From 1f7524a47c96defd13962563bf2420554e8639d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hajime-san <>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 21:57:32 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] clean up

 ext/canvas/01_image.js               |  116 +--
 ext/canvas/Cargo.toml                |    2 +-
 ext/canvas/                  |   14 +
 ext/canvas/                    |   11 +
 ext/canvas/          |   89 ++
 ext/canvas/              |  597 ++++++++++++++
 ext/canvas/                    | 1132 +-------------------------
 ext/canvas/ |  453 +++++++++++
 8 files changed, 1229 insertions(+), 1185 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ext/canvas/
 create mode 100644 ext/canvas/
 create mode 100644 ext/canvas/
 create mode 100644 ext/canvas/

diff --git a/ext/canvas/01_image.js b/ext/canvas/01_image.js
index cbc4a6f889..22ad44687d 100644
--- a/ext/canvas/01_image.js
+++ b/ext/canvas/01_image.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
 import { internals, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js";
-import { op_image_process } from "ext:core/ops";
+import { op_create_image_bitmap } from "ext:core/ops";
 import * as webidl from "ext:deno_webidl/00_webidl.js";
 import { DOMException } from "ext:deno_web/01_dom_exception.js";
 import { createFilteredInspectProxy } from "ext:deno_console/01_console.js";
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ const {
-  TypeError,
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@ function createImageBitmap(
       "Argument 6",
+    // 1.
     if (sw === 0) {
       return PromiseReject(new RangeError("sw has to be greater than 0"));
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ function createImageBitmap(
+  // 2.
   if (options.resizeWidth === 0) {
     return PromiseReject(
       new DOMException(
@@ -217,70 +218,69 @@ function createImageBitmap(
   const imageBitmap = webidl.createBranded(ImageBitmap);
-  // 6. Switch on image
+  // 3.
   const isBlob = ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BlobPrototype, image);
   const isImageData = ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ImageDataPrototype, image);
-  if (
-    isImageData ||
-    isBlob
-  ) {
-    return (async () => {
-      let width = 0;
-      let height = 0;
-      let mimeType = "";
-      let imageBitmapSource, buf, predefinedColorSpace;
-      if (isBlob) {
-        imageBitmapSource = imageBitmapSources[0];
-        buf = new Uint8Array(await image.arrayBuffer());
-        mimeType = sniffImage(image.type);
-      }
-      if (isImageData) {
-        width = image[_width];
-        height = image[_height];
-        imageBitmapSource = imageBitmapSources[1];
-        buf = new Uint8Array(TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(image[_data]));
-        predefinedColorSpace = image[_colorSpace];
-      }
-      let sx;
-      if (typeof sxOrOptions === "number") {
-        sx = sxOrOptions;
-      }
-      const processedImage = op_image_process(
-        buf,
-        {
-          width,
-          height,
-          sx,
-          sy,
-          sw,
-          sh,
-          imageOrientation: options.imageOrientation ?? "from-image",
-          premultiplyAlpha: options.premultiplyAlpha ?? "default",
-          predefinedColorSpace: predefinedColorSpace ?? "srgb",
-          colorSpaceConversion: options.colorSpaceConversion ?? "default",
-          resizeWidth: options.resizeWidth,
-          resizeHeight: options.resizeHeight,
-          resizeQuality: options.resizeQuality ?? "low",
-          imageBitmapSource,
-          mimeType,
-        },
-      );
-      imageBitmap[_bitmapData] =;
-      imageBitmap[_width] = processedImage.width;
-      imageBitmap[_height] = processedImage.height;
-      return imageBitmap;
-    })();
-  } else {
+  if (!isBlob && !isImageData) {
     return PromiseReject(
-      new TypeError(
-        `${prefix}: The provided value is not of type '(${
+      new DOMException(
+        `${prefix}: The provided value for 'image' is not of type '(${
           ArrayPrototypeJoin(imageBitmapSources, " or ")
+        "InvalidStateError",
+  // 4.
+  return (async () => {
+    let width = 0;
+    let height = 0;
+    let mimeType = "";
+    let imageBitmapSource, buf, predefinedColorSpace;
+    if (isBlob) {
+      imageBitmapSource = imageBitmapSources[0];
+      buf = new Uint8Array(await image.arrayBuffer());
+      mimeType = sniffImage(image.type);
+    }
+    if (isImageData) {
+      width = image[_width];
+      height = image[_height];
+      imageBitmapSource = imageBitmapSources[1];
+      buf = new Uint8Array(TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(image[_data]));
+      predefinedColorSpace = image[_colorSpace];
+    }
+    let sx;
+    if (typeof sxOrOptions === "number") {
+      sx = sxOrOptions;
+    }
+    // TODO(Hajime-san): this should be real async
+    const processedImage = op_create_image_bitmap(
+      buf,
+      {
+        width,
+        height,
+        sx,
+        sy,
+        sw,
+        sh,
+        imageOrientation: options.imageOrientation ?? "from-image",
+        premultiplyAlpha: options.premultiplyAlpha ?? "default",
+        predefinedColorSpace: predefinedColorSpace ?? "srgb",
+        colorSpaceConversion: options.colorSpaceConversion ?? "default",
+        resizeWidth: options.resizeWidth,
+        resizeHeight: options.resizeHeight,
+        resizeQuality: options.resizeQuality ?? "low",
+        imageBitmapSource,
+        mimeType,
+      },
+    );
+    imageBitmap[_bitmapData] =;
+    imageBitmap[_width] = processedImage.width;
+    imageBitmap[_height] = processedImage.height;
+    return imageBitmap;
+  })();
 function getBitmapData(imageBitmap) {
diff --git a/ext/canvas/Cargo.toml b/ext/canvas/Cargo.toml
index 1bf7323d7b..52b145f2ac 100644
--- a/ext/canvas/Cargo.toml
+++ b/ext/canvas/Cargo.toml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ deno_core.workspace = true
 deno_terminal.workspace = true
 deno_webgpu.workspace = true
 image = { version = "0.25.2", default-features = false, features = ["png", "jpeg", "bmp", "ico", "webp", "gif"] }
-# NOTE: The qcms is a color space conversion crate which parses ICC profiles that used in Gecko, 
+# NOTE: The qcms is a color space conversion crate which parses ICC profiles that used in Gecko,
 # however it supports only 8-bit color depth currently.
 lcms2 = "6.1.0"
diff --git a/ext/canvas/ b/ext/canvas/
index bd08f9e8d6..e2d1605345 100644
--- a/ext/canvas/
+++ b/ext/canvas/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
 use deno_core::error::AnyError;
+use std::borrow::Cow;
 use std::fmt;
@@ -28,3 +29,16 @@ pub fn get_error_class_name(e: &AnyError) -> Option<&'static str> {
     .map(|_| "DOMExceptionInvalidStateError")
+/// Returns a string that represents the error message for the image.
+pub(crate) fn image_error_message<'a, T: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(
+  opreation: T,
+  reason: T,
+) -> String {
+  format!(
+    "An error has occurred while {}.
+reason: {}",
+    opreation.into(),
+    reason.into(),
+  )
diff --git a/ext/canvas/ b/ext/canvas/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23f33641c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/canvas/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+use serde::Deserialize;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+pub enum PredefinedColorSpace {
+  Srgb,
+  #[serde(rename = "display-p3")]
+  DisplayP3,
diff --git a/ext/canvas/ b/ext/canvas/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b9e4fa53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/canvas/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+use std::io::BufRead;
+use std::io::BufReader;
+use std::io::Cursor;
+use std::io::Seek;
+use deno_core::error::AnyError;
+use image::codecs::bmp::BmpDecoder;
+use image::codecs::gif::GifDecoder;
+use image::codecs::ico::IcoDecoder;
+use image::codecs::jpeg::JpegDecoder;
+use image::codecs::png::PngDecoder;
+use image::codecs::webp::WebPDecoder;
+use image::DynamicImage;
+use image::ImageDecoder;
+use image::ImageError;
+use crate::error::image_error_message;
+use crate::error::DOMExceptionInvalidStateError;
+// About the animated image
+// > Blob .4
+// > ... If this is an animated image, imageBitmap's bitmap data must only be taken from
+// > the default image of the animation (the one that the format defines is to be used when animation is
+// > not supported or is disabled), or, if there is no such image, the first frame of the animation.
+// see also browser implementations: (The implementation of Gecko and WebKit is hard to read.)
