diff --git a/cli/bench/http.rs b/cli/bench/http.rs
index b000bc2857..83f8eef8b0 100644
--- a/cli/bench/http.rs
+++ b/cli/bench/http.rs
@@ -25,21 +25,62 @@ pub fn benchmark(
   let core_http_json_ops_exe = core_http_json_ops_exe.to_str().unwrap();
   let mut res = HashMap::new();
+  let manifest_dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
+  let http_dir = manifest_dir.join("bench").join("http");
+  for entry in std::fs::read_dir(http_dir.clone())? {
+    let entry = entry?;
+    let pathbuf = entry.path();
+    let path = pathbuf.to_str().unwrap();
+    let name = entry.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
+    let file_stem = pathbuf.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
+    let lua_script = http_dir.join(format!("{}.lua", file_stem));
+    let mut maybe_lua = None;
+    if lua_script.exists() {
+      maybe_lua = Some(lua_script.to_str().unwrap());
+    }
+    let port = get_port();
+    if name.starts_with("node") {
+      // node <path> <port>
+      res.insert(
+        name,
+        run(
+          &["node", path, &port.to_string()],
+          port,
+          None,
+          None,
+          maybe_lua,
+        )?,
+      );
+    } else {
+      // deno run -A --unstable <path> <addr>
+      res.insert(
+        name,
+        run(
+          &[
+            deno_exe,
+            "run",
+            "--allow-all",
+            "--unstable",
+            path,
+            &server_addr(port),
+          ],
+          port,
+          None,
+          None,
+          maybe_lua,
+        )?,
+      );
+    }
+  }
-  // "deno_tcp" was once called "deno"
-  res.insert("deno_tcp".to_string(), deno_tcp(deno_exe)?);
-  // res.insert("deno_udp".to_string(), deno_udp(deno_exe)?);
-  res.insert("deno_http".to_string(), deno_http(deno_exe)?);
-  res.insert("deno_http_native".to_string(), deno_http_native(deno_exe)?);
   // "core_http_json_ops" previously had a "bin op" counterpart called "core_http_bin_ops",
   // which was previously also called "deno_core_http_bench", "deno_core_single"
-  // "node_http" was once called "node"
-  res.insert("node_http".to_string(), node_http()?);
-  res.insert("node_tcp".to_string(), node_tcp()?);
   res.insert("hyper".to_string(), hyper_http(hyper_hello_exe)?);
@@ -50,6 +91,7 @@ fn run(
   port: u16,
   env: Option<Vec<(String, String)>>,
   origin_cmd: Option<&[&str]>,
+  lua_script: Option<&str>,
 ) -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
   // Wait for port 4544 to become available.
   // TODO Need to use SO_REUSEPORT with tokio::net::TcpListener.
@@ -80,15 +122,17 @@ fn run(
   let wrk = test_util::prebuilt_tool_path("wrk");
-  let wrk_cmd = &[
-    wrk.to_str().unwrap(),
-    "-d",
-    "--latency",
-    &format!("{}/", port),
-  ];
+  let addr = format!("{}/", port);
+  let mut wrk_cmd =
+    vec![wrk.to_str().unwrap(), "-d", DURATION, "--latency", &addr];
+  if let Some(lua_script) = lua_script {
+    wrk_cmd.push("-s");
+    wrk_cmd.push(lua_script);
+  }
   println!("{}", wrk_cmd.join(" "));
-  let output = test_util::run_collect(wrk_cmd, None, None, None, true).0;
+  let output = test_util::run_collect(&wrk_cmd, None, None, None, true).0;
   std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // wait to capture failure. TODO racy.
