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2021-01-10 21:59:07 -05:00

609 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { equals, indexOf, lastIndexOf, startsWith } from "../bytes/mod.ts";
import { copyN } from "../io/ioutil.ts";
import { MultiReader } from "../io/readers.ts";
import { extname } from "../path/mod.ts";
import { BufReader, BufWriter } from "../io/bufio.ts";
import { encoder } from "../encoding/utf8.ts";
import { assert } from "../_util/assert.ts";
import { TextProtoReader } from "../textproto/mod.ts";
import { hasOwnProperty } from "../_util/has_own_property.ts";
/** FormFile object */
export interface FormFile {
/** filename */
filename: string;
/** content-type header value of file */
type: string;
/** byte size of file */
size: number;
/** in-memory content of file. Either content or tempfile is set */
content?: Uint8Array;
/** temporal file path.
* Set if file size is bigger than specified max-memory size at reading form
* */
tempfile?: string;
/** Type guard for FormFile */
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
export function isFormFile(x: any): x is FormFile {
return hasOwnProperty(x, "filename") && hasOwnProperty(x, "type");
function randomBoundary(): string {
let boundary = "--------------------------";
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
boundary += Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16);
return boundary;
* Checks whether `buf` should be considered to match the boundary.
* The prefix is "--boundary" or "\r\n--boundary" or "\n--boundary", and the
* caller has verified already that `hasPrefix(buf, prefix)` is true.
* `matchAfterPrefix()` returns `1` if the buffer does match the boundary,
* meaning the prefix is followed by a dash, space, tab, cr, nl, or EOF.
* It returns `-1` if the buffer definitely does NOT match the boundary,
* meaning the prefix is followed by some other character.
* For example, "--foobar" does not match "--foo".
* It returns `0` more input needs to be read to make the decision,
* meaning that `buf.length` and `prefix.length` are the same.
export function matchAfterPrefix(
buf: Uint8Array,
prefix: Uint8Array,
eof: boolean,
): -1 | 0 | 1 {
if (buf.length === prefix.length) {
return eof ? 1 : 0;
const c = buf[prefix.length];
if (
c === " ".charCodeAt(0) ||
c === "\t".charCodeAt(0) ||
c === "\r".charCodeAt(0) ||
c === "\n".charCodeAt(0) ||
c === "-".charCodeAt(0)
) {
return 1;
return -1;
* Scans `buf` to identify how much of it can be safely returned as part of the
* `PartReader` body.
* @param buf - The buffer to search for boundaries.
* @param dashBoundary - Is "--boundary".
* @param newLineDashBoundary - Is "\r\n--boundary" or "\n--boundary", depending
* on what mode we are in. The comments below (and the name) assume
* "\n--boundary", but either is accepted.
* @param total - The number of bytes read out so far. If total == 0, then a
* leading "--boundary" is recognized.
* @param eof - Whether `buf` contains the final bytes in the stream before EOF.
* If `eof` is false, more bytes are expected to follow.
* @returns The number of data bytes from buf that can be returned as part of
* the `PartReader` body.
export function scanUntilBoundary(
buf: Uint8Array,
dashBoundary: Uint8Array,
newLineDashBoundary: Uint8Array,
total: number,
eof: boolean,
): number | null {
if (total === 0) {
// At beginning of body, allow dashBoundary.
if (startsWith(buf, dashBoundary)) {
switch (matchAfterPrefix(buf, dashBoundary, eof)) {
case -1:
return dashBoundary.length;
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
return null;
if (startsWith(dashBoundary, buf)) {
return 0;
// Search for "\n--boundary".
const i = indexOf(buf, newLineDashBoundary);
if (i >= 0) {
switch (matchAfterPrefix(buf.slice(i), newLineDashBoundary, eof)) {
case -1:
return i + newLineDashBoundary.length;
case 0:
return i;
case 1:
return i > 0 ? i : null;
if (startsWith(newLineDashBoundary, buf)) {
return 0;
// Otherwise, anything up to the final \n is not part of the boundary and so
// must be part of the body. Also, if the section from the final \n onward is
// not a prefix of the boundary, it too must be part of the body.
const j = lastIndexOf(buf, newLineDashBoundary.slice(0, 1));
if (j >= 0 && startsWith(newLineDashBoundary, buf.slice(j))) {
return j;
return buf.length;
class PartReader implements Deno.Reader, Deno.Closer {
n: number | null = 0;
total = 0;
constructor(private mr: MultipartReader, public readonly headers: Headers) {}
async read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null> {
const br = this.mr.bufReader;
// Read into buffer until we identify some data to return,
// or we find a reason to stop (boundary or EOF).
let peekLength = 1;
while (this.n === 0) {
peekLength = Math.max(peekLength, br.buffered());
const peekBuf = await br.peek(peekLength);
if (peekBuf === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
const eof = peekBuf.length < peekLength;
this.n = scanUntilBoundary(
if (this.n === 0) {
// Force buffered I/O to read more into buffer.
