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synced 2025-03-09 21:57:40 -04:00

This commit adds new option to "Worker" Web API that allows to configure permissions. New "Worker.deno.permissions" option can be used to define limited permissions to the worker thread by either: - inherit set of parent thread permissions - use limited subset of parent thread permissions - revoke all permissions (full sandbox) In order to achieve this functionality "CliModuleLoader" was modified to accept "initial permissions", which are used for top module loading (ie. uses parent thread permission set to load top level module of a worker).
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// Benchmark measures time it takes to send a message to a group of workers one
// at a time and wait for a response from all of them. Just a general
// throughput and consistency benchmark.
const data = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World\n";
const workerCount = 4;
const cmdsPerWorker = 400;
import { Deferred, deferred } from "../../std/async/deferred.ts";
function handleAsyncMsgFromWorker(
promiseTable: Map<number, Deferred<string>>,
msg: { cmdId: number; data: string },
): void {
const promise = promiseTable.get(msg.cmdId);
if (promise === null) {
throw new Error(`Failed to find promise: cmdId: ${msg.cmdId}, msg: ${msg}`);
async function main(): Promise<void> {
const workers: Array<[Map<number, Deferred<string>>, Worker]> = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= workerCount; ++i) {
const worker = new Worker(
new URL("workers/bench_worker.ts", import.meta.url).href,
{ type: "module" },
const promise = deferred();
worker.onmessage = (e): void => {
if (e.data.cmdId === 0) promise.resolve();
worker.postMessage({ cmdId: 0, action: 2 });
await promise;
workers.push([new Map(), worker]);
// assign callback function
for (const [promiseTable, worker] of workers) {
worker.onmessage = (e): void => {
handleAsyncMsgFromWorker(promiseTable, e.data);
for (const cmdId of Array(cmdsPerWorker).keys()) {
const promises: Array<Promise<string>> = [];
for (const [promiseTable, worker] of workers) {
const promise = deferred<string>();
promiseTable.set(cmdId, promise);
worker.postMessage({ cmdId: cmdId, action: 1, data });
for (const promise of promises) {
await promise;
for (const [, worker] of workers) {
const promise = deferred();
worker.onmessage = (e): void => {
if (e.data.cmdId === 3) promise.resolve();
worker.postMessage({ action: 3 });
await promise;