@@ -122,89 +166,13 @@ fn server_addr(port: u16) -> String {
   format!("{}", port)
-fn deno_tcp(deno_exe: &str) -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
-  let port = get_port();
-  println!("http_benchmark testing DENO tcp.");
-  run(
-    &[
-      deno_exe,
-      "run",
-      "--allow-net",
-      "cli/bench/deno_tcp.ts",
-      &server_addr(port),
-    ],
-    port,
-    None,
-    None,
-  )
-fn deno_http(deno_exe: &str) -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
-  let port = get_port();
-  println!("http_benchmark testing DENO using net/http.");
-  run(
-    &[
-      deno_exe,
-      "run",
-      "--allow-net",
-      "--reload",
-      "--unstable",
-      "test_util/std/http/bench.ts",
-      &server_addr(port),
-    ],
-    port,
-    None,
-    None,
-  )
-fn deno_http_native(deno_exe: &str) -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
-  let port = get_port();
-  println!("http_benchmark testing DENO using native bindings.");
-  run(
-    &[
-      deno_exe,
-      "run",
-      "--allow-net",
-      "--reload",
-      "cli/bench/deno_http_native.js",
-      &server_addr(port),
-    ],
-    port,
-    None,
-    None,
-  )
 fn core_http_json_ops(exe: &str) -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
   println!("http_benchmark testing CORE http_bench_json_ops");
-  run(&[exe], 4544, None, None)
-fn node_http() -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
-  let port = get_port();
-  println!("http_benchmark testing NODE.");
-  run(
-    &["node", "cli/bench/node_http.js", &port.to_string()],
-    port,
-    None,
-    None,
-  )
-fn node_tcp() -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
-  let port = get_port();
-  println!("http_benchmark testing node_tcp.js");
-  run(
-    &["node", "cli/bench/node_tcp.js", &port.to_string()],
-    port,
-    None,
-    None,
-  )
+  run(&[exe], 4544, None, None, None)
 fn hyper_http(exe: &str) -> Result<HttpBenchmarkResult> {
   let port = get_port();
   println!("http_benchmark testing RUST hyper");
-  run(&[exe, &port.to_string()], port, None, None)
+  run(&[exe, &port.to_string()], port, None, None, None)
diff --git a/cli/bench/deno_http_native.js b/cli/bench/http/deno_http_native.js
similarity index 100%
rename from cli/bench/deno_http_native.js
rename to cli/bench/http/deno_http_native.js
diff --git a/cli/bench/deno_http_native_headers.js b/cli/bench/http/deno_http_native_headers.js
similarity index 100%
rename from cli/bench/deno_http_native_headers.js
rename to cli/bench/http/deno_http_native_headers.js
diff --git a/cli/bench/deno_tcp.ts b/cli/bench/http/deno_tcp.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from cli/bench/deno_tcp.ts
rename to cli/bench/http/deno_tcp.ts
diff --git a/cli/bench/node_http.js b/cli/bench/http/node_http.js
similarity index 100%
rename from cli/bench/node_http.js
rename to cli/bench/http/node_http.js
diff --git a/cli/bench/node_tcp.js b/cli/bench/http/node_tcp.js
similarity index 100%
rename from cli/bench/node_tcp.js
rename to cli/bench/http/node_tcp.js
diff --git a/cli/bench/node_tcp_proxy.js b/cli/bench/node_tcp_proxy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4b958d7a..0000000000
--- a/cli/bench/node_tcp_proxy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
-const net = require("net");
-process.on("uncaughtException", function (error) {
-  console.error(error);
-if (process.argv.length != 4) {
-  console.log("usage: %s <localport> <remoteport>", process.argv[1]);
-  process.exit();
-const localport = process.argv[2];
-const remoteport = process.argv[3];
-const remotehost = "";
-const server = net.createServer(function (localsocket) {
-  const remotesocket = new net.Socket();
-  remotesocket.connect(remoteport, remotehost);
-  localsocket.on("data", function (data) {
-    const flushed = remotesocket.write(data);
-    if (!flushed) {
-      localsocket.pause();
-    }
-  });
-  remotesocket.on("data", function (data) {
-    const flushed = localsocket.write(data);
-    if (!flushed) {
-      remotesocket.pause();
-    }
-  });
-  localsocket.on("drain", function () {
-    remotesocket.resume();
-  });
-  remotesocket.on("drain", function () {
-    localsocket.resume();
-  });
-  localsocket.on("close", function () {
-    remotesocket.end();
-  });
-  remotesocket.on("close", function () {
-    localsocket.end();
-  });
-  localsocket.on("error", function () {
-    localsocket.end();
-  });
-  remotesocket.on("error", function () {
-    remotesocket.end();
-  });
-  "redirecting connections from to %s:%d",
-  localport,
-  remotehost,
-  remoteport,
diff --git a/tools/lint.js b/tools/lint.js
index 5ecf1c3c46..7a77c09ae0 100755
--- a/tools/lint.js
+++ b/tools/lint.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ async function dlint() {
-    ":!:cli/bench/node*.js",
+    ":!:cli/bench/http/node*.js",