diff --git a/cli/args/flags.rs b/cli/args/flags.rs
index f6d53cd15e..d8ab46b654 100644
--- a/cli/args/flags.rs
+++ b/cli/args/flags.rs
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ static DENO_HELP: &str = cstr!(
     <g>compile</>      Compile the script into a self contained executable
                   <p(245)>deno compile main.ts  |  deno compile --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu</>
     <g>coverage</>     Print coverage reports
-    <g>doc</>          Genereate and show documentation for a module or built-ins
+    <g>doc</>          Generate and show documentation for a module or built-ins
                   <p(245)>deno doc  |  deno doc --json  |  deno doc --html mod.ts</>
     <g>fmt</>          Format source files
                   <p(245)>deno fmt  |  deno fmt main.ts</>
diff --git a/tests/integration/flags_tests.rs b/tests/integration/flags_tests.rs
index 663da363da..e233ca5baf 100644
--- a/tests/integration/flags_tests.rs
+++ b/tests/integration/flags_tests.rs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ fn help_output() {
     "Type-check the dependencies",
     "Compile the script into a self contained executable",
     "Print coverage reports",
-    "Genereate and show documentation for a module or built-ins",
+    "Generate and show documentation for a module or built-ins",
     "Format source files",
     "Show info about cache or info related to source file",
     "Deno kernel for Jupyter notebooks",