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synced 2025-03-09 13:49:37 -04:00

I ended up changing the file system implementation to determine its root directory as the last step of building it instead of being the first step which makes it much more reliable.
458 lines
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458 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe;
use std::rc::Rc;
use deno_core::anyhow::Context;
use deno_core::serde_json;
use file_test_runner::collection::collect_tests_or_exit;
use file_test_runner::collection::strategies::FileTestMapperStrategy;
use file_test_runner::collection::strategies::TestPerDirectoryCollectionStrategy;
use file_test_runner::collection::CollectOptions;
use file_test_runner::collection::CollectTestsError;
use file_test_runner::collection::CollectedCategoryOrTest;
use file_test_runner::collection::CollectedTest;
use file_test_runner::collection::CollectedTestCategory;
use file_test_runner::TestResult;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use serde::Deserialize;
use test_util::tests_path;
use test_util::PathRef;
use test_util::TestContextBuilder;
const MANIFEST_FILE_NAME: &str = "__test__.jsonc";
static NO_CAPTURE: Lazy<bool> =
Lazy::new(|| std::env::args().any(|arg| arg == "--nocapture"));
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
enum VecOrString {
type JsonMap = serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>;
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct MultiTestMetaData {
/// Whether to copy all the non-assertion files in the current
/// test directory to a temporary directory before running the
/// steps.
pub temp_dir: bool,
/// The base environment to use for the test.
pub base: Option<String>,
pub envs: HashMap<String, String>,
pub cwd: Option<String>,
pub tests: BTreeMap<String, JsonMap>,
pub ignore: bool,
impl MultiTestMetaData {
pub fn into_collected_tests(
mut self,
parent_test: &CollectedTest,
) -> Vec<CollectedTest<serde_json::Value>> {
fn merge_json_value(
multi_test_meta_data: &MultiTestMetaData,
value: &mut JsonMap,
) {
if let Some(base) = &multi_test_meta_data.base {
if !value.contains_key("base") {
value.insert("base".to_string(), base.clone().into());
if multi_test_meta_data.temp_dir && !value.contains_key("tempDir") {
value.insert("tempDir".to_string(), true.into());
if multi_test_meta_data.cwd.is_some() && !value.contains_key("cwd") {
.insert("cwd".to_string(), multi_test_meta_data.cwd.clone().into());
if !multi_test_meta_data.envs.is_empty() {
if !value.contains_key("envs") {
value.insert("envs".to_string(), JsonMap::default().into());
let envs_obj = value.get_mut("envs").unwrap().as_object_mut().unwrap();
for (key, value) in &multi_test_meta_data.envs {
if !envs_obj.contains_key(key) {
envs_obj.insert(key.into(), value.clone().into());
if multi_test_meta_data.ignore && !value.contains_key("ignore") {
value.insert("ignore".to_string(), true.into());
let mut collected_tests = Vec::with_capacity(self.tests.len());
for (name, mut json_data) in std::mem::take(&mut self.tests) {
merge_json_value(&self, &mut json_data);
collected_tests.push(CollectedTest {
name: format!("{}::{}", parent_test.name, name),
path: parent_test.path.clone(),
data: serde_json::Value::Object(json_data),
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct MultiStepMetaData {
/// Whether to copy all the non-assertion files in the current
/// test directory to a temporary directory before running the
/// steps.
pub temp_dir: bool,
/// Whether the temporary directory should be canonicalized.
/// This should be used sparingly, but is sometimes necessary
/// on the CI.
pub canonicalized_temp_dir: bool,
/// Whether the temporary directory should be symlinked to another path.
pub symlinked_temp_dir: bool,
/// The base environment to use for the test.
pub base: Option<String>,
pub cwd: Option<String>,
pub envs: HashMap<String, String>,
pub repeat: Option<usize>,
pub steps: Vec<StepMetaData>,
pub ignore: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct SingleTestMetaData {
pub base: Option<String>,
pub temp_dir: bool,
pub canonicalized_temp_dir: bool,
pub symlinked_temp_dir: bool,
pub repeat: Option<usize>,
pub step: StepMetaData,
pub ignore: bool,
impl SingleTestMetaData {
pub fn into_multi(self) -> MultiStepMetaData {
MultiStepMetaData {
base: self.base,
cwd: None,
temp_dir: self.temp_dir,
canonicalized_temp_dir: self.canonicalized_temp_dir,
symlinked_temp_dir: self.symlinked_temp_dir,
repeat: self.repeat,
envs: Default::default(),
steps: vec![self.step],
ignore: self.ignore,
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct StepMetaData {
/// If the test should be retried multiple times on failure.
pub flaky: bool,
pub args: VecOrString,
pub cwd: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "if")]
pub if_cond: Option<String>,
pub command_name: Option<String>,
pub envs: HashMap<String, String>,
pub input: Option<String>,
pub output: String,
pub exit_code: i32,
pub fn main() {
let root_category =
collect_tests_or_exit::<serde_json::Value>(CollectOptions {
base: tests_path().join("specs").to_path_buf(),
strategy: Box::new(FileTestMapperStrategy {
base_strategy: TestPerDirectoryCollectionStrategy {
file_name: MANIFEST_FILE_NAME.to_string(),
map: map_test_within_file,
filter_override: None,
if root_category.is_empty() {
return; // all tests filtered out
let _http_guard = test_util::http_server();
file_test_runner::RunOptions {
parallel: !*NO_CAPTURE,
/// Maps a __test__.jsonc file to a category of tests if it contains a "test" object.