+pub(crate) trait ImageDecoderFromReader<'a, R: BufRead + Seek> {
+  fn to_decoder(reader: R) -> Result<Self, AnyError>
+  where
+    Self: Sized;
+  fn to_intermediate_image(self) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError>;
+  fn get_icc_profile(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
+pub(crate) type ImageDecoderFromReaderType<'a> = BufReader<Cursor<&'a [u8]>>;
+pub(crate) fn image_decoding_error(
+  error: ImageError,
+) -> DOMExceptionInvalidStateError {
+  DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(&image_error_message(
+    "decoding",
+    &error.to_string(),
+  ))
+macro_rules! impl_image_decoder_from_reader {
+  ($decoder:ty, $reader:ty) => {
+    impl<'a, R: BufRead + Seek> ImageDecoderFromReader<'a, R> for $decoder {
+      fn to_decoder(reader: R) -> Result<Self, AnyError>
+      where
+        Self: Sized,
+      {
+        match <$decoder>::new(reader) {
+          Ok(decoder) => Ok(decoder),
+          Err(err) => return Err(image_decoding_error(err).into()),
+        }
+      }
+      fn to_intermediate_image(self) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+        match DynamicImage::from_decoder(self) {
+          Ok(image) => Ok(image),
+          Err(err) => Err(image_decoding_error(err).into()),
+        }
+      }
+      fn get_icc_profile(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
+        match self.icc_profile() {
+          Ok(profile) => profile,
+          Err(_) => None,
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };
+// If PngDecoder decodes an animated image, it returns the default image if one is set, or the first frame if not.
+impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(PngDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
+impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(JpegDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
+// The GifDecoder decodes the first frame.
+impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(GifDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
+impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(BmpDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
+impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(IcoDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
+// The WebPDecoder decodes the first frame.
+impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(WebPDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
diff --git a/ext/canvas/ b/ext/canvas/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbd6fcc55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/canvas/
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+use bytemuck::cast_slice;
+use deno_core::error::AnyError;
+use image::ColorType;
+use image::DynamicImage;
+use image::GenericImageView;
+use image::ImageBuffer;
+use image::Luma;
+use image::LumaA;
+use image::Pixel;
+use image::Primitive;
+use image::Rgb;
+use image::Rgba;
+use lcms2::PixelFormat;
+use lcms2::Pod;
+use lcms2::Profile;
+use lcms2::Transform;
+use num_traits::NumCast;
+use num_traits::SaturatingMul;
+pub(crate) trait PremultiplyAlpha {
+  fn premultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self;
+impl<T: Primitive> PremultiplyAlpha for LumaA<T> {
+  fn premultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
+    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
+    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1]];
+    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
+    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
+    let normalized_alpha = alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
+    if normalized_alpha == 0.0 {
+      return LumaA::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[alpha_index]]);
+    }
+    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
+      *rgb = NumCast::from((rgb.to_f32().unwrap() * normalized_alpha).round())
+        .unwrap()
+    }
+    LumaA::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[alpha_index]])
+  }
+impl<T: Primitive> PremultiplyAlpha for Rgba<T> {
+  fn premultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
+    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
+    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]];
+    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
+    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
+    let normalized_alpha = alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
+    if normalized_alpha == 0.0 {
+      return Rgba::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[alpha_index]]);
+    }
+    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
+      *rgb = NumCast::from((rgb.to_f32().unwrap() * normalized_alpha).round())
+        .unwrap()
+    }
+    Rgba::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[alpha_index]])
+  }
+// make public if needed
+fn process_premultiply_alpha<I, P, S>(image: &I) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
+  I: GenericImageView<Pixel = P>,
+  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + PremultiplyAlpha + 'static,
+  S: Primitive + 'static,
+  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
+  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
+  for (x, y, pixel) in image.pixels() {
+    let pixel = pixel.premultiply_alpha();
+    out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
+  }
+  out
+/// Premultiply the alpha channel of the image.
+pub(crate) fn premultiply_alpha(
+  image: DynamicImage,
+  unmatch: Option<fn(ColorType) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError>>,
+) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+  let color = image.color();
+  match color {
+    ColorType::La8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(process_premultiply_alpha(
+      &image.to_luma_alpha8(),
+    ))),
+    ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
+      process_premultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba8()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::La16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(
+      process_premultiply_alpha(&image.to_luma_alpha16()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
+      process_premultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba16()),
+    )),
+    x => match unmatch {
+      Some(unmatch) => unmatch(x),
+      None => Ok(image),
+    },
+  }
+pub(crate) trait UnpremultiplyAlpha {
+  /// To determine if the image is premultiplied alpha,
+  /// checking premultiplied RGBA value is one where any of the R/G/B channel values exceeds the alpha channel value.\
+  ///
+  fn is_premultiplied_alpha(&self) -> bool;
+  fn unpremultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self;
+impl<T: Primitive + SaturatingMul + Ord> UnpremultiplyAlpha for Rgba<T> {
+  fn is_premultiplied_alpha(&self) -> bool {
+    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
+    let pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2]];
+    let alpha_index = self.0.len() - 1;
+    let alpha = self.0[alpha_index];
+    match pixel.iter().max() {
+      Some(rgb_max) => rgb_max < &max_t.saturating_mul(&alpha),
+      // usually doesn't reach here
+      None => false,
+    }
+  }
+  fn unpremultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
+    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
+    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]];
+    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
+    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
+    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
+      *rgb = NumCast::from(
+        (rgb.to_f32().unwrap()
+          / (alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap()))
+        .round(),
+      )
+      .unwrap();
+    }
+    Rgba::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[alpha_index]])
+  }
+impl<T: Primitive + SaturatingMul + Ord> UnpremultiplyAlpha for LumaA<T> {
+  fn is_premultiplied_alpha(&self) -> bool {
+    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
+    let pixel = [self.0[0]];
+    let alpha_index = self.0.len() - 1;
+    let alpha = self.0[alpha_index];
+    pixel[0] < max_t.saturating_mul(&alpha)
+  }
+  fn unpremultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
+    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
+    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1]];
+    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
+    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
+    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
+      *rgb = NumCast::from(
+        (rgb.to_f32().unwrap()
+          / (alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap()))
+        .round(),
+      )
+      .unwrap();
+    }
+    LumaA::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[alpha_index]])
+  }
+// make public if needed
+fn process_unpremultiply_alpha<I, P, S>(image: &I) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
+  I: GenericImageView<Pixel = P>,
+  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + UnpremultiplyAlpha + 'static,
+  S: Primitive + 'static,
+  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
+  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
+  let is_premultiplied_alpha = image
+    .pixels()
+    .any(|(_, _, pixel)| pixel.is_premultiplied_alpha());
+  for (x, y, pixel) in image.pixels() {
+    let pixel = if is_premultiplied_alpha {
+      pixel.unpremultiply_alpha()
+    } else {
+      // return the original
+      pixel
+    };
+    out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
+  }
+  out
+/// Invert the premultiplied alpha channel of the image.
+pub(crate) fn unpremultiply_alpha(
+  image: DynamicImage,
+  unmatch: Option<fn(ColorType) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError>>,
+) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+  match image.color() {
+    ColorType::La8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(
+      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_luma_alpha8()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
+      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba8()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::La16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(
+      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_luma_alpha16()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
+      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba16()),
+    )),
+    x => match unmatch {
+      Some(unmatch) => unmatch(x),
+      None => Ok(image),
+    },
+  }
+// reference
+fn srgb_to_linear<T: Primitive>(value: T) -> f32 {
+  if value.to_f32().unwrap() <= 0.04045 {
+    value.to_f32().unwrap() / 12.92
+  } else {
+    ((value.to_f32().unwrap() + 0.055) / 1.055).powf(2.4)
+  }
+// reference
+fn linear_to_display_p3<T: Primitive>(value: T) -> f32 {
+  if value.to_f32().unwrap() <= 0.0031308 {
+    value.to_f32().unwrap() * 12.92
+  } else {
+    1.055 * value.to_f32().unwrap().powf(1.0 / 2.4) - 0.055
+  }
+fn normalize_value_to_0_1<T: Primitive>(value: T) -> f32 {
+  value.to_f32().unwrap() / T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE.to_f32().unwrap()
+fn unnormalize_value_from_0_1<T: Primitive>(value: f32) -> T {
+  NumCast::from(
+    (value.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE.to_f32().unwrap()).round(),
+  )
+  .unwrap()
+fn apply_conversion_matrix_srgb_to_display_p3<T: Primitive>(
+  r: T,
+  g: T,
+  b: T,
+) -> (T, T, T) {
+  // normalize the value to 0.0 - 1.0
+  let (r, g, b) = (
+    normalize_value_to_0_1(r),
+    normalize_value_to_0_1(g),
+    normalize_value_to_0_1(b),
+  );
+  // sRGB -> Linear RGB
+  let (r, g, b) = (srgb_to_linear(r), srgb_to_linear(g), srgb_to_linear(b));
+  // Display-P3 (RGB) -> Display-P3 (XYZ)
+  //
+  // inv[ P3-D65 (D65) to XYZ ] * [ sRGB (D65) to XYZ ]
+  //
+  //
+  // [ sRGB (D65) to XYZ ]
+  #[rustfmt::skip]
+  let (m1x, m1y, m1z) = (
+    [0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375],
+    [0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750],
+    [0.0193339, 0.119_192, 0.9503041],
+  );
+  let (r, g, b) = (
+    r * m1x[0] + g * m1x[1] + b * m1x[2],
+    r * m1y[0] + g * m1y[1] + b * m1y[2],
+    r * m1z[0] + g * m1z[1] + b * m1z[2],
+  );
+  // inv[ P3-D65 (D65) to XYZ ]
+  #[rustfmt::skip]
+  let (m2x, m2y, m2z) = (
+    [    2.493_497,  -0.931_383_6,  -0.402_710_8 ],
+    [   -0.829_489,   1.762_664_1, 0.023_624_687 ],
+    [ 0.035_845_83, -0.076_172_39,   0.956_884_5 ],
+  );
+  let (r, g, b) = (
+    r * m2x[0] + g * m2x[1] + b * m2x[2],
+    r * m2y[0] + g * m2y[1] + b * m2y[2],
+    r * m2z[0] + g * m2z[1] + b * m2z[2],
+  );
+  // This calculation is similar as above that it is a little faster, but less accurate.