assert(eof === false);
if (this.n === null) {
return null;
const nread = Math.min(p.length, this.n);
const buf = p.subarray(0, nread);
const r = await br.readFull(buf);
assert(r === buf);
this.n -= nread;
this.total += nread;
return nread;
close(): void {}
private contentDisposition!: string;
private contentDispositionParams!: { [key: string]: string };
private getContentDispositionParams(): { [key: string]: string } {
if (this.contentDispositionParams) return this.contentDispositionParams;
const cd = this.headers.get("content-disposition");
const params: { [key: string]: string } = {};
assert(cd != null, "content-disposition must be set");
const comps = decodeURI(cd).split(";");
this.contentDisposition = comps[0];
.map((v: string): string => v.trim())
.map((kv: string): void => {
const [k, v] = kv.split("=");
if (v) {
const s = v.charAt(0);
const e = v.charAt(v.length - 1);
if ((s === e && s === '"') || s === "'") {
params[k] = v.substr(1, v.length - 2);
} else {
params[k] = v;
return (this.contentDispositionParams = params);
get fileName(): string {
return this.getContentDispositionParams()["filename"];
get formName(): string {
const p = this.getContentDispositionParams();
if (this.contentDisposition === "form-data") {
return p["name"];
return "";
function skipLWSPChar(u: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
const ret = new Uint8Array(u.length);
const sp = " ".charCodeAt(0);
const ht = "\t".charCodeAt(0);
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
if (u[i] === sp || u[i] === ht) continue;
ret[j++] = u[i];
return ret.slice(0, j);
export interface MultipartFormData {
file(key: string): FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined;
value(key: string): string | undefined;
entries(): IterableIterator<
[string, string | FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined]
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<
[string, string | FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined]
/** Remove all tempfiles */
removeAll(): Promise<void>;
/** Reader for parsing multipart/form-data */
export class MultipartReader {
readonly newLine = encoder.encode("\r\n");
readonly newLineDashBoundary = encoder.encode(`\r\n--${this.boundary}`);
readonly dashBoundaryDash = encoder.encode(`--${this.boundary}--`);
readonly dashBoundary = encoder.encode(`--${this.boundary}`);
readonly bufReader: BufReader;
constructor(reader: Deno.Reader, private boundary: string) {
this.bufReader = new BufReader(reader);
/** Read all form data from stream.
* If total size of stored data in memory exceed maxMemory,
* overflowed file data will be written to temporal files.
* String field values are never written to files.
* null value means parsing or writing to file was failed in some reason.
* @param maxMemory maximum memory size to store file in memory. bytes. @default 10485760 (10MB)
* */
async readForm(maxMemory = 10 << 20): Promise<MultipartFormData> {
const fileMap = new Map<string, FormFile | FormFile[]>();
const valueMap = new Map<string, string>();
let maxValueBytes = maxMemory + (10 << 20);
const buf = new Deno.Buffer(new Uint8Array(maxValueBytes));
for (;;) {
const p = await this.nextPart();
if (p === null) {
if (p.formName === "") {
if (!p.fileName) {
// value
const n = await copyN(p, buf, maxValueBytes);
maxValueBytes -= n;
if (maxValueBytes < 0) {
throw new RangeError("message too large");
const value = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes());
valueMap.set(p.formName, value);
// file
let formFile: FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined;
const n = await copyN(p, buf, maxValueBytes);
const contentType = p.headers.get("content-type");
assert(contentType != null, "content-type must be set");
if (n > maxMemory) {
// too big, write to disk and flush buffer
const ext = extname(p.fileName);
const filepath = await Deno.makeTempFile({
dir: ".",
prefix: "multipart-",
suffix: ext,
const file = await Deno.open(filepath, { write: true });
try {
const size = await Deno.copy(new MultiReader(buf, p), file);
formFile = {
filename: p.fileName,
type: contentType,
tempfile: filepath,
} catch (e) {
await Deno.remove(filepath);
throw e;
} else {
formFile = {
filename: p.fileName,
type: contentType,
content: buf.bytes(),
size: buf.length,
maxMemory -= n;
maxValueBytes -= n;
if (formFile) {
const mapVal = fileMap.get(p.formName);
if (mapVal !== undefined) {
if (Array.isArray(mapVal)) {
} else {
fileMap.set(p.formName, [mapVal, formFile]);
} else {
fileMap.set(p.formName, formFile);
return multipartFormData(fileMap, valueMap);
private currentPart: PartReader | undefined;
private partsRead = 0;
private async nextPart(): Promise<PartReader | null> {
if (this.currentPart) {
if (equals(this.dashBoundary, encoder.encode("--"))) {
throw new Error("boundary is empty");
let expectNewPart = false;
for (;;) {
const line = await this.bufReader.readSlice("\n".charCodeAt(0));
if (line === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
if (this.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line)) {
const r = new TextProtoReader(this.bufReader);
