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use super::dispatch_json::JsonOp;
use super::io::std_file_resource;
use super::io::{StreamResource, StreamResourceHolder};
use crate::op_error::OpError;
use crate::ops::json_op;
use crate::state::State;
use deno_core::*;
use nix::sys::termios;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use serde_json::Value;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::DWORD;
use winapi::um::wincon;
fn get_windows_handle(
f: &std::fs::File,
) -> Result<std::os::windows::io::RawHandle, OpError> {
use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;
use winapi::um::handleapi;
let handle = f.as_raw_handle();
if handle == handleapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
return Err(OpError::from(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
} else if handle.is_null() {
return Err(OpError::other("null handle".to_owned()));
pub fn init(i: &mut Isolate, s: &State) {
i.register_op("op_set_raw", s.core_op(json_op(s.stateful_op(op_set_raw))));
i.register_op("op_isatty", s.core_op(json_op(s.stateful_op(op_isatty))));
struct SetRawArgs {
rid: u32,
mode: bool,
pub fn op_set_raw(
state_: &State,
args: Value,
_zero_copy: Option<ZeroCopyBuf>,
) -> Result<JsonOp, OpError> {
let args: SetRawArgs = serde_json::from_value(args)?;
let rid = args.rid;
let is_raw = args.mode;
// From https://github.com/kkawakam/rustyline/blob/master/src/tty/windows.rs
// and https://github.com/kkawakam/rustyline/blob/master/src/tty/unix.rs
// and https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm/blob/e35d4d2c1cc4c919e36d242e014af75f6127ab50/src/terminal/sys/windows.rs
// Copyright (c) 2015 Katsu Kawakami & Rustyline authors. MIT license.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Timon. MIT license.
use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE;
use winapi::um::{consoleapi, handleapi};
let mut state = state_.borrow_mut();
let resource_holder =
if resource_holder.is_none() {
return Err(OpError::bad_resource_id());
let resource_holder = resource_holder.unwrap();
// For now, only stdin.
let handle = match &mut resource_holder.resource {
StreamResource::Stdin(_, _) => std::io::stdin().as_raw_handle(),
StreamResource::FsFile(ref mut option_file_metadata) => {
if let Some((tokio_file, metadata)) = option_file_metadata.take() {
match tokio_file.try_into_std() {
Ok(std_file) => {
let raw_handle = std_file.as_raw_handle();
// Turn the std_file handle back into a tokio file, put it back
// in the resource table.
let tokio_file = tokio::fs::File::from_std(std_file);
resource_holder.resource =
StreamResource::FsFile(Some((tokio_file, metadata)));
// return the result.
Err(tokio_file) => {
// This function will return an error containing the file if
// some operation is in-flight.
resource_holder.resource =
StreamResource::FsFile(Some((tokio_file, metadata)));
return Err(OpError::resource_unavailable());
} else {
return Err(OpError::resource_unavailable());
_ => {
return Err(OpError::bad_resource_id());
if handle == handleapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
return Err(OpError::from(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
} else if handle.is_null() {
return Err(OpError::other("null handle".to_owned()));
let mut original_mode: DWORD = 0;
if unsafe { consoleapi::GetConsoleMode(handle, &mut original_mode) }
return Err(OpError::from(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
let new_mode = if is_raw {
original_mode & !RAW_MODE_MASK
} else {
original_mode | RAW_MODE_MASK
if unsafe { consoleapi::SetConsoleMode(handle, new_mode) } == FALSE {
return Err(OpError::from(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
let mut state = state_.borrow_mut();
let resource_holder =
if resource_holder.is_none() {
return Err(OpError::bad_resource_id());
if is_raw {
let (raw_fd, maybe_tty_mode) =
match &mut resource_holder.unwrap().resource {
StreamResource::Stdin(_, ref mut metadata) => {
(std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(), &mut metadata.mode)
StreamResource::FsFile(Some((f, ref mut metadata))) => {
(f.as_raw_fd(), &mut metadata.tty.mode)
StreamResource::FsFile(None) => {
return Err(OpError::resource_unavailable())
_ => {
return Err(OpError::other("Not supported".to_owned()));
if maybe_tty_mode.is_some() {
// Already raw. Skip.
return Ok(JsonOp::Sync(json!({})));
let original_mode = termios::tcgetattr(raw_fd)?;
let mut raw = original_mode.clone();
// Save original mode.
raw.input_flags &= !(termios::InputFlags::BRKINT
| termios::InputFlags::ICRNL
| termios::InputFlags::INPCK
| termios::InputFlags::ISTRIP
| termios::InputFlags::IXON);
raw.control_flags |= termios::ControlFlags::CS8;
raw.local_flags &= !(termios::LocalFlags::ECHO
| termios::LocalFlags::ICANON
| termios::LocalFlags::IEXTEN
| termios::LocalFlags::ISIG);
raw.control_chars[termios::SpecialCharacterIndices::VMIN as usize] = 1;
raw.control_chars[termios::SpecialCharacterIndices::VTIME as usize] = 0;
termios::tcsetattr(raw_fd, termios::SetArg::TCSADRAIN, &raw)?;
} else {
// Try restore saved mode.
let (raw_fd, maybe_tty_mode) =
match &mut resource_holder.unwrap().resource {
StreamResource::Stdin(_, ref mut metadata) => {
(std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(), &mut metadata.mode)
StreamResource::FsFile(Some((f, ref mut metadata))) => {
(f.as_raw_fd(), &mut metadata.tty.mode)
StreamResource::FsFile(None) => {
return Err(OpError::resource_unavailable());
_ => {
return Err(OpError::bad_resource_id());
if let Some(mode) = maybe_tty_mode.take() {
termios::tcsetattr(raw_fd, termios::SetArg::TCSADRAIN, &mode)?;
struct IsattyArgs {
rid: u32,
pub fn op_isatty(
state: &State,
args: Value,
_zero_copy: Option<ZeroCopyBuf>,
) -> Result<JsonOp, OpError> {
let args: IsattyArgs = serde_json::from_value(args)?;
let rid = args.rid;
let resource_table = &mut state.borrow_mut().resource_table;
let isatty: bool =
std_file_resource(resource_table, rid as u32, move |r| match r {
Ok(std_file) => {
use winapi::um::consoleapi;
let handle = get_windows_handle(&std_file)?;
let mut test_mode: DWORD = 0;
// If I cannot get mode out of console, it is not a console.
Ok(unsafe { consoleapi::GetConsoleMode(handle, &mut test_mode) != 0 })
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
let raw_fd = std_file.as_raw_fd();
Ok(unsafe { libc::isatty(raw_fd as libc::c_int) == 1 })
Err(StreamResource::FsFile(_)) => unreachable!(),
Err(StreamResource::Stdin(_, _)) => Ok(atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdin)),
_ => Ok(false),