+  // let r = 0.8225 * r + 0.1774 * g + 0.0000 * b;
+  // let g = 0.0332 * r + 0.9669 * g + 0.0000 * b;
+  // let b = 0.0171 * r + 0.0724 * g + 0.9108 * b;
+  // Display-P3 (Linear) -> Display-P3
+  let (r, g, b) = (
+    linear_to_display_p3(r),
+    linear_to_display_p3(g),
+    linear_to_display_p3(b),
+  );
+  // unnormalize the value from 0.0 - 1.0
+  (
+    unnormalize_value_from_0_1(r),
+    unnormalize_value_from_0_1(g),
+    unnormalize_value_from_0_1(b),
+  )
+pub(crate) trait ColorSpaceConversion {
+  /// Display P3 Color Encoding (v 1.0)  
+  ///
+  fn srgb_to_display_p3(&self) -> Self;
+impl<T: Primitive> ColorSpaceConversion for Rgb<T> {
+  fn srgb_to_display_p3(&self) -> Self {
+    let (r, g, b) = (self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2]);
+    let (r, g, b) = apply_conversion_matrix_srgb_to_display_p3(r, g, b);
+    Rgb::<T>([r, g, b])
+  }
+impl<T: Primitive> ColorSpaceConversion for Rgba<T> {
+  fn srgb_to_display_p3(&self) -> Self {
+    let (r, g, b, a) = (self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]);
+    let (r, g, b) = apply_conversion_matrix_srgb_to_display_p3(r, g, b);
+    Rgba::<T>([r, g, b, a])
+  }
+// make public if needed
+fn process_srgb_to_display_p3<I, P, S>(image: &I) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
+  I: GenericImageView<Pixel = P>,
+  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + ColorSpaceConversion + 'static,
+  S: Primitive + 'static,
+  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
+  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
+  for (x, y, pixel) in image.pixels() {
+    let pixel = pixel.srgb_to_display_p3();
+    out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
+  }
+  out
+/// Convert the color space of the image from sRGB to Display-P3.
+pub(crate) fn srgb_to_display_p3(
+  image: DynamicImage,
+  unmatch: Option<fn(ColorType) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError>>,
+) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+  match image.color() {
+    // The conversion of the lumincance color types to the display-p3 color space is meaningless.
+    ColorType::L8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma8(image.to_luma8())),
+    ColorType::L16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma16(image.to_luma16())),
+    ColorType::La8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(image.to_luma_alpha8())),
+    ColorType::La16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(image.to_luma_alpha16())),
+    ColorType::Rgb8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(process_srgb_to_display_p3(
+      &image.to_rgb8(),
+    ))),
+    ColorType::Rgb16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb16(
+      process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgb16()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
+      process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgba8()),
+    )),
+    ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
+      process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgba16()),
+    )),
+    x => match unmatch {
+      Some(unmatch) => unmatch(x),
+      None => Ok(image),
+    },
+  }
+pub(crate) trait SliceToPixel {
+  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self;
+impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for Luma<T> {
+  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
+    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
+    let pixel = [pixel[0]];
+    Luma::<T>(pixel)
+  }
+impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for LumaA<T> {
+  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
+    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
+    let pixel = [pixel[0], pixel[1]];
+    LumaA::<T>(pixel)
+  }
+impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for Rgb<T> {
+  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
+    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
+    let pixel = [pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]];
+    Rgb::<T>(pixel)
+  }
+impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for Rgba<T> {
+  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
+    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
+    let pixel = [pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]];
+    Rgba::<T>(pixel)
+  }
+/// Convert the pixel slice to an array to avoid the copy to Vec.  
+/// I implemented this trait because of I couldn't find a way to effectively combine   
+/// the `Transform` struct of `lcms2` and `Pixel` trait of `image`.  
+/// If there is an implementation that is safer and can withstand changes, I would like to adopt it.
+pub(crate) trait SliceToArray<const N: usize> {
+  fn slice_to_array(pixel: &[u8]) -> [u8; N];
+macro_rules! impl_slice_to_array {
+  ($type:ty, $n:expr) => {
+    impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToArray<$n> for $type {
+      fn slice_to_array(pixel: &[u8]) -> [u8; $n] {
+        let mut dst = [0_u8; $n];
+        dst.copy_from_slice(&pixel[..$n]);
+        dst
+      }
+    }
+  };
+impl_slice_to_array!(Luma<T>, 1);
+impl_slice_to_array!(Luma<T>, 2);
+impl_slice_to_array!(LumaA<T>, 2);
+impl_slice_to_array!(LumaA<T>, 4);
+impl_slice_to_array!(Rgb<T>, 3);
+impl_slice_to_array!(Rgb<T>, 6);
+impl_slice_to_array!(Rgba<T>, 4);
+impl_slice_to_array!(Rgba<T>, 8);
+// make public if needed
+fn process_icc_profile_conversion<P, S, const N: usize>(
+  image: &DynamicImage,
+  input_icc_profile: Profile,
+  output_icc_profile: Profile,
+) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
+  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + SliceToPixel + SliceToArray<N> + 'static,
+  S: Primitive + 'static,
+  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
+  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
+  let chunk_size = image.color().bytes_per_pixel() as usize;
+  let pixel_iter = image
+    .as_bytes()
+    .chunks_exact(chunk_size)
+    .zip(image.pixels());
+  let pixel_format = match image.color() {
+    ColorType::L8 => PixelFormat::GRAY_8,
+    ColorType::L16 => PixelFormat::GRAY_16,
+    ColorType::La8 => PixelFormat::GRAYA_8,
+    ColorType::La16 => PixelFormat::GRAYA_16,
+    ColorType::Rgb8 => PixelFormat::RGB_8,
+    ColorType::Rgb16 => PixelFormat::RGB_16,
+    ColorType::Rgba8 => PixelFormat::RGBA_8,
+    ColorType::Rgba16 => PixelFormat::RGBA_16,
+    // This arm usually doesn't reach, but it should be handled with returning the original image.
+    _ => {
+      return {
+        for (pixel, (x, y, _)) in pixel_iter {
+          out.put_pixel(x, y, P::slice_to_pixel(pixel));
+        }
+        out
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  let transformer = Transform::new(
+    &input_icc_profile,
+    pixel_format,
+    &output_icc_profile,
+    pixel_format,
+    output_icc_profile.header_rendering_intent(),
+  );
+  for (pixel, (x, y, _)) in pixel_iter {
+    let pixel = match transformer {
+      Ok(ref transformer) => {
+        let mut dst = P::slice_to_array(pixel);
+        transformer.transform_in_place(&mut dst);
+        dst
+      }
+      // This arm will reach when the ffi call fails.
+      Err(_) => P::slice_to_array(pixel),
+    };
+    out.put_pixel(x, y, P::slice_to_pixel(&pixel));
+  }
+  out
+/// Convert the color space of the image from the ICC profile to sRGB.
+pub(crate) fn to_srgb_from_icc_profile(
+  image: DynamicImage,
+  icc_profile: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+  unmatch: Option<fn(ColorType) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError>>,
+) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+  match icc_profile {
+    // If there is no color profile information, return the image as is.
+    None => Ok(image),
+    Some(icc_profile) => match Profile::new_icc(&icc_profile) {
+      // If the color profile information is invalid, return the image as is.