fn map_test_within_file(
test: CollectedTest,
) -> Result<CollectedCategoryOrTest<serde_json::Value>, CollectTestsError> {
let test_path = PathRef::new(&test.path);
let metadata_value = test_path.read_jsonc_value();
if metadata_value
.map(|o| o.contains_key("tests"))
let data: MultiTestMetaData = serde_json::from_value(metadata_value)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed deserializing {}", test_path))
Ok(CollectedCategoryOrTest::Category(CollectedTestCategory {
children: data
name: test.name,
path: test.path,
} else {
Ok(CollectedCategoryOrTest::Test(CollectedTest {
name: test.name,
path: test.path,
data: metadata_value,
fn run_test(test: &CollectedTest<serde_json::Value>) -> TestResult {
let cwd = PathRef::new(&test.path).parent();
let metadata_value = test.data.clone();
let diagnostic_logger = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::<u8>::new()));
let result = TestResult::from_maybe_panic_or_result(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
let metadata = deserialize_value(metadata_value);
if metadata.ignore {
} else if let Some(repeat) = metadata.repeat {
for _ in 0..repeat {
run_test_inner(&metadata, &cwd, diagnostic_logger.clone());
} else {
run_test_inner(&metadata, &cwd, diagnostic_logger.clone());
match result {
TestResult::Failed {
output: panic_output,
} => {
let mut output = diagnostic_logger.borrow().clone();
TestResult::Failed { output }
TestResult::Passed | TestResult::Ignored | TestResult::SubTests(_) => {
fn run_test_inner(
metadata: &MultiStepMetaData,
cwd: &PathRef,
diagnostic_logger: Rc<RefCell<Vec<u8>>>,
) {
let context = test_context_from_metadata(metadata, cwd, diagnostic_logger);
for step in metadata.steps.iter().filter(|s| should_run_step(s)) {
let run_func = || run_step(step, metadata, cwd, &context);
if step.flaky {
} else {
fn deserialize_value(metadata_value: serde_json::Value) -> MultiStepMetaData {
// checking for "steps" leads to a more targeted error message
// instead of when deserializing an untagged enum
if metadata_value
.map(|o| o.contains_key("steps"))
} else {
.map(|s| s.into_multi())
.context("Failed to parse test spec")
fn test_context_from_metadata(
metadata: &MultiStepMetaData,
cwd: &PathRef,
diagnostic_logger: Rc<RefCell<Vec<u8>>>,
) -> test_util::TestContext {
let mut builder = TestContextBuilder::new();
builder = builder.logging_capture(diagnostic_logger);
if metadata.temp_dir {
builder = builder.use_temp_cwd();
} else {
builder = builder.cwd(cwd.to_string_lossy());
if metadata.canonicalized_temp_dir {
// not actually deprecated, we just want to discourage its use
builder = builder.use_canonicalized_temp_dir();
if metadata.symlinked_temp_dir {
// not actually deprecated, we just want to discourage its use
// because it's mostly used for testing purposes locally
builder = builder.use_symlinked_temp_dir();
if cfg!(not(debug_assertions)) {
// panic to prevent using this on the CI as CI already uses
// a symlinked temp directory for every test
panic!("Cannot use symlinkedTempDir in release mode");
match &metadata.base {
// todo(dsherret): add bases in the future as needed
Some(base) => panic!("Unknown test base: {}", base),
None => {
// by default add all these
builder = builder
let context = builder.build();
if metadata.temp_dir {
// copy all the files in the cwd to a temp directory
// excluding the metadata and assertion files
let temp_dir = context.temp_dir().path();
let assertion_paths = resolve_test_and_assertion_files(cwd, metadata);
cwd.copy_to_recursive_with_exclusions(temp_dir, &assertion_paths);
fn should_run_step(step: &StepMetaData) -> bool {
if let Some(cond) = &step.if_cond {
match cond.as_str() {
"windows" => cfg!(windows),
"unix" => cfg!(unix),
"mac" => cfg!(target_os = "macos"),
"linux" => cfg!(target_os = "linux"),
value => panic!("Unknown if condition: {}", value),
} else {
fn run_flaky(action: impl Fn()) {
for _ in 0..2 {
let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(&action));
if result.is_ok() {
// surface error on third try
fn run_step(
step: &StepMetaData,
metadata: &MultiStepMetaData,
cwd: &PathRef,
context: &test_util::TestContext,
) {
let command = context
let command = match &step.args {
VecOrString::Vec(args) => command.args_vec(args),
VecOrString::String(text) => command.args(text),
let command = match step.cwd.as_ref().or(metadata.cwd.as_ref()) {
Some(cwd) => command.current_dir(cwd),
None => command,
let command = match &step.command_name {
Some(command_name) => command.name(command_name),
None => command,
let command = match *NO_CAPTURE {
// deprecated is only to prevent use, so this is fine here
true => command.show_output(),
false => command,
let command = match &step.input {
Some(input) => command.stdin_text(input),
None => command,
let output = command.run();
if step.output.ends_with(".out") {
let test_output_path = cwd.join(&step.output);
} else {
fn resolve_test_and_assertion_files(
dir: &PathRef,
metadata: &MultiStepMetaData,
) -> HashSet<PathRef> {
let mut result = HashSet::with_capacity(metadata.steps.len() + 1);
result.extend(metadata.steps.iter().map(|step| dir.join(&step.output)));