mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 06:07:03 -04:00

This will allow this format script to work on more architectures. Also, this upgrade fixes the issue with the unstable incremental cache that's currently on main.
260 lines
6.7 KiB
260 lines
6.7 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { deferred } from "../test_util/std/async/deferred.ts";
import {
} from "../test_util/std/path/mod.ts";
import { wait } from "https://deno.land/x/wait@0.1.13/mod.ts";
export { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve, toFileUrl };
export { existsSync, walk } from "../test_util/std/fs/mod.ts";
export { TextLineStream } from "../test_util/std/streams/text_line_stream.ts";
export { delay } from "../test_util/std/async/delay.ts";
// [toolName] --version output
const versions = {
"dlint": "dlint 0.51.0",
const compressed = new Set(["ld64.lld"]);
export const ROOT_PATH = dirname(dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)));
async function getFilesFromGit(baseDir, args) {
const { success, stdout } = await new Deno.Command("git", {
stderr: "inherit",
const output = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
if (!success) {
throw new Error("gitLsFiles failed");
const files = output.split("\0").filter((line) => line.length > 0).map(
(filePath) => {
return Deno.realPathSync(join(baseDir, filePath));
return files;
function gitLsFiles(baseDir, patterns) {
baseDir = Deno.realPathSync(baseDir);
const cmd = [
return getFilesFromGit(baseDir, cmd);
/** List all files staged for commit */
function gitStaged(baseDir, patterns) {
baseDir = Deno.realPathSync(baseDir);
const cmd = [
return getFilesFromGit(baseDir, cmd);
* Recursively list all files in (a subdirectory of) a git worktree.
* * Optionally, glob patterns may be specified to e.g. only list files with a
* certain extension.
* * Untracked files are included, unless they're listed in .gitignore.
* * Directory names themselves are not listed (but the files inside are).
* * Submodules and their contents are ignored entirely.
* * This function fails if the query matches no files.
* If --staged argument was provided when program is run
* only staged sources will be returned.
export async function getSources(baseDir, patterns) {
const stagedOnly = Deno.args.includes("--staged");
if (stagedOnly) {
return await gitStaged(baseDir, patterns);
} else {
return await gitLsFiles(baseDir, patterns);
export function buildMode() {
if (Deno.args.includes("--release")) {
return "release";
return "debug";
export function buildPath() {
return join(ROOT_PATH, "target", buildMode());
const platformDirName = {
"windows": "win",
"darwin": "mac",
"linux": "linux64",
const executableSuffix = Deno.build.os === "windows" ? ".exe" : "";
async function sanityCheckPrebuiltFile(toolPath) {
const stat = await Deno.stat(toolPath);
if (stat.size < PREBUILT_MINIMUM_SIZE) {
throw new Error(
`File size ${stat.size} is less than expected minimum file size ${PREBUILT_MINIMUM_SIZE}`,
const file = await Deno.open(toolPath, { read: true });
const buffer = new Uint8Array(1024);
let n = 0;
while (n < 1024) {
n += await file.read(buffer.subarray(n));
// Mac: OK
if (buffer[0] == 0xcf && buffer[1] == 0xfa) {
// Windows OK
if (buffer[0] == "M".charCodeAt(0) && buffer[1] == "Z".charCodeAt(0)) {
// Linux OK
if (
buffer[0] == 0x7f && buffer[1] == "E".charCodeAt(0) &&
buffer[2] == "L".charCodeAt(0) && buffer[3] == "F".charCodeAt(0)
) {
throw new Error(`Invalid executable (header was ${buffer.subarray(0, 16)}`);
export async function getPrebuilt(toolName) {
const toolPath = getPrebuiltToolPath(toolName);
try {
await sanityCheckPrebuiltFile(toolPath);
const versionOk = await verifyVersion(toolName, toolPath);
if (!versionOk) {
throw new Error("Version mismatch");
} catch {
await downloadPrebuilt(toolName);
return toolPath;
const PREBUILT_PATH = join(ROOT_PATH, "third_party", "prebuilt");
const PREBUILT_TOOL_DIR = join(PREBUILT_PATH, platformDirName);
const PREBUILT_MINIMUM_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
const DOWNLOAD_TASKS = {};
export function getPrebuiltToolPath(toolName) {
return join(PREBUILT_TOOL_DIR, toolName + executableSuffix);
const downloadUrl =
export async function downloadPrebuilt(toolName) {
// Ensure only one download per tool happens at a time
if (DOWNLOAD_TASKS[toolName]) {
return await DOWNLOAD_TASKS[toolName];
const downloadPromise = DOWNLOAD_TASKS[toolName] = deferred();
const spinner = wait({
text: "Downloading prebuilt tool: " + toolName,
interval: 1000,
const toolPath = getPrebuiltToolPath(toolName);
const tempFile = `${toolPath}.temp`;
try {
await Deno.mkdir(PREBUILT_TOOL_DIR, { recursive: true });
let url = `${downloadUrl}/${toolName}${executableSuffix}`;
if (compressed.has(toolName)) {
url += ".gz";
const resp = await fetch(url);
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(`Non-successful response from ${url}: ${resp.status}`);
const file = await Deno.open(tempFile, {
create: true,
write: true,
mode: 0o755,
if (compressed.has(toolName)) {
await resp.body.pipeThrough(new DecompressionStream("gzip")).pipeTo(
} else {
await resp.body.pipeTo(file.writable);
spinner.text = `Checking prebuilt tool: ${toolName}`;
await sanityCheckPrebuiltFile(tempFile);
if (!await verifyVersion(toolName, tempFile)) {
throw new Error(
"Didn't get the correct version of the tool after downloading.",
spinner.text = `Successfully downloaded: ${toolName}`;
await Deno.rename(tempFile, toolPath);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
export async function verifyVersion(toolName, toolPath) {
const requiredVersion = versions[toolName];
if (!requiredVersion) {
return true;
try {
const cmd = new Deno.Command(toolPath, {
args: ["--version"],
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "inherit",
const output = await cmd.output();
const version = new TextDecoder().decode(output.stdout).trim();
return version == requiredVersion;
} catch (e) {
return false;