+      Err(_) => Ok(image),
+      Ok(icc_profile) => {
+        let srgb_icc_profile = Profile::new_srgb();
+        match image.color() {
+          ColorType::L8 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma8(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,1>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          ColorType::L16 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma16(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,2>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          ColorType::La8 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,2>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          ColorType::La16 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_, _, 4>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          },
+          ColorType::Rgb8 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,3>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          ColorType::Rgb16 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb16(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,6>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          ColorType::Rgba8 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,4>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          ColorType::Rgba16 => {
+            Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(process_icc_profile_conversion::<_,_,8>(&image,icc_profile,srgb_icc_profile)))
+          }
+          x => match unmatch {
+            Some(unmatch) => unmatch(x),
+            None => Ok(image),
+          },
+        }
+      }
+    },
+  }
diff --git a/ext/canvas/ b/ext/canvas/
index 80898d4788..a5d7f32c38 100644
--- a/ext/canvas/
+++ b/ext/canvas/
@@ -1,1138 +1,18 @@
 // Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
-use bytemuck::cast_slice;
-use deno_core::error::type_error;
-use deno_core::error::AnyError;
-use deno_core::op2;
-use deno_core::JsBuffer;
-use deno_core::ToJsBuffer;
-use deno_terminal::colors::cyan;
-use image::codecs::bmp::BmpDecoder;
-use image::codecs::gif::GifDecoder;
-use image::codecs::ico::IcoDecoder;
-use image::codecs::jpeg::JpegDecoder;
-use image::codecs::png::PngDecoder;
-use image::codecs::webp::WebPDecoder;
-use image::imageops::overlay;
-use image::imageops::FilterType;
-use image::ColorType;
-use image::DynamicImage;
-use image::GenericImageView;
-use image::ImageBuffer;
-use image::ImageDecoder;
-use image::ImageError;
-use image::Luma;
-use image::LumaA;
-use image::Pixel;
-use image::Primitive;
-use image::Rgb;
-use image::Rgba;
-use image::RgbaImage;
-use lcms2::PixelFormat;
-use lcms2::Pod;
-use lcms2::Profile;
-use lcms2::Transform;
-use num_traits::NumCast;
-use num_traits::SaturatingMul;
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use serde::Serialize;
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use std::io::BufRead;
-use std::io::BufReader;
-use std::io::Cursor;
-use std::io::Seek;
 use std::path::PathBuf;
 pub mod error;
-use error::DOMExceptionInvalidStateError;
-fn to_js_buffer(image: &DynamicImage) -> ToJsBuffer {
-  image.as_bytes().to_vec().into()
-fn image_error_message<'a, T: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(
-  opreation: T,
-  reason: T,
-) -> String {
-  format!(
-    "An error has occurred while {}.
-reason: {}",
-    opreation.into(),
-    reason.into(),
-  )
-// reference
-trait ProcessPremultiplyAlpha {
-  fn premultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self;
-impl<T: Primitive> ProcessPremultiplyAlpha for LumaA<T> {
-  fn premultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
-    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
-    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1]];
-    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
-    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
-    let normalized_alpha = alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
-    if normalized_alpha == 0.0 {
-      return LumaA::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[alpha_index]]);
-    }
-    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
-      *rgb = NumCast::from((rgb.to_f32().unwrap() * normalized_alpha).round())
-        .unwrap()
-    }
-    LumaA::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[alpha_index]])
-  }
-impl<T: Primitive> ProcessPremultiplyAlpha for Rgba<T> {
-  fn premultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
-    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
-    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]];
-    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
-    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
-    let normalized_alpha = alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
-    if normalized_alpha == 0.0 {
-      return Rgba::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[alpha_index]]);
-    }
-    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
-      *rgb = NumCast::from((rgb.to_f32().unwrap() * normalized_alpha).round())
-        .unwrap()
-    }
-    Rgba::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[alpha_index]])
-  }
-fn process_premultiply_alpha<I, P, S>(image: &I) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
-  I: GenericImageView<Pixel = P>,
-  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + ProcessPremultiplyAlpha + 'static,
-  S: Primitive + 'static,
-  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
-  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
-  for (x, y, pixel) in image.pixels() {
-    let pixel = pixel.premultiply_alpha();
-    out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
-  }
-  out
-fn apply_premultiply_alpha(
-  image: &DynamicImage,
-) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
-  match image.color() {
-    ColorType::La8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(process_premultiply_alpha(
-      &image.to_luma_alpha8(),
-    ))),
-    ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
-      process_premultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba8()),
-    )),
-    ColorType::La16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(
-      process_premultiply_alpha(&image.to_luma_alpha16()),
-    )),
-    ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
-      process_premultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba16()),
-    )),
-    _ => Err(type_error(image_error_message(
-      "apply premultiplyAlpha: premultiply",
-      "The color type is not supported.",
-    ))),
-  }
-trait ProcessUnpremultiplyAlpha {
-  /// To determine if the image is premultiplied alpha,
-  /// checking premultiplied RGBA value is one where any of the R/G/B channel values exceeds the alpha channel value.\
-  ///
-  fn is_premultiplied_alpha(&self) -> bool;
-  fn unpremultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self;
-impl<T: Primitive + SaturatingMul + Ord> ProcessUnpremultiplyAlpha for Rgba<T> {
-  fn is_premultiplied_alpha(&self) -> bool {
-    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
-    let pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2]];
-    let alpha_index = self.0.len() - 1;
-    let alpha = self.0[alpha_index];
-    match pixel.iter().max() {
-      Some(rgb_max) => rgb_max < &max_t.saturating_mul(&alpha),
-      // usually doesn't reach here
-      None => false,
-    }
-  }
-  fn unpremultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
-    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
-    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]];
-    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
-    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
-    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
-      *rgb = NumCast::from(
-        (rgb.to_f32().unwrap()
-          / (alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap()))
-        .round(),
-      )
-      .unwrap();
-    }
-    Rgba::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[alpha_index]])
-  }
-impl<T: Primitive + SaturatingMul + Ord> ProcessUnpremultiplyAlpha
-  for LumaA<T>
-  fn is_premultiplied_alpha(&self) -> bool {
-    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
-    let pixel = [self.0[0]];
-    let alpha_index = self.0.len() - 1;
-    let alpha = self.0[alpha_index];
-    pixel[0] < max_t.saturating_mul(&alpha)
-  }
-  fn unpremultiply_alpha(&self) -> Self {
-    let max_t = T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;
-    let mut pixel = [self.0[0], self.0[1]];
-    let alpha_index = pixel.len() - 1;
-    let alpha = pixel[alpha_index];
-    for rgb in pixel.iter_mut().take(alpha_index) {
-      *rgb = NumCast::from(
-        (rgb.to_f32().unwrap()
-          / (alpha.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t.to_f32().unwrap()))
-        .round(),
-      )
-      .unwrap();
-    }
-    LumaA::<T>([pixel[0], pixel[alpha_index]])
-  }
-fn process_unpremultiply_alpha<I, P, S>(image: &I) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
-  I: GenericImageView<Pixel = P>,
-  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + ProcessUnpremultiplyAlpha + 'static,
-  S: Primitive + 'static,
-  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
-  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
-  let is_premultiplied_alpha = image
-    .pixels()
-    .any(|(_, _, pixel)| pixel.is_premultiplied_alpha());
-  for (x, y, pixel) in image.pixels() {
-    let pixel = if is_premultiplied_alpha {
-      pixel.unpremultiply_alpha()
-    } else {
-      // return the original
-      pixel
-    };
-    out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
-  }
-  out
-fn apply_unpremultiply_alpha(
-  image: &DynamicImage,
-) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
-  match image.color() {
-    ColorType::La8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(
-      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_luma_alpha8()),
-    )),
-    ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
-      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba8()),
-    )),
-    ColorType::La16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(
-      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_luma_alpha16()),
-    )),
-    ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
-      process_unpremultiply_alpha(&image.to_rgba16()),
-    )),
-    _ => Err(type_error(image_error_message(
-      "apply premultiplyAlpha: none",
-      "The color type is not supported.",
-    ))),
-  }
-// reference
-fn srgb_to_linear<T: Primitive>(value: T) -> f32 {
-  if value.to_f32().unwrap() <= 0.04045 {
-    value.to_f32().unwrap() / 12.92
-  } else {
-    ((value.to_f32().unwrap() + 0.055) / 1.055).powf(2.4)
-  }
-// reference
-fn linear_to_display_p3<T: Primitive>(value: T) -> f32 {
-  if value.to_f32().unwrap() <= 0.0031308 {
-    value.to_f32().unwrap() * 12.92
-  } else {
-    1.055 * value.to_f32().unwrap().powf(1.0 / 2.4) - 0.055
-  }
-fn normalize_value_to_0_1<T: Primitive>(value: T) -> f32 {
-  value.to_f32().unwrap() / T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE.to_f32().unwrap()
-fn unnormalize_value_from_0_1<T: Primitive>(value: f32) -> T {
-  NumCast::from(
-    (value.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * T::DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE.to_f32().unwrap()).round(),
-  )
-  .unwrap()
-fn srgb_to_display_p3<T: Primitive>(r: T, g: T, b: T) -> (T, T, T) {
-  // normalize the value to 0.0 - 1.0
-  let (r, g, b) = (
-    normalize_value_to_0_1(r),
-    normalize_value_to_0_1(g),
-    normalize_value_to_0_1(b),
-  );
-  // sRGB -> Linear RGB
-  let (r, g, b) = (srgb_to_linear(r), srgb_to_linear(g), srgb_to_linear(b));
-  // Display-P3 (RGB) -> Display-P3 (XYZ)
-  //
-  // inv[ P3-D65 (D65) to XYZ ] * [ sRGB (D65) to XYZ ]
-  //
-  //
-  // [ sRGB (D65) to XYZ ]
-  #[rustfmt::skip]
-  let (m1x, m1y, m1z) = (
-    [0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375],
-    [0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750],
-    [0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041],
-  );
-  let (r, g, b) = (
-    r * m1x[0] + g * m1x[1] + b * m1x[2],
-    r * m1y[0] + g * m1y[1] + b * m1y[2],
-    r * m1z[0] + g * m1z[1] + b * m1z[2],
-  );
-  // inv[ P3-D65 (D65) to XYZ ]
-  #[rustfmt::skip]
-  let (m2x, m2y, m2z) = (
-    [   2.493496911941425, -0.9313836179191239, -0.40271078445071684 ],
-    [ -0.8294889695615747,  1.7626640603183463, 0.023624685841943577 ],
-    [ 0.03584583024378447,-0.07617238926804182,   0.9568845240076872 ],
-  );
-  let (r, g, b) = (
-    r * m2x[0] + g * m2x[1] + b * m2x[2],
-    r * m2y[0] + g * m2y[1] + b * m2y[2],
-    r * m2z[0] + g * m2z[1] + b * m2z[2],
-  );
-  // This calculation is similar as above that it is a little faster, but less accurate.
