boolean;
hrtime?: "inherit" | boolean;
/** The format of the net access list must be `hostname[:port]`
* in order to be resolved.
* ```
* net: ["https://deno.land", "localhost:8080"],
* ```
* */
net?: "inherit" | boolean | string[];
plugin?: "inherit" | boolean;
read?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>;
run?: "inherit" | boolean;
write?: "inherit" | boolean | Array<string | URL>;