2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
use crate::js_errors;
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
use crate::js_errors::JSErrorColor;
2019-01-13 22:30:38 -08:00
use crate::msg;
2019-04-11 10:58:31 -04:00
use crate::ops::op_selector_compiler;
2019-01-13 22:30:38 -08:00
use crate::resources;
use crate::resources::ResourceId;
2019-03-18 20:03:37 -04:00
use crate::startup_data;
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
use crate::state::*;
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
use crate::tokio_util;
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
use crate::worker::Worker;
use deno::js_check;
2019-03-30 19:30:40 -04:00
use deno::Buf;
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
use deno::JSError;
use futures::future::*;
use futures::sync::oneshot;
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
use futures::Future;
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
use futures::Stream;
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
use serde_json;
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
use std::str;
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
use std::sync::Mutex;
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
type CmdId = u32;
type ResponseSenderTable = HashMap<CmdId, oneshot::Sender<Buf>>;
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
lazy_static! {
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
static ref C_NEXT_CMD_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(1);
// Map of response senders
static ref C_RES_SENDER_TABLE: Mutex<ResponseSenderTable> = Mutex::new(ResponseSenderTable::new());
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
// Shared worker resources so we can spawn
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
static ref C_RID: Mutex<Option<ResourceId>> = Mutex::new(None);
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
// tokio runtime specifically for spawning logic that is dependent on
// completetion of the compiler worker future
2019-04-23 16:27:44 -04:00
static ref C_RUNTIME: Mutex<Runtime> = Mutex::new(tokio_util::create_threadpool_runtime());
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
// This corresponds to JS ModuleMetaData.
// TODO Rename one or the other so they correspond.
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
pub struct ModuleMetaData {
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
pub module_name: String,
2019-04-01 18:46:40 -07:00
pub module_redirect_source_name: Option<String>, // source of redirect
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
pub filename: String,
pub media_type: msg::MediaType,
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
pub source_code: Vec<u8>,
2019-02-01 22:28:31 -08:00
pub maybe_output_code_filename: Option<String>,
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
pub maybe_output_code: Option<Vec<u8>>,
2019-02-01 22:28:31 -08:00
pub maybe_source_map_filename: Option<String>,
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
pub maybe_source_map: Option<Vec<u8>>,
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
impl ModuleMetaData {
2019-03-28 16:05:41 -04:00
pub fn has_output_code_and_source_map(&self) -> bool {
self.maybe_output_code.is_some() && self.maybe_source_map.is_some()
2019-01-15 13:06:25 +01:00
pub fn js_source(&self) -> String {
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
if self.media_type == msg::MediaType::Json {
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
return format!(
"export default {};",
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
match self.maybe_output_code {
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
None => str::from_utf8(&self.source_code).unwrap().to_string(),
Some(ref output_code) => str::from_utf8(output_code).unwrap().to_string(),
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
fn new_cmd_id() -> CmdId {
let next_rid = C_NEXT_CMD_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
next_rid as CmdId
fn parse_cmd_id(res_json: &str) -> CmdId {
match serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(res_json) {
Ok(serde_json::Value::Object(map)) => match map["cmdId"].as_u64() {
Some(cmd_id) => cmd_id as CmdId,
_ => panic!("Error decoding compiler response: expected cmdId"),
_ => panic!("Error decoding compiler response"),
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
fn lazy_start(parent_state: ThreadSafeState) -> ResourceId {
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
let mut cell = C_RID.lock().unwrap();
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
.get_or_insert_with(|| {
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
let child_state = ThreadSafeState::new(
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
2019-04-11 10:58:31 -04:00
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
let rid = child_state.resource.rid;
let resource = child_state.resource.clone();
let mut worker = Worker::new(
2019-04-08 10:12:43 -04:00
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
let mut runtime = C_RUNTIME.lock().unwrap();
runtime.spawn(lazy(move || {
worker.then(move |result| -> Result<(), ()> {
// Close resource so the future created by
// handle_worker_message_stream exits
debug!("Compiler worker exited!");
if let Err(e) = result {
eprintln!("{}", JSErrorColor(&e).to_string());
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
runtime.spawn(lazy(move || {
debug!("Start worker stream handler!");
let worker_stream = resources::get_message_stream_from_worker(rid);
.for_each(|msg: Buf| {
// All worker responses are handled here first before being sent via
// their respective sender. This system can be compared to the
// promise system used on the js side. This provides a way to
// resolve many futures via the same channel.
let res_json = std::str::from_utf8(&msg).unwrap();
debug!("Got message from worker: {}", res_json);
// Get the intended receiver's cmd_id from the message.
let cmd_id = parse_cmd_id(res_json);
let mut table = C_RES_SENDER_TABLE.lock().unwrap();
debug!("Cmd id for get message handler: {}", cmd_id);
// Get the corresponding response sender from the table and
// send a response.