-  // let r = 0.8225 * r + 0.1774 * g + 0.0000 * b;
-  // let g = 0.0332 * r + 0.9669 * g + 0.0000 * b;
-  // let b = 0.0171 * r + 0.0724 * g + 0.9108 * b;
-  // Display-P3 (Linear) -> Display-P3
-  let (r, g, b) = (
-    linear_to_display_p3(r),
-    linear_to_display_p3(g),
-    linear_to_display_p3(b),
-  );
-  // unnormalize the value from 0.0 - 1.0
-  (
-    unnormalize_value_from_0_1(r),
-    unnormalize_value_from_0_1(g),
-    unnormalize_value_from_0_1(b),
-  )
-trait ProcessColorSpaceConversion {
-  /// Display P3 Color Encoding (v 1.0)  
-  ///
-  fn process_srgb_to_display_p3(&self) -> Self;
-impl<T: Primitive> ProcessColorSpaceConversion for Rgb<T> {
-  fn process_srgb_to_display_p3(&self) -> Self {
-    let (r, g, b) = (self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2]);
-    let (r, g, b) = srgb_to_display_p3(r, g, b);
-    Rgb::<T>([r, g, b])
-  }
-impl<T: Primitive> ProcessColorSpaceConversion for Rgba<T> {
-  fn process_srgb_to_display_p3(&self) -> Self {
-    let (r, g, b, a) = (self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]);
-    let (r, g, b) = srgb_to_display_p3(r, g, b);
-    Rgba::<T>([r, g, b, a])
-  }
-fn process_srgb_to_display_p3<I, P, S>(image: &I) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
-  I: GenericImageView<Pixel = P>,
-  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + ProcessColorSpaceConversion + 'static,
-  S: Primitive + 'static,
-  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
-  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
-  for (x, y, pixel) in image.pixels() {
-    let pixel = pixel.process_srgb_to_display_p3();
-    out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
-  }
-  out
-trait SliceToPixel {
-  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self;
-impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for Luma<T> {
-  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
-    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
-    let pixel = [pixel[0]];
-    Luma::<T>(pixel)
-  }
-impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for LumaA<T> {
-  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
-    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
-    let pixel = [pixel[0], pixel[1]];
-    LumaA::<T>(pixel)
-  }
-impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for Rgb<T> {
-  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
-    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
-    let pixel = [pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]];
-    Rgb::<T>(pixel)
-  }
-impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToPixel for Rgba<T> {
-  fn slice_to_pixel(pixel: &[u8]) -> Self {
-    let pixel: &[T] = cast_slice(pixel);
-    let pixel = [pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]];
-    Rgba::<T>(pixel)
-  }
-/// Convert the pixel slice to an array to avoid the copy to Vec.  
-/// I implemented this trait because of I couldn't find a way to effectively combine   
-/// the `Transform` struct of `lcms2` and `Pixel` trait of `image`.  
-/// If there is an implementation that is safer and can withstand changes, I would like to adopt it.
-trait SliceToArray<const N: usize> {
-  fn slice_to_array(pixel: &[u8]) -> [u8; N];
-macro_rules! impl_slice_to_array {
-  ($type:ty, $n:expr) => {
-    impl<T: Primitive + Pod> SliceToArray<$n> for $type {
-      fn slice_to_array(pixel: &[u8]) -> [u8; $n] {
-        let mut dst = [0_u8; $n];
-        dst.copy_from_slice(&pixel[..$n]);
-        dst
-      }
-    }
-  };
-impl_slice_to_array!(Luma<T>, 1);
-impl_slice_to_array!(Luma<T>, 2);
-impl_slice_to_array!(LumaA<T>, 2);
-impl_slice_to_array!(LumaA<T>, 4);
-impl_slice_to_array!(Rgb<T>, 3);
-impl_slice_to_array!(Rgb<T>, 6);
-impl_slice_to_array!(Rgba<T>, 4);
-impl_slice_to_array!(Rgba<T>, 8);
-fn process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb<P, S, const N: usize>(
-  image: &DynamicImage,
-  icc_profile: Profile,
-) -> ImageBuffer<P, Vec<S>>
-  P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + SliceToPixel + SliceToArray<N> + 'static,
-  S: Primitive + 'static,
-  let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
-  let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
-  let chunk_size = image.color().bytes_per_pixel() as usize;
-  let pixel_iter = image
-    .as_bytes()
-    .chunks_exact(chunk_size)
-    .zip(image.pixels());
-  let pixel_format = match image.color() {
-    ColorType::L8 => PixelFormat::GRAY_8,
-    ColorType::L16 => PixelFormat::GRAY_16,
-    ColorType::La8 => PixelFormat::GRAYA_8,
-    ColorType::La16 => PixelFormat::GRAYA_16,
-    ColorType::Rgb8 => PixelFormat::RGB_8,
-    ColorType::Rgb16 => PixelFormat::RGB_16,
-    ColorType::Rgba8 => PixelFormat::RGBA_8,
-    ColorType::Rgba16 => PixelFormat::RGBA_16,
-    // This arm usually doesn't reach, but it should be handled with returning the original image.
-    _ => {
-      return {
-        for (pixel, (x, y, _)) in pixel_iter {
-          out.put_pixel(x, y, P::slice_to_pixel(&pixel));
-        }
-        out
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  let srgb_icc_profile = Profile::new_srgb();
-  let transformer = Transform::new(
-    &icc_profile,
-    pixel_format,
-    &srgb_icc_profile,
-    pixel_format,
-    srgb_icc_profile.header_rendering_intent(),
-  );
-  for (pixel, (x, y, _)) in pixel_iter {
-    let pixel = match transformer {
-      Ok(ref transformer) => {
-        let mut dst = P::slice_to_array(pixel);
-        transformer.transform_in_place(&mut dst);
-        dst
-      }
-      // This arm will reach when the ffi call fails.
-      Err(_) => P::slice_to_array(pixel),
-    };
-    out.put_pixel(x, y, P::slice_to_pixel(&pixel));
-  }
-  out
-/// According to the spec, it's not clear how to handle the color space conversion.
-/// Therefore, if you interpret the specification description from the implementation and wpt results, it will be as follows.
-/// Let val be the value of the colorSpaceConversion member of options, and then run these substeps:
-///  1. If val is "default", to convert to the sRGB color space.
-///  2. If val is "none", to use the decoded image data as is.
-/// related issue in whatwg
-/// reference in wpt  
-fn apply_color_space_conversion(
-  image: DynamicImage,
-  icc_profile: Option<Vec<u8>>,
-  image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource,
-  color_space_conversion: &ColorSpaceConversion,
-  predefined_color_space: &PredefinedColorSpace,
-) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
-  match color_space_conversion {
-    // return the decoded image as is.
-    ColorSpaceConversion::None => Ok(image),
-    ColorSpaceConversion::Default => {
-      match image_bitmap_source {
-        ImageBitmapSource::Blob => match icc_profile {
-          // If there is no color profile information, return the image as is.
-          None => Ok(image),
-          Some(icc_profile) => match Profile::new_icc(&icc_profile) {
-            // If the color profile information is invalid, return the image as is.