const headers = await r.readMIMEHeader();
if (headers === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
const np = new PartReader(this, headers);
this.currentPart = np;
return np;
if (this.isFinalBoundary(line)) {
return null;
if (expectNewPart) {
throw new Error(`expecting a new Part; got line ${line}`);
if (this.partsRead === 0) {
if (equals(line, this.newLine)) {
expectNewPart = true;
throw new Error(`unexpected line in nextPart(): ${line}`);
private isFinalBoundary(line: Uint8Array): boolean {
if (!startsWith(line, this.dashBoundaryDash)) {
return false;
const rest = line.slice(this.dashBoundaryDash.length, line.length);
return rest.length === 0 || equals(skipLWSPChar(rest), this.newLine);
private isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line: Uint8Array): boolean {
if (!startsWith(line, this.dashBoundary)) {
return false;
const rest = line.slice(this.dashBoundary.length);
return equals(skipLWSPChar(rest), this.newLine);
function multipartFormData(
fileMap: Map<string, FormFile | FormFile[]>,
valueMap: Map<string, string>,
): MultipartFormData {
function file(key: string): FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined {
return fileMap.get(key);
function value(key: string): string | undefined {
return valueMap.get(key);
function* entries(): IterableIterator<
[string, string | FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined]
> {
yield* fileMap;
yield* valueMap;
async function removeAll(): Promise<void> {
const promises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
for (const val of fileMap.values()) {
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
for (const subVal of val) {
if (!subVal.tempfile) continue;
} else {
if (!val.tempfile) continue;
await Promise.all(promises);
return {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<
[string, string | FormFile | FormFile[] | undefined]
> {
return entries();
class PartWriter implements Deno.Writer {
closed = false;
private readonly partHeader: string;
private headersWritten = false;
private writer: Deno.Writer,
readonly boundary: string,
public headers: Headers,
isFirstBoundary: boolean,
) {
let buf = "";
if (isFirstBoundary) {
buf += `--${boundary}\r\n`;
} else {
buf += `\r\n--${boundary}\r\n`;
for (const [key, value] of headers.entries()) {
buf += `${key}: ${value}\r\n`;
buf += `\r\n`;
this.partHeader = buf;
close(): void {
this.closed = true;
async write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number> {
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error("part is closed");
if (!this.headersWritten) {
await this.writer.write(encoder.encode(this.partHeader));
this.headersWritten = true;
return this.writer.write(p);
function checkBoundary(b: string): string {
if (b.length < 1 || b.length > 70) {
throw new Error(`invalid boundary length: ${b.length}`);
const end = b.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < end; i++) {
const c = b.charAt(i);
if (!c.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9'()+_,\-./:=?]/) || (c === " " && i !== end)) {
throw new Error("invalid boundary character: " + c);
return b;
/** Writer for creating multipart/form-data */
export class MultipartWriter {
private readonly _boundary: string;
get boundary(): string {
return this._boundary;
private lastPart: PartWriter | undefined;
private bufWriter: BufWriter;
private isClosed = false;
constructor(private readonly writer: Deno.Writer, boundary?: string) {
if (boundary !== void 0) {
this._boundary = checkBoundary(boundary);
} else {
this._boundary = randomBoundary();
this.bufWriter = new BufWriter(writer);
formDataContentType(): string {
return `multipart/form-data; boundary=${this.boundary}`;
private createPart(headers: Headers): Deno.Writer {
if (this.isClosed) {
throw new Error("multipart: writer is closed");
if (this.lastPart) {
const part = new PartWriter(
this.lastPart = part;
return part;
createFormFile(field: string, filename: string): Deno.Writer {
const h = new Headers();
`form-data; name="${field}"; filename="${filename}"`,
h.set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
return this.createPart(h);
createFormField(field: string): Deno.Writer {
const h = new Headers();
h.set("Content-Disposition", `form-data; name="${field}"`);
h.set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
return this.createPart(h);
async writeField(field: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
const f = await this.createFormField(field);
await f.write(encoder.encode(value));
async writeFile(
field: string,
filename: string,
file: Deno.Reader,
): Promise<void> {
const f = await this.createFormFile(field, filename);
await Deno.copy(file, f);
private flush(): Promise<void> {
return this.bufWriter.flush();
/** Close writer. No additional data can be written to stream */
async close(): Promise<void> {
if (this.isClosed) {
throw new Error("multipart: writer is closed");
if (this.lastPart) {
this.lastPart = void 0;
await this.writer.write(encoder.encode(`\r\n--${this.boundary}--\r\n`));
await this.flush();
this.isClosed = true;