let response_sender = table.remove(&(cmd_id as CmdId)).unwrap();
}).map_err(|_| ())
2019-04-09 07:15:49 +02:00
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
fn req(specifier: &str, referrer: &str, cmd_id: u32) -> Buf {
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
"specifier": specifier,
"referrer": referrer,
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
"cmdId": cmd_id,
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
2019-04-29 15:58:31 +01:00
/// Returns an optional tuple which represents the state of the compiler
/// configuration where the first is canonical name for the configuration file
/// and a vector of the bytes of the contents of the configuration file.
pub fn get_compiler_config(
parent_state: &ThreadSafeState,
_compiler_type: &str,
) -> Option<(String, Vec<u8>)> {
// The compiler type is being passed to make it easier to implement custom
// compilers in the future.
match (&parent_state.config_path, &parent_state.config) {
(Some(config_path), Some(config)) => {
Some((config_path.to_string(), config.to_vec()))
_ => None,
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
pub fn compile_async(
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
parent_state: ThreadSafeState,
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
2019-02-19 02:42:15 +11:00
module_meta_data: &ModuleMetaData,
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
) -> impl Future<Item = ModuleMetaData, Error = JSError> {
2019-04-02 05:24:07 +02:00
"Running rust part of compile_sync. specifier: {}, referrer: {}",
&specifier, &referrer
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
let cmd_id = new_cmd_id();
2019-04-02 05:24:07 +02:00
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
let req_msg = req(&specifier, &referrer, cmd_id);
2019-04-02 05:24:07 +02:00
let module_meta_data_ = module_meta_data.clone();
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
let compiler_rid = lazy_start(parent_state.clone());
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
let (local_sender, local_receiver) =
oneshot::channel::<Result<ModuleMetaData, Option<JSError>>>();
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
let (response_sender, response_receiver) = oneshot::channel::<Buf>();
// Scoping to auto dispose of locks when done using them
let mut table = C_RES_SENDER_TABLE.lock().unwrap();
debug!("Cmd id for response sender insert: {}", cmd_id);
// Place our response sender in the table so we can find it later.
table.insert(cmd_id, response_sender);
let mut runtime = C_RUNTIME.lock().unwrap();
runtime.spawn(lazy(move || {
resources::post_message_to_worker(compiler_rid, req_msg)
.then(move |_| {
debug!("Sent message to worker");
response_receiver.map_err(|_| None)
}).and_then(move |res_msg| {
debug!("Received message from worker");
let res_json = std::str::from_utf8(res_msg.as_ref()).unwrap();
let res = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(res_json)
.expect("Error decoding compiler response");
let res_data = res["data"].as_object().expect(
"Error decoding compiler response: expected object field 'data'",
match res["success"].as_bool() {
Some(true) => Ok(ModuleMetaData {
maybe_output_code: res_data["outputCode"]
.map(|s| s.as_bytes().to_owned()),
maybe_source_map: res_data["sourceMap"]
.map(|s| s.as_bytes().to_owned()),
Some(false) => {
let js_error = JSError::from_json_value(
"Error decoding compiler response: failed to parse error",
_ => panic!(
"Error decoding compiler response: expected bool field 'success'"
}).then(move |result| {
local_sender.send(result).expect("Oneshot send() failed");
2019-04-01 15:09:59 -04:00
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
.map_err(|e| {
"Local channel canceled before compile request could be completed: {}",
}).and_then(move |result| match result {
Ok(v) => futures::future::result(Ok(v)),
Err(Some(err)) => futures::future::result(Err(err)),
Err(None) => panic!("Failed to communicate with the compiler worker."),
pub fn compile_sync(
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
parent_state: ThreadSafeState,
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
module_meta_data: &ModuleMetaData,
) -> Result<ModuleMetaData, JSError> {
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_compile_sync() {
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
tokio_util::init(|| {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let cwd_string = cwd.to_str().unwrap().to_owned();
let specifier = "./tests/002_hello.ts";
let referrer = cwd_string + "/";
let mut out = ModuleMetaData {
module_name: "xxx".to_owned(),
module_redirect_source_name: None,
filename: "/tests/002_hello.ts".to_owned(),
media_type: msg::MediaType::TypeScript,
source_code: include_bytes!("../tests/002_hello.ts").to_vec(),
maybe_output_code_filename: None,
maybe_output_code: None,
maybe_source_map_filename: None,
maybe_source_map: None,
2019-04-09 13:11:25 -04:00
out = compile_sync(ThreadSafeState::mock(), specifier, &referrer, &out)
2019-04-05 00:04:06 -04:00
.starts_with("console.log(\"Hello World\");".as_bytes())
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
fn test_parse_cmd_id() {
let cmd_id = new_cmd_id();
2019-04-08 17:10:00 -04:00
let msg = req("Hello", "World", cmd_id);
2019-04-04 05:33:32 -04:00
let res_json = std::str::from_utf8(&msg).unwrap();
assert_eq!(parse_cmd_id(res_json), cmd_id);
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00
2019-04-29 15:58:31 +01:00
fn test_get_compiler_config_no_flag() {
let compiler_type = "typescript";
let state = ThreadSafeState::mock();
let out = get_compiler_config(&state, compiler_type);
assert_eq!(out, None);
2019-01-09 12:59:46 -05:00