-            Err(_) => Ok(image),
-            Ok(icc_profile) => match image.color() {
-              ColorType::L8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma8(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 1>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::L16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma16(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 2>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::La8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 2>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::La16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 4>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgb8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 3>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgb16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb16(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 6>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 4>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
-                process_color_space_from_icc_profile_to_srgb::<_, _, 8>(
-                  &image,
-                  icc_profile,
-                ),
-              )),
-              _ => Err(type_error(image_error_message(
-                "apply colorspaceConversion: default",
-                "The color type is not supported.",
-              ))),
-            },
-          },
-        },
-        ImageBitmapSource::ImageData => match predefined_color_space {
-          // If the color space is sRGB, return the image as is.
-          PredefinedColorSpace::Srgb => Ok(image),
-          PredefinedColorSpace::DisplayP3 => {
-            match image.color() {
-              // The conversion of the lumincance color types to the display-p3 color space is meaningless.
-              ColorType::L8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma8(image.to_luma8())),
-              ColorType::L16 => {
-                Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLuma16(image.to_luma16()))
-              }
-              ColorType::La8 => {
-                Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA8(image.to_luma_alpha8()))
-              }
-              ColorType::La16 => {
-                Ok(DynamicImage::ImageLumaA16(image.to_luma_alpha16()))
-              }
-              ColorType::Rgb8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(
-                process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgb8()),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgb16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgb16(
-                process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgb16()),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgba8 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(
-                process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgba8()),
-              )),
-              ColorType::Rgba16 => Ok(DynamicImage::ImageRgba16(
-                process_srgb_to_display_p3(&image.to_rgba16()),
-              )),
-              _ => Err(type_error(image_error_message(
-                "apply colorspace: display-p3",
-                "The color type is not supported.",
-              ))),
-            }
-          }
-        },
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-enum ImageResizeQuality {
-  Pixelated,
-  Low,
-  Medium,
-  High,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
-// Follow the cases defined in the spec
-enum ImageBitmapSource {
-  Blob,
-  ImageData,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-enum PremultiplyAlpha {
-  Default,
-  Premultiply,
-  None,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-enum PredefinedColorSpace {
-  Srgb,
-  #[serde(rename = "display-p3")]
-  DisplayP3,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-enum ColorSpaceConversion {
-  Default,
-  None,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-enum ImageOrientation {
-  FlipY,
-  #[serde(rename = "from-image")]
-  FromImage,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct ImageProcessArgs {
-  width: u32,
-  height: u32,
-  sx: Option<i32>,
-  sy: Option<i32>,
-  sw: Option<i32>,
-  sh: Option<i32>,
-  image_orientation: ImageOrientation,
-  premultiply_alpha: PremultiplyAlpha,
-  predefined_color_space: PredefinedColorSpace,
-  color_space_conversion: ColorSpaceConversion,
-  resize_width: Option<u32>,
-  resize_height: Option<u32>,
-  resize_quality: ImageResizeQuality,
-  image_bitmap_source: ImageBitmapSource,
-  mime_type: String,
-#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct ImageProcessResult {
-  data: ToJsBuffer,
-  width: u32,
-  height: u32,
-// About the animated image
-// > Blob .4
-// > ... If this is an animated image, imageBitmap's bitmap data must only be taken from
-// > the default image of the animation (the one that the format defines is to be used when animation is
-// > not supported or is disabled), or, if there is no such image, the first frame of the animation.
-// see also browser implementations: (The implementation of Gecko and WebKit is hard to read.)
-trait ImageDecoderFromReader<'a, R: BufRead + Seek> {
-  fn to_decoder(reader: R) -> Result<Self, AnyError>
-  where
-    Self: Sized;
-  fn to_intermediate_image(self) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError>;
-  fn get_icc_profile(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
-type ImageDecoderFromReaderType<'a> = BufReader<Cursor<&'a [u8]>>;
-fn image_decoding_error(error: ImageError) -> DOMExceptionInvalidStateError {
-  DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(&image_error_message(
-    "decoding",
-    &error.to_string(),
-  ))
-macro_rules! impl_image_decoder_from_reader {
-  ($decoder:ty, $reader:ty) => {
-    impl<'a, R: BufRead + Seek> ImageDecoderFromReader<'a, R> for $decoder {
-      fn to_decoder(reader: R) -> Result<Self, AnyError>
-      where
-        Self: Sized,
-      {
-        match <$decoder>::new(reader) {
-          Ok(decoder) => Ok(decoder),
-          Err(err) => return Err(image_decoding_error(err).into()),
-        }
-      }
-      fn to_intermediate_image(self) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
-        match DynamicImage::from_decoder(self) {
-          Ok(image) => Ok(image),
-          Err(err) => Err(image_decoding_error(err).into()),
-        }
-      }
-      fn get_icc_profile(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
-        match self.icc_profile() {
-          Ok(profile) => profile,
-          Err(_) => None,
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  };
-// If PngDecoder decodes an animated image, it returns the default image if one is set, or the first frame if not.
-impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(PngDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
-impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(JpegDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
-// The GifDecoder decodes the first frame.
-impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(GifDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
-impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(BmpDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
-impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(IcoDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
-// The WebPDecoder decodes the first frame.
-impl_image_decoder_from_reader!(WebPDecoder<R>, ImageDecoderFromReaderType);
-type DecodeBitmapDataReturn = (DynamicImage, u32, u32, Option<Vec<u8>>);
-fn decode_bitmap_data(
-  buf: &[u8],
-  width: u32,
-  height: u32,
-  image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource,
-  mime_type: String,
-) -> Result<DecodeBitmapDataReturn, AnyError> {
-  let (view, width, height, icc_profile) = match image_bitmap_source {
-    ImageBitmapSource::Blob => {
-      let (image, icc_profile) = match &*mime_type {
-        // Should we support the "image/apng" MIME type here?
-        "image/png" => {
-          let mut decoder: PngDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
-            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
-              buf,
-            )))?;
-          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
-          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
-        }
-        "image/jpeg" => {
-          let mut decoder: JpegDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
-            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
-              buf,
-            )))?;
-          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
-          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
-        }
-        "image/gif" => {
-          let mut decoder: GifDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
-            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
-              buf,
-            )))?;
-          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
-          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
-        }
-        "image/bmp" => {
-          let mut decoder: BmpDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
-            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
-              buf,
-            )))?;
-          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
-          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
-        }
-        "image/x-icon" => {
-          let mut decoder: IcoDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
-            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
-              buf,
-            )))?;
-          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
-          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
-        }
-        "image/webp" => {
-          let mut decoder: WebPDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
-            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
-              buf,
-            )))?;
-          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
-          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
-        }
-        "" => {
-          return Err(
-            DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(
-              &format!("The MIME type of source image is not specified.
-INFO: The behavior of the Blob constructor in browsers is different from the spec.
-It needs to specify the MIME type like {} that works well between Deno and browsers.
-              cyan("new Blob([blobParts], { type: 'image/png' })")
-            )).into(),
-          )
-        }
-        // return an error if the MIME type is not supported in the variable list of ImageTypePatternTable below
-        // ext/web/01_mimesniff.js
-        //
-        // NOTE: Chromium supports AVIF
-        //;l=311
-        x => {
-          return Err(
-            DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(
-              &format!("The the MIME type {} of source image is not a supported format.
-INFO: The following MIME types are supported:
-              x
-            )).into()
-          )
-        }
-      };
-      let width = image.width();
-      let height = image.height();
-      (image, width, height, icc_profile)
-    }
-    ImageBitmapSource::ImageData => {
-      // > Pixel manipulation
-      // >
-      // >   Returns the one-dimensional array containing the data in RGBA order, as integers in the range 0 to 255.
-      //
-      let image = match RgbaImage::from_raw(width, height, buf.into()) {
-        Some(image) => image.into(),
-        None => {
-          return Err(type_error(image_error_message(
-            "decoding",
-            "The Chunk Data is not big enough with the specified width and height.",
-          )))
-        }
-      };
-      (image, width, height, None)
-    }
-  };
-  Ok((view, width, height, icc_profile))
-fn op_image_process(
-  #[buffer] zero_copy: JsBuffer,
-  #[serde] args: ImageProcessArgs,
-) -> Result<ImageProcessResult, AnyError> {
-  let buf = &*zero_copy;
-  let ImageProcessArgs {
-    width,
-    height,
-    sh,
-    sw,
-    sx,
-    sy,
-    image_orientation,
-    premultiply_alpha,
-    predefined_color_space,
-    color_space_conversion,
-    resize_width,
-    resize_height,
-    resize_quality,
-    image_bitmap_source,
-    mime_type,
-  } = ImageProcessArgs {
-    width: args.width,
-    height: args.height,
-    sx:,
-    sy:,
-    sw: args.sw,
-    sh:,
-    image_orientation: args.image_orientation,
-    premultiply_alpha: args.premultiply_alpha,
-    predefined_color_space: args.predefined_color_space,
-    color_space_conversion: args.color_space_conversion,
-    resize_width: args.resize_width,
-    resize_height: args.resize_height,
-    resize_quality: args.resize_quality,
-    image_bitmap_source: args.image_bitmap_source,
-    mime_type: args.mime_type,
-  };
-  let (view, width, height, icc_profile) =
-    decode_bitmap_data(buf, width, height, &image_bitmap_source, mime_type)?;
-  #[rustfmt::skip]
-  let source_rectangle: [[i32; 2]; 4] =
-    if let (Some(sx), Some(sy), Some(sw), Some(sh)) = (sx, sy, sw, sh) {
-    [
-      [sx, sy],
-      [sx + sw, sy],
-      [sx + sw, sy + sh],
-      [sx, sy + sh]
-    ]
-  } else {
-    [
-      [0, 0],
-      [width as i32, 0],
-      [width as i32, height as i32],
-      [0, height as i32],
-    ]
-  };
-  /*
-   * The cropping works differently than the spec specifies:
-   * The spec states to create an infinite surface and place the top-left corner
-   * of the image a 0,0 and crop based on sourceRectangle.
-   *
-   * We instead create a surface the size of sourceRectangle, and position
-   * the image at the correct location, which is the inverse of the x & y of
-   * sourceRectangle's top-left corner.
-   */
-  let input_x = -(source_rectangle[0][0] as i64);
-  let input_y = -(source_rectangle[0][1] as i64);
-  let surface_width = (source_rectangle[1][0] - source_rectangle[0][0]) as u32;
-  let surface_height = (source_rectangle[3][1] - source_rectangle[0][1]) as u32;
-  let output_width = if let Some(resize_width) = resize_width {
-    resize_width
-  } else if let Some(resize_height) = resize_height {
-    (surface_width * resize_height).div_ceil(surface_height)
-  } else {
-    surface_width
-  };
-  let output_height = if let Some(resize_height) = resize_height {
-    resize_height
-  } else if let Some(resize_width) = resize_width {
-    (surface_height * resize_width).div_ceil(surface_width)
-  } else {
-    surface_height
-  };
-  let color = view.color();
-  let surface = if !(width == surface_width
-    && height == surface_height
-    && input_x == 0
-    && input_y == 0)
-  {
-    let mut surface = DynamicImage::new(surface_width, surface_height, color);
-    overlay(&mut surface, &view, input_x, input_y);
-    surface
-  } else {
-    view
-  };
-  let filter_type = match resize_quality {
-    ImageResizeQuality::Pixelated => FilterType::Nearest,
-    ImageResizeQuality::Low => FilterType::Triangle,
-    ImageResizeQuality::Medium => FilterType::CatmullRom,
-    ImageResizeQuality::High => FilterType::Lanczos3,
-  };
-  // should use resize_exact
-  //
-  let image_out =
-    surface.resize_exact(output_width, output_height, filter_type);
-  //
-  // FIXME: It also need to fix about orientation when the spec is updated.
-  //
-  // > Multiple browser vendors discussed this a while back and (99% sure, from recollection)
-  // > agreed to change createImageBitmap's behavior.
-  // > The HTML spec should be updated to say:
-  // > first EXIF orientation is applied, and then if imageOrientation is flipY, the image is flipped vertically
-  //
-  let image_out = if image_orientation == ImageOrientation::FlipY {
-    image_out.flipv()
-  } else {
-    image_out
-  };
-  // 9.
-  let image_out = apply_color_space_conversion(
-    image_out,
-    icc_profile,
-    &image_bitmap_source,
-    &color_space_conversion,
-    &predefined_color_space,
-  )?;
-  // 10.
-  if color.has_alpha() {
-    match premultiply_alpha {
-      // 1.
-      PremultiplyAlpha::Default => { /* noop */ }
-      //
-      // 2.
-      PremultiplyAlpha::Premultiply => {
-        let result = apply_premultiply_alpha(&image_out)?;
-        let data = to_js_buffer(&result);
-        return Ok(ImageProcessResult {
-          data,
-          width: output_width,
-          height: output_height,
-        });
-      }
-      // 3.
-      PremultiplyAlpha::None => {
-        // NOTE: It's not clear how to handle the case of ImageData.
-        //
-        //
-        if image_bitmap_source == ImageBitmapSource::ImageData {
-          return Ok(ImageProcessResult {
-            data: image_out.clone().into_bytes().into(),
-            width: output_width,
-            height: output_height,
-          });
-        }
-        let result = apply_unpremultiply_alpha(&image_out)?;
-        let data = to_js_buffer(&result);
-        return Ok(ImageProcessResult {
-          data,
-          width: output_width,
-          height: output_height,
-        });
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Ok(ImageProcessResult {
-    data: image_out.clone().into_bytes().into(),
-    width: output_width,
-    height: output_height,
-  })
+pub mod idl;
+mod image_decoder;
+mod image_ops;
+mod op_create_image_bitmap;
+use op_create_image_bitmap::op_create_image_bitmap;
   deps = [deno_webidl, deno_web, deno_webgpu],
-  ops = [op_image_process],
+  ops = [op_create_image_bitmap],
   lazy_loaded_esm = ["01_image.js"],
diff --git a/ext/canvas/ b/ext/canvas/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91cf68a08c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/canvas/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+use std::io::BufReader;
+use std::io::Cursor;
+use deno_core::error::type_error;
+use deno_core::error::AnyError;
+use deno_core::op2;
+use deno_core::JsBuffer;
+use deno_core::ToJsBuffer;
+use deno_terminal::colors::cyan;
+use image::codecs::bmp::BmpDecoder;
+use image::codecs::gif::GifDecoder;
+use image::codecs::ico::IcoDecoder;
+use image::codecs::jpeg::JpegDecoder;
+use image::codecs::png::PngDecoder;
+use image::codecs::webp::WebPDecoder;
+use image::imageops::overlay;
+use image::imageops::FilterType;
+use image::ColorType;
+use image::DynamicImage;
+use image::RgbaImage;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use serde::Serialize;
+use crate::error::image_error_message;
+use crate::error::DOMExceptionInvalidStateError;
+use crate::idl::PredefinedColorSpace;
+use crate::image_decoder::ImageDecoderFromReader;
+use crate::image_decoder::ImageDecoderFromReaderType;
+use crate::image_ops::premultiply_alpha as process_premultiply_alpha;
+use crate::image_ops::srgb_to_display_p3;
+use crate::image_ops::to_srgb_from_icc_profile;
+use crate::image_ops::unpremultiply_alpha;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
+// Follow the cases defined in the spec
+enum ImageBitmapSource {
+  Blob,
+  ImageData,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+enum ImageOrientation {
+  FlipY,
+  #[serde(rename = "from-image")]
+  FromImage,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+enum PremultiplyAlpha {
+  Default,
+  Premultiply,
+  None,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+enum ColorSpaceConversion {
+  Default,
+  None,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+enum ResizeQuality {
+  Pixelated,
+  Low,
+  Medium,
+  High,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+struct OpCreateImageBitmapArgs {
+  width: u32,
+  height: u32,
+  sx: Option<i32>,
+  sy: Option<i32>,
+  sw: Option<i32>,
+  sh: Option<i32>,
+  image_orientation: ImageOrientation,
+  premultiply_alpha: PremultiplyAlpha,
+  predefined_color_space: PredefinedColorSpace,
+  color_space_conversion: ColorSpaceConversion,
+  resize_width: Option<u32>,
+  resize_height: Option<u32>,
+  resize_quality: ResizeQuality,
+  image_bitmap_source: ImageBitmapSource,
+  mime_type: String,
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
+struct OpCreateImageBitmapReturn {
+  data: ToJsBuffer,
+  width: u32,
+  height: u32,
+type DecodeBitmapDataReturn = (DynamicImage, u32, u32, Option<Vec<u8>>);
+fn decode_bitmap_data(
+  buf: &[u8],
+  width: u32,
+  height: u32,
+  image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource,
+  mime_type: String,
+) -> Result<DecodeBitmapDataReturn, AnyError> {
+  let (image, width, height, icc_profile) = match image_bitmap_source {
+    ImageBitmapSource::Blob => {
+      let (image, icc_profile) = match &*mime_type {
+        // Should we support the "image/apng" MIME type here?
+        "image/png" => {
+          let mut decoder: PngDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
+            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
+              buf,
+            )))?;
+          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
+          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
+        }
+        "image/jpeg" => {
+          let mut decoder: JpegDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
+            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
+              buf,
+            )))?;
+          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
+          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
+        }
+        "image/gif" => {
+          let mut decoder: GifDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
+            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
+              buf,
+            )))?;
+          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
+          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
+        }
+        "image/bmp" => {
+          let mut decoder: BmpDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
+            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
+              buf,
+            )))?;
+          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
+          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
+        }
+        "image/x-icon" => {
+          let mut decoder: IcoDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
+            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
+              buf,
+            )))?;
+          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
+          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
+        }
+        "image/webp" => {
+          let mut decoder: WebPDecoder<ImageDecoderFromReaderType> =
+            ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new(
+              buf,
+            )))?;
+          let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile();
+          (decoder.to_intermediate_image()?, icc_profile)
+        }
+        "" => {
+          return Err(
+            DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(
+              &format!("The MIME type of source image is not specified.
+INFO: The behavior of the Blob constructor in browsers is different from the spec.
+It needs to specify the MIME type like {} that works well between Deno and browsers.
+              cyan("new Blob([blobParts], { type: 'image/png' })")
+            )).into(),
+          )
+        }
+        // return an error if the MIME type is not supported in the variable list of ImageTypePatternTable below
+        // ext/web/01_mimesniff.js
+        //
+        // NOTE: Chromium supports AVIF
+        //;l=311
+        x => {
+          return Err(
+            DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(
+              &format!("The the MIME type {} of source image is not a supported format.
+INFO: The following MIME types are supported:
+              x
+            )).into()
+          )
+        }
+      };
+      let width = image.width();
+      let height = image.height();
+      (image, width, height, icc_profile)
+    }
+    ImageBitmapSource::ImageData => {
+      // > Pixel manipulation
+      // >
+      // >   Returns the one-dimensional array containing the data in RGBA order, as integers in the range 0 to 255.
+      //
+      let image = match RgbaImage::from_raw(width, height, buf.into()) {
+        Some(image) => image.into(),
+        None => {
+          return Err(type_error(image_error_message(
+            "decoding",
+            "The Chunk Data is not big enough with the specified width and height.",
+          )))
+        }
+      };
+      (image, width, height, None)
+    }
+  };
+  Ok((image, width, height, icc_profile))
+/// According to the spec, it's not clear how to handle the color space conversion.
+/// Therefore, if you interpret the specification description from the implementation and wpt results, it will be as follows.
+/// Let val be the value of the colorSpaceConversion member of options, and then run these substeps:
+///  1. If val is "default", to convert to the sRGB color space.
+///  2. If val is "none", to use the decoded image data as is.
+/// related issue in whatwg
+/// reference in wpt  
+fn apply_color_space_conversion(
+  image: DynamicImage,
+  icc_profile: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+  image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource,
+  color_space_conversion: &ColorSpaceConversion,
+  predefined_color_space: &PredefinedColorSpace,
+) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+  match color_space_conversion {
+    // return the decoded image as is.
+    ColorSpaceConversion::None => Ok(image),
+    ColorSpaceConversion::Default => {
+      match image_bitmap_source {
+        ImageBitmapSource::Blob => {
+          fn color_unmatch(x: ColorType) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+            Err(type_error(image_error_message(
+              "apply colorspaceConversion: default",
+              &format!("The color type {:?} is not supported.", x),
+            )))
+          }
+          to_srgb_from_icc_profile(image, icc_profile, Some(color_unmatch))
+        }
+        ImageBitmapSource::ImageData => match predefined_color_space {
+          // If the color space is sRGB, return the image as is.
+          PredefinedColorSpace::Srgb => Ok(image),
+          PredefinedColorSpace::DisplayP3 => {
+            fn unmatch(x: ColorType) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+              Err(type_error(image_error_message(
+                "apply colorspace: display-p3",
+                &format!("The color type {:?} is not supported.", x),
+              )))
+            }
+            srgb_to_display_p3(image, Some(unmatch))
+          }
+        },
+      }
+    }
+  }
+fn apply_premultiply_alpha(
+  image: DynamicImage,
+  image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource,
+  premultiply_alpha: &PremultiplyAlpha,
+) -> Result<DynamicImage, AnyError> {
+  let color = image.color();
+  if !color.has_alpha() {
+    Ok(image)
+  } else {
+    match premultiply_alpha {
+      // 1.
+      PremultiplyAlpha::Default => Ok(image),
+      //
+      // 2.
+      PremultiplyAlpha::Premultiply => process_premultiply_alpha(image, None),
+      // 3.
+      PremultiplyAlpha::None => {
+        // NOTE: It's not clear how to handle the case of ImageData.
+        //
+        //
+        if *image_bitmap_source == ImageBitmapSource::ImageData {
+          return Ok(image);
+        }
+        unpremultiply_alpha(image, None)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+pub(super) fn op_create_image_bitmap(
+  #[buffer] zero_copy: JsBuffer,
+  #[serde] args: OpCreateImageBitmapArgs,
+) -> Result<OpCreateImageBitmapReturn, AnyError> {
+  let buf = &*zero_copy;
+  let OpCreateImageBitmapArgs {
+    width,
+    height,
+    sh,
+    sw,
+    sx,
+    sy,
+    image_orientation,
+    premultiply_alpha,
+    predefined_color_space,
+    color_space_conversion,
+    resize_width,
+    resize_height,
+    resize_quality,
+    image_bitmap_source,
+    mime_type,
+  } = OpCreateImageBitmapArgs {
+    width: args.width,
+    height: args.height,
+    sx:,
+    sy:,
+    sw: args.sw,
+    sh:,
+    image_orientation: args.image_orientation,
+    premultiply_alpha: args.premultiply_alpha,
+    predefined_color_space: args.predefined_color_space,
+    color_space_conversion: args.color_space_conversion,
+    resize_width: args.resize_width,
+    resize_height: args.resize_height,
+    resize_quality: args.resize_quality,
+    image_bitmap_source: args.image_bitmap_source,
+    mime_type: args.mime_type,
+  };
+  // 6. Switch on image:
+  let (image, width, height, icc_profile) =
+    decode_bitmap_data(buf, width, height, &image_bitmap_source, mime_type)?;
+  // crop bitmap data
+  // 2.
+  #[rustfmt::skip]
+  let source_rectangle: [[i32; 2]; 4] =
+    if let (Some(sx), Some(sy), Some(sw), Some(sh)) = (sx, sy, sw, sh) {
+    [
+      [sx, sy],
+      [sx + sw, sy],
+      [sx + sw, sy + sh],
+      [sx, sy + sh]
+    ]
+  } else {
+    [
+      [0, 0],
+      [width as i32, 0],
+      [width as i32, height as i32],
+      [0, height as i32],
+    ]
+  };
+  /*
+   * The cropping works differently than the spec specifies:
+   * The spec states to create an infinite surface and place the top-left corner
+   * of the image a 0,0 and crop based on sourceRectangle.
+   *
+   * We instead create a surface the size of sourceRectangle, and position
+   * the image at the correct location, which is the inverse of the x & y of
+   * sourceRectangle's top-left corner.
+   */
+  let input_x = -(source_rectangle[0][0] as i64);
+  let input_y = -(source_rectangle[0][1] as i64);
+  let surface_width = (source_rectangle[1][0] - source_rectangle[0][0]) as u32;
+  let surface_height = (source_rectangle[3][1] - source_rectangle[0][1]) as u32;
+  // 3.
+  let output_width = if let Some(resize_width) = resize_width {
+    resize_width
+  } else if let Some(resize_height) = resize_height {
+    (surface_width * resize_height).div_ceil(surface_height)
+  } else {
+    surface_width
+  };
+  // 4.
+  let output_height = if let Some(resize_height) = resize_height {
+    resize_height
+  } else if let Some(resize_width) = resize_width {
+    (surface_height * resize_width).div_ceil(surface_width)
+  } else {
+    surface_height
+  };
+  // 5.
+  let image = if !(width == surface_width
+    && height == surface_height
+    && input_x == 0
+    && input_y == 0)
+  {
+    let mut surface =
+      DynamicImage::new(surface_width, surface_height, image.color());
+    overlay(&mut surface, &image, input_x, input_y);
+    surface
+  } else {
+    image
+  };
+  // 7.
+  let filter_type = match resize_quality {
+    ResizeQuality::Pixelated => FilterType::Nearest,
+    ResizeQuality::Low => FilterType::Triangle,
+    ResizeQuality::Medium => FilterType::CatmullRom,
+    ResizeQuality::High => FilterType::Lanczos3,
+  };
+  // should use resize_exact
+  //
+  let image = image.resize_exact(output_width, output_height, filter_type);
+  // 8.
+  let image = if image_orientation == ImageOrientation::FlipY {
+    image.flipv()
+  } else {
+    image
+  };
+  // 9.
+  let image = apply_color_space_conversion(
+    image,
+    icc_profile,
+    &image_bitmap_source,
+    &color_space_conversion,
+    &predefined_color_space,
+  )?;
+  // 10.
+  let image =
+    apply_premultiply_alpha(image, &image_bitmap_source, &premultiply_alpha)?;
+  Ok(OpCreateImageBitmapReturn {
+    data: image.into_bytes().into(),
+    width: output_width,
+    height: output_height,
+  })